March 2011 Enews

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Malibu High's Monthly Newsletter

Transcript of March 2011 Enews


MHS ENEWSMARCH 2011 - A Publication of the Malibu High PTSA

Malibu High’s Monthly Online Newsletter


Semi Finalist Nic Vazelakis’ Photo

Semi Finalist Maggie Harrington’s Photo

Malibu High School Photography students Nic Vazelakis and Maggie Harrington are among 15 semifinalists for the prestigious 23rd Annual Music Center Spotlight Awards. Their winning entries (pictured at right) will be exhibited during a special awards reception at a prominent Southern California gallery.

The Music Center Spotlight Awards is one of the nation's most acclaimed performing andvisual arts education programs for teens, offering training in the arts and awarding more than $100,000 in scholarships annually to finalists, semifinalists and participants who receive honorable mentions.

Submissions are reviewed and judged by a panel of professional artists and photographers. In addition, participants are offered private museum tours and special art workshopsconducted by noted professionals.  

The 15 semifinalists were chosen from hundreds of applicants from public and private high schools across Southern California. “We have a very talented pool of students at MHS as well as an excellent photography department," said Dr. Mark Kelly, Principal.  Grand Prize finalists will be announced in March and Grand Prize winners in April. Good luck, Nic and Maggie.


Dr. Mark Kelly’s PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE MARCHMarch, 2011

Dear Parents,

On March 25, The Shark Fund is having its second annual Night of 1000 Parties. Within this monthly newsletter there is more information about this wonderful evening of gatherings throughout our community. Please support The Shark Fund in this annual fundraising event either by hosting a party or by attending one. Your Shark Fund donations support PTSA, Arts Angels, the Athletic Booster Club and many programs at Malibu High. Here at MHS we are grateful for your continued support. We hope that you join together with friends and family at one of these special community parties.

Academic Registration During March, our counselors will begin visiting classrooms and meeting with students to select classes for the 2011 – 2012 school year. Ms. Cowgill will inform our sixth, seventh and incoming fifth grade students of their options, and work with students to make good choices for new year. Mr. Sferra and Mrs. Dahm will do the same with ninth, tenth, eleventh and incoming eighth grade students.

Ms. Cowgill will be speaking with students in their classes. She will provide them a course request sheet and a course catalog that describe various options for students. Options for students vary depending upon the grade level. In middle school, students all have a common academic program with one or two elective choices. We ask that parents of middle schoolers sit with their students and review program options. This is a wonderful time for you to speak with your student about his or her goals and to talk about how different decisions form a pathway for the future. It is important that you allow your child to have a voice in this process, while retaining your parental responsibility to help your student make good choices. As much of our planning for the upcoming school year depends on the choices your child makes, we ask your help in assisting your student to make appropriate choices. Our goal is for students make good choices now that that will stick to when returning in the fall. We must keep schedule changes to a minimum. Selecting classes is about planning for the future. Your middle schooler will appreciate talking with you about the possibilities that lie ahead.

The rest of this message is for parents who will have high school students in 2011 – 2012.

It is important that high school students pick the right set of courses to ensure that their academic program fulfills

the necessary graduation requirements, and to ensure that they remain competitive for college and university admissions and other post-secondary opportunities.

When our high school counselors meet with students, they will give them a grade-level course selection sheet and a high school course catalog. The grade-level course selection sheet lists the names of the courses offered to students at each respective grade level and the course catalog includes descriptions of all high school courses. During their information sessions, counselors will review graduation and university requirements, course options, prerequisites and other information that students need to consider in choosing their classes.

We are asking students and parents to think carefully when requesting classes for the upcoming school year. The entire schedule of classes, including teaching assignments, is called a master schedule. We build our master schedule based on the number of students who request specific classes. In recent years, we have worked to minimize students returning in the fall asking for schedule changes. Making changes in the fall is problematic as our master schedule is already set in place. Our resources, meaning teacher assignments, have been allocated; too many changes results in disproportionate classes sizes and inefficient use of our resources. A few years ago it was our practice to accommodate students’ request to change their schedule; however, we are no longer able to sustain such practices.

Please work with your student to select classes for the upcoming school year. Reflect upon your student’s academic needs and goals, level of participation in co- and extra-curricular activities and personal interests. Take time to carefully select classes that will sufficiently challenge your student and put him or her in the best position to thrive academically. In general, once students’ course requests are set in the spring, they will keep these courses in the fall. Students requesting honors or advanced placement courses need to make their selections carefully, as they will be expected to remain in these courses. By holding to this practice, we allow for a better master schedule for all students. We appreciate your cooperation.

We will make all of our academic registration materials available on our website once counselors start visiting classes. Please check our website at later in the month for information regarding academic registration.

Respectfully, Mark O. KellyPrincipal


Estimados Padres,

El 25 de marzo, el Fondo del Tiburón tendrá su segunda Noche Anual de 1000 Fiestas. Dentro de la carta de noticias del mes hay más información sobre estas noche maravillosa de reuniones en por toda nuestra comunidad. Por favor apoyo al Fondo del Tiburón en esta evento de recaudación de Fondos Anual ya sea siendo un anfitrión y teniendo una fiesta en su casa o hiendo a una de las fiestas. Sus donaciones al Fondo del tiburón apoya a la PTSA, Los Ángeles de las Artes, El Club de Apoyo Para los Deportes, y muchos programas en Malibu High. Aquí en MHS estamos agradecidos por el apoyo continuo. Esperamos que se reúna junto con sus amistades y familia en una de estas fiestas especiales de la comunidad.

Matricula AcadémicaDurante el mes de marzo, nuestros consejeros comenzarán a visitar a los salones de clase y a reunirse con los estudiantes para seleccionar clases para el año escolar 2011-2012. La Consejera Cowgill informará a los alumnos de sexto, séptimo, y alumnos que vienen de quinto grado de sus opciones, y trabajará con estudiantes para escoger buenas opciones para el año nuevo. Los consejeros Sr. Sferra y Sra. Dahm harán lo mismo con los alumnos de noveno, décimo y onceavo y con los estudiantes que van entrando de octavo grado.

La Consejera Cowgill hablará con los estudiantes en sus clases. Ella les proveerá una hoja para escoger los cursos y un catalogo de cursos que describe las diferentes opciones para los estudiantes. Las opciones para los estudiantes varean dependiendo del nivel de grado. En secundaria todos los estudiantes tienen un programa académico común con una o dos opciones para clases electivas. Les pedimos a los padres de secundaria que se sienten con su estudiante y repasen las opciones del programa. Este es un tiempo maravilloso para hablar con su estudiante sobre sus metas y hablar sobre como las decisiones diferentes forman un camino para el futuro. Es importante que usted le permita a su niño/a tener una

voz en este proceso. , mientras reteniendo la responsabilidad parental para ayudar a su estudiante a escoger opciones buenas. Mucho del planeamiento futuro para el próximo año escolar depende de las opciones que su hijo/a escoge, les pedimos su ayuda en ayudar a su estudiante a escoger opciones apropiadas. Nuestra meta es que los estudiantes escojan buenas opciones ahora para que aun quieran las mismas opciones en el otoño cuando regresamos. Tenemos que mantener los cambios de programa a un mínimo. La selección de clases se trata de planear para el futuro. Su estudiante de secundaria agradecerá poder hablar con usted sobre las posibilidades que vienen mas adelante.

El resto de este mensaje es para padres que tendrán estudiantes en la preparatoria para el año escolar 2011-2012.

Es importante que los estudiantes de preparatoria escojan los cursos correctos para asegurar que su programa académico cumpla con los requisitos necesarios para graduación, y para asegurar que ellos sigan siendo competitivos para ser admitidos a la universidad y a oportunidades mas allá de la secundaria.

Cuando los consejeros de preparatoria se reúnan con los estudiantes, ellos les darán una hoja para selección de cursos de nivel de grado y un catalogo de cursos. La hoja para selección de cursos a nivel de grado lista los nombres de los cursos que le ofrecen a los estudiantes a cada nivel de grado respectivamente y el catalogo de cursos incluye descripciones de todos los cursos de preparatoria. Durante las sesiones de información, los consejeros repasaran los requisitos para graduación y para la universidad, las opciones de cursos, requisitos previos y otra información que los estudiantes necesitan considerar al escoger sus clases.

Les estamos pidiendo a los estudiantes y padres que piensen cuidadosamente cuando piden clases para el año escolar venidero. El programa de clases entero,

incluyendo los maestros asignados es llamado el “Master Schedule” (programa principal). Nosotros construimos nuestro programa principal basado en el número de estudiantes que piden clases específicas. En años recientes, hemos trabajado para mantener a un mínimo los estudiantes que piden cambios a su programa cuando regresan en el otoño. El hacer cambios en el otoño es problemático ya que nuestro programa principal ya se ha fijado. Nuestros recursos, que quiere decir las designaciones de maestros, han sido asignados; muchos cambios resultan en clases de tamaños desproporcionados y un uso ineficiente de recursos. Hace unos años era nuestra práctica permitirles a los estudiantes hacer cambios en su horario; sin embargo, ya no podemos sostener esas prácticas.

Por favor trabaje con su estudiante en seleccionar clases para el año que viene. Piense en las necesidades académicas y metas, participación en actividades co y extra –curriculares e intereses personales de su estudiantes. Tome el tiempo para seleccionar clases cuidadosamente que retaran suficientemente a su estudiante y lo/la pondrán en la mejor posición para prosperar académicamente. En general, cuando las peticiones para cursos de los estudiantes se han fijado en la primavera, ellos mantendrán estos cursos en el otoño. Los estudiantes que están pidiendo clases de honor o a nivel avanzado necesitan hacer sus selecciones con cuidado, ya que se esperará que ellos permanezcan en estos cursos. Al sostener esta practica, permitimos un mejor programa principal para todos los estudiantes. Agradecemos su cooperación.

Nosotros pondremos todos los materiales para matricula académica a su disposición en nuestra pagina de Internet cuando los consejeros comiencen a visitar las clases. Por favor revise nuestra pagina en más tarde en el mes para información sobre la matricula académica.

Respetuosamente,Mark O. Kelly

Dr. Mark Kelly: Mensaje del Director MARZO


MIDDLE SCHOOL PRODUCTION OF ANNIE WOWS THE CROWDCongratulations  to  all  Cast  and  Crew  members  of  the  Middle  School  production  of  Annie!  Heartfelt  thanks  to  the  ever  talented  director,  Brigette  Leonard,    as  well  to  MHS  Staff  and  the  Arts  Angels  volunteers  for  their  dedication  and  passion  for  theater  arts  at  Malibu  High.    Grateful  thanks  to  the  Shark  Fund  for    their  support  of  the  MHS  Arts  Programs.  Special  thanks  to  Bryan  Baysore  (Class  of  2010)  for  flying  from  the  Bay  Area  to  assist  and  Stevie  Johnson  (Class  of  2010)  for  the  wonderful  photos.


A MESSAGE FROM THE PTSA PRESIDENT, WENDY SIDLEYOn  Thursday,  March  17th  at  8:30am  in  the  MHS  Library  we  will  have  our  next  PTSA  AssociaDon  MeeDng.    If  you  have  never  aIended  a  PTSA  meeDng,  this  is  the  one  to  aIend.    Newly  elected  Board  of  EducaDon  member,  Nimish  Patel  and  Vice-­‐President  of  the  Board  of  EducaDon,  Ben  Allen,  will  be  at  the  meeDng  to  make  some  remarks  and  entertain  your  quesDons.    Those  of  us  who  have  kids  in  the  Malibu  schools  oQen  complain  that  we  are  not  heard.    We  do  not  always  feel  represented  because  we  do  not  have  a  person  from  Malibu  on  the  Board  of  EducaDon  and  because  the  district  offices  are  not  in  Malibu.    There  is  nothing  we  can  do  about  that,  but  on  the  17th  we  have  an  opportunity  to  be  heard.    Come  with  some  quesDons  and  concerns  because  Ben  and  Nimish  want  to  hear  from  their  Malibu  consDtuents.    Please  put  it  on  your  calendar  and  join  us  on  the  17th.

On  March  26th  The  Shark  Fund  is  holding  the  2nd  annual  Night  of  a  Thousand  ParDes.    It  is  a  way  for  you  to  raise  money  for  Malibu  High  School  in  whatever  fashion  you  would  like.    You  could  have  4  of  your  best  friends  over  for  dinner  or  100  people  for  a  beach  party.    Many  of  your  friends  ask  you  to  donate  to  their  favorite  chariDes  and  invite  you  to  go  to  events  to  support  those  chariDes,  so  now  this  is  your  chance  to  ask  them  to  contribute  to  our  favorite  charity  –  Malibu  High  School.    We  are  asking  that  people  donate  $100,  but  it  is  your  party  and  you  can  ask  for  any  amount  that  you  find  appropriate.    This  is  a  great  concept  for  a  fundraiser  and  we  hope  it  will  take  off  and  be  a  great  success.    Please  contribute  to  your  child’s  educaDon  by  parDcipaDng  in  this  event  by  either  throwing  a  party  or  aIending  one.    See  informaDon  in  this  newsleIer  regarding  some  fabulous  parDes  that  you  can  aIend.    If  you  have  any  quesDons  please  contact  Sandy  Thacker  at  

Please  parDcipate  in  making  Malibu  High  School  the  best  it  can  be.  

Wendy  Sidley,  MHS  PTSA  President



Back Row (L to R) Nikita Weber (8), James Handal (8), Rayna Ney (6), Jordan Michaelson (9), Harrison Barton (11), Micaela Brookman (11), Laker Dohan (12), Jordan Alexander (10), Front row - Harry Putterman (7), William Kish (6)

In a break from tradition that speaks to the increasing number of talented performers at Malibu High, this year’s Masque will showcase a different set list of performers each night. Masque is the annual Malibu High talent show in which middle schoolers and high schools showcase talents such as singing, dancing, classical musical performances, bands before a panel of judges who award prizes for various categories. Masque is put on by the Junior Class (2012) with proceeds going towards the junior/senior prom. It is open to students, parents, and friends! Masque takes place March 17, 18, 19th at 7pm each night. The tickets are $15 for a single performance with a special 3 day pass available for $25. Tickets sell out quickly. They can be purchased at school during high school lunch period the week of Masque or at the door on the night of the performance. The junior class appreciates your support and looks forward to seeing you at MASQUE 2011.



Five Malibu High teachers are participating in a program that will integrate Student Response Systems into their classrooms.  These systems allow teachers to create lessons and get feedback immediately through small handheld response devices.  Julie Cheri Hoos, Ari Jacobs, Elizabeth Flohr, Andy Meyer and Adam Panish were selected as the Malibu High participants.  The library has also purchased a system that will be available for other teachers to use.  SMART Response XE interactive response system

Gain instant and ongoing insight into student understanding for middle and secondary education. The SMART Response XE interactive response system combines wireless, keyboard-style remotes (or clickers), a receiver and powerful assessment software. SMART Response XE integrates with SMART Notebook collaborative learning software, providing you with one application for creating lessons, delivering assessments and evaluating results.Support advanced math and science contentSMART Response XE enables students to respond to questions using open-ended answers. The remotes allow

students to input mathematical equations and scientific functions, such as quadratic equations, giving you the ability to cover more advanced content. With the intelligent grading feature, you can also

choose the range of acceptable answers for a question, allowing for multiple representations of the correct answer.

Keep students engaged in lessonsSMART Response XE helps keep students interested, involved and participating in lessons by giving them a way to

individually respond to teacher questions. Students can answer questions with their handheld remotes, and once a question is complete, they receive feedback instantly and confidentially on their remotes. The class results are also shown anonymously, so students can compare and learn from each other’s answers.

Gauge student understandingSMART Response XE enables you to deliver assessments, whether created in advance or asked spontaneously at any point during a lesson, to gauge students’ comprehension. When students respond, their answers are automatically summarized as a pie chart or bar graph on a SMART Notebook page, so that you can take a closer look or add your own comments in digital ink for further review.

Evaluate and manage student progressWith the Teacher Tools features in SMART Response XE, you can create class lists, and view and manage all student assessment data in one location. You can also use the built-in gradebook to record test scores, track performance, evaluate trends, create reports or export results into third-party gradebooks for further analysis. 

5 Teachers Participate in Trial Program for New SMART Interactive Classroom Technologies.


Hola Padres de MHS,Les escribo para recordarles que cada primer jueves del mes es la Junta Bilingüe ELAC. Las juntas son en español y todos los padres están invitados.

Acompáñenos e infórmese sobre lo que está pasando en la escuela cada mes, y reciba información sobre diferentes temas interesantes. Siempre ofrecemos cuidado para los niños de edad de Kinder a 5º grado y cena para todos los estudiantes durante la junta.Ofrecemos un refrigerio liviano para los padres. Para preguntas o más información, favor de llamar a Yalile Pieper al 310-457-6801 ex. 74272



Juntas Del Comité Bilingüe (ELAC)Para el Resto del Año Escolar 2011

Jueves 3 de marzo 2011 La Intimidación en la Escuela - con Marcela Ávila Psicóloga

Jueves 7 de abril 2011- Creando A Nuestros Hijos en Dos Culturas Parte 1 – Como los afecta- Con Lina Acosta Psicóloga

Jueves 5 de mayo, 2011- Creando A Nuestros Hijos en Dos Culturas Parte 2 – Como los afecta- Con Lina Acosta Psicóloga

Jueves 2 de junio 2011- Se Anunciará


Bilingual Liaison,

Yalile Pieper

NORMA SOBRE LA ROPA DE LOS ESTUDIANTES A medida que empezamos el semestre nuevo, nos estaremos enfocando en la normas de como vestir para la escuela. Para poner nuestro sistema en práctica, necesitamos más ropa de educación física vieja para ayudar con nuestro plan de substitución de ropa. Por favor envíe ropa vieja de educación física limpia y/o pantalones tipo sudadera a la oficina de asistencia a la atención de Laurie. ¡Realmente necesitamos su ayuda! Podemos evitar que su hijo/a pierda tiempo de la clase por tener que ser sacado de la clase, si usted monitorea la ropa que ellos escogen ponerse para venir a la escuela cuando van saliendo para la escuela y revisan sus mochilas para asegurar que no traigan ropa inadecuada para la escuela. Recientemente dos de nuestras mamas nos dijeron que van a remover todos los shorts cortos y todas las blusas transparentes que estén entre la ropa de sus hijas.

Por favor no envíen a sus hijos a la escuela con ropa transparente, con ropa que enseñe la ropa interior, con blusas que caigan mas abajo de los hombros sin que traigan otra camisa debajo, blusas o vestidos sin tirantes, shorts cortos, ropa que anuncie alcohol, drogas, armas, pantalones que se les andan cayendo o blusas que no tapan el estomago o la parte media del cuerpo. Gracias.



Buy your 2010 - 2011 Middle School Yearbook today!  Go to

cid=247686&pfid=2011010804313124361 to order online. Yearbooks are $35.00. After March 31st, they will cost $40.00 so order your copy today.

Date Sport Level Opponent Location TimeWednesday, March 02, 2011 Boys Volleyball Varsity Cate Home 5:00pmThursday, March 03, 2011 Swimming All Santa Clara Home 3:00pmTuesday, March 08, 2011 Boys Tennis Varsity Simi Valley Home 3:00pmWednesday, March 09, 2011 Boys Tennis Varsity New Roads Home 3:00pmThursday, March 10, 2011 Softball Varsity Archer Home 3:30pmTuesday, March 15, 2011 Boys Tennis Varsity Milken Home 3:00pmTuesday, March 15, 2011 Boys Volleyball JV Channel Islands Home 4:00pmTuesday, March 15, 2011 Boys Volleyball Varsity Channel Islands Home 5:30pmWednesday, March 16, 2011 Baseball JV Harvard Westlake Home 3:30pmThursday, March 17, 2011 Boys Tennis JV Brentwood Home 3:45pmThursday, March 17, 2011 Lacrosse JV Oak Park Home 5:30pmThursday, March 17, 2011 Lacrosse Varsity Oak Park Home 3:00pmThursday, March 17, 2011 Swimming All Pacifica Home 3:00pmSaturday, March 19, 2011 Baseball Varsity Fillmore Home 1:00pmSaturday, March 19, 2011 Track Varsity Malibu Invite Home 9:00amTuesday, March 22, 2011 Boys Tennis Varsity Villanova Home 3:00pmTuesday, March 22, 2011 Softball Varsity Brentwood Home 3:30pmWednesday, March 23, 2011 Baseball Varsity Carpinteria Home 3:30pmWednesday, March 23, 2011 Swimming All La Reina girls only Home 3:00pmThursday, March 24, 2011 Boys Tennis JV Viewpoint Home 3:00pmThursday, March 24, 2011 Boys Volleyball JV Oaks Christian Home 5:00pmThursday, March 24, 2011 Boys Volleyball Varsity Oaks Christian Home 6:30pmFriday, March 25, 2011 Baseball JV Carpinteria Home 3:30pmMonday, March 28, 2011 Lacrosse jv Westlake Home 5:30pmMonday, March 28, 2011 Lacrosse Varsity Westlake Home 3:00pmTuesday, March 29, 2011 Softball Varsity Channel Islands Home 3:30pmWednesday, March 30, 2011 Baseball JV St. Bonaventure Home 3:30pmWednesday, March 30, 2011 Lacrosse JV Thousand Oaks Home 5:30pmWednesday, March 30, 2011 Lacrosse Varsity Thousand Oaks Home 3:00pmThursday, March 31, 2011 Boys Volleyball JV Bishop Diego Home 5:00pmThursday, March 31, 2011 Boys Volleyball Varsity Bishop Diego Home 6:30pmThursday, March 31, 2011 Softball Varsity Bishop Diego Home 3:30pmThursday, March 31, 2011 Track Varsity League Meet Home 3pm




Ladies and Gentleman, please do not send your children to school wearing see-through clothing, exposed undergarments, off the shoulder clothing without layered shirts, strapless tops and dresses, short shorts, midriff tops, sagging pants or clothing advertising alcohol, drugs or weapons.

We continue to focus on the MHS Dress Code policy in our efforts to maintain a welcoming and appropriate educational environment for every student at our school. You can help us avoid taking your child away from class time, if you monitor their clothing choices as they leave for school and check their backpacks for additional inappropriate clothing. We recently had two moms tell us they were removing the short shorts and see through tops from their daughter’s wardrobe.

Thank you!



School Calendar and Career Center Calendar Service Learning Calendar Calendar Bulletin and Newsletters


GET INVOLVED AND SUPPORT MHSSign up for Scrip (Grocery Loyalty Program) You Buy Groceries MHS Gets $$$ to The Shark


The Shark Fund Knows How to Welcome Spring!Thanks very much to everyone who has donated to The Shark Fund this school year, especially if you recently donated as part of our Phone Bank Campaign! We thank you for not hanging up on us, hearing us out and supporting our wonderful school and kids with your contributions! Every dollar really does make a difference and we welcome donations or all sizes, shapes and political leanings! Our current available funds to support MHS programs are at an all time low. We still need new donations to carry us through the rest of the school year. So, if you have not yet donated, please consider doing so today OR....

Our big Spring fundraiser is fast approaching! Please save Saturday, March 26th and consider how you are going to celebrate and survive "The Night of 1,000 Parties."  Sure there may be a bit of hyperbole in the number, but the level of fun is off the charts!There are already 3 great theme parties to choose from and more on the way. Sunset and Wine at La Costa Beach Club, Game Night on Point Dume and Wine Tasting in an Exquisite Estate Overlooking the Pacific. If you want to host a party or would like more information, please contact one of our Celebratory Co-Chairs:

Sandy Thacker -- thackerca@aol.comKim Stefanko --

But in any event, call everyone you like and let them know you want to make, or be part of, the action. Visit our website at to read more about all the parties or if you want to keep it simple, pick up a donation envelope in the office or sachet up to any one of our delightful Shark Fund Board Members at school, in the community or on Chair 9 at Mammoth.

We look forward to seeing you all there and thanks again for your support. Go Sharks and Party On!

1. Host a Party for Everyone You Know (or for those select few you never see).

2.  Attend a Party whereby 100% of your entry fee goes to The Shark Fund.

3.  Crash a Party bearing scads of cash which you kindly give to the host, telling him/her “This is for The Shark Fund.”

4.  Eat leftover Coogie's standing in front of the fridge, throw back a Brewskie, celebrate in your own twisted way and make a donation to The Shark Fund anyway.

5.  Pub crawl to every party in Malibu and then repeat Option 4.

5 Options for participating in ‘Night of 1000 Parties.”


The Shark Fund is excited to announce the second annual “Night Of A Thousand Parties” benefiting Malibu High School. We are asking families to host parties on one night, Saturday, March 26, 2011*, and ask for (a suggested donation of) $100.00 per guest. This money will go directly to The Shark Fund and the programs it funds, i.e. PTSA, Arts Angels, Athletic Boosters, and more. The party can take any form and can include as many people as you feel comfortable with. (Your guests need not be MHS families!) Daytime gatherings are great too! If you cannot host a party, please attend one! There are several “open” parties being hosted by Malibu High School families. Check out their invitations on the next page.

Below is a list of party suggestions to get your creative juices flowing, as well as a commitment form for you to fill out and return. Our goal is to have 1,000 people attending parties that night and raise $100,000.00 free and clear for our school. Please e-mail any questions or comments to Sandy Thacker ( or Kim Stefanko (, event co-chairs. Thank you in advance for your support!

* If you cannot host a party on March 26, anytime in March is fine!


College  and  Career  Center  News  

The  College  and  Career  Center  website  is  regularly  updated  so  that  it  can  remain  a  valuable  resource  for  Malibu  HS.  Make  sure  to  visit  this  website  oQen  and  pay  close  aIenDon  to  the  CCC  Calendar  for  important  upcoming  events  like  the  ones  highlighted  below.

If  your  son  or  daughter  is  signed  up  to  take  the  SAT  on  March  12  and  need  addiDonal  preparaDon,  then  I  would  highly  recommend  the  ONE-­‐DAY  INTENSIVE  SAT  BOOTCAMP  scheduled  for  this  Saturday,  March  5,  from  9:00  a.m.  to  4:00  p.m.  at  Malibu  High  School.  This  workshop  will  help  students  build  a  foundaDon  for  the  SAT,  learn  tesDng  strategies,  and  lessen  test  anxiety  and  build  confidence.  It  costs  $75  and  lunch  will  be  provided.  To  sign  up,  please  call  Eureka  Review  at  (877)  463-­‐8735  or  email  Ryan  Kiick  at  

If  you  have  any  quesDons,  please  email  Mrs.  Chi  at

CAHSEE INFORMATION FOR 10th GRADE PARENTSBe on the look out for California High School Exit Exam test preparation materials that will be given to all 10th graders in their World History or European History classes. Distribution will take place on Friday, 2/25. State law requires all students pass the CAHSEE test as part of fulfilling requirements for a high school diploma.

The California High School Exit Exam will be administered

to all 10th graders and any 12th grader that still needs to test on Tuesday, March 8th and Wednesday, March 9th. The two part exam tests students in English Language Arts and Mathematics. All 10th graders should report to the NEW GYM at 7:50AM on both March 8th and March 9th. Testing takes place during the first three periods of the day. Please make it a priority to show up on time each day, ready to test with several number two pencils. Our schools yearly API ranking takes our results on this important test into consideration in their calculation. If you have any questions, you can contact Mr. Sferra at


SENIOR MEETINGS!NEW this year! All seniors must meet with Mrs. Ross-Neier to discuss and develop their CSL plan for the year. All meetings must be completed by the end of January but this date has been extended to Feb. 11th! Contact Mrs. Ross-Neier at

SERVICE CLUBSNEW this year!! School sponsored service clubs are now registered with the CSL Office. So what does that mean? Service Clubs are able to earn CSL hours for their community work! With over 9 registered clubs, high school students can join these clubs and start serving. Listen to the school announcements for meeting dates and times!

9th and 10th GRADERS!Don’t forget that your Freshman Seminar Research Paper or your Activism Project are to be completed this year. Contact your teacher for specific deadlines but be sure to make time to meet with Mrs. Ross-Neier for additional help with projects.

CHECK OUT THE WEBSITE!For info and updates on the CSL Program visit the CSL web pages on the MHS site under Student Life. On the site you’ll find information about the middle school and high school programs, the online reporting form, pictures of our students in action, upcoming service opportunities and great organizations, approved by the CSL Office, where you can earn your hours (high school students).

WE WANT YOUR PHOTOS!The CSL Office wants your photos for our website! Email photos of you completing your community service to Mrs. Ross-Neier at


The Malibu High Enewsis produced by the Malibu High School PTSA. Volunteer parents collect the information and compile it to send to every family on the first Monday of every month. If you would like a printed copy of the newsletter mailed to your home, please send an email to and request your mailed copy. In the interest of saving energy, time and paper the newsletter committee is striving to change the way the school

communicates with parents. Contributors include: Mark Kelly, Wendy Sidley, Wendy Gellis, The MHS PTSA, the Shark Fund, the MHS Counselors, Bobbi Ross Neier, The Boys and Girls Club, The College and Career Center, Arts Angels, The Athletic Booster Club and other individuals and organizations throughout our school community. A special thanks to Yalile Pieper for translating our Principal’s letter. Thank you for making this possible.

MHS ENEWS30215 Morning View Drive

Malibu, CA.


To submit articles please

email news to Heather

Anderson (Editor)


Our Mission is to significantly enhance the lives of youth tofulfill their potential as caring, productive contributing citizens.

For more information go to

JR Staff ProgramIt’s not too late! Apply to become a JR Staff member 2nd semester. As a JR Staff, teens will develop interpersonal skills, a strong work ethic and a sense of community while working at THE CLUB and earning community service hours. You must be a High School student and be available to complete 3 hours of service per week.

CLUB Stay Late – PAC 10 Semifinal at STAPLES Center Is your favorite college basketball team going to win the PAC 10 this year? The Club will be taking a trip to watch the semifinals on Friday March 11th. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to cheer on your favorite school! Cost is $25 and includes 2 men’s semifinal games, ESPNZ zone arcade card and a ticket to the Grammy Museum. Spaces are limited so pick up a permission slip at the Club soon!

SMART MovesAddresses the problems of drug, alcohol, and various helath lifestyle issues. Uses a team approach involving CLUB staff and peer leaders who mentor teens on how to make healthy choices. Begins March 9th and meets every Wednesday @ 3:30pm – 4:30pm.

8th Grade SMART GirlsDesigned to develop healthy attitudes & lifestyles, as well as provide positive mentor relationships. Begins March 15th and meets every Tuesday @ 3:15pm - 4:15pm.

March 14th Furlough Day – CLUB OpenNo school- CLUB will be open from 9:00am - 6:30pm.

Torch Club A yearlong leadership and service club for teen’s 6th-8th grade. Members learn to elect officers and work together to implement community service projects at The CLUB, MHS, and community. This month we will be visiting the Malibu Senior Center on March 24th. Meets every other Thursday @ 3:15 pm! Late sign ups are accepted.

B-Safe Driving School - Spring BreakIs your teen ready to start driving? Mark your calendar for Driver’s Education and behind the wheel classes through B-Safe Driving School. Classes will begin April 18th to April 22nd, from 10:00am - 3:00pm.

Power HourA yearlong incentive based homework program where teens can receive tutoring use computers for homework and are encouraged to complete their homework to succeed! Members who participate regularly are invited to attend Power Hour parties where their educational accomplishments are acknowledged!Monday-Thursday from 3:20-4:30pm!

Parent Co-opParents and family members are encouraged to join and volunteer weekly, monthly or whatever your schedule allows. Get involved by sharing your expertise and resources and help build a sense of family at The Club. Most areas of expertise welcome; including arts and crafts, tutoring, maintenance, photography, free snack and Friday BBQ program, yoga, help with events and much more!

Please call Siugen Constanza or Mayra Herrera at 310.457.2582 should you have any questions regarding our programs. THE CLUB’S business hours are 9:30am-6:30pm. Interested in making a donation to the Malibu Foundation to help support Boys & Girls Club? Please call Kasey Earnest at 310-457-1400.


Santa Monica-Malibu PTA and SMMUSD

invite you to join us for the


A morning of INSIGHT, HUMOR, and HOPE for

parents and students





Author of The Short Bus &

Learning Outside the Lines

When"!!!!March 26, 2011 8:30 am to 12 noon

Where: Lincoln Middle School!

Please watch for registration forms and more information coming soon!

Or visit


Jonathan Mooney is a writer and activist with dyslexia who did not learn to read until

he was 12 years old. He is a graduate of

Brown University’s class of 2000 and holds

an honors degree in English Literature.

Jonathan is founder and President of Project

Eye-To-Eye, a mentoring and advocacy

non-profit organization for students with

learning differences. He lives in Santa Monica with his wife and two young sons. !