MANUAL DE UTILIZARE UTOK 1000 D - Smartphones … · Cum sa instalati aplicatii (fisiere .apk) in...

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Transcript of MANUAL DE UTILIZARE UTOK 1000 D - Smartphones … · Cum sa instalati aplicatii (fisiere .apk) in...





1. MASURI DE SIGURANTA .................................................... 4

2. ASPECT SI BUTOANE ......................................................... 5

3. Pornire / Oprire ................................................................ 6

4. Ecranul principal ............................................................... 6

5. Modul de asteptare / Deblocarea ecranului ..................... 6

6. Setari de sistem ................................................................ 6

6.1. Wireless & Retele................................................... 7

6.2. Rata de utilizare a datelor ...................................... 8

6.3. Mai multe…. ........................................................... 8

6.4. Sunet ...................................................................... 9

6.5. Afisare .................................................................... 9

6.6. Stocare ................................................................. 10

6.7. Acumulator .......................................................... 10

6.8. Aplicatii ................................................................ 10

6.9. Conturi & Sincronizare ......................................... 12

6.10. Acces la locatie ..................................................... 12

6.11. Securitate ............................................................. 12

6.12. Limba si metoda de intrare .................................. 13


6.13. Copie de rezerva si resetare ................................ 13

6.14. Data si ora ........................................................... 14

6.15. Accesibilitate ........................................................ 14

6.16. Optiuni dezvoltator .............................................. 14

6.17. Despre tableta ..................................................... 14

7. Cum sa….............................................................................. 14

7.1. Cum sa conectati/deconectati dispozitivul cu un/de la computer ............................................................................. 14

7.2. Cum sa instalati aplicatii (fisiere .apk) in dispozitiv ...... 15

7.3. Cum sa plasati pictograme pe ecran ............................ 16

8. Specificatii ....................................................................... 17

9. Declaratie de conformitate ................................................. 19



Acest manual contine masuri de precautie importante si informatii despre utilizarea corecta a produsului. Va rugam sa cititi acest manual cu atentie inainte de utilizarea produsului, pentru a evita accidentele.

Nu tineti produsul intr-un mediu cu temperaturi ridicate, umed sau cu praf, mai ales pe timpul verii. Nu lasati produsul in masina cu toate geamurile inchise.

Evitati caderea, impactul sau zdruncinarea produsului pentru a evita deteriorarea sau defectarea. Selectati un volum adecvat pentru a evita probleme ale auzului in timpul utilizarii castilor.

Nu traversati strada si nu conduceti autovehicule utilizand castile, pentru a evita accidentele in trafic.

Asigurati-va ca utilizati alimentatorul si accesoriile din pachet.

Incarcati produsul atunci cand urmatoarele situatii apar: Pictograma pentru baterie indica un nivel scazut sau gol Sistemul se inchide automat si se opreste dupa resetare Tastele pentru comenzi nu raspund corect

Dispozitivul indica in coltul din dreapta-sus




Daca dispozitivul ramane blocat, apasati butonul reset (un mic orificiu) sau apasati lung butonul Power, timp de 7 secunde.

Cand performanta tabletei este scazuta in urma utilizarii unor aplicatii, este recomandat sa inchideti aplicatiile care ruleaza, din meniul Setari.


3. Pornire / Oprire

Apasati lungi butonul Power pentru a porni/opri dispozitivul. Poate dura un minut pentru a porni dispozitivul. Apasati scurt butonul Power pentru a porni/opri ecranul (Modul de asteptare).

4. Ecranul principal

Dupa ce porniti dispozitivul va aparea ecranul principal care afiseaza pictograme. Puteti apasa pe fiecare pictograma pentru a accesa aplicatia respectiva, sau puteti apasa pe butonul principal pentru a accesa lista complete a aplicatiilor.

5. Modul de asteptare / Deblocarea ecranului

Apasati scurt butonul Power pentru a porni/opri ecranul (Modul de asteptare Pornit/Oprit). Atunci cand doriti sa iesiti din modul oprit, glisati pictograma de deblocare.

6. Setari de sistem

In ecranul principal, apasati butonul Meniu si selectati “Setari”.


6.1. Wireless & Retele

Apasati Wi-Fi pentru pornire/oprire. Setati reteaua Wi-Fi in functie de preferinte. Apasand Setari Wi-Fi, dispozitivul va cauta automat semnale Wi-Fi disponibile. Selectati reteaua la care doriti sa va conectati.


6.2. Rata de utilizare a datelor

Glisati "mobile data switch" pentru a selecta, deschide sau inchide fluxul de utilizare.

6.3. Mai multe….

Pentru mai multe informatii despre retele mobile, mod avion, ethernet, VPN, tethering si hotspot portabil.


6.4. Sunet

Apasati Sunet pentru a seta volumele, sunetul de notificare prestabilit, sunetul la atingere sau sunetul de blocare.

6.5. Afisare

Puteti face setari pentru luminozitate, imagine de fundal, timpul de inactivitate sau dimensiunea fontului.


6.6. Stocare

Verificati memoria dispozitivul si statusul cardului MicroSD.

6.7. Acumulator

Verificati rata de utilizare a acumulatorului.

6.8. Aplicatii

Gestionati aplicatiile descarcate sau aplicatiile care ruleaza.


IMPORTANT: Ecranul afisat mai sus este pentru scop ilustrativ. UTOK isi rezerva dreptul de a modifica, imbunatati lista finala a aplicatiilor disponibile pe tableta. Apasati o aplicatie pentru a o gestiona.

Aplicatii care ruleaza: Vizualizati si controlati serviciile care ruleaza.


6.9. Conturi & Sincronizare

Creati un cont. Dupa ce conectati reteaua Wi-Fi, sistemul de email sincronizeaza contul dumneavoastra cu dispozitivul. Emailurile sunt descarcate automat in dispozitiv.

6.10. Acces la locatie

Serviciul de locatie Google - Permite aplicatiilor sa utilizeze date precum cele din Wi-Fi sau din retele mobile pentru a determina locatia dumneavoastra aproximativa.

6.11. Securitate

Blocarea ecranului - Protejati-va dispozitivul de utilizatea neautorizata prin crearea unui model propriu de deblocare a ecranului. Optiunea "Faceti parolele vizibile" va permite sa vizualizati parolele in timpul introducerii acestora. Surse necunoscute – bifarea va permite sa instalati aplicatii care nu sunt din Magazinul Play.


6.12. Limba si metoda de intrare

Limba - Alegeti limba preferata. Tastatura si metode de introducere - Modificati tastatura si setarile acesteia.

6.13. Copie de rezerva si resetare

Puteti crea o copie de rezerva sau puteti reveni la setarile din fabrica. Avertisment! Resetarea configurarii din fabrica va sterge toate datele din dispozitiv si din SD Card, inclusiv contul Google, setarile si datele de sistem sau ale aplicatiilor descarcate.


6.14. Data si ora

Setati data si ora.

6.15. Accesibilitate

Setati marimea textului sau rotirea automata a ecranului.

6.16. Optiuni dezvoltator

Setati optiuni pentru dezvoltarea aplicatiilor.

6.17. Despre tableta

Vizualizati starea, informatii de ordin juridic, etc.

7. Cum sa…

7.1. Cum sa conectati/deconectati dispozitivul cu un/de la computer

Conectati dispozitivul la PC utilizand cablul USB. Pe ecranul principal atingeti bara de notificari si selectati "USB Conectat".


Pentru a conecta dispozitivul la computer: Atingeti "Activati stocarea USB". Computerul recunoaste dispozitivul si acum puteti folosi tableta ca un mijloc de stocare extern. Pentru a deconecta dispozitivul de la computer: Dupa ce ati terminat operatiunea, apasati "Dezactivati stocarea USB"

7.2. Cum sa instalati aplicatii (fisiere .apk) in dispozitiv

a. Metoda 1 1. Conectati dispozitivul la Internet.

(Mergeti la punctul 1. Wireless si Retele pentru a seta conexiunea de internet).

2. Accesati “Magazinul Play” si cautati aplicatiile pe care doriti sa le instalati.

3. Urmati instructiunile pentru instalare.

b. Metoda 2 1. Folosind computerul cautati aplicatii (fisiere .apk) pe care doriti sa

le instalati in dispozitiv. 2. Descarcati fisierul .apk in computer.


3. Conectati dispozitivul la computer prin cablul USB. 4. Copiati fisierul .apk din computer in tableta si apoi deconectati

dispozitivul de la computer. 5. Accesati Managerul de fisiere si cautati fisierul .apk pe care l-ati

copiat in dispozitiv. 6. Apsati fisierul pentru a instala si urmati instructiunile de pe ecran.

7.3. Cum sa plasati pictograme pe ecran

Pe ecranul principal apasati butonul Meniu si accesati lista aplicatiilor. Scurtaturi: Apasati lung o pictograma si apoi plasati-o pe ecran.

Obiecte Widget: Accesati obiecte widget. Apasati obiectul dorit si plasati-l pe ecranul principal.


Imagine de fundal Pe ecranul principal tineti apasat lung si selectati “Imagine de fundal”. Alegeti una din categorii. Selectati imaginea de fundal dorita.

8. Specificatii

Sistem de operare Android 4.2

CPU Dual Core A20

Memorie RAM DDR3 1GB

Ecran 10.1" TFT, 1024 x 600, capacitiv

Ecran multitouch Da. Multitouch in 5 puncte

Memorie 8 GB

Porturi Port audio Casti 3.5mm

USB 1 x 5 pin port micro USB(suporta host USB host si OTG)


Port DC 5V, 2.5A

Port HDMI Instalat, miniHDMI

Micro SD micro SD card

Butoane Power, Vol -, Vol +, reset

Difuzor 1W, Raspuns in frecventa: 20Hz-20k Hz, N/S: >85%

G-Sensor Da

Camera 0.3 MP (Fata), 2.0 MP (Spate)

Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n

Alimentare Adaptor 5V - 2.5A

Baterie 3.7V Li-Polymer

Dimensiuni 11.5 x 165 x 263 mm

Timp de incarcare Prin incarcator aprox. 4~8 ore


9. Declaratie de conformitate

Nr. 377F/ 07.08.2013

Produs marca UTOK, Model 1000 D

Noi, S.C. SKIN MEDIA S.R.L., cu sediul in Str. Ocna Sibiului 46-48, Bucuresti 1, avand Certificatul de Inregistrare nr. 1049291 din 03.07.2007, J40/8241/2000, CIF RO13348504, in calitate de importator, asiguram, garantam si declaram pe propria raspundere, ca echipamentele electrice si electronice la care se refera aceasta declaratie respecta cerintele H.G. 1022/2002, conform prevederilor art. 5, privind regimul produselor si serviciilor care pot pune in pericol viata, sanatatea, securitatea muncii si protectia mediului si nu produc un impact negativ asupra mediului.

Echipamentele electrice si electronice puse pe piata de compania noastra respecta prevederile urmatoarelor acte normative: Hotararea nr. 1022/2002, H.G. 497/2003 (privind compatibilitatea electromagnetica), H.G. 457/2003, modificata prin Hotararea 1514/2003 (privind asigurarea securitatii utilizatorului de echipamente electrice de joasa tensiune) precum si toate actele normative incidente, H.G. 992/2005 (privind limitarea utilizarii substantelor periculoase), H.G. 448/2005 (privind prevenirea producerii de deseuri de echipamente electrice si electronice) si Directivele UE 2002/95/CE, 1999/5/EC.

Produsul a fost evaluat conform urmatoarelor standarde, mentionate in anexa II a H.G. 88/2003: EN 62479, EN 60950-1, EN 301 489-1, EN 301 489-17, EN 300 328. Toate documentele justificative ale evaluarilor primite de la producator, sunt depozitate la sediul companiei noastre.

Produsul are aplicat marcajul CE.


Garantia produselor se asigura in conformitate cu O.G. 21/1992, Legea 449/2003, Legea 296/2004 si O.U.G 174/2008, privind protectia consumatorului.

Acesta declaratie este valabila pentru produsul marca UTOK, model 1000 D. Declaratia este disponibila si la adresa web

07.08.2013 Director, Camil Perian





1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS .................................................... 24

2. APPEARANCE AND BUTTONS .......................................... 25

3. Power On / Power Off .................................................... 26

4. Homescreen .................................................................... 26

5. Standyby mode / Unlock the screen ............................... 26

6. System Settings ............................................................... 27

6.1. Wireless & Networks ........................................... 27

6.2. Data usage ........................................................... 27

6.3. More…. ................................................................. 28

6.4. Sound ................................................................... 29

6.5. Display.................................................................. 29

6.6. Storage ................................................................. 30

6.7. Battery ................................................................. 30

6.8. Apps ..................................................................... 30

6.9. Account & Sync .................................................... 32

6.10. Location Services ................................................. 32

6.11. Security ................................................................ 32

6.12. Language & input ................................................. 32


6.13. Backup and reset ................................................. 33

6.14. Date and time ..................................................... 33

6.15. Accessibility .......................................................... 34

6.16. Developer options ............................................... 34

6.17. About tablet ......................................................... 34

7. How to ................................................................................. 34

7.1. How to connect / disconnect the device with/from the computer ............................................................................. 34

7.2. How to install applications (.apk files) into the device 35

7.3. How to make desktop icons ......................................... 36

8. Specifications ....................................................................... 37

9. Declaration of conformity ............................................... 39



This manual contains important safety precautions and information of correct use. Please be sure to read this manual carefully before use so as to avoid any accidents.

Do not place the product in hot, wet or dusty environment, especially in summer, do not leave the product inside a car with all windows closed.

Avoid dropping, impacting or shaking the product violently, otherwise it may cause damages or malfunctions. Select a proper volume to avoid ear problem when using earphones.

Do not cross the road to drive vehicles, using headphone, to avoid traffic accidents

Be sure to use the provided chargers and accessories in the package.

Be sure to charge the product when the following situations take place, The battery icon shows lower or empty. System automatically shut down and it turns off soon after restart Operation keys do not respond properly

The device shows on the top right corner




If the device is freezing or stuck, press the reset button(a small hole) or long press power button for 7 seconds.

When the performance is slow after using some applications, it is recommended to close running application in Settings menu.


3. Power On / Power Off

Long press the Power button to turn on/off the device. It may take a minute to boot the device. Short press the Power button to turn on/off the screen. (Standy-by mode)

4. Homescreen

After turning on the device, desktop displays shortcut icons and menu button. You can press on each icon to access the application, or you can press the main button to acess the complete list of applications.

5. Standyby mode / Unlock the screen

Short press the Power button to turn on/off the screen (Stand-by Mode on/off). After Stand-by mode, slide the lock icon in order to unlock the screen.


6. System Settings

On the homescreen, press the menu button and select “Settings”.

6.1. Wireless & Networks

Press Wi-Fi to turn on/off. Set up each setting as you like. Pressing Wi-Fi Settings, the device will automatically search the available Wi-Fi signals. Select the network you want to connect to.

6.2. Data usage

Slide mobile data switch to select, open or close the flow usage.


6.3. More….

For more information on mobile data, Flight Mode, Ethernet, VPN, Tethering & portable hotspot.


6.4. Sound

Set up brightness level, wallpaper, sleep of font size.

6.5. Display

Set up each setting as you like.


6.6. Storage

Check device memory and microSD card status.

6.7. Battery

Check battery usage status.

6.8. Apps

Manage downloaded or running applications.


NOTICE: The screen shown above is for illustrative purposes only. UTOK reserves the right to modify and improve the final list of applications available on the tablet. Keep pressing an application to manage.

Running services: View and control currently running services.


6.9. Account & Sync

Create your account. After connecting Wi-Fi network, the e-mailing system synchronizes your account with the device. Emails are automatically downloaded into the device.

6.10. Location Services

Google’s location service - Let apps use data from sources such as WiFi and mobile networks to determine your approximate location.

6.11. Security

Screen lock – Protect your device from unauthorized use by creating a personal screen unlock pattern. Make passwords visible – Show password as you type. Unknown sources - If you want to allow installation of non-Google Play

6.12. Language & input

Language – Choose your preferable language. Keyboard & input method – Change keyboard & keyboard settings.


6.13. Backup and reset

You can create a backup or reset system settings to their original values. Warning! Factory data reset will erase all data from you device and SD Card, including your Google account, system and application data and settings, and downloaded applications.

6.14. Date and time

Set date & time format.


6.15. Accessibility

Set text size or auto rotate screen.

6.16. Developer options

Set options for application development.

6.17. About tablet

See status, legal information, ETC

7. How to

7.1. How to connect / disconnect the device with/from the computer

Connect the device with the PC using the USB Cable. On the homescreen, touch the notification bar and select "USB Connected".


To connect with the computer: Touch "Turn on USB storage”. The computer recognizes the device and you can use the tablet as an external storage. To disconnect from the computer: After finishing your work, press "Turn off USB storage" to unmount it

7.2. How to install applications (.apk files) into the device

a. Method 1 4. Connect the device with internet.

See above [1.Wireless & networks] in order to connect internet. 5. Run “Google Play” and search the applications you want to install. 6. Follow the instruction on the screen for installation.

b. Method 2 7. With your computer search application files (.apk) that you want to

install into the device. 8. Download the file (.apk) into your computer. 9. Connect the device with your computer 10. Copy and paste the .apk file into the device and disconnect it from

your computer


11. Run File Browser and search for the .apk file that was copied into the device

12. Press the file to install and follow the instructions on the screen

7.3. How to make desktop icons

Shortcuts: On the homescreen press the Menu button and access the application list. Long press an icon and drag it on the homescreen.

Widgets: Press Widgets and press your desired icon to put it on the desktop.


Wallpaper Long press the desktop, press Wallpapers and select one of categories of wallpaper. Select one you desire and press Set wallpaper.

8. Specifications

OS Android 4.2

CPU Dual Core A20


Display 10.1" TFT, 1024 x 600, capacitive touch panel

Multi-touch screen

Yes. 5 points multi-touch

Built-in flash memory

8 GB


Ports Audio port 3.5mm earphones

USB 1 x 5 pin micro USB port (support USB host and OTG)

DC port 5V, 2.5A

HDMI port Installed, miniHDMI

Micro SD micro SD card

Buttons Power, Vol -, Vol +, reset

Speaker 1W, Frequency response: 20Hz-20k Hz, N/S: >85%

G-Sensor Yes

Camera 0.3 MP (Front), 2.0 MP (back)

Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n

Power Adaptor 5V - 2.5A

Battery 3.7V Li-Polymer

Dimensions 11.5 x 165 x 263 mm

Charging time by charger approx. 4~8 hours


9. Declaration of conformity

Nr. 377F / 07.08.2013

UTOK Product, Model 1000 D

We, S.C. SKIN MEDIA S.R.L., based in Ocna Sibiului street 46-48, Bucharest 1, with certificate no. 1049291 from 03.07.2007, J40/8241/2000, CIF RO13348504, as importer and distributor, make, guarantee and declare on his own responsability that electrical and electronic equipment to which this declaration relates complies with the requirements of HG 1022/2002, according to Art. 5, regarding the products and services that may endanger the life, health, work safety and environmental protection and do not have a negative impact on the environment.

Electrical and electronic equipment imported and distributed on the market by our company comply with the following regulations: Decision no. 1022/2002, H.G. 497/2003 (Electromagnetic Compatibility), H.G. 457/2003, amended by Decision 1514/2003 (regarding the safety of users of electrical, low voltage) and all incidental acts, H.G. 992/2005 (the Restriction of Hazardous Substances), H.G. 448/2005 (the prevention of waste electrical and electronic equipment) and EU Directives 2002/95/EC, 1999/5/EC.

The product has been assessed according to the following standards listed in Annex II to HG 88/2003: EN 62479, EN 60950-1, EN 301 489-1, EN 301 489-17, EN 300 328. All documents received from the producer regarding the evaluations are stored at our headquarter.

The product has CE marking.


Product warranty is provided in accordance with O.G. 21/1992, Law 449/2003, Law 296/2004 and O.U.G. 174/2008 regarding the consumer protection.

This statement is valid for the product UTOK, model 1000 D. The

declaration of conformity is also available on web address

07.08.2013 Director, Camil Perian