Mapping Pharmacy Catchment Area Health Needs Sonderegger Research Center (SRC) UW School of Pharmacy...

Post on 18-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Mapping Pharmacy Catchment Area Health Needs Sonderegger Research Center (SRC) UW School of Pharmacy...

Mapping Pharmacy Catchment Area Health Needs

Sonderegger Research Center (SRC)UW School of Pharmacy

Betty Chewning PhD, Korey Kennelty PharmD ABD, Dave Kreling, RPh PhD, Bill Buckingham PhD, Dale

Wilson MA; Jia Pu ABDThe PEARL Rx network is supported by grant 1UL1RR025011 from the Clinical & Translational Science Award (CTSA) program of the National Center for Research Resources National Institutes of Health.


• Demonstrate a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data management potential to:

– Spatially analyze and inform PEARL Rx pharmacy network members about health needs in their catchment area

– Identify key counties to recruit PEARL Rx members

Documented Variation in Health By County

• Census data

• Hospital discharge diagnosis data from Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP)– Hospitalization discharge diagnoses for

ambulatory care sensitive conditions– “diagnoses for which timely and effective outpatient care can

help to reduce the risks of hospitalization.” [Billings J, et al. (1993); Bindman AB, et al., (1995)]

Interactive Platform Created

• Contains census data and HCUP data organized by county and zip code

• Also contains pharmacy capacity data– Number of pharmacies– Number of pharmacists and age– Drive time 20 minutes or more 1 way to pharmacy

• Collaborator: UW Applied Population Laboratory

Potential to Aid Discussions

• Service Development and Improvement for PEARL Rx members

• Grant applications that mesh catchment area health needs and pharmacist interest

Bacterial Pneumonia Profile for 65 and up

Congestive Heart Failure for 65 and Up

Iowa County Pharmacy Profile

Target PEARL Rx Enrollment

• Mapping health needs suggests counties to recruit for PEARL Rx (Pharmacy Practice Enhancement

and Action Research Link)

• Capacity issues become apparent as well

Thank You!

• Questions?

• Suggestions?