Manotick Public School Advisory Council Minutes

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Transcript of Manotick Public School Advisory Council Minutes

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Manotick Public School Advisory Council

Minutes October 27, 2010 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

(Manotick Public School Library)

Present: Erin Linnen (Principal) Marlene Elliott (Literacy Co-Coordinator)

Kim Cable (Secretary) Valerie Hodge (Yard Transformation Coordinator)

Lorraine Gibbs Sondra Creasy (Spirit Day Coordinator)

Dealtry Bell-Hammond (Teacher Rep) Adrianna Spicer

Michaela Stuart (OCASC Rep) Constance Trenholm

Delphine Hasle

Topic Speaker

1.0 Approval of Minutes

September meeting minutes were reviewed and approved as written. The following action items were addressed:

o Erin reported that the kindergarten play structure was inspected this past August and is good for one more year. It may not be allowed to remain after the next inspection this August. It is advisable we start fundraising for the replacement. Valerie has started pricing the various requirements discussed with teachers.

Still outstanding:

Rob to approach Board and/or sign painting company to fund the re-painting of the game lines (costed at $1400) in the yard after the re-paving that was done.

Motion to increase Gr. 5 Leaving Ceremony funding beyond $300 (see other funding ideas for this below).


2.0 Coordinator Updates and Round Table

2.1 Treasurer’s Report - A welcome to Carmen Coll who was recognized as having a tough job

this time of year with so many cheques coming in and being processed. A very rough draft report (attached) was tabled with some initial actuals and projections. The (very approximate) projections show we will spend more than we are bringing in. Again, a major focus this year likely needs to be on additional fundraising.

2.2 Literacy Initiatives – the read-a-thon has been scheduled for February 1-25. Marlene requested $225 to secure a second author visit on January 31 to kick-off the Read-a-thon. The visit by Chris Jackson will work with all the grade levels in the school in smaller more focused workshops and his fee is subsidized by MASC (Multicultural Arts for Schools and Communities). This funding was approved.

2.3 Website - Nothing to report.

2.4 Newsletter - Nothing to report.

2.5 OCASC – the topic of “teacher gifts” was discussed and how many schools are facilitating gift card contributions for teachers to in lieu of more personal gifts from families. It was noted that parents have organized this kind of group giving in the past but only as they saw fit. It was felt that although the cards were more practical for some teachers, parents still wanted to keep




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holiday gift-giving as a personal gesture. No formal gift-card sign-up will be organized at MPS.

Sondra to write a paragraph in the next newsletter (from Council) on what could be meaningful gift suggestions for teachers.

Michaela to try to attend ongoing strategy meetings for Board improvement.

Connie to update the school-wide e-mail distribution list on Google so that we may begin to reduce the use of paper for school letters and announcements. Only select people can use this e-mail list with Erin’s approval.

2.6 Yard Transformation – garden and yard maintenance is underway but no big projects will be undertaken this year (except the new JK yard equipment). About $700 was made from Vessey’s Bulb campaign. The payment (money and cash) for one student's bulb order (totaling $55) was misplaced or lost. It was confirmed, through a telephone call to the family, that it had been sent to school with the order form. The order was included, the bulbs have been delivered, and Council has covered the cost. Actual amount owed to Vessey’s was $27.50. Council approved $50 for YTC petty cash.

2.7 Milk - Nothing to report.

2.8 Safety and Facilities – new coordinator required.

2.9 Program & Volunteer – new coordinator required.

2.10 Spirit Day – Costume Day is Friday with the assembly in the morning.

2.11 Special Events – Meet the Teacher Night was a wonderful success but unfortunately lost about $300. Although in the past, Council had paid for these events it was felt that the success of the picnic wouldn’t be compromised if we required it (and all Council sponsored events) to at least break even. Some years it has, or even earned money. Others it has not. Suggestions for the evening in the future included:

o Increase the price of food to help cover the cost of entertainment;

o Move ahead the start time so parents won’t “rush” the classrooms all at once after work hours (although not sure that’s better for teachers);

o Conduct classroom tours instead of teachers remaining in the classrooms. Teachers in and around the gym might be less of a target for parents wanting “interviews”.

o Request pizza money up front so we ensure we don’t end up with more pizza than we can sell (if people don’t show)

2.12 Fundraising – Some new fundraising ideas were discussed:

Approach the Manotick Business Improvement Association for a sponsorship of some of the Gr. 5 end-of-year costs. They might sponsor the plaques (as would businesses) if we as parents used our collective clout to support local businesses. (Although it was noted we are currently at odds with the BIA over school supply shopping.)

Institute a tradition that the grade 4 class always provides the food for the graduating class; enabling gr. 5 families to enjoy the ceremonies.

“Budding Artists” – will put your child’s art work on many gift items for the school to sell. Could do a campaign over the holidays or if timelines are to tight now, plan a spring campaign for Mother’s/Father’s Day.

Valerie to go ahead and contact Budding Artists about when we can move ahead with that as our next “new” fundraiser.


Silly Bandz – were becoming a problem with kids wanting to go back on trades and older kids pressuring younger ones to making trades they didn’t want. Although trading is supposed to be part of the Silly Bandz culture, at MPS there is no longer trading allowed.





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Movie Night – made about $550 on the October 15th movie. The second Christmas movie is planned for early December. Adrianna to contact the new treasurer about making the deposit.

Council Image – it was recognized that a number of parents have a negative image of Council; it isn’t perceived as a safe and accepting place to share ideas and a number of parents who might otherwise attend are simply “put-off” by intimidating stories coming out of Council meetings. As a body that thrives on volunteers, and a school that hopes to attract families to build its numbers, ideas were discussed to try and turn this image around:

o Council members need to speak of what Council accomplishes; as a (fairly small) group it raises thousands of dollars every year to support the school and that needs to be recognized (as well as the need for this money if Councils weren’t there to provide it).

o Invite-a-Friend-Night – every regular Council member invites a friend to see how Council works and perhaps interest more people in participation (will try in November!)

o There are services (through OCASC?) that evaluate Council interactions and suggest ways they can better function as a group.

o Stronger protocols for meetings need to be established - shouting, interrupting, arguing can not be tolerated. Stricter meeting procedures (like the Chair giving a speaker the floor) could be instituted.

o Similar negativity towards our teachers must also be addressed away from the school yard, with the teachers directly or at the office with Erin.



3.0 Principal’s Report

3.1 School Accounting – (report to Council attached) the $2700 forwarded last may for School Resources will be reflected in that line item. A request for the remaining $300 can remain.

Kim/Rob/Carmen to meet and finalize reporting for Council and figure out how cheques should be picked-up/signed from the school.

3.2 Author Visits – the last visit was well received by teacher and students. Marlene discussed another visit by a child author from St. Leonard’s who wrote a book about life with his disabled sister. The book is well known in Manotick and will be shared with the kids.

3.3 Board Survey – in November students and parents will receive a survey asking about demographic information about families served by the Board. Further explanation is attached.

3.4 Remembrance Day – we are once again included in Manotick Cenotaph ceremonies. Grades 1-5 will walk over participate. Dress kids warmly for the day.

3.5 School Safety – health and safety inspections are now conducted once a month and as a result, issues with school compliance are becoming fewer and fewer. On a different note the school received a call from St. Leonard’s about a suspicious vehicle approaching children. As there was no formal police report filed, the validity of the incident was questioned but Erin is considering issuing a cautionary notice to parents just in case there is something to it. The police are now involved trying to see if anyone else reported anything similar in the area.

3.6 EQAO & School Improvement – Results are attached and it should be noted that our special education learners were included in the results. MPS showed respectable results in reading, writing and math.

3.7 Manotick Food Cupboard – up until now the local food cupboard has been in Richmond


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but a Manotick-based one is starting up. They have asked for our support and it was agreed we could ask families/students to bring in toiletry items (what they need most from us) to school events such as movies or concerts.

3.8 Board Funds to MPS – a summary of Board funding to our school was discussed highlighting the (small amount of) funding the school gets to operate throughout the year. It was helpful to understand where funding requests to Council come from and why they are needed.

3.9 Healthy Minds/Bodies Initiative – the school received a $1500 grant to be used over 3 years to fund fitness and nutrition initiatives. This will be used to offer instruction in stretching, breathing and stress reduction in our kids (notice went home this week to parents). A companion workshop will be offered to parents to help support the kids in what they learn. A second focus will be to evaluate and update nutrition choices offered by the school to meet new Board guidelines to coming into effect next year.

3.10 Gym and Classroom Equipment Funds – school staff have determined a need for new basketballs, skipping ropes, hoops and other equipment needed for PE. Donations will be requested but funding from Council will also need to play a part.

3.11 Technology Purchases – the school may request an additional $900 to help top up the $2700 collected from the fall walk-a-thon. Their goal is to fund 2 more media carts with portable Smart Boards for all floors of the school. The Board has funded one of them. We need one more (smaller one). This request was not formally tabled or approved yet.

3.12 Progress Reports – go out November 4th with parent interviews on the 12th (PD day). An example of the new report for grades 1-5 is attached. The intent of the new reports is to show how kids are settling in to their new classes and as usual no surprises should be received by parents.

4.0 Current Business

4.1 New Fundraising Event - a new fundraising event (holiday bazaar) for the holiday season was proposed– details are attached.

Kim to send out notice to parents next week to explain the event and ask for donations.


5.0 Adjourn at 9:55 pm

Next meeting November 24th , 7:00 pm

Summary of New Council Funds Approved:

$ 225.00 - Read-a-thon Kick-off Author

$ 50.00 - YTC petty cash

$ 275.00