Marigold Comes To Gloomtown

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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A children's book written for Creative Writing class.

Transcript of Marigold Comes To Gloomtown

Somewhere, very far away from here, there once was a town called Gloomtown. For as long as anyone could remember, the skies of Gloomtown were overcast and the temperature was always a dreary forty-two degrees. The silver streets were paved in straight rows and columns, and when people walked on them they walked briskly with their hands stuffed in their pockets and their noses tucked into their coats.


Every day the citizens of Gloomtown woke up at 7:00 AM, ate a breakfast of toast and plum juice, and took their children to school.

There, students studied things like grammar and algebra before promptly returning home at 3:00 PM.

The lights of Gloomtown dimmed at 9:00 PM every night in preparation for the next day that would, without a doubt, be just like the day before.


Nothing ever changed in Gloomtown, and when the people went to sleep they didn’t have any dreams. Citizens of Gloomtown could only ever see what was right

in front of them.


In this town there lived an ordinary family. The people in this family were named Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, and Baby. When asked why they had such strange names, Father would reply, “It keeps things organized.”

But Brother was not quite as ordinary as his parents might have wished he was. Every night Brother snuck out of his bed, crept over to the window in his bedroom and stared out at the moon and stars and fireflies. Every night he quietly wished that he could fly.


Brother and Sister went to school one gray ordinary morning, and were met with something very unusual in Gloomtown: a surprise. There was a new student in their class. Her name was not Ann, or Sue, or Joan like the other girls in the class - it was Marigold. She smiled a lot and spoke very loudly and looked unlike anyone that Brother had ever seen.


After school, Brother worked up the courage to introduce himself to Marigold. She smiled as Brother stammered hello and asked if he would like to walk home with her. He said yes. Brother stared in awe as Marigold skipped down the sidewalks, her nose turned up in the air. Brother asked what that sound she kept making was. “I’m singing, of course! I love to sing!” Marigold laughed, filling the icy air with music.


When the two arrived at Marigold’s house, Brother nervously agreed to come in. Once inside, Marigold disappeared for a moment. She returned with a sly grin and carried something hidden behind her back. In Brother’s hands she placed a book. It was a thick, musty, wise-looking book filled with photographs and images - faded but stunning nonetheless.


Brother cracked the book open and, with wide eyes, stared down at a picture of a misty, purple waterfall. Mesmerized, Brother gingerly turned the page to see an image of a dazzling creature that Marigold identified as a “Humpback Whale”.

Brother poured over the pages telling of peacocks, ballerinas, astronauts and airplanes. He studied forest fires, pyramids, jaguars, glaciers, and rainbows. As his fingertips touched a photo of a Red-tailed hawk soaring through the clouds, Brother felt a brand new warmness deep in his stomach. “If you like that book so much, it’s yours!” he heard Marigold say. “I’ve got loads more.”


When Brother looked up to thank her he saw Marigold perched on the arm of the couch, her arms stretched out into the air. “I am a warrior princess!” she sang. “You are? Really?” Brother asked in disbelief. “Well, no, not really. I’m just pretending!” sighed Marigold. “Oh,” said Brother. “I’ve always dreamed of being a warrior princess. What about you? What do you dream?” Marigold asked. But Brother didn’t know what to say.


Marigold took his hand. “Thank you,” she said. “You’re my first friend in Gloomtown.” “I’ve never seen a sunset before.” Brother whispered. “Really?” said Marigold. “What do you think?” Brother looked up at the painted sky, and at the dancing fireflies, and at his new best friend beside him. 10

“Look, Brother!” Marigold shouted. Brother followed her out onto her front yard and looked up to see orange and pink and every other color he could think of stirred together and streaked across the sky.

“It’s beautiful,” he said.