March - Face2Face Times

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Transcript of March - Face2Face Times

March 2010 FACE2FACE Times Issue. No 4

Page 2- March Madness By Jacob Rodriguez

Page 3- Getting to Know the YouthPage 4- Event Recap, Upcoming Events & Birthday Shout Outs...

Check Out Our New Website @

Yulie Sedano

March 18

March Madness

Every Spring, 65 college basketball teams compete in a single elimination tournament. The tournament takes place at sites across the U.S.—all leading up to the semifinals. This popular tournament is informally known as March Madness. From the die-hard jersey-wearing fans to casual enthusiasts, the hype of college basketball takes center stage. Picks are made, bets are placed, the token “Cinderella story” team captures the imagination, and finally the madness ends with a championship match-up. Whether or not you like college basketball, I want us to create our very own Face2Face - March Madness. I’m not suggesting we go mad over basketball, but go mad about Jesus…because He loves us madly! Here are three ways we can create some March Madness: 1. Mad Faith – Mad faith is crazy faith, foolish faith—faith that doesn’t make sense to the human mind. Imagine how illogical Peter must have looked to the other disciples when He stepped out of the boat and walked on water. Keep in mind that mad faith is not misguided faith. Peter stepped out in faith because Jesus called him. Otherwise, he would have drowned. When the Holy Ghost prompts you to step out into unfamiliar territory at school, at work, at home, or at public places, just obey His voice. Perhaps you will feel a nudge in your heart to encourage a classmate who looks down and out. Perhaps you will feel a desire to pray for someone you hardly know, or to bless a stranger. Maybe God will urge you to pray for someone who is sick or struggling financially. I dare you to exercise mad faith and see what happens! 2. Mad Love – God is mad about you. His love for you is profound, immeasurable and completely self-abandoned. He loves you at the risk of being rejected or forgotten and remembered when it’s convenient. He loved us first, even before we knew how to love. He defined love long before Webster’s dictionary. He loved us enough to die on the cross, in our place, for our sins. My prayer is that we love Him in return, with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. Love is not just a warm emotion. Love is an action. It requires that you do something. What can you do in March to elevate your heart towards God, to set your affections on things above? What adjustments can you make to enlarge God’s place in your daily life? One way to deepen your love for God is to read more of His love letters – the Bible! 3. Mad Fellowship – This is more than just getting together; this is about finding community. Fellowship cannot be downplayed. The early church (book of Acts), took fellowship to another level and experienced phenomenal growth. They went from house to house, breaking bread and sharing God’s word. My desire is to see mad fellowship break out. That’s why I encourage you to attend a Life Group. If you haven’t been involved in Life Groups, I can’t tell you how much you’re missing out on. Some youth work or attend school at night, and cannot attend regularly. I certainly understand this kind of situation. But others have no excuse. Ask yourself if you’re making enough effort to attend. If you’re not sure where to go, talk to me or Pastor Ben Pacheco. Whatever you do, don’t brush fellowship off. We all need it! Let’s all work together to make March Madness a reality! Let’s step it up and not allow ourselves to be distracted. Let’s not settle for average faith, love or fellowship. Let’s not be content with Sunday-to-Sunday living. Let’s put the past behind us and move forward!

Jacob RodriguezYouth Pastor

Lydia Pacheco - Describe yourself in three words.- loyal, friendly, observant

- What is your favorite memory with Face2Face Youth? I've had so many

beautiful memories with F2F Youth but i would have to say that this last

year's camp was such an awesome experience to share with everyone.

- Where do you see yourself in 5 years?- Hopefully with children, having

mastered being a good wife and serving the Lord together with my family

-Tell me about a family member you are most proud of? I would have to

say my brother. I am much younger than him but from what I can

remember he was always been an example in his spiritual life, he became

a minister at a young age and set a great example to many people

including myself. To this day I confide in him and go to him for advice

knowing he will always have the right answer.

Yael Zamora - What ministry do you see yourself in?

The ministry that I would like to start would be a Baking ministry. This would allow me to teach others how to bake.

- What is one goal you would like to accomplish this year?

Bring my family to church and show them Gods love. -Tell me something about you that many don’t know?

That I’m part of the youth group, baptized in JESUS name, and I LOVE baking!- Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I would like to own a business in bakery. Maybe school to specialize in

sugar and chocolate art. It is in Gods hands If I will get married.- Anything else you would like to add?

I'm shy, but I would like to get to know everyone better.

Dayanne Cervantes- Tell me something about you many do not know.

I love to draw, if I could pick it as a career I would.

- Name a family member you are most proud of.

My grandparents because even though I don’t know them they broke the

Catholic chain and came to Christianity.

- - What is your favorite memory with face2face youth?

Bowling because It was extremely fun even though I made more gutter

balls than strikes.

- What song always makes you happy when you hear it?

Hakuna Matata. The song speaks for itself.

-What do you value the most in life?

My family because they mean everything for me.

Turning Up The Heat With The Following Activities....

March 12th- The Hot Spot @ 7:30pm

March 19th- Youth Activity

March 21st- Youth Sunrise @ 6:00am

March 27th- Bithiah Activity

More Info to Come! Look out for Flyers! Don’t Miss Out!

February 21, 2010 6am Sunday Morning A dedicated group of the English congregation gathered for the first English Sunrise Service of the year. We were up before the break of dawn and some were still dreaming of their pillow and blanket, but once we began to greet each other with the usual

cheerful smile and warm hugs, the sleepiness began to diminish. We were hungry for what the Lord had in store for us that morning. The praise team and musicians began the service with slamming

music and not before long the entire church was jumping in united worship. We were there for a purpose and that was to worship/

praise the Lord. We had two youth men speak that morning. It was the first time preaching for Brother Alex Rodelo and he delivered a

deep message carefully given with compassion, confidence, and humor, it was typical Alex up there! YAY . . . our second youth speaker was Brother Albert Penalosa he gave a professional,

thoughtful and timely inspired message. Great job guys!! It turned out to be a morning of praise and tribute to the Lord.

February 5, 2010 "FACE2FACE Youth" had our first “Hot Spot”. Our youth service theme was turning up the heat! We were blessed to have our youth pastor Jacob Rodriguez preach to us. The presence of the Lord came down as we sang beautiful worship

songs. Bro. Albert had put a collaboration of wonderful worship songs as well as jam-out songs. Thankfully, we were able to have talented members of the band

Redeemed assist us with playing the piano and drums, as well as

performing during the service. During alter call, every young person in the church was in the alter seeking the Lord. It was an amazing experience: friends and visitors had their hands raised and tears running down their face. Thank God for our “Hot Spot”.

After service was over, we all socialized and headed over to inn-n-

out to fulfill our post service appetite. It was a great night full of joy and celebration in the midst of

great company.















Dalila RodeloMarch 26

Rebecca Pacheco

March 31

Emanuel Rodelo

March 26

Ernie DavilaMarch 20

Happy Birthday

To...Sharai SolisMarch 20

Veronica Luna

March 10

Yulie Sedano

March 18

February 21, 2010 Bowling Activity

After an amazing time with the Lord at church the youth headed to

Norco lanes on Hamner for a great game of bowling. We slapped on

our super cool shoes and were ready to conquer the lanes. We

paired up into teams and chose our bowling ball. It was a blessing

to see so many smiling faces and positive attitudes with in our

youth groups. Whether we scored strikes or gutter balls we cheered

each other on. We enjoyed some delicious pizza and huge cups of

soda. Although it was not a spiritual guided activity we came

FACE2FACE with each other, which I believe is just as important. As

our two hours of bowling were coming to an end we made our last

strikes and were ready to head home. I hope you all enjoyed a

great time and cannot wait until we do this again.