Marketing of Musical instruments ( A case study of J. Reynolds & Co.)

Post on 31-Oct-2015

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A study of marketing musical instruments in Kolkata. A case study of J. Reynolds & Co., the manufacturer of musical instruments and the authorised dealer of Roland musical instruments.

Transcript of Marketing of Musical instruments ( A case study of J. Reynolds & Co.)

  • Name : Vanlal Rohlua

    Roll No.: 196

    B.Com sem VI (Marketing)

    A project on the study of

    marketing of musical instruments

    and consumer behaviour.


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    Topic Page No.

    i. Acknowledgement 3

    ii. Introduction

    - Marketing of musical instruments 5

    - Consumer behaviour 10

    iii. Company profile

    -Products & services available at Reynolds 20

    - Organisational structures 33

    -Competitors 34

    - Overview of business performance 37

    iv. Objectives 42

    v. Research and Methodology 43

    - Primary data

    - Secondary data

    vi. Analysis 46

    vii. Findings 59

    viii. Conclusion 63

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    This Project on Marketing of Musical instruments and consumer

    behaviour has been a good experience to me in terms of learning as well as

    my ability to cope up with project work and Presentation in the future

    course of study. I would like to thank Rev. Fr. Felix Raj who introduced to

    us the concept of Project work as well I would like to thank my internal

    and project guide Prof. Anulekha Banerji who helped me in every step

    during my project work and internship always patiently explaining to me

    different steps of my project work .

    Last but not the least I want to thank Prof. Tridib Sengupta,

    head of the management dept. and all the college professors and

    the staff of J. Reynolds & Co. for helping me in my internship and

    providing me with valuable information that helped me to do my

    project work at ease.

    I would also like to thank Rev. Fr. Dominic Savio , vice-

    principal of and BBA Department who was always there at

    my side to assist me when need arise.



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    Marketing of musical instruments in India is a challenging task

    even though the population is large in number. It needs a dedication and

    self interest, especially in western and modern musical instruments.

    Retailing musical instruments is a fantastic business venture for the

    musically inclined entrepreneur who's seeking a way to capitalize on their

    skills and interests. Ideally, this type of specialty retailing is best suited to

    a retail storefront.

    Marketing of musical instruments includes selling, promotion,

    distribution and services to customers. So, to excel in marketing of musical

    instruments, let us first find out what is marketing ?

    Marketing is defined by the American Marketing Association (AMA)

    as "the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating,

    communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for

    customers, clients, partners, and society at large. Marketing is a product or

    service selling related overall activities. The term developed from an

    original meaning which referred literally to going to a market to buy or

    sell goods or services. Seen from a systems point of view, sales process

    engineering marketing is "a set of processes that are interconnected and

    interdependent with other functions, whose methods can be improved

    using a variety of relatively new approaches."

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    Marketing is the process of performing market research, selling

    products and/or services to customers and promoting them

    via advertising to further enhance sales. It generates the strategy that

    underlies sales techniques, business communication, and business

    developments. It is an integrated process through which companies build

    strong customer relationships and create value for their customers and for

    themselves. It is used to identify the customer, to satisfy the customer, and

    to keep the customer. With the customer as the focus of its activities, it can

    be concluded that marketing management is one of the major components

    of business management.

    Marketing evolved to meet the stasis in developing new markets

    caused by mature markets and overcapacities in the last 2-3

    centuries. The adoption of marketing strategies requires businesses to

    shift their focus from production to the perceived needs and wants of their

    customers as the means of staying profitable.

    The term marketing concept holds that achieving organizational

    goals depends on knowing the needs and wants of target markets and

    delivering the desired satisfactions. It proposes that in order to satisfy its

    organizational objectives, an organization should anticipate the needs and

    wants of consumers and satisfy these more effectively than competitors.

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    Selling is offering to exchange something of value for something

    else. The something of value being offered may be tangible or intangible.

    The something else, usually money, is most often seen by the seller as

    being of equal or greater value than that being offered for sale. Another

    person or organization expressing an interest in acquiring the offered

    thing of value is referred to as a potential buyer, prospective customer or

    prospect. Buying and selling are understood to be two sides of the same

    "coin" or transaction. Both seller and buyer engage is in a process of

    negotiation to consummate the exchange of values. The exchange, or

    selling, process has implied rules and identifiable stages. It is implied that

    the selling process will proceed fairly and ethically so that the parties end

    up nearly equally rewarded. The stages of selling, and buying, involve

    getting acquainted, assessing each partys need for the others item of

    value, and determining if the values to be exchanged are equivalent or

    nearly so, or, in buyer's terms, "worth the price.

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    The relationship between Selling and Marketing :

    Marketing and sales differ greatly, but have the same goal.

    Marketing improves the selling environment and plays a very important

    role in sales. If the marketing department generates a list of potential

    customers, that can benefit sales. A marketing department in an

    organization has the goal increasing the number of interactions between

    potential customers and the organization. Achieving this goal may involve

    the sales team using promotional techniques such as advertising, sales

    promotion, publicity, and public relations, creating new sales channels, or

    creating new products (new product development), among other things. It

    can also include bringing the potential customer to visit the organization's

    website(s) for more information, or to contact the organization for more

    information, or to interact with the organization via social media such

    as Twitter, Facebook and blogs.

    The relatively new field of sales process engineering views "sales" as

    the output of a larger system, not just as the output of one department.

    The larger system includes many functional areas within an organization.

    From this perspective, "sales" and "marketing" (among others, such as

    "customer service") label for a number of processes whose inputs and

    outputs supply one another to varying degrees. In this context, improving

    an "output" (such as sales) involves studying and improving the broader

    sales process, as in any system, since the component functional areas

    interact and are interdependent.

    Most large corporations structure their marketing departments in a

    similar fashion to sales departments and the managers of these teams

    must coordinate efforts in order to drive profits and business success. For

    example, an "inbound" focused campaign seeks to drive more customers

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    "through the door", giving the sales department a better chance of selling

    their product to the consumer. A good marketing program would address

    any potential downsides as well.

    The sales department would aim to improve the interaction

    between the customer and the sales facility or mechanism (example, web

    site) and/or salesperson. Sales management would break down the selling

    process and then increase the effectiveness of the discrete processes as

    well as the interaction between processes.

    For example, in many out-bound sales environments, the typical

    process includes out-bound calling, the sales pitch, handling objections,

    opportunity identification, and the close. Each step of the process has

    sales-related issues, skills, and training needs, as well as marketing

    solutions to improve each discrete step, as well as the whole process.

    J. Reynolds & Co. has been doing well in marketing of musical

    instruments of different world leading brands. Musical instruments

    mainly includes guitars, keyboards, synthesizers, drums, pianos and pads.

    Apart from these musical instruments, almost all types of accessories are


    Marketing of musical instruments needs a lot of knowledge about

    the instruments, apart from the marketing knowledge alone.

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    The consumer buying process is a complex matter as many internal

    and external factors have an impact on the buying decisions of the

    consumer. It is first important to understand their buying behaviour .

    Consumer behaviour can be defined as all psychological, social and

    physical behaviour of all potential consumers as they become aware to

    evaluate, purchase, consume and tell others about products and services.

    Consumer behaviour is inter-disciplinary in nature.

    It may also be defined as the decision process and physical activity

    individuals engage in when evaluating, acquiring or disposing of goods

    and services. It is the study of in individuals, groups or organizations and

    the processes they use to select, secure and dispose of products, services

    experiences or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes

    have in the consumer and society. It is the action of customers in the

    market place and the underline motives for these actions.

    Depending on a consumer's culture, subculture, and/or social class,

    an individual will purchase a particular brand that is popular amongst

    his/her peers. A consumer's social group has a drastic impact on which

    product they will purchase. For example, if Joe's mother has been using

    Tide detergent all of his life, he is very likely to use the same.

    Age, life-cycle stage, occupation, economic circumstances, lifestyle,

    and personality are all personal characteristics that will influence the

    buyer's behaviour.

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    Consumers buying behaviour is

    influenced by cultural, social, personal

    and psychological factors.

    Cultural Factors: - culture, subculture and social classes are particularly

    important in buying behaviour. Culture is the fundamental determinant of

    a persons wants and behaviour. Each culture consists of smaller

    subcultures that provide more specific identification and socialization of

    its members. Subculture includes nationalities, religions, racial groups and

    geographic regions.

    Social Factors: - In addition to cultural factors a consumers behaviour is

    influenced by such social factors as reference groups, family and social

    roles and statuses. A persons reference group consists of all the groups

    that have a direct (face to face) or indirect influence on the persons

    attitudes or behaviour. Groups that have direct influence on a person are

    called as membership groups. Some membership groups are also called as

    primary groups, such as family, friends, neighbours and co-workers with

    whom the person interacts fairly continuously and informally. People also

    belong to secondary groups such as religious, professional and trade

    union groups which tend to be more formal and require less continuous

    interaction. Inspirational groups are those a person hopes to join;

    dissociative groups are those whose values and behaviour an individual

    rejects. The family is the most important consumer buying organization in

    society, and family members constitute the most influential primary

    reference group. A person participates in many groups-families, clubs,

    organizations. The peoples position in each group can be defined in terms

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    of role and status. A role consists of the activities a person is expected to

    perform. Each role carries a status.

    Personal Factors: - A buyers decisions are also influenced by personal

    characteristics. These include the buyers age in the life cycle, occupation,

    economic circumstances, lifestyle and personality and self concept. People

    buy different goods and services over a lifetime. They eat baby food in the

    early years, most foods in the growing matured years and special diet in

    the later years. Occupation also influences consumption patterns. A blue

    collar worker may buy work clothes, work shoes and lunch boxes. A

    company president may buy expensive suits, air travel and country club

    membership. People from same subculture, social classes and occupation

    may lead quite different lifestyles. A lifestyle is a persons pattern of living

    in the world expressed in activities, interest and opinions.

    Psychological Factors: - A persons buying choices are influenced by four

    major factors viz. motivation, perception, learning, believes and attitudes.

    In the light of growing competition in the Indian retail industry each and

    every company is trying its best to attract new customers as well as at the

    same time retain the existing customers. Hence this can be done by

    keeping a track on the buying behaviour of the customers. Therefore my

    topic on buying behaviour of consumer shows the different factors which

    influence the consumer buying behaviour while shopping.

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    Need of Consumer Behaviour

    Consumers do not act as theory would suggest, so it is important to

    study and understand their behaviour for a particular market.

    Changing preferences of consumers.

    Differentiated products reflect their special needs, lifestyle and


    Meeting of special needs of customers required market


    Introduction of new products with rapid change in technology.

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    The buying process starts when the buyer recognizes a problem or need

    by gathering information from a number of consumers, marketers can

    identify the most frequent stimuli that spark an interest in a product



    Consumer information sources fall into four groups:

    Personal sources: Family, friends, neighbours, and acquaintances

    Commercial sources: Advertising, salespersons, dealers, packaging,


    Public sources: Mass media, consumer -rating organizations

    Experimental sources: Handling, examining, using the product


    There are several decision evaluation processes; first the consumer is

    trying to satisfy a need. Second, the consumer is looking for certain

    benefits from the product solution. Third, the consumer sees each product

    as a bundle of attributes with varying abilities for delivering the benefits

    sought to satisfy this need.

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    However, two factors can intervene between the purchase intention and

    the purchase decision. The first factor is the attitude of others. The second

    factor is unanticipated situational factors that may erupt to change the

    purchase intention. A consumers decision to modify, postpone, or avoid a

    purchase decision is heavily influenced by perceived risk.


    Marketers must monitor post purchase satisfaction, post purchase actions

    and post purchase product uses.

    POST PURCHASE SATISFACTION: the importance of post purchase

    satisfaction suggests that product claims must truthfully represent the

    products likely performance.

    POST PURCHASE ACTIONS: satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the

    product will influence consumers subsequent behavior. If the consumer is

    satisfied, he or she will exhibit a higher probability of purchasing the

    product again. Dissatisfied customers may abandon or return the product.

    POST PURCHASE USE AND DISPOSAL: Marketers should also monitor

    how buyers use and dispose of the product. If consumers store the

    product in a closet, the product is probably not very satisfying. If they sell

    or trade the product, new-product sales will be depressed. Consumers

    may also find new uses for the product.

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    Need to understand:

    Why consumers make the purchases that they make?

    What factors influence consumer purchases?

    The changing factors in our society.

    Consumer Buying Behaviour refers to the buying behaviour of the

    ultimate consumer. A firm needs to analyze buying behaviour for:

    Buyers reactions to a firms marketing strategy has a great impact

    on the firms success.

    The marketing concept stresses that a firm should create a

    Marketing Mix (MM) that satisfies (gives utility to) customers,

    therefore need to analyze the what, where, when and how

    consumers buy.

    Marketers can better predict how consumers will respond to

    marketing strategies.

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    J. Reynolds & Company, situated in 15 Mirza Ghalib

    Street, Near Fire Brigade HQ Kolkata, West Bengal 700016.

    Reynolds is a third generation family business established

    over 100 years ago in Kolkata. Today the businesses are also

    located in Goa, Bangalore and Shillong.

    From a humble beginning with Pianos, the business

    expanded to encompass violins, mandolins, piano accordions,

    recorders and finally the guitar.

    John Remedios with his brother Jonas trained under

    Luthiers in Germany "Karl Hofner" and "Matt Hohner" and

    thereafter started production of the guitar in Kolkata.

    Johns' three sons Felix, Leslie & Peter joined the business

    in 1979 and there was no looking back.

    Felix started operations in Bangalore and expanded into

    rentals of sound, lights, Audiovisuals, trussing, Lasers and LED

    screens. He is today the best in India and has been responsible

    for numerous world famous acts like Bryan Adams, Deep

    Purple, Enrique, Beyonce, Black eyed Peas, Mark Knoffler, INXS ,

    Firehouse, Iron Maiden, A.R Rahman etc. .

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    Leslie moved full circle to Indias seaside paradise GOA in

    1989 and after a stint with musical instruments graduated into

    the futuristic business of themes, decor, sets inc luding stages,

    lights, sound, AV and complete event solutions. Further

    monopolising on his family s creativity he has expanded into

    weddings concepts & creations. His disp lay centres in Goa and

    his professional approach has made him the Country s leading

    event, decor and wedding solution provider.

    Peter continued to keep the Calcutta flag flying high and

    Reynolds + Music still rocks the Nation.

    Reynolds and its involvement in the music industry in India since

    1908 have kept many an audience spellbound. Having pioneered guitar

    making in the Country and provided world class equipment to musicians,

    this third generation family business continues to grow from strength to


    Reynolds is a family business which lead the country in musical

    instruments marketing and its related products and services. It is the

    manufacturer of Reynolds guitars and certified dealer of all Roland

    products, Yamaha and is also a retailer of other musical instruments and

    processors, effects, speakers, etc..

    Reynolds mostly deals with Roland, one of the world leading

    producer and marketing of electronic musical instruments and devices.

    Trusted brand and product line-up was developed through state-of-the-art

    technologies and unfettered ideas.

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    Based on technologies that have developed over the years as the top

    brand in electronic musical instruments, Reynolds continues to expand its

    business domain through a "multi-brand strategy" which encompasses

    well-known brands such as Reynolds, "Roland" and "BOSS."

    The products which are available at Reynolds are mainly purchased

    directly from manufacturers which is generally the best price but higher

    minimum orders.

    Vision and Mission

    MUSIC, MUSIC AND MORE MUSIC...The show must go on !! and we at

    Reynolds ensure our customers complete satisfaction.

    This is what drives the company and which make it one of the best musical instruments dealer in the country.

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    Portable electronic keyboard

    synthesizers from Roland,

    Yamaha & Casio

    Accoustic Pianos 88 kets 3 pedals

    from "Ritter"

    Drumsets from "Basix" "Yamaha"

    "GB&A" "Sonor" " Tama"

    Guitars - "AXL", "Jackson",

    "CORT" , "Fender", "GB&A",

    IBANEZ", "Jackson", "J&D",


    Effect Processors - "ZOOM",

    "BOSS", "DOD", "Korg",


    Amplifiers - "Hartke",

    "Behringer", Fender", "VOX",


    Percussions, Drumsticks &

    Cymbals - "African", "Paiste",

    "TOCA", "Remo", "Vicfirth"

    ROLAND - Entire electronic range

    All musical instruments accessories

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    Pro Audio systems including speakers, amplifiers, mixers, mics,

    monitors, as well as stage lighting like PAR cans, scanners & moving

    heads + effects like smoke and lasers, conferencing & banqueting

    services with laptops, podium mics, projectors upto 5000

    ansilumens, screens upto 16x12, matrix switchers, and all related



    Artist / Celebrity / Talent / Production

    Conceptualizing, planning and execution of any event, be it a

    Corporate affair, Product Launch, Road shows, Awards &

    felicitations, music & entertainment, Fashion show, theme nights,

    artist management or Weddings.

    Coordination of all vendors like decorators, Barmen, entertainers,

    performers, sound & lights, photography, vehicles, florists, caterers

    amongst others is our forte.

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    The Oberoi Grand Hotel

    The Taj group

    Royal Calcutta Golf Club



    Percept D Mark

    Tiger Sports Marketing

    Mcleod Russell Ltd.


    Bajaj allianz


    Fort Radisson

    Network 21

  • 23

    Important products available at Reynolds

    Since Reynolds is also a dealer of Roland and Yamaha it is important

    for them to highlight those products available with them. Roland is an

    important part of Reynolds because it constitute the highest number of

    products available at Reynolds. Yamaha and Casio are also important as

    most of the Keyboards and Synthesizers are Yamaha and Casio.

    From the dawning of the era of electronic musical instruments,

    Roland has led the global music scene through releases of many

    innovative products based on the original, world's first or Japan's first

    technologies. Roland has now grown into a comprehensive brand covering

    audio and video to bring joy of making music and video into our life, from

    the living room to live concert stages.

    BOSS is a brand that realizes the dreams of guitarists, from beginners to

    pros, with a broad line-up of products ranging from guitar effects based on

    state-of-the-art digital technology to digital recorders that allow users to

    produce pro-quality music.

    World standard from the very beginning

    Envisioning the future. Creating moving sounds. This is the Roland


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    "Roland" was known as the name of a medieval European hero, and the

    reason this name was used as the company's name was that these two

    syllables were pleasant to the ear and could be pronounced in the same

    way in any language in the world.

    Ever since 1972, when the company was founded by the first president

    Ikutaro Kakehashi (presently special consultant), they have been true to

    the starting point, which is their commitment to "experimentations for

    creating simulative sounds," and have continued to be driven by their

    pursuit of "sounds that are comfortable to the human ear." They have

    eventually found the material for creating "good and expressive sounds"

    in the form of silicon chips. By leveraging this state-of-the-art technology

    that has been enabled through modern science, they have been able to

    establish a unique position in the world of electronic musical instruments.

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    Roland's Corporate Slogans

    - Inspire the Enjoyment of Creativity

    - Be the BEST rather than the BIGGEST

    - The Roland Family - Cooperative Enthusiasm

    The entire range of Rolands electronics is available at Reynolds.

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    Today, Yamaha is a leader in businesses ranging from musical

    instruments and audio & video products to information technology

    products, new media services, home furnishings, auto components,

    specialty metals, music education and resort facilities. Yet, true to their

    musical origins, no matter what business they take on -- or what country

    they do business in -- they seek to remain perfectly attuned to a set of

    common values that define the world of Yamaha

    Yamaha Music India, part of Yamaha worldwide group, is

    established with its clear vision to promote and develop the market of

    Musical instruments, Pro-Audio and Audio-video products in India.

    With its clear leadership in the Musical instruments market worldwide,

    Yamaha Music aims to be the most preferred brand for artists, music

    lovers and aspiring musicians in India.

    Reynolds have been selling the products of Yamaha which mainly

    includes digital keyboards and Synthesizers and guitars.

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    Products of Yamaha available at Reynolds are :-


    Creative players of all ages - from the very young to the young at heart - will enjoy

    making their own music on these high - quality keyboards, with a wide range of

    exceptionally natural, realistic sounds and powerful auto accompaniment features.


    Yamahas range of Arranger Workstation keyboards are packed with hundreds of great

    sounds using the unique Advanced Wave Memory (AWM) tone generation system. In

    addition there is a comprehensive range of performance features for every type of


    Different models of Portable Keyboards and Arranger Workstations are

    available at Reynolds.

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    Reynolds have many of the best selected brands of Guitars like

    Ibanez, Fender, Cort, AXL, Jackson, GB&A, J&D, Peavey, Clayton, Yamaha

    and their own brand, Reynolds. These guitars include Electrical, Acoustic

    and Classical. Some of the important and leading brands of guitars are

    marketed by Reynolds are given below

    Ibanez is a Japanese guitar brand owned by Hoshino Gakki. Based in Nagoya,

    Aichi, Japan, Hoshino Gakki were one of the first Japanese musical instrument

    companies to gain a significant foothold in import guitar sales in the United States and

    Europe, as well as the first brand of guitars to mass produce the Seven-string guitar. It

    is one of the worlds leading brand of guitar, it is used by many of the international

    artiste famous guitarist like, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Paul Gilbert, Mick Thompson and

    many more.

    Joe Satriani's choice

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    The Jackson bloodline began back in the late 1970s, when

    heavy music experienced a flamboyant and virtuosic

    resurgence in popularity and a small Southern California

    guitar repair shop became the epicenter of a new level of

    shred-approved excellence. Ever since then, Jackson guitars

    have been universally lauded as the metal guitars; the shred

    machines, highly-original, high-performance instruments of

    distinctive style and formidable substance. From metals chart-topping peaks to its

    darkest recesses, for discerning guitarists all over the globe, Jackson is the only way to

    go. Recent years have seen the Jackson bloodline continue to flourish, with all of the

    companys most famous modelscustom and production series alikeenjoying great

    success. Jackson signature instruments have also come into their own, with

    magnificent models bearing top metal names such as Phil Collen (Def Leppard), Mark

    Morton and John Campbell (Lamb of God), Phil Demmel (Machine Head), Chris Beattie

    (Hatebreed), Adrian Smith (Iron Maiden), Matt Tuck (Bullet For My Valentine) and

    others. Furthermore, the Jackson Custom Shop remains the longest-operating true

    custom shop in the United States, with many members of its original staff still working

    there and doing what they do bestproviding axe-wielding metallurgists worldwide

    with world-class high-performance instruments that have no equal.

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    Iconic Fender instruments such as the Telecaster, Stratocaster, Precision

    Bass and Jazz Bass guitars are known worldwide as the instruments that started

    the rock revolution, and they continue to be highly prized by todays musicians and


    With an illustrious history dating back to 1946, Fender has touched and

    transformed music worldwide and in nearly every genre: rock n roll, country and

    western, jazz, rhythm and blues and many others. Everyone from beginners and

    hobbyists to the worlds most acclaimed artists and performers have used Fender

    instruments and amps, in the process making the company not only a revered music

    industry name, but also a cultural icon.

    It is our vision to continue championing THE SPIRIT OF ROCK-N-ROLL throughout

    the world, and our mission to exceed the expectations of music enthusiasts worldwide.

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    Other famous brands of guitars available at

    Reynolds are :-



    These Guitars, which are available at Reynolds are mainly of Acoustic and

    Classical guitar.

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    ( Fig. Based on the products available at show room )

    Reynolds keep a good product mix of different brands. From the

    above diagram it is found that the largest number of products are Roland,

    39% of instruments available at Reynolds are from Roland. Next comes

    their own brand of guitar, which holds 11% , Yamaha has 10% and other

    products make up the rest.


    10% 7%







    Different brands at Reynolds










  • 33


    Management Team

    Peter Remedios Owner

    Chairman and Managing Director

    Operations manager

    Peters strengths are writing and carrying out sales programs, and

    keeping a company within its financial limitations. He has had a lifelong

    interest in music and plans to translate that enthusiasm, along with his

    management skills, into making Reynolds a successful long-term


    Related Management Strengths:

    CEO/COO level responsibility.

    Writing sales programs to generate and maintain consistent sales


    Excellent communication skills.

    Maintains mutually beneficial vendor relations.

    Ability to anticipate and adapt to changing economic conditions.

    Experience negotiating complex sales contracts, including financing

    and shipment options with large corporate clients such as Roland and


    Mark Assistant manager

    Below this are the staff members in the office and sales persons in

    the show room.

  • 34


    J. Reynolds & Co. faced competition mostly from the local market

    competitors. Even though there are many competitors in the market, the

    company gained a large portion of the market share, especially in the

    musical instruments and its accessories.

    Some of the major competitors include the following :-

    Galaxy Digital PVT LTD

    S S Music

    Music Planet

    Braganza & Co

    Kolkata Music Center

    Pakrashi & Co.

    Roland Pro Music

    A part from these mentioned above, there are many local and small

    dealers of musical and its related instruments.

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    Reynolds is different from its competitors in several key areas:

    1. Their three largest competitors do not carry band and orchestral instruments,

    one of their primary focuses.

    2. They offer services to support their products, and most of their competitors sell

    just the products themselves.

    3. Reynolds take full advantage of "name brand recognition," an element that most

    dealers overlook and under-advertise.

    4. Reynolds capitalize on their competitors' weakness in the accessory category

    by keeping well-stocked.

    Musical instruments cannot be fully enjoyed without knowledge and

    experience. Unfortunately, they cannot sell these products at a higher price just

    because they offer repair and instructional services; the market does not support

    dealers who have tried this. They must offer varied services and product mixes and be

    competitively priced as well, in order to survive in this new economy. In addition to

    educating our customer base, they are committed to providing the best product value.

    Accessories are the highest profit center for the store and they have to expose their

    competitors' weakness in this area if they wish to expand market share from day one

    of operations. Competitors that do not stock the necessary accessories will send their

    customers to competing stores, from which customers may not return. It is important

    to keep the accessory department well-stocked to take advantage of the competitors'

    flaws, and avoid this pitfall ourselves.

  • 36


    J. Reynold & Co. provide quality after-sales services on all its products

    sold and of their services. During this period of warranty, all services

    are provided for free.

    Home delivery is given only on Pianos. They can deliver anywhere in

    India. Products like Pianos are given 10 years of warranty.

    Reynolds also accepted a special order of products from customer. A

    customer can placed an order of the products, custom guitars orders are

    also accepted.

    Repairing of musical instruments can also be done at Reynolds. There is

    an engineer and mechanics available for any repairs.

  • 37



    In the consolidated fiscal year under review (April 1, 2009 to March

    31, 2010), global economy saw a continuous minimization of corporate

    capital investment and weak individual consumption, due to the economic

    recession brought on by the financial crisis of the previous consolidated

    fiscal year. Despite some signs of a mild recovery in the second half, the

    future prospects remain uncertain.

    In terms of Electronic Musical Instruments Business, under these

    circumstances, the Company continued its efforts to streamline businesses

    with a focus on reducing costs, inventories, and the number of models.

    Mean while, also continued working to cultivate new demand, by

    marketing directly to customers through measures including shop-in-shop

    activities, and the Better Life with Music concept that proposes better

    quality of life through playing musical instruments. Although these efforts

    resulted in robust sales for new amplifiers for musical instruments,

    synthesizers, and digital pianos, sales of existing products were sluggish

    overall, especially in the higher price ranges. Sales in some of the products

    were up from the previous consolidated fiscal year, while it fell in some

    products because of weak consumer spending.

  • 38

    Consolidated Financial highlights

    Years ended March 31

    2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

    Net sales 892,70,0 952,59,0 985,60,0 945,06,0 855,03,4

    Gross profit 385,00,0 408,60,0 479,40,0 427,96,0 345,66,0

    Operating income 837,40 984,20 133,33 743,00 813,0

    Ordinary income 900,40 984,55 99,90,0 605,00 541,0

    Net income 320,80 370,10 362,10 104,70 209,00

    Net assets 535,24 733,31 786,89 714,99 712,77

    Total assets 817,38 931,16 986,92 938,86 916,75

    Gross profit margin (%) 43.1 42.9 48.6 45.3 40.4

  • 39

    Gross Profit margin

    The above figure represent the gross profit percentages of the

    company for the last five years. It is shown that the gross profit has

    come down. Downsizing of the musical shop is one reason.

    43.1 42.9











    2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

    Gross profit margin


  • 40

    Electronic Musical instrument Business

  • 41

  • 42



    Marketing of musical instruments.

    The marketing strategies and position, function and management of

    the company.

    The consumer behaviour in their selection process and criteria of

    musical instruments.

  • 43

  • 44

    The methodology used for this organization study is

    mainly in two ways. They are:-

    Primary Data

    Secondary Data

    Primary Data:

    Primary data are those data which are collected first hand and thus

    happen to be in original character. The primary data includes the

    following :



    Interviews with the company personnel at different levels of


    From the manager

    From the office staff

    From the workers

    Secondary Data:

    Secondary data are those data which have already been collected from the

    company such as-

    Business journals

    Quality manuals

    Annual report



  • 45


    While surveying I encounter with some problems like-

    A survey should involve a larger sample size otherwise the

    findings of the survey cannot be generalized.

    A larger sample size may increase the time and cost of collecting

    the primary data with the help of Questionnaire.

    Many of the respondents were not willing to fill the


    Some people were not willing to respond and few of them who

    responded were in hurry hence the active participation was

    lacking. Due to which I faced difficulties in collecting

    informations regarding our questionnaire.

    Another problem which I face was that people were hesitating to

    give information about their views freely.

    Official data of financial performance of the company cannot be

    retrieved as the company cannot disclose their actual financial


    The Customers response rate is very low.

  • 46

  • 47

    For the purpose of analysis questionnaires were prepared. The

    questionnaires contained 12 questions. However, the sample size of the

    people was 40. The response rate is very low as only 34 have responded

    completely. The responses so obtained for each questions has been

    expressed in simple percentage form.

    Q.1. Buyer of musical instruments on the basis of gender

    i) Male : 26 ii) Female : 6

    Comment : The customers who response the questionnaire consist of only

    19 % of female, while 81% is male. Among these female customers, most

    of them bought musical instrument or its related products for others.






  • 48

    Q.2. Which instrument do you play ?

    Comment: Most of the customers can play one or the other musical

    instruments. Among these instruments, most customers can play Guitar,

    which consist of 41% and next comes Keyboards/Synthesizers which

    consist of 26%. Surprisingly, among those customers who bought musical

    instrument for their own, 12% of them do not know how to play.














  • 49

    Q3. What is your purpose of buying musical instrument ?

    Comment : It is found that most of the customers who bought musical

    instruments are not necessarily musicians. Professional musicians is only

    23% while the largest number is those who learn playing, consisting of

    35%. 24% of the customers bought for themselves as they like playing.

    18% of the customers bought for others as a gift.





    Purpose of buying musical instruments


    Learning play


    For others

  • 50

    Q.4. Which brand of guitar do you prefer ?

    Comment : Fender is the most preferred brand of Guitar because of its

    price and its quality. Ibanez is also one of the brand that attracted

    customers. Other guitars like Jackson, Pluto, Cort, etc. are also good brand

    that customers liked. But the figure shown is not necessarily what the

    customers purchased. It means that customers did not necessarily buy

    their most preferred brand.







    Most prefered brand of Guitar







  • 51

    Q.5. Which brand of keyboard/synthesizer do you prefer ?

    Comment : Yamaha Keyboards and Synthesizers are the most preferred

    brand, which consist of 44% and Roland comes next with 35% and Casio

    with 21%.





    Most prefered brand of Keyboard





  • 52

    Q.6. What factor influence you to go for a particular brand ?

    Comment : The factor which influence the customers the most for a

    particular brand is the Quality, which consist of 41% and the next factor is

    the Price, which consist of 32%. The above figure shows that other factors

    also influence customers like Durability with 12%, Variety with 6% and

    Other factors with 9%.




    12% 9%

    Factor which influence to go for a particular brand






  • 53

    Q.7. How do you select your instrument ?

    Comment: It is found that most of the musical instruments is selected on

    the basis of Quality, the above figures shows that 29% choose on the basis

    of the quality. Price is also an important factor which consist of 26% and

    Brand name also plays an important role for selecting an instrument with

    21%. Some of the customers, consisting 9%, selected their instrument

    based on the appearance irrespective of the quality and price.





    9% 3%

    Brand name






  • 54

    Q.8. Are you satisfied with the price ranges at Reynolds ?

    Comment : The above figure shows that 56% of the customers are

    satisfied with the prices of products at Reynolds, but 29% are not satisfied

    while 15% of the customers are not sure whether they are completely

    satisfied or not.

    56% 29%




    Not sure

  • 55

    Q.9. How often do you purchase musical instrument or its related


    Comment: The customers of musical instruments do not buy the products

    very often. Those who buy the instruments or its related products account

    for only 6%, and 12% of the customers buy every 6 months, 35% of them

    buys once in a year and the rest, 47% buys in every two years.

    6% 12%


    47% Every month

    Once in 6 months

    Once in 12 months

    Once in 2 years

  • 56

    Q.10. What kind of promotional tool do you prefer ?

    Comment: The most preferred promotional tool is Discount, which

    account for 50%, Free gift comes next with 30%, and coupons with 15%

    and 5% of the customers prefer to get one free when buying a product.





    Prefered Promotional tool



    Free gift

    Buy one get one free

  • 57

    Q.11. How would you rate J. Reynolds & Co ? please circle the applicable


    Comment: 46% of the customers gave a rating of 4 out 5, while 26% gave

    3 out of 5, 6% of them gave 1 rating point, 14% gave 5 out of 5 and

    another 14% gave 2 out of 5 rating points.

    6% 14%

    26% 40%








  • 58

    Q.12. Are you satisfied with the products and services at Reynolds ?

    Comment: 85% of the J. Reynolds & Cos customers are satisfied with the

    products and services while 15% of the customers are not completely

    satisfied. Their dissatisfaction may be because of different reasons.






  • 59

  • 60

    The key findings from the analysis of

    data are mentioned below :

    The customers of musical instruments mainly consist of men.

    Most of the customers of musical instruments can play one or the

    other musical instruments. But there are also customers who do not

    play any musical instruments.

    Fender guitars and Yamaha keyboards were most preferred brand.

    Other brands of musical instruments also play an important role in

    the marketing of musical instruments.

    Many factors influences customers for their criteria of selecting a

    particular brand like, Quality, Price, Variety and Durability.

    It is found that customers select their instruments on the bases like

    first quality, second price, third brand name, fourth performance,

    fifth appearance or looks and other factors.

    Most of the customers of musical instruments do not buy the

    products regularly or we can say, very often. Those customers who

    buys often are professional musicians and studio engineer.

    It is found that the customers most preferred promotional tool is

    giving discount.

  • 61


    The Music Industry is currently riding a trend toward high-tech

    electronics in several product areas, most notably in guitar related effects

    and multi-track recording hard/software. Sales increases in these areas

    are due to the slashing of the price barrier in the home recording market,

    and the pace at which new products become obsolete. This high tech boom

    has increased the music industry market substantially.

    Digital keyboards are also seeing increased market share as

    technology becomes more accessible. These units offer families state-of-

    the-art sounds and capabilities without a huge learning curve. For

    instance, digital piano sales are currently the fastest growing segment of

    the total piano market in the U.S., and sales have increased 450% over the

    last ten years.

    One downside of technological innovations is that prices in this

    industry are dropping sharply, lowering revenues per unit. It is therefore

    essential that the Musical Instrument retailer of today bundle products

    together as packages, to increase profits and build sales.

  • 62


    J. Reynolds & Co. is one of the company that leads the market in musical

    instruments and services. Even though it is performing well, there is

    always room for improvements.

    The company does not undertake any promotional tool to promote

    their products apart from display and try-out, where the customers can

    try any musical instruments. Advertisement is not done for musical


    The company could have grab more of the market share if their

    shop and products are advertised and if some promotional tools were

    undertaken, there is a chance for expansion and increasing the profit.

    Reynolds is known for its guitars and quality Roland products, so it

    should continue to maintain its image for giving quality and music and

    more music.

  • 63

  • 64

    From the field study and data collected from different sources, it can

    be concluded that J. Reynolds & Co. provide people who love quality music

    and musical instruments at a reasonable price.

    The quality and authenticity stands out, with a good quality services.

  • 65


    Q.1. Personal information :

    i) Name : _____________________________________ ii) Age

    ii) Sex : Male Female

    Q.2. Which instrument do you play ?

    i) Guitar ii) Keyboards iii) Drums

    iv) Flute v) Others iv) None

    Q.3. What is your purpose of buying musical instrument ?

    i) Im a musician

    ii) I am learning

    iii) Playing is my hobby

    iv) For others

    Q.4. Which brand of guitar do you prefer ?

    i) Ibanez ii) Fender iii) Jackson

    iv) Cort v) Pluto vi) Others

    Q.5. Which brand of keyboard/synthesizer do you prefer ?

    i) Yamaha ii) Roland

    iii) Casio iv) Others

    Q.6. What factor influence you to go for a particular brand ?

    i) Quality ii) Price iii) Variety

    iv) Durability v) Others

  • 66

    Q.7. How do you select your instrument ?

    i) Brand name ii) Price iii) Quality

    iv) Performance v) Appearance vi) Others

    Q.8. Are you satisfied with the price ranges at Reynolds ?

    i) Yes ii) No iii) Not sure

    Q.9. How often do you purchase musical instrument or its related


    i) Every month ii) Once in 6 months

    iii) Once in 12 months iv) Once in 2 years

    Q.10. What kind of promotional tool do you prefer ?

    i) Discount ii) Coupons iii) Free gift

    iv) Buy one get one free

    Q.11. How would you rate J. Reynolds & Co ? please circle the applicable


    Very good 5 4 3 2 1 very bad

    Q.12. Are you satisfied with the products and services at Reynolds ?

    i) Yes ii) No


    Thank you for your contribution

  • 67


    Primary sources

    1. Consumer Survey

    Secondary sources

    1. Website:

    2. Reference list:

    Kotler Philip - Marketing management R.Kumar - Research Methodology

    Solomon Consumer Behaviour Rock Street Journal The Record Newspapers
