Marketing With Free Classifieds

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Marketing With Free Classifieds

Dan HolperinPeter Wensman

Marketing With Free Classifieds

- History

- Scope and Reach

- Outside Industry Impact

- Industry Examples

- Expert Interview

- Course Content

- Future Impact



- The first classifieds were etched in stone

- 1600’s ads were commonly for lost property

- First classified in America was in 1704

- Craigslist was founded in 1995

- Basic, easy, and fast

- Many types of items and services

- Used worldwide

- Customers in the market

- YouTube Video

Scope and Reach

-Automotive industry

- Specials

- Services

-Individuals marketing services

- Music Lessons

- Tutoring

Outside Industry

Industry Example Northwoods Property Management

Industry Example Our Gulf Coast Properties

- Eva Hatzenbihler - Real Estate Investor - Property Manager- Director of the Fox Valley Real Estate Group.

Expert Interview

- How did you advertise before?

- Flyers

- How have classifieds changed/impacted the business landscape?

- Increased Speed

- Open Houses and Showings

- How can free classifieds help you maintain a competitive edge?

- Speed

- Post during a renovation

Expert Interview

- What is your success rate with online classifieds?

- 95%

- What are some pros and cons of online classifieds?

- Free, Easy, Fast- Competition

Expert Interview

- Geographic Segmentation

- Target Audience

- Consumer Wants

- Differentiation

- Perception

Course Content

- This trend will continue to grow-More websites-More Businesses-More Consumers

Future Impact

Hatzenbihler, Eva. "Marketing With Free Classifieds." E-mail interview. 22 Apr. 2013.
