Mark 10:46-52 Healing Of Blind Bartimaeus Jesus heals blind Bartimaeus.

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Transcript of Mark 10:46-52 Healing Of Blind Bartimaeus Jesus heals blind Bartimaeus.

Mark 10:46-52





Jesus heals blind Bartimaeus


Field trips

Work shops


ATP for Jesus’ disciples


The Son of man must suffer, be rejected, be killed, be

raised from the dead (8:31)

To follow Jesus is to deny oneself and to take up

one’s cross (8:34)

It is prophesied that the Son of man will suffer and be

rejected (9:12)

The Son of man is delivered up, killed, and will rise

up (9:31)

ATP for Jesus’ disciples


The one who is to be first must be servant of all


Those not against Jesus are for Jesus (9:40)

Get rid of whatever causes you to stumble (9:43-47)

The Son of man is handed over to the religious

leaders, to be condemned to death, to be mocked, to be

spit on, to be scourged, to be killed, to rise from the

dead (10:33-35)

ATP for Jesus’ disciples

Field trips:

Peter, James, and John visit a mountaintop to

witness the Transfiguration of Jesus (9:2-10)

ATP for Jesus’ disciples


Disciples’ unsuccessful exorcism (9:14-30)

One must receive the Kingdom of God as a

child to enter into it (10:13-16)

The rich young ruler (10:17-28)

ATP for Jesus’ disciples


Jesus asked His disciples: “Who do you

say that I am?” (8:29)

Is it lawful to divorce? (10:1-12)

What benefit comes to them who leave all

to follow Jesus? (10:28-30)

Can we have the places of honor in

the kingdom (10:35-40)

ATP for Jesus’ disciples

NAS Mark 10:46-52 And they came to Jericho. And bas He was going out from Jericho with His disciples and a great multitude, a blind beggar named Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, was sitting by the road. 47 And when he heard that it was Jesus the aNazarene, he began to cry out and say, "Jesus, bSon of David, have mercy on me!" 48 And many were sternly telling him to be quiet, but he kept crying out all the more, a"Son of David, have mercy on me!" 49 And Jesus stopped and said, "Call him here." And they called the blind man, saying to him, a"Take courage, arise! He is calling for you." 50 And casting aside his cloak, he jumped up, and came to Jesus. 51 And answering him, Jesus said, "What do you want Me to do for you?" And the blind man said to Him, 1a"Rabboni, I want to regain my sight!" 52 And Jesus said to him, "Go your way; ayour faith has 1made you well." And immediately he regained his sight and began following Him on the road.

Jesus heals blind Bartimaeus

Messianic fervor – Apocalyptic


Son of David – Messiah?

Some debate – Some desire

Jesus, Son of David

Messianic fervor – Apocalyptic expectations:

Terrorist bands

Bands of desperate folk who plundered

Roman supply caravans

Prophetic movements

Heavenly armies and a New Exodus

Messianic figures:

Judas the Galilean (6 AD)

Peasant revolts

Jesus, Son of David

Son of David – Messiah? :

Expected to rescue Israel from foreign


Establish justice in Israel and end all

unrighteous rule

Matt. 12:23; 15:22; 22:42; Luke 1:32; Mark

11:10; John 7:42

Jesus, Son of David

Some debate – Some desire:

The people were debating whether Jesus

was the Christ

Bartimaeus desired what Jesus the Son of

David could do for him!

Jesus, Son of David

Jesus heals blind Bartimaeus

Can one truly be cheerful amidst

trouble and pain?

Trouble and pain can be

effective motivators

Our weakness spotlights God’s glory

Cheer up! Jesus calls you to His side.

NAS Psalm 30:10-11 "Hear, O LORD, and be

gracious to me; O LORD, be Thou my

helper.” Thou hast turned for me my

mourning into dancing; Thou hast loosed

my sackcloth and girded me with gladness;

NAS Psalm 31:7 I will rejoice and be glad

in Thy lovingkindness, Because Thou

hast seen my affliction; Thou hast known

the troubles of my soul

The rich young ruler came to Jesus to ask what

he could do (10:17)

The rich young ruler came to Jesus to ask what

he could do (10:17)

Bartimaeus came to Jesus to ask Jesus to do for

him (10:50-51)

The rich young ruler came to Jesus to ask what

he could do (10:17)

Bartimaeus came to Jesus to ask Jesus to do for

him (10:50-51)

The rich young ruler could not part with his

wealth (10:22)

The rich young ruler came to Jesus to ask what

he could do (10:17)

Bartimaeus came to Jesus to ask Jesus to do for

him (10:50-51)

The rich young ruler could not part with his

wealth (10:22)

Bartimaeus left his cloak (10:50)

The rich young ruler came to Jesus to ask what

he could do (10:17)

Bartimaeus came to Jesus to ask Jesus to do for

him (10:50-51)

The rich young ruler could not part with his

wealth (10:22)

Bartimaeus left his cloak (10:50)

The rich young ruler went away grieving (10:22)

The rich young ruler came to Jesus to ask what

he could do (10:17)

Bartimaeus came to Jesus to ask Jesus to do for

him (10:50-51)

The rich young ruler could not part with his

wealth (10:22)

Bartimaeus left his cloak (10:50)

The rich young ruler went away grieving (10:22)

Bartimaeus followed Jesus seeing (10:52)

Jesus heals blind Bartimaeus

NAS Ephesians 1:18-19 I pray that athe

eyes of your heart 1may be enlightened,

so that you may know what is the bhope

of His ccalling, what are dthe riches of

the glory of eHis inheritance in fthe

2saints, and what is the surpassing

greatness of His power toward us who

believe. aThese are in accordance with

the working of the bstrength of His might

Mark 10:46-52 IMPACT

Bartimaeus transformed from beggar to


Willingness to have Jesus continually

open our eyes