March 14 EQssss- What is consciousness? What are the · PDF file03.03.2016 · March...

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Transcript of March 14 EQssss- What is consciousness? What are the · PDF file03.03.2016 · March...

March 14


EQssss- What is consciousness? What are the different levels of consciousness? Why do we

sleep? What are the stages of sleep? Why do we dream?Agenda:

1. Graphic Organizer Part 1 for Unit 5

2. Sleep episode

Table of Contents:91. March 14 & 1592. Unit 5 Graphic Organizer part 193. Dream Journal Assignment

Homework:1. Test on Friday! (Reading

Questions due)2. Keep your dream journal

(due Monday)3. Study your notes!

Do Now: Answer the following YES or NO:1. I need an alarm clock in order to wake up at the

appropriate time.2. It’s a struggle for me to get out of bed in the morning.3. Weekday mornings I hit the snooze bar several times.4. I feel tired, irritable, and stressed out during the week.5. I have trouble concentrating and remembering things.6. I feel slow with critical thinking, problem solving and being

creative.7. I often fall asleep watching TV.8. I often fall asleep when I am bored or in a warm room.9. I often fall asleep after a big meal.10. I often fall asleep when I’m relaxing.11. I often feel drowsy when I am driving.12. I often fall asleep within a few minutes of getting in bed.13. I often sleep extra hours on the weekend.14. I often need a nap to make it through the day.15. I have dark circles under my eyes.


States of Consciousness:

Unit 5 – AP Psychology


What is Consciousness?

• Consciousness – Your awareness of the outside world and yourself.


Levels of Consciousness:• Preconscious – Outside of your normal


Ex: You can recall the information if need be (what you had for dinner last night)

• Nonconscious – Biological functions that we are not aware of at all

Ex: Blood flow, secretion of hormones, bile production

• The Unconscious (subconscious) –unacceptable feelings, wishes, or desires that you normally can’t access



Why Do We Sleep?• What if we didn’t have to sleep?

• If you stay up long enough, your brain will shut down your body and force you to sleep.

• So, why is sleep so important?

• We will find out today the top three reasons researchers believe we need to sleep.


Theories About Sleep’s Function: #1

• Sleep Helps Us Recover:

• Sleep helps to restore and repair brain and muscle tissue. (restorative)

• Have you ever noticed that when you are studying or working out a lot you require more sleep? (protein synthesis)

• Think about your body as a rechargeable battery that needs plugged in every night in order to be at full strength.


Theories About Sleep’s Function: #1 (cont)

• Interesting Fact:

• Studies of Kenyan distance runners show regular cycles of sleeping, eating and running.

• In fact, a typical day for an in season Kenyan (marathon) runner looks like this:

• 1. Wake up and run 10 miles

• 2. Eat breakfast

• 3. Sleep for 3 hours.

• 4. Wake up and run 8 miles

• 5. Eat lunch

• 6. Sleep for 3 hours.

• 7. Wake up and run 6 miles

• 8. Eat dinner

• 9. Go to bed for the night


Theories About Sleep’s Function: #2

• Information Consolidation:

• During sleep, we restore and rebuild our memories of the day’s experiences.

• Research shows that people that study and then sleep, show improved scores on tests and even basic recall.

• Sleeping also seems to help people think more creatively, allowing the brain to refresh and be more “free” thinking.


Theories About Sleep’s Function: #3

• Sleep Plays a Role in The Growth Process:

• During deep sleep, the pituitary gland released growth hormone.

• Interesting fact: As we age, we release less of this hormone and spend less time in deep sleep.

I think this guy has been

doing a bit more than



Your Biological Clock:• Your hypothalamus controls your “biological clock.”

• Circadian Rhythms – daily patterns of change in regard to blood pressure, body temp, pulse, blood-sugar, hormonal levels, activity levels, sleep, and wakefulness over a 24hr period.

• These can be altered by a change in sleep patterns, stress, or exercise.



• Even during sleep, the brain is active throughout the night.

• Researchers can track brain patterns using dozens of tiny electrodes to your scalp or body.

• They can then record electrical brain activity as you pass through the stages of sleep.


Stages of Sleep:

• Stages of Sleep - Changes in electrical activity in the brain.

• The body also goes through changes in response to these changes in electrical activity.


How is Sleep Divided?

• Sleep is divided into two major categories.

• Non – REM and REM

• REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement

• Non REM – Where you spend approximately 80% of your sleep time.

• This is divided into sleep stages 1-4.

• Each stage has a particular pattern of brain waves and physiological responses.


EEG’s have revealed that brain waves

change systematically throughout the

sleep cycle.


Stage 1 Sleep• This is the lightest stage of


• This is the transition from wakefulness to sleep.

• Lasts about 1-7 minutes.

• You spend about 4-5% of your time in this stage each night

• You experience drifting thoughts and images.

• May sense body falling or floating

• Brain waves are relatively normal


Hypnagogic Sleep:

• Hypnagogic Sleep - This is the very relaxed and drowsy state that you pass through before entering sleep.

• This is that feeling you get when you are watching a movie and your eyelids start to get heavy and you have trouble keeping your eyes open.

Stage 2 Sleep• Marks the beginning of what we know of as “sleep.”

• You spend 45-55% of your time each night in this sleep stage

• You have high activity bursts of brain activity called sleep spindles.

• In this stage your Heart rate, Muscle tension, Respiration, and Body temperature all decrease.

• It also becomes more difficult for you to become awakened.

• Your brain waves begin to spread out



Stage 3 and 4 Sleep• About 30-45 minutes after drifting off to

sleep you pass through stage 3 (4-6% of your time each night) and enter stage 4 sleep.

• Stage 3- transitional, lasts about 4 mins.

• Stage 4 sleep – also called delta sleep

• You spend 12-15% of your time each night in this sleep stage

• Growth hormone is secreted here

• Deepest sleep stage

• Very difficult to be awakened from.

• Your brain waves are very spread out and active during stage 4

• Sleepwalking, bedwetting occur


What happens next?• After spending awhile in stage

4 (a few min. to an hour), you will backtrack through stages 3 and 2 and then pass into a new stage called REM sleep.

• REM sleep is associated with dreaming.

• NOTE: You will spend more time in stage 4 sleep if you exerted yourself more than normal that day

I don’t know anyone that

looks this nice while



REM Sleep:

• This makes up the remaining 20-25% of your sleep time.

• Starts about an hour after falling asleep

• REM – Rapid Eye Movement

• During REM, your body is physiologically very aroused, but all of your voluntary muscles are kept paralyzed by the brainstem

• REM sleep is highly associated with dreaming- dreams will be emotional, story like, very vivid

• Nightmares are most common here

• Called paradoxical sleep because body is internally aroused but externally calm


REM: What they found amazing!

• The brain was aroused like you were awake. (looking at brain patterns)

• Blood pressure and heart rate were sometimes 2x the normal amount!


Check this out!!

• “By looking at brain wave recordings alone, researchers cannot tell if a person is in REM sleep or wide awake.” (Plotnik 1998)

• Only the additional recordings of rapid eye movements indicate the occurrence of REM sleep.


A bit more about REM sleep:

• You pass into REM sleep about 5-6 times throughout the night.

• These periods are usually 30-90 minutes apart.

• You remain in each period of REM sleep for 15-45 minutes and then pass back into non-REM sleep.


REM Rebound

• REM Rebound – Refers to an increased % of time spent in REM sleep when we are deprived of REM sleep on the previous nights.


Interpretation of Dreams:

• What do dreams mean?

• 5 theories

• Wish-fulfillment

• Information-Processing

• Physiological functioning

• Activation-Synthesis

• Cognitive Development

• Lucid Dreaming Link:

Dream Theories• Wish Fulfillment- dreams

allow us to deal with unacceptable feelings

• Information-Processing-help us sort through the day’s events and consolidate memories

• Physiological- stimulate parts of the brain to help build and preserve neural pathways

• Activation-Synthesis-dreams are our minds attempt to make sense of the seemingly random firing of neurons in our brains

• Cognitive Development-reflect changes in our brains as they mature and develop