March 2013 Wedge Neighborhood News

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Transcript of March 2013 Wedge Neighborhood News

  • 7/29/2019 March 2013 Wedge Neighborhood News


    Vol. 44, No. 3 FREE March 2013

    Lowry HiLL East NEigHborHood associatioN NEwspapEr Where every story has three sides .heee.

    Candidate Forums AheadAll Issue Forum

    uesday, March 12, 7-8pmFirst Universalist Church, 3400 Dupont Avenue

    Tis event is co-sponsored by the the League o WomenVoters o Minneapolis and the Southwest Journal. TeForum will include incumbent City Council member Meg

    uthill, Lisa Bender, Ken Bradley, Kendal Killian. NateGriggs will not attend due to military duty in Aghanistan.

    Forum on EnvironmentTursday, March 28, 7-8:30pm

    Bryant Square Park, 3101 Bryant Avenue

    Te orum will be moderated by the Minneapolis Leagueo Women Voters, and co-sponsored by the CARAG andEast Calhoun neighborhood Green eams, East Harrietneighborhood Parks, Environment & Schools Committee,LHENA Environment Committee and the Whittier Alli-ance. Participating 10th Ward candidates in this orumwill be Lisa Bender, Ken Bradley, Nate Griggs (who will behome on leave rom military service), Kendal Killian, andcurrent 10th Ward Council Member Meg uthill. Candi-dates will respond to questions regarding environmentalissues and climate change in Minneapolis, submitted bythe co-sponsors and members o the audience.

    Profiles in LeadershipSeeking your vote in the 10th Ward

    (See page 5 or our second installment)

    Local Control o

    Service Districts?

    (Imboden weighs in)


    We had a Wedge Wagon?



    (Come or the ood...

    stay or the... ood)


    Print Pros at Highpoint


    What makes YOU move?

    (Midtown Corridor)


    LHENA Board Waits for DensityBoard votes down French Meadow lot rezoning

    Lowry Hill East Neighborhood Association Annual MeetingWednesday, April 17, 6-8:30pm at Jeferson





    French Meadow, 2610 Lyn-dale Avenue, has proposeda 36-space interim parkinglot on the ormer Rex Hard-

    ware site, 2601-07 Lyndale.

    French Meadow is seekingadditional parking becausethey would like to open anevent room in the build-

    ing next door to the CC Club

    which was ormerly part otheir commercial bakery,but is now unused. It wouldhave a 30-50 person capacity,

    which requires 12-15 park-

    ing spaces (per City require-ment). Tey originally pro-

    posed a larger capacity eventspace which would haverequired 35 parking spaces,but decided not to pursue itbecause they would not havehad sucient parking dur-ing the transition/construc-tion on the Rex site rom aninterim parking lot to uturenew development. With thesmaller capacity and park-ing requirement, they canuse valet parking during thetransition time. Tey are not

    Photo by Bruce Cochran

    Fenh Me neee n un h vn l ( le), n he uhe ne 26h s. nLnle ave., em kn l hee e.

    see page 3 or more ino

    See PARKING LOTpage 9

    Cynthia French is a writerand spoken word artist livingin Lowry Hill East. She hasbeen involved with the poetryslam community or 15 yearsas a perormer, organizer andteacher. Tis spring marks the12th year that Cynthia will behosting an annual poetry slamat the College o St. Benedicts

    (April 11) and the 7th yearshes worked with the Schoolo Environmental Studies andCaponi Art Park or the an-nual Poets in the Park eenPoetry Slam (May 5). She hastaught writing, poetry and

    perormance residencies in lo-cal schools as an independentartist as well as with area artsorganizations such as ArtiCul-ture and Intermedia Arts.

    My career as a spokenword artist began because oSlamMN!, says French, whoattended her rst poetry slam

    at Kierans Irish Pub back in1998, at the encouragement oa riend. French returned theollowing month with her own

    Rhyme SayerWedge Resident hosts World Championship

    Poety Slam, March 6-9

    See POETpage 6

    Fenh ke me u m mnn vee.
  • 7/29/2019 March 2013 Wedge Neighborhood News


    p e 2 t he we e M h 2 013 M h 2 013 t he we e p e 3

    Please note that LHENA Boardand committee meetings areheld at Jeerson CommunitySchool, 1200 26th Street, in theMedia Center, Room 204, un-less otherwise indicated.

    Mon., Mar. 6, 7pmLHENA NeighborhoodRevitalization Committee

    Te Neighborhood Revital-ization Committee regularlymeets the rst Wednesday

    o every month at 7 pm. Tiscommittee ocuses on imple-menting the LHENA Neigh-borhood Revitalization Pro-gram Phase II Action Plan andother revitalization strategies.Te plan is divided into sec-tions: housing; inrastructure;crime & saety; and youth, arts& commerce. Members serveon a volunteer basis and areelected to one-year terms atthe annual meeting in April.

    Wed., Mar. 13, 6:30pmLHENA Zoning and Planning(Z&P) Committee

    Te Z&P C ommittee regularlymeets the second Wednesdayo every month at 6:30 pm.Tis committee reviews anyproject, development, or zon-ing request in the neighbor-

    hood. A good t or anyoneinterested in city planning, ar-chitecture, and transportation.

    Thurs., Mar. 14, 6:30pmLHENA Branding Committee

    Te Branding Committeemeets the second Tursday oeach month and is tasked withredesigning LHENAs logo andbrand.

    Wed., Mar. 20, 6:30pmLHENA Board of Directors

    Te LHENA Board o Direc-tors regularly meets the thirdWednesday o every month

    at 6:30 pm. LHENAs missionis to represent the interestsand values o Lowry Hill Eastresidents, property and busi-ness owners to the larger com-munity and government. TeLHENA Board makes neigh-borhood building and land userecommendations to the City,maintains nancial oversighto the organization, publishesthe Wedge newspaper, orga-nizes neighborhood socialevents, and serves as a orumor neighborhood concerns.Members serve on a volunteerbasis and are elected to two-year terms at the annual meet-ing in April.

    Wed., Mar. 27, 7pmEnvironmental Committee

    Te Environmental Commit-tee meets the ourth Wednes-day o each month and ocuseson activities related to sustain-ability. Te committee alsocollaborates with surroundingneighborhood associations toreduce waste in Uptown.



    LHENA Calendar

    Te Wedge is a monthly publicationo the Lowry Hill East NeighborhoodAssociation (LHENA). Distributionis ree to residents and businesses othe Lowry Hill East Neighborhood.Mailed subscriptions are $20 per year.

    Te Wedge newspaper exists to addressneighborhood events, issues, andcauses, while providing a public forumfor the community to share informationand ideas and to voice individualopinions and concerns within theLowry Hill East neighborhood.

    Stories, opinions, letters, photographs,and drawings are always welcome.Email orassignments or to share your ideas. Te

    deadline or submitting items is the17th o the month prior to publication.Te display ad deadline is the 15th othe month prior to publication.


    Ofce AdministratorCaroline

    Advertising RepresentativesSusan Hagler:

    Harry Savage:

    Kelly Newcomer:

    Wedge Committee ChairLinda McHale:

    Layout & IllustrationKelly

    Regular Contributors:Vanessa Moore Ardolino, CarolineGriepentrog, Tatcher Imboden,Kathy Kullberg, Beth Marsh

    Te contents o this publication do notnecessarily reect the views o LHENAor its board members. Te Wedgereserves the right to exercise discretionin publishing any material submittedand urther reserves the right to reuse

    any advertisement. Questions aboutTe Wedge may be directed to theeditor or to Te Wedge committee chair.2013 LHENA, all rights reserved.

    LHENA1200 West 26th St.Minneapolis, MN 55405,

    Lowry Hill East NeighborhoodAssociation Board o Directors

    Ryan Bender ...................612.669.3042

    Susan Bode .....................612.872.4077

    Will Bornstein ................952.913.6887

    Bill Casey ........................612.803.9246

    Burt Con......................612.310.7707

    im Dray ........................612.209.6790

    Bryan Friess ....................612.886.2545

    Daniel Haley...................612.871.7339

    Elise Maxwell .................612.668.3953

    Linda McHale.................612.823.1270

    Shae Walker ....................612.730.7013

    Neighborhood RevitalizationProgram Steering CommitteeJen Beckham ..................612.871.1755

    John Bode .......................612.872.4077

    Brian Friess .....................612.886.2545

    Daniel Haley...................612.871.7339

    Blake Hanson .................651.485.3635

    Lewis Kuhlman ..............507.381.7749

    Fiona Pradhan ................612.926.4356

    Georgia Rubenstein .......651.261.9684

    610 W. 28th St.Minneapolis MN


    Lyndale United Church of Christin SpringHouse Ministry Center

    (3 churches, 1 building)

    7pm estr Vigil, Stur, Mrch 30


    9:15 m Christi euctio for all ages

    10:30 m Worship (in the South Sanctuary)

    Lowry Hill East Neighborhood Association Newspaper Since 1971

    Where to fnd the Wedge Newspaper

    Please patronize these businesses:

    Le lhell:

    Common Roots

    Corner Store Vintage

    French Meadow

    Henn-Lake Liquors


    Jacksons Coee and Gelato

    Rainbow Foods

    Uptown Diner

    Wedge Co-op

    City Should Allow Self ManagedSpecial Service DistrictsBy Tatcher Imboden


    Advertising in the WedgeWedge residents respect and support businesses who

    support the Lowry Hill East Neighborhood Association

    Franklin Ave





    Distribution date: Nearthe first ofeach monthAd deadline: 15th ofmonth reserve space

    20th ofmonth: send finished ad

    Ad design: $30 to design a simple basic ad.

    Ad r at e: $ 10 .0 0 p er c ol um n in ch ,

    exceptforthe standardsizesnotedinthe diagram.

    Inserts: $50 perthousandCirculation: 5,100Distributed to: Wedge Neighborhood

    Residencesand nearbybusinesses.Hand-delivered toeach household. Provide URLfor interactive PDFat

    High-resolution PDF.Also IllustratorEPS fontsturned to outlines.TIFF(200 ppi).Do not useknockout text on 4-colorimages. Postscript fontsonly. PDFfiles made from Microsoft PublisherorWord are unacceptable. Questions? Contact us.

    Lowry Hill East Neighborhood Association orLHENA,1200 W.26th St.,Rm. 107,Minneapolis,MN 55405

    C O L O Rcolor charges per month (no discounts)

    Business card $301/8-1/4 page $501/2 page $75Full page $100

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    Contact and Email ad to:Susan Hagler ( 612) 825-7780

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    When it snows, the sidewalksthroughout many businessdistricts in Minneapolis arecleared o snow. Tose trashcans on the sidewalks in Up-town are dumped out regu-larly. Te trees get adornedwith holiday lights and some-times there may be basketswith owers hanging romthe light poles.

    Who do you have to thank orthat? In Uptown, the LowryHill District, and Lyn-Lake,you can thank their respec-tive Special Service Districts(SSDs).

    Tese districts (similar butdierent to Business Improve-ment Districts) are geographicareas that requested that theCity add additional tax as-sessments on the commercialproperties within the districtto pay or extra quasi-publicservices, like snow clearanceand removal, trash receptaclepick up, holiday decorations,

    streetscape improvements,sidewalk scrubbing, extra se-curity, or other clean and saeservices.

    Currently, there is an advi-sory board that recommends

    a budget to the City, the Cityadopts the budget and collectsthe unds, and procures andmanages contracts to providethe services. Te only excep-tion to this is the DowntownImprovement District (DID),which sel manages the pro-curement and management othe services (the City holds acontract with the DID).

    Te Problem

    Minneapolis business districtsstruggle to provide cost-eec-tive, responsive district ser-vices, like snow removal rom

    sidewalks, holiday lighting,grati removal and more.

    Te Solution

    Te City should allow businessdistricts to have the option tosel-manage the services pro-vided to the City or three pri-mary reasons:

    1. Local management can bemore responsive than thecurrent city managed sys-tem

    2. Local management can bemore cost eective

    3. Local management can pro-vide better nancial trans-parency and budgeting

    Te Background

    Until a little over a year ago,over 20 special service districtsin Minneapolis were man-aged by a bridge engineer in

    the Citys Public Works divi-sion. With what amounted to apart-time sta person manag-ing a large amount o districts,some districts elt that theywere not receiving the level oservice that they would haveliked. Tis rustration alongwith other actors combined tohave a new ull-time sta per-son come in and manage all othe districts.

    But still, with multiple districtsvarying in geographic andnancial size, some requiremore attention than others. Insome cases, there are districtsthat just want the local con-trol and dont want the Cityto manage it because the Cityis a billion dollar enterprise

    and managing a district with abudget o $100,000 give or take(0.01% o the Citys budget) isnot going to be as nimble asthe locals would like.

    Others see the opportunity osel-management as a way tond more cost eective ways todeliver the services. Currently,the City requires all contrac-tors completing the work topay a prevailing wage. Tat isa high cost in the eyes o manydistrict members. Teyd liketo be able to hire a college stu-dent to scrub the grati oo the trac light. Some busi-nesses would like the oppor-tunity to hire other local busi-nesses and not businesses romother cities or rom outside othe district.

    One complaint about the cur-rent city managed system isthat it isnt easy to know whenthe actual costs are exceedingthe budget and that varianceofen isnt absorbed or twoyears due to the citys nancialreporting system. An example:

    August2011:UptownSSDsets 2012 budget


    August2012:UptownSSDsets 2013 budget

    March2013:UptownSSDreceives 2012 accountingdata

    August2013:UptownSSD sets 2014 budget andincludes any overages thatneed to be paid back to Cityrom 2012 overages.

    Letters to the Editor and

    Community Voices and Opinions

    We value your insights and points o view.

    Please send letters to the editor or longer opinion pieces to

    See IMBODENpage 10

    Photoby Thatcher Imboden

    Elel nu ek Un nuue e. cul ll mnemen nzn ee kee , un, n -ve nuue n Un veu he c mnn ?

    Lowry Hill EastNeighborhood

    AssociationAnnual Meeting

    Save the Date!

    LHENA Annual


    Wed., April 17,


    ghe h neh mu n , un

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  • 7/29/2019 March 2013 Wedge Neighborhood News


    p e 4 t he we e M h 2 013 M h 2 013 t he we e p e 5

    his April, neighbors rom acrossour community will gather atthe DFL convention to endorse a

    candidate or the Ward 10 City Councilseat. Im running or City Council be-cause I love our community and I cantstop thinking about how to make it aneven a better place.

    oo ofen Ive seen progress haltedby our current leadership saying noto good ideas, rom stopping a newplaza outside a neighborhood busi-ness, to restricting market gardens, to

    resisting the Open Streets events thatso many people enjoyed. Ofen theseinitial no reactions can be overcomewith strong community organizing,but we shouldnt have to ght so hardor things that so many people want.Instead, with more open-minded lead-ership, we could spend our energyworking together to support positive,progressive change.

    I ask or your support because I will pro-vide the kind o innovative and collab-orative leadership we need in Ward 10.As a city planner and advocate or saerstreets Ive worked or over a decade tomake cities more sustainable, equitableand healthy. I look orward to drawingon this experience and passion or com-munity service to serve Ward 10.

    We live in a special place. Tats whymy husband, Ryan, and I bought ourhome in Lowry Hill East when we wereready to start a amily. We cant think oa better place to raise our daughter Al-ice, who turns two this month. We loveliving in a vibrant and diverse commu-nity where we can walk to the grocerystore, bicycle to the Minneapolis Insti-tute o Arts or Lake Calhoun, and eat

    and shop at local businesses.

    Te neighborhoods o the new Ward 10are growing and changing, and we havea critical opportunity to make thingseven better than they are today. Weneed to do a better job o actively pur-suing improvements in our commu-nity, instead o just reacting to change.With the kind o orward-looking, col-laborative and positive leadership I willprovide, I invite you to imagine what ispossible.


    Our community should be better con-nected. Were adding thousands o newresidents and we should be improvingour transportation system to reducecongestion and keep people moving.We need to improve transit access todowntown, reopen Nicollet Avenue,and connect people to the new South-west Light Rail line. We should buildupon the Midtown Greenway and de-velop a network o accessible sidewalksand protected bikeways or everyone. Iknow rom experience this wont hap-pen without political leadership andthat is what I will provide.


    Our community could be even health-ier. As a breast cancer survivor, diag-nosed when I was just 32 years old and12 weeks pregnant with our daughter,this issue is deeply personal. I havebecome a strong advocate or preven-tative health, research and access tohealth care. I will work or our commu-nity to be the healthiest place to live inthe country by making healthy choiceseasy. Tis means making it sae andun to walk and bicycle and support-ing policies that make it easier to accessresh and healthy oods.


    Our community could better sup-port our schools. Like many parentso young children, I chose to live ina diverse urban neighborhood and Iwant to send my daughter to a thriv-ing neighborhood school. I will work

    closely in partnership with the Minne-apolis School Board to make this a real-ity, ensure we provide a great educationto our kids and close the achievementgap.

    Economic Opportunity

    A connected, healthy and educatedpopulation welcomes economic oppor-tunity. I will turn that opportunity intosmart economic growth by working inpartnership with businesses to cut redtape and attract new jobs right here,close to where people live.


    Ive seen the need or stronger po-litical leadership rsthand during mythousands o hours o volunteer workto make our streets saer or bicy-cling. Several years ago, I helped startthe Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition,and together we have advocated ornumerous saety improvements andpolicy changes to open up bicyclingto people o all ages and abilities. Tiswork isnt just about transportation.Cities across the country are recogniz-

    Iam running or the 10th Ward CityCouncil seat because I believe I cancreate the partnerships necessary

    to ensure Minneapolis is a leader at re-ducing global warming pollution whilegrowing an economy that is clean,unique, sustainable, and rich with op-portunities or all our residents.

    Im a ather, a husband, an energy andenvironmental organizer by trade,and an advocate or providing nan-cial assistance or low-income collegestudents. I will provide air, open, pro-gressive leadership by listening to theconcerns and expertise o the people inour diverse neighborhoods, ensuringtransparency in the decision-makingprocess, and being a voice or the un-der-represented.

    Global warming is our biggestdebt

    Tere is no bigger single governmentdebt being lef to our generations chil-dren than global warming. Our depen-dence on ossil uels aects every parto our daily lives here at home, and itwill only be solved with the combinedeorts o individuals, businesses, andederal, state, and local governments.welve o the past feen years havebeen the hottest on record. We alreadyeel the impact o expanding droughtsacross the Midwest. Our response tothis crisis has been too slow and ourpolicies too timid. Te change we areseeking has to come rom within ourcommunity, because global IS localwhen it comes to the well-being o ourresidents.

    Reducing our dependence onpolluting energy

    Minneapolis spends hundreds o mil-lions o dollars importing dirty energyevery year. I will be a champion or re-ducing our dependence on ossil uelsby supporting energy eciency and lo-cal renewables.

    IstronglysupporttheMinneapolisEnergy Options campaign to giveour city the power to directly negoti-ate or clean, loc al, aordable energy.

    Minneapolisneedstodivestfromthe ossil uel industry. Whateversmall nancial gains we might reaprom oil and coal now will be repaidmany times over in the uture.

    Preserving our neighborhoods

    As a child in the 1970s I remember myather driving us down Nicollet Avetoward Lake Street and grumbling,Who would ruin a perectly goodroad by building a store in the middleo it? Someone should drive a bulldozerthrough that thing. My athers eel-ings then about what is now the Kmartbuilding remain the sentiment o thiscommunity today.

    Te worst thing we can do to this beau-

    tiul city is to take cues rom the samegeneric and inecient developmentmindset that did such a disservice tomany o our suburbs. Our quirkinessand our local, sustainable ocus arewhat make Minneapolis a city worthprotecting. Tats why I will ensure thatdevelopment reects the character oour neighborhoods. I will

    championtheprotectionofourhistoric buildings.

    createamoretransparentandproac-tive approach to development. Tisstarts with ensuring projects providethe greatest community benets byencouraging eedback and participa-tion rom all stakeholders.

    advocateforthehighestenergyef-ciency standards in our buildings.

    Supporting Entrepreneurs & NewTechnologies

    As chair o the Solar Works or Minne-sota Coalition I understand the impor-tance o supporting entrepreneurs, newtechnologies and emerging businesses.I will work with others to develop aproactive approach or recruiting newindustries that will shape our city orgenerations to come, by

    creatingMinneapolisInnovatorsand Entrepreneurs Contest.

    developingEntrepreneurCenterstohelp trailblazers bring new productsto the marketplace.

    makingMinneapolisahubforde-veloping the clean energy technolo-gies o the uture.

    Partnering with Schools

    Trough my work serving onMinneapolis Community & echnicalColleges Foundation Board I have seenrsthand how inequality in housing,jobs, and transportation puts a terribleburden on children that weighs themdown socially and academically.Tis contributes to an educational

    See BENDER page 10 See BRADLEYpage 10

    Profiles In Leadership Seeking your vote in the 10th Ward

    L bene Ken ble



    dgeTe Wedge has launched a candidate series or 10th Ward candidates. Every month candidates will have the opportunity to provide you

    with their argument or support in the November election. Our second months submissions come rom Lisa Bender and Ken Bradley.Other candidates will ollow in alphabetical order.

  • 7/29/2019 March 2013 Wedge Neighborhood News


    p e 6 t he we e M h 2 013 M h 2 013 t he we e p e 7

    1 No School

    1 Conerences 8:30am-4:30pm

    4 PO morning coee9:45-10:45, Room 118

    4 Site Council 5pm,Media Center

    4 CPEO 6-8:30pm,Jeerson

    8 Plant Sale Orders Due

    Jefferson Elementary Community SchoolPlant Sale FUNDRAISER

    oe u euul e n ln March 8n hel u Jeen shl.

    oe m vlle n he Mn ofe.

    March Calendar o Events

    Jeerson Elementary School 26th Street, 612.668.2720

    poems, and, as she puts it, completely tanked,getting one o the lowest scores at the event. Itried to write poems that I thought would win,French says, but I didnt give up. I came backthe next month with new poems in my ownvoice and made it all the way to the last roundo the slam. Ten I was hooked.

    For the rst time, the Women o the WorldPoetry Slam will hold its annual champion-ship tournament in Minneapolis. In the largestgathering o women slam poets, 80 world-classcompetitors will vie or three nights (March6-8) and the top 12 will advance to the nalround (March 9).

    By Vanessa Moore Ardolino,Wedge Arts Reviewer

    Te two shows currently upat Soo Visual Arts Center(SooVAC) approach art romtwo dierent standpoints.Fluctuating Capacity, oersit up almost as a byproduct oscientic research into the na-ture o time. Te other exhibit,

    Enough, places the inten-tional precision o art at theoreront. I ound it helpul towander back and orth betweenthe two exhibits, enjoying howones use o patterns helped re-

    veal urther layers o passion inthe other.

    Te artist behind FluctuatingCapacity, the neo-Victoriansalon/work-space that coversthe oor, walls and ceiling othe ront gallery, is Adam Ham-ilton. He is a MFA student atthe Minneapolis College o Artand Design. His talents extendbeyond a single realm o artis-tic creativity, as demonstratedin the multiple installationscrowded into the room.

    Upon entering SooVAC, most

    will be drawn to the large con-traption to the lef o the door.Set on wooden beams, a medi-tation mat and pillow sit beorean altar with a singing bowl. Itaces a circle painted on the wallwith a cord attached to its cen-ter. Tis cord is strung up witha bird cage and bell hangingrom the other end. Tese aresuspended over a hand grenade.Everywhere you turn, there aremore things to look at.

    Gray-toned paintings hang onthe walls as well, along with an

    See SOOVACpage 11

    ArtsPOETrom page 1

    Add more powerto your day.

    For our current monthly promotion please visit

    Everyone Welcome, Every Day.2105 Lyndale Ave SouthMinneapolis, MN 55405

    Mon-Fri: 9am -10pmSat & Sun: 9am - 9pm 612.871.3993

    Everyone Welcome, Every Day.


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    By Vanessa Moore Ardolino,Wedge Arts Reviewer

    High school students interest-ed in pursuing the arts at col-lege may nd particular valuein the current show at High-point Center or Printmaking,Print Pros: Recent Work byMN Faculty. Te center in-vited 17 printmaking acultymembers rom 14 Minnesotacolleges to present their work.Prospective students can takenote o the artists whose worksseem to resonate with themand maybe it will help themdecide where to send their col-lege applications.

    From traditional screen-prints o tree branches to lip-stick kisses on paper, the rangeo creativity expressed by theartists is as individual as theschools they work or.

    Lynn Bollman, o Minneapo-lis Community and echni-cal College, submitted HAZMA to the show. It is a large

    box, covered in shrink wrapand plastered with text thatappears to be shipping require-ments and hazard symbols.

    Concordia Colleges Stepha-nie Hunder joined orces withSara Downing and ElizabethJacobson, to create the ve-panel, Slag and Bloom. Onsimilar backgrounds o tan andbrown, the screenprints seemto be drifing just under thesurace o a puddle. I could seebone-like tracings and messyviscera as well as the outlineso acoustic guitars and vinesthat looked like tire tracks.

    Passage by Fred Hagstromo Carleton College provideda haunting look at the ordealso slavery the crowded ships,the blood, the shackles.

    Macalester Colleges Ruth-ann Godolleis screenprint,Sel-Absorbed provided abreath o humor to the exhibit.A used and rumpled teabagoats on a black background

    with the word Dregs. Its tagsays None or You.

    Tat sentiment certainlyshould not be applied to thewhole show. With so many di-erent perspectives on display,there is denitely a style orvoice or everyone. Students,take out your pencils and takenotes.

    Print Pros runs throughApril 6. Highpoint is locatedat 912 Lake Street. For moreinormation visit or call612.871.1326.

    Those Who Teach, Do in Print Profs at HighpointSooVAC Examines Timeand White Space

    By Vanessa Ardolino

    Happy Earth Cleaning Service,

    2937 Lyndale Avenue

    H Eh clenn seve, le el he Lnlet Hue n sue 10, n en. the mn emene, ou l H Eh clenn LLc nuelve he e lenn eve n he Mnnel/s.pul meln e en u ume, emlee,n lne eh h ee, hne n ne. Men 612.516.7112 .hehlenn.m.

    Photoby BruceCochran

    UZne Nun n en m La n ne h bn F, ue ve n eume ve helh l ek hke, ell enlze nun ln eh l/n, evehelh, ene n ne. the ellne hn nlueee ul F clu hh nvlve ku h u nvul h e lkn hve un n uun hem-elve h lke mne ele e helh. F me nll 763.242.0847 ee .hele.m/n24.

    New Neighborhood Businesses

    UpZone Nutrition, 1406 Lake St.

    Dolly, Dolly, Dolly! Je snne

    sl n blm sehne Hune, s dnn n Elzeh Jn.

    Women o the World

    Championship Poetry Slam March 6-9

    Kierans Irish Pub, 601 N. First Ave.Institute o Production and Recording,300 N. First Ave.Aria at Jeune Lune, 105 N. First St.

    ickets are $5 to $25 (Festival passes $40-50). Preliminarytickets available at the door; Finals and estival passesavailable online at .

    More information and complete
  • 7/29/2019 March 2013 Wedge Neighborhood News


    p e 8 t he we e M h 2 013 M h 2 013 t he we e p e 9

    planning to use valet parkingright now because they canonly secure agreements orshared parking (at the SOOgallery and a nearby vet-erinarians oce) in the eve-ning, and they would like toofer the event space duringthe day or meetings, etc.

    Te parking lot sites will needto be rezoned to C4, due toparallel zoning regulationsrequiring the zoning classi-cation o parking lot to matchthat o the business using thelot. Some Wedge residents

    have had some concern overthe various uses allowed with-in a C4 district, and questionas to whether rezoning the lotrewards the current propertyowner by adding value to landthey have neglected over thepast ew years.

    Te lot may only operate asinterim parking or a maxi-mum o ve years per Citycode, and French Meadowhas agreed to limit it to threeyears as requested by theWhittier Alliance. Te appli-cation was approved by theWhittier Alliance Commu-nity Issues Committee witha 10-8 vote in avor, with theconditions that permeablepavers be used, landscapeincreased, and the three yearlimit imposed. Te applica-tion still needs to go throughthe Whittier Alliance Board,

    which met February 28 as theWedge went to press.

    At the Whittier CommunityIssues meeting, it was suggest-ed that French Meadow with-draw the parking lot proposaland instead request a varianceor the 12-15 parking spacesneeded. But, the LHENA Z& P Committee voted to op-pose a parking variance; themotion passed with a vote o4 yes-1 no-1 abstention. TeCommittee was not in avoro this idea, given the alreadytight parking situation andthat French Meadow was justgranted a separate parking

    variance in May, 2012. TeLHENA Z & P Committeethen voted 4 yes-2 no in a-vor o the interim surace lot,given that the three-year termis in place, and afer which anew six-story residential ormixed-use development maypossibly be built.

    Ten on February 20, theLHENA Board o Directorsvoted not to rezone the lot.

    LHENA Board vote

    Whereas, Te LHENA Boardo Directors is not supportiveo rezoning 2601-07 Lyndale

    Avenue South rom C1 to C4due to the intensity o uses thiszoning classifcation would al-low; and

    Whereas, Constructing a newsurace parking lot on a majorcommercial corridor is not in

    agreement with the spirit o theLyn Lake Small Area Plan orneighborhood desires; and

    Whereas, Te proposed sur-ace parking lot provides onlya temporary solution to a long-term problem; thereore, be it

    Resolved, Tat the LHENABoard o Directors does notsupport the request by French

    Meadow or an interim suraceparking lot at 2601-2607 Lyn-dale Avenue South.

    Approved unanimously, 8-0-0.



    French Meadow does not cur-rently own the Rex Hardwaresite, but they did at one point.Tey sold it to the Norlings(current owners), who demol-ished the Rex building with theintent to develop, beore theeconomy crashed. Te Nor-lings still owe French Meadow$150K rom the sale whichis held in the orm o a lienagainst the property. FrenchMeadow owns the two housesdirectly to the south o the

    site on Lyndale. Te Norlingswould like to sell the site todevelopers. French Meadowwould like to exchange thetwo houses and the $150K lienor dedicated parking spaceswithin the uture new devel-opment or their business.For the proposed interim site,French Meadow would leasethe land and pay or all im-provements to the site. TeNorlings would be able to sellthe site at any time within thethree years its allowed to op-erate as a parking lot.


    March Film Schedule

    For more ino or nal dates and times.

    LAGOON CINEMA1320 Lagoon Avenue


    3/8 West o Memphis

    3/15 Stoker*

    3/16 Like Someone inLove

    3/22 On the Road*Upside Down*Te Waiting RoomGinger and RosaSpring Breakers

    3/29 Te Silence

    Genius on Hold

    UPOWN HEARE2906 Hennepin Avenue612.392.0402

    3/1 A Place at the able

    3/8 No

    John Dies at the End

    3/29 From Up on PoppyHill

    *(Movie will either openat Uptown or Lagoon)

    Lagoon Cinema &Uptown Theatre

    (Listed in order of releasedate and subject to change)

    My companion and Ientered Nightingaleon a Friday evening

    to nd that only a ew patronswere sitting at the bar. Althoughthe tables and generously-sizedbooths were empty, the serverasked whether we had a reser-

    vation and then had to consulta reservation list to see whetherwe could be seated at one o thetables. Te rather cold and im-personal server emphasized theimportance o calling ahead tomake a reservation, but afer abrie wait, although there wereew patrons, we were seated at a

    comortable table.

    Nightingale opened in October2012, and the owners aim wasto make it a neighborhood oodand cocktail lounge. Te wallsare brick, the oors are wood,and ample seating is providedby tables, large banquette-type

    booths, and a small bar. Tebackground music was a pleas-antly eclectic mix o artists suchas Willie Nelson, Stevie Wonderand Billie Holiday. Te dcorand music reminded me o res-taurants I patronized in the 70s.

    As we viewed the limited oodmenu, we began the meal witha snack o ultra-crispy onionrings served with slyly spicyhouse-made ancho ketchup.From the plate menu, I or-dered the tender smoked pork,which sat atop a creamy rect-angle-shaped grit cake and was

    decorated with a smattering osweet red peppers. I only myown home-cooked pork roastor pulled pork could achievethe moistness o Nightin-gales smoked pork, which waswithout a hint o greasiness.My companions selection ocalamari with salsa verde and

    cherry tomatoes was also tasty,but the calamari was a little toorubbery.

    Tree deserts are oered on theSweets menu, and we endedour meal by sharing the sea-salt-lined, udgy Pot de Crmeand the Vanilla Bean PannaCotta. Te pot de crme wasrun-o-the-mill, but the pannacotta was outstandingly cheesyand cool, rereshingly toppedwith chopped pink graperuit,and layered over citrusy gelatin.

    Te menu eatures several sea-

    ood dishes, including scallopsand oysters. Although ew veg-etarian dishes are on the menu,the server assured us that mosto the dishes could be made

    vegetarian on request. Food islocally sourced, when possible.Te drink menu lists a widearray o beers, including some

    Minnesota-brewed avorites.Most o the wines available areimported, and the temptingcocktails include some interest-ing avor combinations.

    Service was prompt and e-

    cient, but totally lacking enthu-siasm or warmth. Although theservice needs improvement, theood and ambiance are worththe visit. Make plans and res-ervations or a pleasant eveningmeal, or drop in or drinks andsnacks during Happy Hour. Ei-ther way, Nightingale provides

    a sweet melody o avors andthoughtully prepared cuisineor its guests.

    Beth Marsh is a longtime resi-dent and an o South Minne-apolis. During o-hours rom

    her prooreading and copy-ed-iting day job or an advertisingagency, she enjoys movies andcreative writing, and she is inthe process o illustrating herchildrens book.

    By Wendy Schadewald

    Rating Legend:(4=Dont miss, 3=Good,2=Worth a look, 1=Forget it)

    Jack the Giant Slayer(PG-13) (3)

    [Intense scenes o antasy ac-tion violence, some righteningimages, and brie language.] Afer a armer (Nicholas Hoult)is given a pouch o magic beansby a monk (Simon Lowe) tosaeguard with a warning notto get them wet and one o thebeans accidentally grows intoa giant bean stalk in the mid-

    dle o his uncles (ChristopherFairbank) house with the beau-tiul princess (Eleanor om-linson) trapped inside in thisentertaining, amily-riendly,action-packed, star-dotted (BillNighy and Warwick Davis), 3Dantasy lm based on the clas-sic airy tale Jack and the B eanStalk, the knie-wielding, smit-ten armer volunteers to join theprincess power-hungry anc(Stanley ucci) and a militaryleader (Ewan McGregor) witha ew soldiers to rescue thedaughter o the king (Ian Mc-Shane) when she is captured bya land o revengeul giants (Ed-die Marsan, Andrew Brooke,Cornell John, Ben Daniels, An-gus Barnett, Philip Philmar, etal.) high in the sky.

    West o Memphis(R) (3)

    [Disturbing violent content

    and some language.] [OpensMarch 8] An informative,

    fascinating, thought-provoking,

    in-depth, 147-minute documen-

    tary that chronicles the arrest

    in June 1993 and subsequent

    trial and conviction of Arkansas

    teenagers Jessie Lloyd Misskel-

    ley, Damien Wayne Echols, and

    Jason Baldwin in the allegedsatanic murders of three 8-year-

    old boys Stevie Hobbs, Christo-

    pher Byers, and Michael Moore,

    who were hogtied and sexually

    mutilated; the controversial ap-

    peal, overturned conviction, and

    release of the prisoners 16 years

    later on Aug. 31, 2011; and con-

    sists of brief lm clips fromHBO documentaries Paradise

    Lost, Paradise Lost 2: Rev-

    elation, and Paradise Lost 3:

    Purgatory and interviews with

    former juvenile corrections of-

    cer Terry Driver, former pros-

    ecutors Brent Davies and John

    N. Fogleman, defense attor-ney Dennis Riordan, DevilsKnot author Mara Leveritt and

    researcher Martin Hill, WM3

    prisoner supports (such as John-

    ny Depp, Patti Smith, Eddie

    Vedder, Natalie Maines, Henry

    Rollins, and Peter Jackson), pri-

    vate investigator Rachel Geiser,

    therapist Robert Heath Meeks,

    attorneys (such as Scott Elling-ton, Steven Braga, Dan Stid-

    ham, Laura Nirider, and Philip

    Wells), FBI proler John Doug-

    las, journalist Erin Moriarty,

    law professor Steve Drizin, trial

    judge David Burnett, juror Sha-

    ron French, forensic patholo-

    gist Vincent Di Maio, assistant

    attorney general David Raupp,Damien Echols wife Lorri Da-

    vis, and witnesses Stephanie

    Dollar, Vicki Hutcheson, and

    Dennis Carter.

    1986 through 2013 by WendySchadewald. Te precedingflms were reviewed by WendySchadewald, who has been awin Cities flm critic since1986. o see more o herflm reviews, log on to www.

    Reds Reviews in a Nutshell

    By David Greene, LHENACommunity Advisory Commit-tee representative

    Hello neighbors. My name isDavid Greene and I have beenappointed to the MidtownCorridor Alternatives Analysisstudy Community AdvisoryCommittee to represent theLowry Hill East Neighbor-hood. I will be contributingregular articles to the Wedgeto keep all o us up-to-date ontransit-related happenings inthe Midtown Corridor.

    Te Midtown Corridor Alter-natives Analysis is an initiativeled by Metro ransit that willexamine improved transit op-tions on either Lake Street or inthe Midtown Greenway trenchrom the uture SouthwestLight Rail ransit (LR) WestLake station on the west end tothe Lake Street/Midtown Hi-awatha LR station on the eastend. Metro ransit identiedthe corridor as a priority ortransit service improvement aspart o a larger regional eortto greatly improve our metroarea transit system.

    Te corridor will be an im-portant connector betweentwo signicant regional transitinvestments: the existing Hi-awatha LR (now renamed theBlue Line) and the proposedSouthwest LR, an extensiono the Central Corridor/GreenLine LR rom downtownMinneapolis to Eden Prairie.Tis is an important eatureo the project as it will pro-

    vide improved connections orthose living near the corridorto get to jobs in the suburbanemployment centers o Bloom-ington and the southwest sub-urbs. In addition, the MidtownCorridor will continue to pro-vide service within the cor-ridor itsel, supporting accessto businesses and services upand down Lake Street. It willalso provide better service orvisitors to the Uptown area,potentially reducing trac andparking congestion.

    Te alternatives analysis is oneo the early steps to creatingimproved transit service. Tisstudy will look at two possiblealignments or the improvedservice: Lake Street or the Mid-town Greenway trench. It willlook at our possible modes:Bus Rapid ransit (BR) in adedicated right-o-way, ar-terial BR in mixed tracwith signal priority and otherenhancements to provide im-proved travel times, Light Railransit (LR) and a modernstreetcar.

    Each o these alignments andmodes has advantages anddisadvantages and it is the re-sponsibility o Metro ransitsta to sif through these trad-eos. Metro ransit will takeinput rom the CommunityAdvisory Committee (CAC)and other advisory commit-tees to come to a decision onmode and alignment. ypicallythe CAC and similar advisorycommittees continue meetingafer the alternatives analy-sis is completed to help guidedesign and implementation o

    the project. While the CAC isnot itsel a decision-makingbody, it provides importantinormation and eedback tosta and elected ocials to aidin their decision-making. It isour gateway into the processor this project.

    We held our rst meeting onuesday, February 19. Rep-resentatives rom most o theneighborhoods along the cor-ridor were there along withrepresentatives rom variousbusinesses and non-prots.I was very encouraged by thewide variety o participantsand the unique experienceseach one brings to the table.Members have some specicgoals they would like the proj-ect to achieve but are veryopen to seeing what the stud-ies will tell us about how bestto accomplish those goals.

    In response to a questionabout the Greenway, projectsta emphasized that none othe proposed options will dis-rupt the existing biking andwalking path in the Greenwaytrench. Everyone at the meet-ing shared the goal o provid-ing an integrated service thatwill enhance the existing bike/walk inrastructure already inplace. Some other key goalsidentied by committee mem-bers are:

    Getcommunitiesofcolor,immigrants and other tra-ditionally underrepresentedgroups deeply involved inthe process

    Ensuresmoothinterfacingto other transit service toget people to and rom areasoutside the corridor

    Providegoodconnectionsto Lake Street businesses(this will be particularlyimportant i a Greenwayalignment is chosen)

    Ensureaccessibilitytothosewith physical challenges

    Te LHENA board and I wantto engage all neighborhoodresidents as much as possible

    Getting You MovingMidtown Corridor Alternatives

    Analysis Update

    See TRANSITpage 12

    Photo and story by Beth Marsh, Wedge Restaurant Reviewer

    Nightingale2551 Lyndale Avenue




    ParkingFree on Lyndale Avenue


    PricesSnacks: $5-$12Bruschetta: $6-$7.50

    Plates: $5-$12Sweets: $6.50Cocktails: $8Beer on tap: $3-$7

    Bottled beer: $5-$18Beer in can: $3-$6Wines and Bubblies: glass - $7-$10; bottle - $28-$75

    Happy Hour(4pm6pm and 11pm-1am)Several $3 rail drinks, several$2.50-$3 beers, several $5/glassand $20/bottle wines, and

    several $4-$10 snacks

    Nightingale Restaurant

    Fringe Fests Best Drama returns to Wedges Theatre Garage

    Coinciding with the 50thanniversary o the Minne-sota Crime o the Centurythat inspired the play, Car-ol and Cotton is back onstage afer winning praise

    rom audiences over thesummer. Tis show, writ-ten and directed by JamesVculek, won Best Dramain the 2012 Fringe Festival.

    Actors Catherine John-son Justice and SteveSweere return to theirroles o Carol and . Eu-gene (Cotton) Tompsonin this expanded retellingo Carols brutal murder,which took place in herHighland Park home,March 6, 1963.

    Perormances are at 7:30pm, on February 28,March 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, and 9,and at 1 pm, on Sundays,March 3 and 10. Sug-gested donation is $15.

    Minneapolis TeatreGarage is located at 711Franklin Avenue. Formore inormation call612.870.0723.

    A drawing o a proposed 36-car parking lot or the old Rex Hardware site.

    PARKING LOTrom page 1


    The Wedge: Where every story has three sides
  • 7/29/2019 March 2013 Wedge Neighborhood News


    p e 1 0 t he w e e M h 2 01 3 M h 2 01 3 t he w e e p e 1 1

    FOR SALE/LEASEOFFICE OR REAILBLDG2611 1st Av So. 2-level, 6000SF bldg. Lease as low as 2048SF. High ceilings, skylights,creative space, parking pro-

    vided. Close to Eat Street.Call Anna at 612-598-1962or Arnie at 763-478-6400 atResults Real Estate

    CLASSIFIED ADS:40 per word, 10 word

    minimum. Wedgeresidents receive one reeclassied ad per year.Contact Susan

    Public Safety

    Lowry Hill East Neighborhood

    Crimes by Location

    BENDER rom page 5 BRADLEYrom page 5

    SOOVACrom page 7

    IMBODENrom page 2

    Meg Tuthill Ofce Hours:

    Monday thru Friday 9am-5pm



    Attention: If you want help

    translating this information into

    a language other than Hmong,

    Spanish or Somali, please call


    Hmong: Ceeb toom. Yogkoj xav tau kev pab txhaiscov xov no rau koj dawb, hu612.673.2800.

    Spanish: Atencin. Si desea

    recibir asistencia gratuita paratraducir esta informacin,llama 612.673.2700.

    Somali: Ogow. Haddii aaddooneyso in lagaa kaalmeeyotarjamadda macluumaadkanioo lacag la aan wac


    City Hall Updates


    January 29 -

    February 18

    Burglary Residentialincludes garages, attachedor unattached.

    Tis means that not only hasthe budget based its assump-tions on incredibly old data,but that the City is cash ow-ing the overages unnecessarilylong. It also means that poormanagement wouldnt getcaught until well afer the act.We should strive or transpar-ency and a local managementgroup that would be closerto the expenses, managing asmaller budget than the Citysaccounting department, andbe in a direct position to takeaction to adapt to changingconditions.

    O course, this would requirea very transparent manage-ment organization with saeguards to protect the City andthe tax payer.

    Te Self-ManagedSolution

    Te good news is that the CitysPublic Works department hasproposed a policy outliningwhat the City should allow andrequire or any sel-managedspecial service district. Tispolicy came out February 22and addressed a variety o is-sues ranging rom organiza-tional governance, procure-ment, transparency, etc.

    Public Works held a meetingon January 31, 2013 to gatherinput rom business districtleaders on these issues. Assomeone who attended themeeting, I heard attendeesstate that they wanted trans-parency with these manage-ment organizations, that pre-vailing wage would hurt theirdistrict but Living Wage wasacceptable, and that thereneeds to be nimbleness or themanagement team on procure-ment, amongst other things.

    Sel-Managed Special ServiceDistricts would likely takeplace like this, though some othe details may be slightly di-erent in reality:

    1. A majority o propertyowners in an area wouldask the City to establish aSSD or enhancement publicservices delivered through athird party who would man-age the district.

    2. A business plan would bedeveloped with a budget.

    3. Te city would deliberateand potentially approve theestablishment o the districtand authorize a contractwith the proposed non-prot.

    4. Te city would ensure thatspecial assessments werecollected with the propertytaxes or the year and then

    provide a monthly paymentto the non-prot to managethe service delivery.

    5. Te non-prot wouldprocure services rom avariety o sub-contractors.Tey may even perormother tasks and collect otherincome rom related butdierent services, such aspromotions or events.

    6. Te non-prot wouldlikely have to provide anannual report and nancialdocumentation to the Cityand make it public or theproperty owners. Te Citywould play a role in nan-cial transparency but it isunclear what, i any district,would be required to haveannual automatic audits.

    Te Conclusion

    Sel-managed districts is noth-ing new. While the DowntownImprovement District is al-most ve years old in Minne-apolis, other districts across

    the country have been operat-ing similar to what is outlinedabove or over 25 years.

    We dont need to reinvent thewheel in Minneapolis andsel-management can providesubstantial benets to the eco-nomic vitality o our businessdistricts. We should expecttransparency, accountabil-ity, and proessionalism o anysel-managed district and theCity should clearly articulateits expectations in this newpolicy. But lets open the doorto local management!

    Tatcher Imboden is an Up-town/Lyn-Lake historian,works in urban real estate de-velopment, was past Presidento the Uptown Association,grew up in Uptown, and was onan Uptown neighborhood as-sociation board. He authors orhis website

    environment that is ineectiveand unsustainable or studentsand teachers alike. I will

    listentotheteachersontheront lines o Minneapolispublic schools and partnerwith them to ensure sae,good-quality schools.

    worktoalleviatethein-equalities in our city thatcontribute to studentsacademic struggles.

    supportenergyeciencyand solar on schoolsprograms that help schoolsreduce operating expensesand put more dollars backto work in the classroom.

    My goal is not to get into theeducation business but to ease

    social and economic inequali-ties so that teachers arentconronted with solving theseproblems in the classroom.

    Supporting alternativetransportation

    I have been a card carryingbus rider or most o my lieand i I am honored with the10th Ward seat, I promise tobus, bike, or walk to workeach day. When bussing, I willtweet my route, and I look or-ward to impromptu meetingswith constituents while ridingMetro ransit. I will promotealternative transportation andinrastructure that is pedestri-an- and bicycle-riendly. I will

    supportmodernstreetcarson Nicollet, enhanced buson Hennepin, and am opento enhanced bus, modernstreet cars, or LR alongthe Midtown Greenway.

    advocatefor40additionalmiles o sae, dedicated bikelanes in our city by 2023.

    encouragethepromotionofMinneapolis as a vacationdestination or bicycle en-thusiasts to attract touristsrom around the world.

    We want a city that embracesthe creativity o entrepre-neurs, innovators, artists anddreamers, a city that listensto and provides opportunitiesor all residents, empoweringthose who have been lef be-hind by politics as usual. As acommunity organizer I knowthat inclusive, inormed en-gagement can solve any prob-lem, rom bringing commu-nity gardens to underservedcommunities to dramaticallyreducing our greenhouse gasemissions.

    I can only do this with yoursupport! Please check out mywebsite at, and email or call me(612.367.6715) to talk to meabout any issue that concernsyou. Ten commit to be a del-egate or Ken Bradley at theApril 16 caucus and April 27ward convention. All o this iswithin our reach. Lets makethe right decisions together.

    ing that walking and bicyclingsupports health and driveseconomic growth savinghealth care costs and attract-ing and retaining innovativebusinesses and the workersthey employ. Tis is the samekind o innovative leader-ship Ive provided throughoutmy career in nonprot andgovernment service and thesame kind o leadership I willbring to the Minneapolis CityCouncil.

    Te next City Council mem-ber rom Ward 10 is going toneed to be able to bring peo-ple together, actively supportgood ideas, and make suregovernment is working wellor our community. I am theright person to lead our Ward

    through this next phase ogrowth and change by bring-ing people together arounda shared vision that supportsconnections, health, educa-tion and economic opportu-nity. Tat is why I ask or yoursupport, and that is how I willearn your support, as the nextCity Council member romWard 10.

    I encourage you to comeout and get involved in theDFL endorsing process thisyear. Tis is a critical step inchoosing the next City Coun-cil member rom our Ward,and your voice should beheard. Please come supportme at your precinct caucuson uesday, April 16 and be-come a delegate or me to theWard 10 convention on Sat-urday, April 27. You can ndout more about the caucusand convention process orget in touch to join our grass-roots campaign by

    $25 Trees availableearly to 10th WardNeighborhoods

    Te 10th ward is one o ourwards with historically lowparticipation in the Citys $25tree program. Ordering opensor Wards 3, 5, 6 and 10 Mon-day, March 18. Ordering openscitywide Monday, March 25. Atotal o 1,000 trees in nine di-erent varieties will be oeredor sale. rees are availableor Minneapolis homeown-ers, businesses and nonprotsand must be planted on privateproperty. rees can be pickedup on May 18-20 at the Min-neapolis Impound Lot.

    Te City partners with ree

    rust on this program. reerust will hold two ree work-shops on proper tree plantingand tree care.

    For more inormation, anda link to the order orm,

    Our tree canopy is very impor-tant. Not only does it improveour air and water quality, but itreduces our heating and cool-ing costs. I hope you take ad-vantage o this oer.

    Foreclosure PreventionCounseling at City Hall

    Te HomeOwnership Cen-ter will be providing Foreclo-

    sure Prevention Counselingat City Hall on the rst andthird Tursday o each monthrom now until the end o2013. Counseling will be heldin Conerence Room 333, justoutside the Mayors oce,rom 10 am to Noon and 1pm to 4 pm. No appointmentis needed. Te morning o therst Tursday, Spanish speak-ing counselors will be availableand the morning o the thirdTursday, Hmong speakingcounselors will be available. Asalways, homeowners or ten-ants acing oreclosure may callMinneapolis 311 to be con-nected to the HomeOwnershipCenter counseling network.

    From the Ofce o Council Member Meg uthill, 10th Ward

    Recently, the Fifh Precinct hasseen an uptick in smart phonestaken in thefs and robberies.Several have occurred whilethe owner is using it or thephone is in plain sight.

    Smart phones are valuablecommodities, ofen reaching$200 or more on the black mar-ket. Not only can the phone be

    stolen, but personal and nan-cial inormation can be takenrom the phone as well.

    Smart phone use

    Donttalkortextwhilewalking or driving. Payattention to your surround-ings.

    Putyourphoneawaywhenits not in use.

    Donotleaveyourphoneun-attended in public places suchas a restaurant table or bar.

    Enablethepasscodeop-tion on the phone to assistin keeping your personalinormation secure.

    Donotleaveyourphoneorcharger in your vehicle.

    Wipethephonecleanofanypersonal inormation beoretrading, selling or recyclingo it.

    ConsiderenablingtheGPS location service oryour phone. Keep in mind,or saety concerns whenposting media online, youmight want to removeGPS rom attaching tophotographs.

    Considerdownloadingareputable app or tracking orsecurity.


    cious persons, vehicles or


    intriguing type-written letterthat imparts a uniying story orthe exhibit, explaining, or ex-ample, that the work being pur-sued by this researcher hadpersonal repercussions.

    Cables and computer chips,letters and numbers, pop up

    alongside bird bones and black,red and gray rubber duckies. Itis dicult to put an age on theartiacts when new tech is sol-dered onto old tech. One couldspend days trying to decipherthe minutia Hamilton includedin his exhibit. I know it is onlyMarch, but I think this may beone o my avorite exhibits allyear.

    Afer the chaos o the Ham-iltons laboratory, Enough,has the eel o a science cleanroom. In this relatively pristineenvironment, artists Joseph Riz-zo, Joe Sinness, and Joel Starkey,have neatly placed their care-ully crafed, white-backgroundpaintings, collages and sketcheson the walls. Enough is aptlynamed. Each artist providesenough sustenance to eed anart-hungry soul. However, theyexpect the viewers to be eager todevour more.

    Rizzos pieces balance the wa-vering lines o hand-drawn withthe sharp edges o cut-up pa-

    per. I was particularly drawn tothe island pieces, such as For-gotland. An inked island risesrom the water, his lines enclos-ing cut-out images o pine treesin snow.

    Sinnesss colored-pencil still-lies could almost be mistakenor oil paintings, they are sorich in color. In Dolly, Dolly,Dolly! the smooth leaves o the

    rubber plant, as well as drapedcloth below it, are executed withthe utmost skill.

    While Starkeys our oeringsin this exhibit contain the loos-est lines and may seem to not tthe orderliness presented by thetwo other artists, his pieces playthe role o unpredictable naturewithin the structured conneso a Japanese tea house. Indeed,his work, Structure, is meantto be reminiscent o works by18th century Japanese artists: abrown, craggy mountain loomsout o gray drops o rain. Teright bottom corner, however, isdominated by a geometric con-struction inked in red.

    Fluctuating Capacity andEnough will be on display un-til March 23. SooVAC is locatedat 2638 Lyndale Avenue South.For more inormation visitwww.soovac.orgor call 612.871.2263.

    Smart Phone Thefts

    in Fifth Precinct

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  • 7/29/2019 March 2013 Wedge Neighborhood News


    pe 12 the wee Mh 2013

    in this process. We would liketo host at least two neighbor-hood update meetings thisyear. Metro ransit pledged tomake sta available at neigh-borhood unctions to do pre-sentations and answer ques-

    tions. Please do not hesitate tocontact me about this project. Ican provide what inormationI have and i I do not have itI will ask about it at the nextCAC meeting. I you have ideasor comments on the project Iwill be happy to bring them tothe CAC. You can reach me at

    612.747.1982 or by e-mail

    For more inormation youmay consult the project website at

    Te current schedule or the

    CAC has us meeting everyother month. Our next meet-ing is April 23, 7 pm to 9 pmat the Cristo Rey Colin Pow-ell Center, 2924 4th Avenue S.Te public is invited to attendall CAC meetings and there isa public comment time builtinto the end o each meeting.

    Te Midtown Corridor projectis an exciting opportunity orour neighborhood. I hope thatyou will help make it the bestproject it can possibly be.

    David Greene lives in LowryHill East.

    TRANSITrom page 8

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