market research paper on an HMO by Doyin

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Transcript of market research paper on an HMO by Doyin



[MARKET RESEARCH] Market research to aid the development of a corporate marketing communication strategy in support of

Villard’s entry into the marketplace


Table of Contents SECTION ONE

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................. 2

PROJECT OVERVIEW……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3

HMO INDUSTRY IN NIGERIA………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3

TARGET CUSTOMER .................................................................................................................................. 4


METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH ................................................................................................................ 7

RESEARCH METHODS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8

QUESTION SCHEDULE ............................................................................................................................... 8


DATA ANALYSIS……………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………….9

DIAGRAMATIC CHARTS ........................................................................................................................... 10

FINDINGS ................................................................................................................................................. 14


RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................................... 16







Villiard HMO aims to commence its operations in Lagos with the goal of reaching out to the premium

class of the socio-economic strata of the society.

The problem they face is “how to acquire 15% of current market share within the first year of its


Based on the market research conducted via in-depth interviews and questionnaires distributed to pre-

segmented middle to high working class people, it was evident that a lot is to be desired in the current

service delivery of HMO in Nigeria.

What came out strongly is that HMOs rarely consulted the direct consumers of the service but instead

liaised with the Human Resource (HR) representatives of organizations. This technique is HR focused but

not customer focused; however the advantage is that they can easily access large client base but the

retention rate is usually low because of lack of follow-up on the needs of the direct consumers of this


The research methodology adopted was an in-depth interview conducted on Human Resource

representatives of select organizations followed by semi-structured questionnaires distributed to

potential target customers in the A, B, C1 and C2 socio-economic strata of the society.

The reason for this research design is to be able to assess the respondents in a comfortable environment

without interference from external factors and also to get a more qualitative assessment of their

opinion on the subject matter.

The questionnaire was distributed to a sample population of over 300 people out of which 96 people


The outcome of the research showed that consumers of this service paid little attention to the cost and

in most cases had no idea their company paid for their health insurance, however they were more

concerned with the quality of service in terms of scope of coverage of medical cases as well as their

ability to access medical care wherever they find themselves. This is because they seldom stay in a

particular location and travel frequently. Furthermore, constant customer satisfaction survey and

alignment should be done so as to stay abreast of changing customer needs.

Most respondents admitted they wanted exclusive hospitals and medical care such as comprehensive

check-up abroad even at a higher cost.

Finally, customers in this category expect their HMO provider to have a perceived brand image that

correlates and complements their social status; hence their communications should be educational and

done via electronic mail service.




A newly established HMO (VILLIARD LTD) based in the Victoria Island area of Lagos aims to be a

premium brand operating mainly within the A, B, C1, and C2 socioeconomic segments of the


OBJECTIVE OF VILLIARD LTD- To acquire 15% of current market share within their 1st year of


In order to accomplish the above objective, it is imperative to conduct a comprehensive market

research using the appropriate tools to generate insight into what the customers need with

focus on the product, price, place and promotional preferences.


An HMO is an organization which provides or arranges managed care for health insurance, self-

funded health care benefit plans, individuals and other entities as a liaison with health care

providers (hospitals, doctors etc.) on a pre-paid basis.1


The HMO business which has experienced a boom in the last ten years (from 13 in year 2000 to

66 HMOs in 2012) has become more sophisticated with monthly capitation payment processed

manually by these HMOs.

Financing health services is a major challenge across the world, more so in Nigeria where a high

percentage of people are excluded from basic health due to lack of access or inability to afford

basic healthcare needs. While financing health services or any social infrastructure often comes

at great costs to the society, there are different workable models of financing available.2

The Formal Sector Social Health Insurance Programme is a social health security system in

which the health care of employees in the Formal Sector is paid for from funds created by

pooling the contributions of employees and employers.

The NHIS is an agency established by the government to regulate the health insurance sector

and also serve as a mediator between the government and the health care providers. There are

two arms of health insurance under the NHIS; the public and the private sector. The public arm

caters to the low cost end of the populace and helps implement the law that stipulates that

every Nigerian must be covered under the NHIS, while the private arm caters to the populace


that fall under the mid-high income strata of the economy though regulation of the activities of

the HMOs.

Nine years since the take-off of the scheme, the health insurance business is confronted with

series of bottlenecks with out-of-pocket payment for healthcare expenditure dominating non-

food items and services bought in 2013, according to Nigerian Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and

majority of Nigeria’s 160 million people without health insurance cover.3

According to a publication from the NHIS website, there are 60 HMOs currently registered in

Nigeria, with 50% percent located in Lagos, while the rest are distributed in others parts of the

country majorly Abuja.3


There are four customer segments Villiard HMO aims as its key customer and they are

categorized under the A, B, C1 and C2 socio-economic segment of the society.

This is a social grade method of segmentation based on income level or earnings level which is

used majorly in the UK but can be adapted to the Nigerian system.

It applies to every household reference persons aged between 16-64years.

A CATEGORY- This refers to higher and intermediate managerial level, administrative and

professional occupations. They are Directors of companies, high net worth individual who earn

above 10 million Naira per annum in Nigeria. They have attained a social level of satisfaction

and are not aspirational but seek to maintain their current status. They belong to the upper

strata of the Maslow’s hierarchy of need. This set of people do not socialize heavily but have

created a niche for themselves in the society and are usually found in exclusive clubs and

recreational centers that are not open to the general public.

B CATEGORY- These set of people are also in the upper strata of the society. However they are

more lavish spenders than category’ A’ even though they are not as affluent as the former.

They are ambitious and aim to achieve a level of esteem in the society. This category include a

University vice chancellor, the general manager of an organization or the chief executive officer

of a medium scale enterprise.


C1- These are the upper middle class of our society and they earn between 6 to10 million Naira annually. These are the top to middle level manager and CEOs of small and medium scale enterprises, the chairman of the Ndigbo community in Lagos. They are aspirational and are heavy spenders. They buy a lot of the time for status and not necessarily for functionality. They simply want to belong amongst the crème of the society.

C2- These are the lower middle class of the society, they earn between 3 to 6 million naira

annually and also aspirational by nature. They desire value for money and are weary of

expensive things. They are more focused on their safety needs on the Maslow’s pyramid which

means that they have acquired some level of comfort however it is not enough and they was to

protect and build on the little that they have. They take their health seriously and expect

quality health care even if what they are paying is not enough. They are skeptical of expensive

goods and would question everything they spend their money on. These categories of people

are the low level managers, a typical MBA fresher on a new job.



CATEGORY A High achiever Seeking self-actualization Demand impeccable service delivery. Member of the golf club. Frequent traveller Ages between 50-60 years

CATEGORY B Aspirational Self esteem actualization CEO/MD of an organization Career mother with an average monthly salary of 1 million naira. Multiple streams of income Ages 40-50 years

CATEGORY C1 Aspiration to belong among the top class in the society. High performer. High energy. Ages 30-40 years


CATEGORY C2 Aspirational Hustler Young and energetic Single stream of income Hoping to start a family soon Ages 30-40 years


This is a process used to collect information and data about a research topic. This

methodological approach can be likened to an hourglass model which starts from broad topics

and questions and then filters down to more specific and focused questions. The

methodological approach adopted for this study is a mixed variety that includes both

quantitative and qualitative designs.4

QUALITATIVE- Owing to the nature of our research topic which focus on the HMO sector which

is a service industry, it is imperative to get insight into the thought process of the respondents

and not just get volumetric data which gives an over view of the market but a tool that would

also look deep into the individual respondent to know the rationale behind their decisions and


these insight would help guide our decision in knowing how to place our product, at the right

price, using the right means of promotion at the right time and place. This technique was used

in the explorative stage.

QUANTITATIVE- By default it is important to know the size of respondents that fall in various

demographics. The quantitative approach would also us have access to a large sample size

which would give us a representative diagnosis of our subject matter. This was used as a

conclusive tool building on my findings from the exploratory research.


QUESTIONNARES- My questionnaire spans across demographic to objective questions. Because

our focus is the service industry, it is necessary to evaluate the service potential of the existing

HMOs and to know the opportunities that exist. Using the RATER technique, the questions

were a mix of open and close ended questions, more subjective than objective and structured.

INDEPTH INTERVIEW- Sequel to the responses from the questionnaire, it is imperative to follow

through with some deeper questions to probe the rationale behind the respondent’s responses

to the questionnaire by encouraging respondents to explain or elaborate on their answers. This

is more qualitative and focus on a fewer number of people that has been pre-segmented from

the questionnaire. This would also give us insightful and detailed explanations of behaviour

attitude and of the customer towards the HMO service offering that are difficult to quantify or

infer from a quantitative research.


The questionnaire comprised of a mix of open ended and close ended questions. The

demographic questions were close ended and geared towards understanding the respondent’s

cultural and social status. Questions such as income level, number of children, age,

occupational type, sex and educational status were asked.

The second section comprised of semi-structured prodding questions aimed at understanding

the psychographic and behavioral pattern of the respondents. These would inform us of the

respondent’s preference to the product or if any modification would be preferred, the price

they would be willing to pay if at all they expect to pay, their preferred channel of

communication, where they would like to be served whether locally or internationally and how

they would love their brand to be perceived.

Most importantly the questionnaire would tell us who the decision makers are, who the end

users are and what the users desire that their current HMO provider is not doing.



Analysis of research data helps us discover if there is any relationship between any variable in

our survey. The variables can either be dependent or independent, for instance the outcome

which is typically ‘customer satisfaction’ is dependent on other independent variables such as

income level or educational status.5

Hence, the analysis shows us if there is any relationship between customer satisfaction with

existing HMO product and services and other variables such as income, education, or the type

of hospital attached to the HMO. These analytical tools help answer the following questions:

Does one variable affect the other?

If so, how?

These would give predictions of future trends as regards customer behaviour towards HMO

products and services and thus help us critically appraise our choice of Product offering, Price,

Channel and mode of Communication to adopt in launching Villiard into the market.

Due to the diminutive sample size and limited resources and time, a correlation analysis would

have been appropriate; however we would employ the use of graphical and tabular tools in

analyzing our data.

A questionnaire was sent out to a sample size of over 300 respondents with the following pre-

segmented criteria.

Age-24 and above

Employment status- the respondents are all working class who work in or have worked in paid

employment, self-employed or retired.

Remuneration- Must earn a minimum of 1million Naira annually.

A total of 42 respondents were analyzed for this survey. Of these numbers a larger proportion

of 57.14% were male while 42.86% were female.

69.05% were married while 30.95% were female. This is not surprising considering the pre-

selection criteria for the questionnaire respondents; which was focused on the working class

segment of the general population.

90.5% of the respondents fell between the ages of 30-44 years while 10% fell between 45-54

years. This was also expected as our target respondents were young, and upwardly mobile

professionals that are well informed about the functionalities of an HMO and also have various

experiences and needs to be satisfied.


66.67% of the respondents have a minimum of Bachelor’s degree educational level, 28.57%

have a master’s degree while approximately 5% have a doctorate degree. None of the

respondents is uneducated or an illiterate.

88.1% work in organizations with paid employment, while 9.52% are self-employed and 2.38%

are retired from active service.

35.71% of the respondents earn over 6 million naira per annum, 33.33% earn between 3 to 6

million naira, and 26.19% earn between 1 to 3 million naira while a meager 4.76% earn less

than 1 million naira annually. In other to understand the financial buoyancy of the respondents

and ensure that the respondents fall within the A, B, C1, and C2 income level classification


Figure 1 shows the demographic data analysis below.






What is your annual income?

Less than N1mN1m - N3mN3m - N6mN6m and Above




0.0% 0.0% What is your age?

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64

65 to 74


The second section of the questionnaire focused more on the behavioral attitudes of the


89.5% of the respondents claim to have visited the hospital less than 5 times since the start of

the year, 7.9% claim to have visited between 6-10 times, while 2.6% have visited more than 10

times within the same period.

Of these entire respondents7.69% rated their experience with their current health care

provider as fair, 48.72% rated good, 30.77% rated their experience very good and 12.82% rated

their experience as excellent. None of the respondents had a poor experience.

71.79% of the respondents use an HMO while 28.21% do not use an HMO. 93.33% of the

respondents that use an HMO are sponsored by the company they work for while 6.67% pay

their HMO bills themselves.

The company Human resource department chooses the HMO provider for 87.88% of the

respondents while 9.09% of the respondents claim they were influenced by family and 3.03%

were influenced by friends.

The entire respondents that use an HMO provided by the company Human Resource claim not

to have an idea how much is paid for the services rendered by the HMO provider.

65.63% of the respondents have access to HMO service outside their resident state while

34.38% claim not to have HMO coverage outside their resident state.

45.45% of the respondents would not mind paying more to access exclusive and better service,

while 54.55% mind paying more.


Exhibit 1 and 2 shows results from some of the respondents on why they do not use an HMO

and the list of HMO providers for those that use their services.




The HMO service is quite popular amongst the working class population in Nigeria with over

70% of the respondents using an HMO. From the responses from those who do not use an

HMO service, it is clear the reason is not price but a bias towards the quality of service

rendered by the hospitals using the HMO scheme. Below are quotes from some respondents;

“Poor support. I do not believe HMO's give patients the best health care. Rather than provide

the best medical attention/drugs, they work within a budget” -Jun 30, 2015 8:04 PM

“It has not been efficient and hospitals do not give us priority, so I stopped”- Jun 30, 2015 6:48


“Their service is not encouraging”- Jun 27, 2015 5:40 AM

“I prefer being treated as a private patient because the HMO scheme treatment is subsidized

and fake”- Jun 22, 2015 1:36 PM

More importantly, this research has shown that there are two kinds of customers for the HMO


The primary customer(The end user patients)

The secondary customer(The company Human Resource personnel)

The scope of the product was also a key criterion for the users who believed they would like to

have an HMO that covers more medical cases such as


Full medical screening,

Dental and eye care,

Access to international medical facilities.


All the respondents who use an HMO recommended by the company do not pay attention to

the cost of the service. This was particularly evident when respondents during the interview

had to consult their computers to confirm how much they have been paying for their HMO


However amongst those who manage their HMO providers personally, the price varied widely

and ranged from 100,000 to 800,000 naira annually.


The price for an HMO service varies with contract agreement between the company and the

service provider also it is dependent on the status of the individual within the organization.7


Over 65% of the respondents have HMO coverage outside their resident state, while 35% do

not. Apparently it was an important criteria especially for working class professionals and

people within the income strata of A, B, C1 and C2; this is because these category of people are

well exposed and travelled. They do not necessarily work within a location for a very long

period of time and the nature of their work requires them to go outside their traditional

environment for trainings and vacations.7


In terms of channel of communication, the most preferred channel of communication is the

email service, this is not surprising as a huge chunk of HMO users have access to emails and are

usually found working on the computer. The preferred content of communication or mode of

advert should be educational and more consumer-oriented. A lot of the respondents claim to

receive educational notifications on health issues and guidelines on healthy living.


This is a service oriented product and thus does not require much physical infrastructure.

Remarkably a lot of HMO users do not know where their provider’s offices are located because

they do not have regular physical interface with them.

However an important criterion is a seamless means of communication between the clients and

the providers especially when there is a challenge with a third party hospital or an emergency

situation. The requirement for this would be toll free lines managed by efficient customer

service personnel and available 24 hours of the day and seven days of the week including public



A meager 12.82% of the respondents rated the service delivery of the HMO as excellent which

implies that there are inefficiencies within the system which can be leveraged upon. To

corroborate this point, over 45% of the respondents admit that they won’t mind paying extra

fees so as to access better services.

“I want Private wards, not using subsidized medications. Being treated on the same scale as

private patient and no discrimination, should cover ALL vaccines”



These are the most important resource for any HMO provider. They serve as the face of the

organization and interact with the clients. They do regular assessment of the service delivery of

the Hospital and ensure optimum satisfaction of their clients.



The HMO industry in Nigeria is crammed with inadequacies and they all operate without any

source of differentiation. They all work in the same direction and offer almost the same kinds of

service. The most important issue that came out strongly is the fact that the HMO service

restricts clients from using their preferred health care provider.


Focus on the two categories of customers is also essential to stand out in this sector, I would

suggest that in order to capture the desired target audience within the middle to high economic

strata, it is imperative to focus more on the corporate clients and this can be done through

establishing relationships with Human Resource personnel of such companies and also with a

wide range of Health care providers.

Since the target category are educated and exposed to international standard, it would be

innovative to provide access to a wider range of health benefits. Below is a quote from a


“If you will be given more than Paracetamol you will pay”-6/27/2015 6:40 AM


These categories of users do not want to be lumped together with other users with reference

to health care provider, a complaint that came out strongly is that the HMO scheme had

generalized or commoditized the health service rendered by erstwhile expensive hospitals.

Hence an exclusive product line that offers services abroad and access to top tier hospitals

anywhere in the country should be provided.


A lot of end users are not concerned about price as much as they are concerned about the

quality of service they receive. Considering their socio-economic status they would not mind

getting better service even at a higher cost.



More hospitals outside the home state should be enlisted on the client lists as most clients

travel a lot and have busy schedule.


In terms of channel of communication, the most preferred channel of communication is the e-

mail service, and most clients prefer recommendations from current users, hence word of

mouth is critical and travels faster in the work place. The preferred content of communication

or mode of advert should be educational and more consumer-oriented. A lot of the

respondents claim to receive educational notifications on health issues and guidelines on

healthy living which encourages them to look forward to these communications.


Contrary to popular opinion that HMO organizations do not need to have a physical office that

represents their image, I suggest that Villiard HMO have a befitting edifice that creates a good

perception of the brand and the quality of services it promises to deliver.


The quality of response given by the customer service representatives goes a long way in

making or marring the organization and thus I suggest that the customer service

representatives meet the following requirements;

Eloquence in English language

A Medical practitioner

Proficient in conflict resolution

Proficient in Objection handling technique

Flexible to travel outside current state.



The Desk research conducted on the Health Management Organizations reveals that they are

fast growing and becoming a norm in the corporate environment. Albeit a lot of HMO providers

are using the one size fits all technique and thus are missing out on the specific needs of their


However the field research using the interview and questionnaire method revealed that there

may be a twist to the approach of doing this business in Nigeria.

Who are the Clients?

The end-users or the corporate human resource (HR) personnel?

These two categories of clients have different needs and thus require different approaches to

meet their needs.

Villiard HMO should adopt a focused strategy by concentrating on the corporate HR which has

direct access to the category of clients they seek.

A strong pointer to the needs of the customers that have not been met by the current HMO

providers as quoted below are necessary to build on.

“Gynecology, Comprehensive Medical check-up, foreign medical care when absolutely


Perception management is also strategic in attracting and retaining the right set of clients. This

can be achieved through the use of professional communication channels and providing

relevant content to the consumers. Also a rapt and effective customer service would definitely

set Villiard apart from the crowd in the HMO industry.



















Figure 1 (list of HMO used by respondents)

Re sp o nse Co unt




Numb e r Re sp o nse Da te Re sp o nse T e xt

1 Jul 3, 2015 7:51 PM Hygea

2 Jul 2, 2015 2:45 PM Health Care International

3 Jul 1, 2015 10:11 AM Hygeia

4 Jul 1, 2015 4:55 AM Hygeia HMO

5 Jun 30, 2015 6:48 PM Not applicable

6 Jun 30, 2015 6:28 PM Mansard

7 Jun 30, 2015 5:07 PM Sterling Health

8 Jun 30, 2015 4:59 PM Lagoon Hospital

9 Jun 26, 2015 9:14 PM Sterling health

10 Jun 23, 2015 9:36 PM Avon

11 Jun 23, 2015 4:56 PM RED CARE

12 Jun 23, 2015 2:47 PM LIBERTY BLUE

13 Jun 23, 2015 10:07 AM NEW GATE HOSPITAL

14 Jun 23, 2015 10:05 AM Avon Medical

15 Jun 23, 2015 9:57 AM Redcare

16 Jun 22, 2015 9:42 PM Marina Medical Services Ltd

17 Jun 22, 2015 7:00 PM Liberty blue

18 Jun 22, 2015 6:56 PM Avon

19 Jun 22, 2015 4:34 PM liberty blue

20 Jun 22, 2015 3:46 PM hygeia

21 Jun 22, 2015 2:58 PM Red Care

22 Jun 22, 2015 11:47 AM AVON

23 Jun 22, 2015 11:23 AM AVON

24 Jun 22, 2015 11:14 AM AVON

25 Jun 22, 2015 10:28 AM avon

26 Jun 22, 2015 9:53 AM AVON

27 Jun 22, 2015 7:45 AM HYGEIA HMO LIMITED

28 Jun 21, 2015 9:29 PM Red Care

Villiard HMOIf yo u a nswe re d 'Ye s ' a b o ve , which HMO d o yo u use ?

Answe r Op tio ns

a nswe re d q ue stio n

sk ip p e d q ue stio n


Figure 2(Reasons why some respondents don't use HMO)

Figure 3(Services needed by respondents that are not currently done by existing HMO)

Re sp o nse Co unt




Numb e r Re sp o nse Da te Re sp o nse T e xt

1 Jun 30, 2015 9:40 PM Don't know much about it


Jun 30, 2015 8:04 PM

poor support. I do not believe HMO's give patients the best health care.

Rather than provide the best medical attention/drugs, they work within a


3 Jun 30, 2015 6:48 PM It has not been efficient and hospitals do not give us priority, so I stopped

4 Jun 30, 2015 6:24 PM Not entitled to in my company.

5 Jun 30, 2015 4:45 PM Company health provided

6 Jun 27, 2015 2:46 PM no reason

7 Jun 27, 2015 5:40 AM they service is not encouraging

8 Jun 22, 2015 8:51 PM Have not filled out the forms

9 Jun 22, 2015 1:36 PM

I prefare being treated as a private patient because the HMO scheme

treatment is subsidised and fake.

10 Jun 21, 2015 9:34 PM I will pay cash when ever

Villiard HMOIf 'No ' why?

Answe r Op tio ns

a nswe re d q ue stio n

sk ip p e d q ue stio n

Re sp o nse Co unt




Numb e r Re sp o nse Da te Re sp o nse T e xt

1 Jul 3, 2015 7:51 PM General consulting

2 Jul 2, 2015 2:45 PM Full and comprehensive annual medical checkup

3 Jul 1, 2015 10:11 AM Optical Services

4 Jul 1, 2015 4:55 AM Improve or increase the ailments/medical services covered under each plan.

5 Jun 30, 2015 6:48 PM Not applicable

6 Jun 30, 2015 6:28 PM exclusive coverage

7 Jun 30, 2015 5:07 PM Dental aand eye

8 Jun 30, 2015 4:59 PM Cancer cases

9 Jun 27, 2015 2:46 PM noting else

10 Jun 27, 2015 5:40 AM to cover my family

11 Jun 26, 2015 9:14 PM Complete health package

12 Jun 23, 2015 9:36 PM Seeing Medical Directors of private hospitals


14 Jun 23, 2015 10:07 AM Comprehensive Medical check up

15 Jun 22, 2015 9:42 PM nil

16 Jun 22, 2015 8:51 PM Medical services abroad maybe?

17 Jun 22, 2015 7:21 PM Health check

18 Jun 22, 2015 4:34 PM Gynaecology

19 Jun 22, 2015 1:36 PM Private wards,not susing subsidised medications,being treated on the same scale as private patient and no discrimination,should cover ALL vaccines.

20 Jun 22, 2015 11:47 AM Private ward

21 Jun 22, 2015 9:53 AM Whitening of teeth..

22 Jun 21, 2015 9:34 PM Na

23 Jun 21, 2015 9:29 PM N/A

Villiard HMO

Wha t se rv ice (s) wo uld yo u wa nt yo ur HMO p ro v id e r to re nd e r tha t the y a re n' t curre ntly d o ing ?

Answe r Op tio ns

a nswe re d q ue stio n

sk ip p e d q ue stio n