MANHATTAN•THE BRONX•QUEENS•BROOKLYN•STATEN ......annual Nonprofit Excellence Awards are...

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the nonprofit community for 30 years


It has been a great privilege to serve as chair of the NPCC Board for the past 28 years. I have been extremely fortunate in having worked with three outstanding presidents-executive directors over these years: Peter Swords, Jon Small, and Michael Clark. No organization is stronger than its CEO, and NPCC is no exception.

Peter, Jon, and Michael took the helm at different points in NPCC’s evolution, and each has proven to be just what the organization needed to take it to the next level of mission and performance.

Many will remember that NPCC arose out of the late Mayor Koch’s mid-1980s effort to levy property taxes on the City’s nonprofit sector. The Mayor mistakenly thought that there were a lot of rich nonprofits with properties off the tax rolls. Thanks to the committee of nonprofit leaders that was formed to educate him, the Mayor quickly learned that this was not the case. More importantly, he came around to appreciating the vital role that nonprofits play in our City, and indeed became a strong ally of the sector.

The committee that was born from that experience had the good sense to realize that New York nonprofits need a standing capacity to defend the sector when misguided regulatory or legislative actions threaten it as a whole. Thus, NPCC was formed. Early on, we recognized the need to be prepared to play not just defense when threatened, but offense as well—working with political and regulatory leaders to promote a healthier environment for nonprofits, and with the media to enhance appreciation of nonprofits’ major contribution to the City’s economy and culture.

As NPCC’s membership grew, we increasingly discovered infrastructure gaps that particularly handicapped smaller nonprofits. This led to the development of the robust set of services that NPCC now provides to its 1,400 members. I should add that none of this would have happened without the extraordinary knowledge, creativity, and skill of Marcia Brown, who served as NPCC’s Director of Programs from 1995 until just recently.

Over the last three decades, NPCC has more than proved its worth to the nonprofit sector and to the City as a whole. Our Government Relations Committee is peopled with the most knowledgeable and able lawyers in the City

focused on nonprofit matters; the services we provide to organizations—at no charge—are essential infrastructure that would otherwise be missing; and programs like the annual Nonprofit Excellence Awards are beacons for learning and achieving.

Looking forward, the need for NPCC is as great as ever: budgets of nonprofits will continue to be threatened by a still slow economy and the uncertain fiscal shape of governments; at the same time, growing inequality in our society is placing more demands on nonprofits. Fortunately, it’s likely that more and more young people are going to be drawn to the nonprofit sector, by the opportunity to improve society and their communities and by the scarcity of jobs in the for-profit sector. As more nonprofits appear, NPCC is going to be increasingly needed as a clearinghouse on best practices and the go-to place for how to get things done. And the sector will always be vulnerable to well-intentioned but misguided regulatory initiatives that could cause the sector harm. More positively, NPCC will continue to be an essential voice in the development of policies aimed at improving the accountability and performance of the nonprofit sector.

In addition to its staff and GR Committee, NPCC’s other great strength is its board—some of the best nonprofit leaders in the City. I find it gratifying that someone of Ian Benjamin’s experience and standing will now lead our highly engaged and hard-working board.

If NPCC has a weakness, it is that it provides what economists call a “public good”: services from which society at large and every nonprofit in the City benefit, whether they contribute to the organization’s support or not. My hope is that we can continue to grow our dues-paying membership and attract more support from foundations and other sponsors (including individuals) with the ability to help underwrite a public good like NPCC.

I step down as Chair of NPCC with enormous satisfaction for having been present at its creation and then participating in its development into the very strong organization that it is today. This is a unique organization—indeed an indispensable one—performing a unique role that is likely to grow in the coming years.

John E. Craig, Jr.

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Fiscal Year 2014 (October 1, 2013-September 30, 2014) was an eventful one for the Nonprofi t Coordinating Committee of New York (NPCC). As the leading voice and information source for New York City area nonprofi ts, NPCC is the largest membership and service umbrella in the region.

As we do every year, we performed as a “one stop shop” for nonprofi t organizations, offering information, guidance, hands-on help, management and governance support, and discounts on business services. The following pages reveal how NPCC strengthened nonprofi ts in so many ways, particularly serving our more than 1,400 member nonprofi ts through scores of free workshops as well as capacity-building programs that deliver practical management training and coaching. We worked with City, State and federal government agencies so that nonprofi ts could comply with necessary regulations without curtailing their work to achieve their missions. And, we informed and helped nonprofi ts themselves to be accountable and effective.

But this also has been a year of major change for NPCC. Our long-time Chairman, John E. Craig, Jr., informed us in early 2014 that he was stepping down after 28 years. John’s farewell letter is on the facing page. We believe it wonderfully conveys the gracious, wise and visionary leadership and guidance that John has brought to NPCC for these many years. We will all surely miss him!

But, that’s not all. Michael Clark, who has served NPCC as President and CEO since 2005, also informed the board that he plans to step down by the end of September, 2015. “Although I very much plan to stay professionally busy,” Michael says, “after nearly 30 years heading up nonprofi t organizations, I want to catch up with my children and grandchildren. We are right on schedule for these transitions according to our current Strategic Plan, and NPCC is clearly headed forward. It’s been a wonderful experience, and I have learned a ton at NPCC from the hundreds of great managers and other leaders in our sector.”

A Leadership Transition Committee was formed, initially to plan for John’s announced departure. This committee is co-chaired by Board Members Karen Pearl and Bobby Watts who are leading us through these signifi cant transitions.

On December 1, 2014, Ian J. Benjamin, who has served on the NPCC Board for many years, including as our Audit chair and as a key member of our Finance and Executive Committee, was elected NPCC’s new chairman. Ian is a partner at McGladrey LLP where he leads the Not-for-Profi t, Education and Healthcare Services Practice and Employee Benefi t Plans Practice in the fi rm’s New York offi ce. “It’s an honor to be elected as the incoming NPCC chair,” Ian says. “I’ve been a member of the NPCC board for over 10 years and a vice chair since March, 2009. It’s a privilege to move into this new role and continue serving alongside this dedicated board and committee. John Craig has been instrumental to the success of NPCC and I will strive to continue building the relationships and groundwork he set forth.”

In January, 2015, the board retained the services of a nationally known search fi rm headed by Marilyn Machlowitz to conduct a search for Michael’s successor. The search had just begun as we put this FY 2014 report to bed. We are very confi dent that the search will succeed in fi nding just the kind of leader that will take NPCC to its next level of greatness. Meanwhile, our deep and undying gratitude to our members, supporters, partners, board members and amazing staff for getting us to where we are today. You remind us every day in many, many ways why we do what we do!

Warmly yours,

Ian J. Benjamin, Michael E. Clark,Chairman President

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2014 New York Community Trust Nonprofit Excellence Awards Program

The 2014 Nonprofit Excellence Awards were produced by NPCC in partnership with The New York Community Trust and Philanthropy New York. The program was sponsored by WNYC, and also supported by the Clark Foundation, Ford Foundation, Google, Taconic Foundation, McGladrey LLP, the Fund for the City of New York, and Columbia Business School Executive Education Programs in Social Enterprise. In its eighth year, the Awards raised awareness about excellent management in the large

and diverse nonprofit community in the New York City area, highlighted best management practices, and helped educate all nonprofits on what it takes to measurably improve performance in Eight Key Areas of Nonprofit Excellence.

To date, a total of 2,208 unique nonprofit organizations, representing a broad cross-section of the nonprofit community in New York City, Long Island and Westchester, have participated in the Awards program, which has been the source of at least 3,298 reported organizational improvements among these groups.The 2014 Awards drew a total


One of the most important roles that NPCC plays is as a high-value conduit of knowledge and expertise. Whether by promoting best industry practices through our annual Nonprofit Excellence Awards, publishing a widely read

monthly newsletter, hosting more than 50 “sold out” workshops, or offering 200+ resource materials, NPCC is a major portal of information for the New York City area’s nonprofit sector.

Eight Key Areas of Nonprofit Excellence

1. Focus on Results

2. Board Governance

3. Financial Management

4. Diversity & Cultural Competency

5. Human Resources

6. Information Technology

7. Communications

8. Fundraising & Resource Development

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of 77 applications—a 25% jump over the prior year. Applications were reviewed by an expert Selection Committee, which, after an 8-month, 3-stage selection process, identified three winning organizations. The 2014 winners were announced and interviewed at a Best Practices Workshop and Awards Presentation in November, 2014.

Leake & Watts, the Gold Prize Winner for Overall Management Excellence, received a $30,000 prize; Row New York received the

Silver Prize and $20,000; and, Graham Windham, the Bronze Prize winner, received $10,000. All also received scholarships for the Columbia Business School Executive Education Programs in Social Enterprise.

The intended outcome for all applicants is to improve their management practices, enabling them to become more effective in achieving their organizational mission. Testimonials like that of

staff provided tailored feedback to 69% of 2014 applicants on their applications based on the Selection Committee’s scoring. Participants have already reported using this detailed feedback to inform new strategic plans, improve program performance, and revamp communication strategies. To further promote awareness and use of excellent management strategies spotlighted by the Awards program, NPCC also conducts a series of Pathways to Excellence workshops

Amanda Kraus, Executive Director & Founder of Row New York (above), are evidence of the positive impact of this program on participants.

To date, the 2014 Awards program has served 479 unique nonprofits, who have reported making 665 organizational improvements as a result of participating in the program. To encourage and support participating nonprofit managers in implementing management best practices, NPCC

GOLD PRIZE WINNERLeake & WattsFounded as an orphanage in 1831, Leake & Watts continues to provide support to thousands of children, adults and families each day so they can achieve success tomorrow through a wide variety of early childhood, child welfare, developmental disabilities, special education, and juvenile justice programs.

Five years ago, Leake & Watts was operating with a multi-million dollar deficit and 80% of all its programs were in

corrective action. Today, it operates with a surplus, has had clean audits for the past five years, and is routinely cited for

its excellent program practices and outcomes.

This remarkable turnaround is the result of implementing a robust set of management practices, including financial management focused on rate maximization and program utilization, competency-based hiring and focus on employee satisfaction. The turnaround also included establishing an agency-wide culture focused on results and building systems that leadership could turn to for data to help guide the organization. They developed and employed a set of 39 Performance Effectiveness Indicators for measuring outcomes that go far beyond those prescribed by grants or contracts. A strong collaboration among the Board and staff involved being transparent about what they were doing and holding people accountable.

“When I discovered these Awards in 2007, I felt like they had created a great learning tool on the best ways to run a nonprofit. I

remember sitting in my living room going through the

guidelines, checking off the things that we were doing and highlighting the things

we weren’t doing. There was a lot of highlighting.”

-Amanda Kraus, Executive Director & Founder, Row New York

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to disseminate best practices and management lessons from the program’s first eight years.

Information, Referrals and Guidance to Nonprofits

NPCC provides a large volume of hard-to-find, reliable and personalized assistance for nonprofit managers through responses to requests for information, referrals and guidance. This is rated by members as our most valuable service and clearly is the key to our high membership retention. Results from our Fall, 2014 member survey reveal that 93% of organizations using our


Based in Queens and Manhattan, Row New York

empowers youth from under-resourced communities

to build strength, gain confidence, and pursue excellence through the

competitive sport of rowing, paired with academic support.

Row New York has seen tremendous growth in the last few years, but its expansion has been

thoughtful, analytic, and strategic.

Government Grants Information Service (GGIS)

GGIS helps member nonprofits secure government grants through customized funding alerts. In FY 2014, over 900 grant announcements were sent to over 850 subscribers with federal, State and City government grant opportunities. Results from our 2014 survey indicate that more than 93% of organizations using this service rated it “excellent,” “very good,” or “good.” Members secured more than $7.7 million in government grants using GGIS. Workshops and Roundtables

NPCC’s workshops provide much-needed technical and managerial expertise and information to area nonprofits. We regularly update and add topics, evaluate member interest in future topics, and track workshop results. In FY 2014, NPCC offered 50 workshops covering a wide range of management issues. Attendance remained high, with most workshops “sold out” in advance. Total attendance for all 50 workshops was 2,708. Some 89% of attendees completing workshop evaluations reported that the workshops were helpful; 88% reported learning something new or useful; and 93% reported that they would use what they learned to improve their organizations. Some 60% of respondents to our three-month follow-up surveys reported making organizational improvements based on workshop information.


NPCC’s comprehensive website provides access to our newsletter,

The organization has learned to say “no” when opportunities for growth threatened its strength and sustainability. Today, it not only serves more teens, but also has stronger outcomes thanks to its commitment to and culture of continuous learning and focus on results. Its action plans for participating youth incorporate metrics on academics, physical fitness, and social-emotional learning. Row New York has effectively engaged strategic partners to enhance the Board’s committee structure and board expectations, and to develop a financial model for expansion.

information and referral services rated them “excellent,” “very good,” or “good.”

New York Nonprofits Newsletter

NPCC’s monthly newsletter presents a rich compendium of information to our readers, including government affairs, management and governance issues, nonprofit sector “thought pieces,” and issue alerts. In FY 2014, newsletter circulation was just over 3,400 mailed print copies per month, plus e-blasts to an average of 5,500 individuals each month, with an average of 1,350 monthly page views.

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the Member Directory, an Information Databank of over 220 topics, and a wide range of popular NPCC resources and publications, such as the Employee Benefi ts Survey, How to Read the New IRS Form 990, Salary Survey, Emergency Preparedness Guide, our fi rst-ever Audit Survey and more. NPCC’s website received an average of 18,000 unique visitors per month during FY 2014.

Nonprofi t Outsourcing Clearinghouse (NOC)

NOC helps nonprofi ts reduce administrative costs, increase productivity, and improve operational quality through outsourcing key back-offi ce services. An online NOC vendor database ( includes some 95 vetted outsourcing vendors from eight key areas: Bookkeeping & Financial Management, Fundraising, Human Resources, IT Services, Legal Services, Marketing & Communications, Purchasing, and Risk Management. NPCC also offers a “A Nonprofi t Guide to Outsourcing” to help nonprofi ts make sound decisions about outsourcing services.

BRONZE PRIZE WINNERGraham WindhamSince its founding in 1806, Graham Windham has been a vital force in providing innovative child welfare, educational, vocational, youth development and other social service programs to help New York City’s children and families achieve life-changing outcomes.

In 2009, the Board and senior management of this nearly 220-year-old organization began a re-visioning process informed

by its deep ongoing review of the organization’s performance, impact and outcomes. As a result of this process, Graham

Windham was able to go from good to great.

In refreshing its mission, Graham Windham clarifi ed its fundamental commitment to children who have experienced childhood neglect and trauma and their families. To advance this mission, Graham Windham transitioned programs that were deemed off-mission to other providers, assessed the effectiveness of each of its core approaches, and implemented Solutions-Based Casework across all programs. Informed by advisory groups of those it serves, and co-led by staff and a very strong and involved board, Graham Windham annually sets almost 50 mission-aligned goals and over 100 targets to assess performance. The Board has an impressive committee structure, including a Program Performance Committee, designed to ensure intense board member participation.

SEMIFINALISTSBowery Residents’ Committee

Community Access, Inc.

Equal Justice USA

Girls Write Now

Graham Windham

Leake & Watts

Planned Parenthood of NYC

Row New York

Safe Horizon

Washington Heights CORNER Project


Bowery Residents’ Committee

Community Access, Inc.

Graham Windham

Leake & Watts

Row New York

Washington Heights CORNER Project


Leake & WattsGold Prize Winner

Row New York Silver Prize Winner

Graham WindhamBronze Prize Winner

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NPCC is the largest membership and service organization for all types of 501 (c)(3) nonprofits in the New York City area. Nonprofit members have access to a wealth of free services: information, guidance and advice, copies

of our widely-read newsletter, over 50 free workshops each year and some 15 cost-saving vendor programs. With NPCC’s help, our members manage and govern themselves better, are more equipped to comply with government regulations, and operate more effectively and accountably. As a result, they better serve their communities, clients and causes.

At the end of FY 2014, NPCC’s nonprofit membership was 1,433. Total membership, which includes individuals and corporate members, was 1,485. While there was a slight reduction in membership numbers in 2014, the level of membership dues increased slightly, relative to prior year levels. A number of our members are struggling with cash flow problems, making it difficult to renew their membership in NPCC as quickly as they have in past years.

In an effort to build our membership, we collaborated with several key networking and umbrella organizations over the past year. Through these outreach initiatives we developed stronger relationships with umbrella groups, increased awareness about NPCC’s programs and services and encouraged prospective members to join NPCC. We look forward to strengthening these partnerships across all nonprofit subsectors in 2015 and beyond.

Member Cost-Savings Programs

NPCC offers several cost-saving vendor services that help member nonprofits focus their money and resources on program work, rather than back-office expenses. In 2014, NPCC rolled out a new member service in partnership with RoundTable Technology, a company that provides IT services to nonprofits. RoundTable offers NPCC members free organizational IT and social media assessments, with

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follow-up reports on findings and recommendations. RoundTable and NPCC announced the partnership in June, 2014, and close to 50 organizations have already participated in the program, saving a total of more than $8,000.

In addition to NPCC’s program with RoundTable Technology, we offer

a portfolio of 14 other cost-saving vendor services for members. In FY 2014, our members saved more than $2 million by participating in the programs, which include:

Insurance Programs

For many years, NPCC has partnered with Crystal & Company to offer our members a cost effective and comprehensive Directors and Officers (D&O) Liability Insurance program. The policy covers nonprofits and their directors, officers, employees, trustees, committee members and volunteers. Close to 600 member organizations had coverage through this program in FY 2014.

In addition to our D&O insurance program, NPCC offers members a Property and Casualty Insurance program, administered through Crystal & Company and Northeast Agencies, Inc. The policy covers property loss, business interruption and crime; general liability; automobile liability; physical damage; workers’ compensation and employers’ liability; special events; and, umbrella/excess liability. In FY 2014, more than 63 member organizations had coverage through this program.

Retirement Benefits Program

For over 20 years, NPCC has partnered with MetLife to offer


“With the help of NPCC’s insurance programs, we were

able to attract new board members and demonstrate our credibility to donors.”

-Zaid Hydari, Executive Director, Refugee Solidarity Network











0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%

Human Services

Public, Societal Benefit

Arts, Culture and Humanities



Environment and Animals

International, Foreign Affairs


Mutual/Membership Benefit


8 | NPCC

members two comprehensive retirement benefit plans: a 403(b) Tax Deferred Annuity (TDA) plan and a Simplified Employer Pension Plan (SEPP). At the end of FY 2014, 297 organizations representing 7,277 employees were enrolled, with total assets exceeding $175 million.

Managing Unemployment Costs

NPCC partners with Unemployment Services Trust (UST) to help members safely opt out of the state unemployment tax system. UST helps eligible nonprofits save up to 60% on their state unemployment tax rate through ongoing education, expert claims management, and reserve building. In FY 2014,

members saved more than $188,604 in unemployment costs by participating in UST.

Payroll Processing

Members may enroll in NPCC’s program with Paychex for complete payroll processing services. The services are offered at a significant discount off their regular rates. Last year, more than 300 NPCC members saved $179,000 on payroll services through the Paychex program.

Discounted Office Supplies

NPCC members have access to thousands of office supplies,

printing and copy services, furniture and design solutions, janitorial and green cleaning supplies through the Staples Advantage program. More than 500 NPCC members participated in the program in FY 2014. The program saved members more than $1 million.


Through NPCC’s partnership with TransitChek, NPCC members can enroll in the Commuter Benefit Program and set aside a portion of their pre-tax salary for commuting costs. In FY 2014, the program saved NPCC members $127,715 by reducing overall payroll taxes.


under $125K31%

$125K -$250K

13%$250K -$500K

11%$500K -$750K


$750K -$1 mill


$1 mill -$5 mill


$5 mill -$10 mill

5% Over $10 mill


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Conference Calls and Web Conferencing

NPCC members have access to discounts on telephone and web conferencing through ReadyTalk. This vendor partnership is made possible through NPCC’s

membership in the National Council of Nonprofits. Last year, more than 140 members saved $303,314 through the program.

Background Check Services

The National Council of Nonprofits and NPCC also have a vendor partnership with Coeus Global, a company that provides screening and background check services in full compliance with state and federal regulations. In FY 2014, NPCC members saved more than $31,000 through the program.

Financial Management

Jitasa offers finance, accounting and bookkeeping services tailored to meet the needs of nonprofits. In FY 2014, more than 40 NPCC member organizations participated in the program, saving a total of more than $80,000.

Legal Assistance: Employment and Labor Relations

Attorney Allen Breslow, a regular NPCC workshop presenter, offers guidance on questions about labor

and employment law, and employee benefits to several NPCC members. In 2014, 104 member organizations sought advice or utilized these services.

Financial Management Courses

FMA Institute offers NPCC members discounts on the institute’s Certified Nonprofit Accounting Professional (CNAP) courses as well as trainings on Excel and QuickBooks.

Discounted Publications and Memberships

Through NPCC membership, nonprofits have access to significant savings on BoardSource and Theatre Development Fund memberships, plus discounted subscriptions to The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Crain’s New York Business and Stanford Social Innovation Review.

“NPCC provides time-saving, organized information, access to discounts for

important services, helpful guidance and referrals,

and overall strong support mechanisms that help me

run my small nonprofit more efficiently.”

-Diane Fraher, Executive Director, American Indian Artists, Inc.

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NPCC’s unique mission, among more than 80 varied nonprofit umbrella groups in our area, is to represent the full breadth of the 501(c)(3) nonprofit community on sector-wide issues, particularly governance and regulatory

matters that affect all New York nonprofit corporations. NPCC’s Government Relations Committee is the only New York City area umbrella of this kind, advocating for and protecting the broad legal and regulatory environment or “regime” that governs all sizes and types of charitable nonprofits.

NPCC’s Government Relations (GR) Committee is composed of the area’s top nonprofit legal and accounting professionals, including five former heads of the NYS Attorney General’s Charities Bureau. Its views on nonprofit regulatory and legal matters are routinely sought by key officials at all levels of government.

The Committee meets 10 months a year, consults regularly with officials of the Governor’s office, State agencies and legislators, the Attorney General’s office, local

officials and federal bodies that regulate nonprofits. This enablesNPCC to continuously inform New York City area nonprofits on key regulatory and legal developments affecting the entire sector.

In FY 2014, the Committee was chaired by Barbara Schatz, NPCC Board Member and Clinical Professor of Law at Columbia Law School, and staffed by Robert J. Vanni, NPCC’s Senior Consultant for Government Relations. Some highlights of the Committee’s work include:

Attorney General’s Nonprofit Revitalization Act and NYS Nonprofit Law Reform

The Nonprofit Revitalization Act was signed into law by the Governor on December 18, 2013, following significant input and support by NPCC and the Government Relations Committee. In 2014, a short technical corrections bill was also enacted. Following enactment, the Committee has closely followed how practitioners and scholars are interpreting and implementing the Act’s broad changes. Members

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of the Committee, including Barbara Schatz, David Lowden, Linda Manley and Robert Vanni, led two workshops for members to explain the elements of the Act and to answer questions as to its interpretation and implementation. James G. Sheehan, Chief of the Charities Bureau of the Attorney General’s Office was a guest of the Committee in February, 2014, and main speaker at NPCC’s Annual Meeting in April, 2014. We took these opportunities to get to know the new leadership, to continue our dialogue with the Charities Bureau, and to urge them to clarify and offer

guidance on many of the questions facing nonprofits and their legal advisors as to how to comply with the Act’s terms and how to interpret many of its provisions. The Committee’s objective is to learn from its members the problems they perceive in the Act, and then develop a list of recommended amendments that might make it more internally consistent, clearer and more easily implementable by nonprofits. To this end, an NPCC subcommittee met on January 7, 2015, to discuss possible amendments to the Act that the Legislature might consider. With this guidance, Barbara Schatz and

NPCC’s efforts to improve the partnership between nonprofits and government reached a milestone when Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the Nonprofit Revitalization Act in 2013. This legislation is the first major reworking of the laws governing New York nonprofits in over 40 years, and NPCC and members of the Government Relations Committee were extensively consulted about the legislation throughout the entire process.

In an effort to help our members comply with the new law, NPCC’s GR Committee created several helpful guides and resources, including:

By-Laws Review Checklist

This checklist identifies key revisions that an organization may wish to make, and, in certain circumstances, should make, to its by-laws in light of the Nonprofit Revitalization Act. Each organization’s by-laws are different, and this checklist may not address each item that should be revised or reviewed in an organization’s by-laws, but it is a good guide to key changes.

Whistleblower Policy

Effective July 1, 2014, every New York nonprofit, education corporation, religious corporation and charitable trust that has 20 or more employees and annual revenue exceeding $1 million in its prior fiscal year, must adopt a whistleblower policy that complies with the requirements of the Nonprofit Revitalization Act. NPCC’s sample whistleblower policy complies with the requirements of the Act.

Conflict of Interest Policy

Effective July 1, 2014, every New York nonprofit, education corporation, religious corporation and charitable trust must adopt a conflict of interest policy that complies with the requirements of the Nonprofit Revitalization Act. An organization’s conflict of interest policy serves as a guide to assist directors, officers and key employees in fulfilling their duties to the organization and to facilitate compliance with applicable state and federal law. NPCC’s sample conflict of interest policy complies with the requirements of the Nonprofit Revitalization Act.


“I rely on NPCC to be our voice and source of information in areas we

don’t follow or focus on, but that ultimately are quite

important to our ability to be in business as a New York

nonprofit!” -Judy Levine, Executive Director,

Cause Effective

12 | NPCC

representatives of Lawyers Alliance for New York met in Albany on January 13, 2015, with members of the staffs of Senator Ranzenhofer and Assemblyman Brennan, co-sponsors of the Act, to recommend and urge amendments.

In an effort to offer assistance to members to better understand and comply with the requirements of the Act, in addition to workshops, NPCC and the GR Committee drafted and posted on the NPCC website sample whistleblower and conflict of interest policies that comply with the terms of the Act.

Governor’s Executive Order #38 (EO 38) and Regulations

Final regulations to implement EO 38, aimed at reducing excessive compensation at State-funded entities, have been posted on the websites of State agencies. In June, 2013, the Executive Office issued a substantial document, “Preliminary Guidance - Executive Order #38 and Related Regulations,” to assist nonprofits considered to be “Covered Providers” to better understand how to comply with the Executive Order’s terms. Organizations are beginning to implement these terms; however, the GR Committee is monitoring two lawsuits that deal with the constitutionality of the Order. Both lawsuits are on appeal, awaiting hearings.

New York State Contract Reform and Related Federal Contract Reforms

Fran Barrett, the Governor’s Interagency Coordinator for Nonprofit Organizations, is leading an effort along with the State

Division of the Budget to reform the State’s process of contracting with nonprofits, seeking to streamline and make it less cumbersome, more efficient and transparent. NPCC and the GR Committee have actively participated in discussions about this effort. A final Master Contract was posted on in March, 2013. The new contracting process and use of the new Master Contract are being rolled out by various State agencies, and many contractees already have complied with the prequalification procedures. The GR Committee will continue monitoring this effort and anticipates co-sponsoring training sessions with the State Division of the Budget on these matters. We remain in regular contact with Ms. Barrett, and during the reporting period she has attended two meetings of the Committee, in January and June, 2014, to discuss developments in the Grants Gateway program.

Related to this effort, the federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued the “OMB Uniform Guidance” that significantly impacts the process whereby the federal government contracts with nonprofits, in an effort to make the contracting process simpler and more streamlined. The Guidance became effective on December 26, 2014. Among the more significant changes is the requirement that, if federal funds are used to pay for services from nonprofits, whether directly through federal contracts or indirectly through state or municipal contracts, then the contract must reimburse nonprofits for related indirect costs at a negotiated rate, but not less than 10%. In June, 2014, David L. Thompson, Vice President of the National Council

of Nonprofits, the organization and network largely responsible for securing these nonprofit-friendly reforms in the new OMB Uniform Guidance, attended the Committee’s meeting to explain and advise on the provisions of the Guidance, their impact on nonprofits, and next steps. In December, 2014, Mr. Thompson and his colleague, Beth Bowsky, the National Council of Nonprofit’s Policy Specialist, Government - Nonprofit Contracting, conducted a workshop for NPCC members on using the OMB Uniform Guidance to cover indirect costs.

NPCC and the GR Committee are closely following this matter in an effort to advise and educate NPCC members of their rights under this new Guidance and to ensure that the New York State and City contracts properly reflect the new requirements.

NYC Efforts to Limit Nonprofit Real Estate Tax Exemptions

The City Department of Finance and City Tax Commission have recently taken certain unilateral actions to limit, deny or withdraw nonprofit real estate tax exemptions.

In the matter of the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA), a request for an exemption was summarily denied by the Department of Finance. NPCC, with the pro bono assistance of Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, prepared and filed an amicus curiae brief in support of DPA’s position that the action taken was contrary to established state law and practice. A court hearing on this matter was held in February, 2013. In November, 2013, Judge Wooton of the NYS Supreme Court

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issued a decision in DPA’s favor, finding the City’s actions contrary to established state law, and ordered that DPA’s request for real estate tax exemption be granted. The City has appealed the decision to the Appellate Division, and the argument is scheduled for March 5, 2015. NPCC has joined with Lawyers Alliance for New York in submitting a new amicus curiae brief in the appeal, supporting the DPA’s position.

Greater Jamaica Development Corporation (GJDC) has similarly sued the Department of Finance for its decision to revoke some of GJDC’s real estate tax exemptions. NPCC, through the GR Committee, also joined an amicus curiae brief in this case, along with Lawyers Alliance for New York, the Queens Chamber of Commerce, and others in support of GJDC. In May, 2013, the Appellate Division for the Second Department heard an appeal and issued its decision in favor of the organization’s position, finding the City’s actions to be arbitrary and capricious, and ordering that the exemption be reinstated. The City has appealed this decision to the Court of Appeals and is awaiting a hearing date. NPCC and Lawyers Alliance are preparing a new amicus curiae brief to be submitted in the appeal case, in support of GJDC’s position. NPCC and the GR Committee continue to monitor these matters.

Threatened Limits on Charitable Deductions under the Internal Revenue Code and Federal Budget Negotiations

NPCC and the GR Committee closely followed matters in Washington that might impact nonprofits,

including negotiations concerning threats to limit charitable deductions, the status of extension of certain donation incentives known as “extenders,” the impact of sequestration, Presidential Congressional budget proposals and negotiations, postal reform as it relates to nonprofit postal rate discounts, and continuing IRS oversight and investigations efforts, as well as proposed IRS regulations changes concerning 501(c)(4) corporations. Many of these issues continue to be monitored by the GR Committee for their potential negative impact on nonprofits. NPCC will take appropriate actions through the GR Committee as warranted and inform NPCC members accordingly. At the end of the 113th Congressional session, NPCC along with the national nonprofit community, actively urged the Senate to approve a bill that would make the nonprofit extenders a permanent part of the tax code. Unfortunately, after great effort, the lame duck session only made the expired extenders retroactively effective for the year 2014, thus giving donors and donees less than three weeks to take advantage of their benefits. The Committee is closely following the actions of the new Congress on this and related nonprofit issues and will report and take action as appropriate.

Other Matters

• GR Committee Chair Barbara Schatz has maintained a dialogue with the NYS Department of State to discuss procedures to facilitate the process for forming a nonprofit corporation in New York and other issues facing nonprofits under New York law.

• The GR Committee is monitoring the IRS “scandal,” including Congressional hearings and possible actions resulting from an inquiry into the IRS’s actions in scrutinizing political activities by certain 501(c)(4) social welfare nonprofits, and how these developments might affect 501(c)(3) nonprofits. In response to this matter, the IRS is expected to issue new draft regulations in early 2015, for 501(c)(4) corporations, which NPCC will closely follow, especially as they might affect 501(c)(3) corporations.

• Due to the continuing economic problems faced by New York State municipalities, the GR Committee is monitoring proposals around the State to increase fees on nonprofits, such as water and sewer fees, as well as discussions concerning the imposition of PILOTs (Payments in Lieu of Taxes) on nonprofits and will consider actions as appropriate.

• The GR Committee continued to monitor and report on changes in minimum wage laws, City Human Rights Law, the launch of the City’s HHS Accelerator program, a report by the State Comptroller on tax exempt real estate in the State, NYC Earned Sick Time Act, and State and City lobby law changes.

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Part of NPCC’s 2013 – 2015 strategic plan involves strengthening our overall communications capabilities. Following a preliminary communications audit in FY 2013, two key areas of need were identified: (1) developing a comprehensive narrative strategy and communications plan for NPCC; and, (2) redesigning our website to improve its functionality and content. We are currently working with two communications consultants on these issues.

Strengthen Board Capacity

We continue to pursue our goal of building a board that is representative of the New York City nonprofit sector and better able to leverage resources. In FY 2014, we recruited three new board members.

In 2014, Ian J. Benjamin succeeded John E. Craig, Jr. as Chair of the NPCC Board of Directors. Mr. Benjamin is a partner at McGladrey LLP where he leads the Not-for-Profit, Education and Healthcare Services Practice and Employee Benefit Plans Practice in the firm’s New York office. He is a member of

McGladrey’s National Leadership Team for nonprofits and has more than 30 years of experience serving nonprofit and higher education organizations. He has served as a member of the NPCC Board for more than 10 years and Vice Chair since March, 2009.

Organizational Capacity and Performance

NPCC maintains an organizational Scorecard, based on the Balanced Scorecard method of tracking organizational performance. The Scorecard is a tool helpful in setting annual performance targets and milestones, and it visually

In 2012, NPCC began a strategic reforecast to guide our work through 2015. One of the main goals is to strengthen our own sustainable management capacity to serve the nonprofit community and adhere to our mission. Key areas of organizational

growth include: improved communications infrastructure, staff, board and volunteer development, and tracking organizational capacity and performance.

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demonstrates the impact of our work for our members and other nonprofits. It also facilitates funding and helps clarify our value to supporters and stakeholders. The NPCC 2014 Scorecard is found at the end of this report.

Staff and Management

All programs and services are supervised and reviewed regularly by NPCC staff for effectiveness and cost management. Reports are given to NPCC’s Board of Directors for further input and review at least four times a year.

Michael Clark, President of NPCC, oversees all program and administrative functions and serves as principal liaison with the Board of Directors. He has more than 35 years of professional training and experience in urban issues, public health and nonprofit management, largely in the area of nonprofit capacity-building. Prior to NPCC, he served for 19 years as President and Executive Director of the Citizens Committee for New York City.

Marcia Brown, long-time Director of Programs, stepped down from her role at the end of FY 2014. During Ms. Brown’s nearly 20 years at NPCC, she developed more than 800 workshops, provided information and referrals to thousands of NPCC members, and helped build and develop many of NPCC’s vendor services.

Succeeding Ms. Brown, in September, 2014, Melkis Alvarez-Baez became Director of Programs and Danielle Penabad became Director of Member Services. Ms. Baez directs all programs and

NPCC staff members: Constance Ferber, Neil Bhattacharya, Kristen Jones, Michael E. Clark, Melkis Alvarez-Baez and Danielle Penabad.

program development activities for NPCC, including the Nonprofit Excellence Awards. She has a B.A. from Harvard College and an M.S. in Nonprofit Management from the Milano School of International Affairs, Management and Urban Policy.

Ms. Penabad develops and implements programs and projects designed to serve, increase and retain NPCC membership. She also leads outreach activities in collaboration with numerous external constituencies. She has a B.A. from Dartmouth College and an M.P.A. in Nonprofit Management from Seton Hall University.

Constance Ferber, Program Associate, coordinates workshop delivery and tracks results for all NPCC programs. She has a B.A. from the College of Wooster and an M.A. in Human Rights Studies from Columbia University. Kristen Jones, Executive Coordinator, provides general administrative support for the management team. She has a B.A. from Rhodes College.

Neil Bhattacharya, Development Associate, is the most recent addition to NPCC staff. He coordinates and provides support for NPCC’s institutional and individual fundraising activities.

Robert J. Vanni serves as Senior Consultant for Government Relations and provides leadership and staff support to this committee. He was previously Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations, a private nonprofit corporation, operating 90 branches and four research libraries with an annual budget of $290 million.

Consultant Dan Myers produces NPCC’s newsletter, manages the Government Grants Information Service and the NPCC website, and carries out special projects and surveys.

This Annual Report is prepared for NPCC’s Annual Meeting of members.

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NPCC’s Nonprofit and Grantmaking Organization Members*

100 Women in Hedge Funds Foundation1040 Kids, Inc.4 Real Women International47th Street Business Improvement DistrictA Better Chance, Inc.A Better Jamaica, Inc.A Better World FundA Blade of GrassA Family Place, Inc.A Place for KidsA Public SpaceA.I.R. HarlemA.R.E. of New York (Association for Research and Enlightenment)Abraham Lincoln Brigade ArchivesAbraham Lincoln Neighborhood Development CorporationAcademy for Cultural Enrichment/ Merkaz BnosAcademy for Jewish ReligionAcademy of Medical and Public Health ServicesAccess NowAccreditation Council for Psychoanalytic EducationACMP Associated Chamber Music PlayersActors Fund of AmericaAdaptive Design AssociationAdolph & Esther Gottlieb FoundationAdvancing Human RightsAdventure Center: Journeys of WonderAdvocates for Children of New YorkAesthetic Realism FoundationAfrican Medical & Research FoundationAfrican Services CommitteeAfrican-American/Caribbean Education Association, Inc.Afro Brazil ArtsAging in New York FundAIDS Vaccine Advocacy CoalitionAirCraft Casualty Emotional Support ServicesAl D. Rodriguez Liver FoundationAlan B. Slifka Foundation, Inc.Albert Ellis InstituteALEGRIA: Hope Through ArtAlfred Adler InstituteAlianza DominicanaAlley Pond Environmental CenterAlliance for Downtown New YorkAlliance for Lupus ResearchAlliance for Young Artists and WritersAlliance of Ethics and ArtAlliance of Resident Theatres/New York (ART/New York)Alpha Omega Theatrical Dance CompanyAltschul FoundationAmateur Astronomers AssociationAmazing Grace CIRCUS! Inc.Amend.orgAmerican Academy of Dramatic ArtsAmerican Agora FoundationAmerican Artists Professional LeagueAmerican Association of Jews from the Former USSRAmerican Center for the Alexander Technique, Inc.American Civil Liberties Union

American Farm SchoolAmerican Foundation for the Courtauld Institute of ArtAmerican Friends of the Arts in IrelandAmerican Friends of the Georgian GroupAmerican Friends of the Israel Philharmonic OrchestraAmerican Friends of the Ludwig Foundation of CubaAmerican Friends of the National Gallery LondonAmerican Friends of the Yitzhak Rabin Center for the Study of IsraelAmerican Friends of Uppsala UniversityAmerican Friends Of Yahad In UnumAmerican Guild of OrganistsAmerican Indian Artists (Amerinda)American Jewish Committee (AJC)American Management Association InternationalAmerican Mental Health FoundationAmerican Montessori SocietyAmerican Musical Instrument SocietyAmerican Patrons of the National Library and Galleries of ScotlandAmerican Psychoanalytic AssociationAmerican Society for Psychical Research (ASPR)American Society for the Alexander TechniqueAmerican Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)American Society for the Protection of Nature in IsraelAmerican Society for Training & Development New York Metropolitan ChapterAmerican Society of Botanical ArtistsAmerican Trust for The British LibraryAmerican Watercolor SocietyAmerican Youth Table Tennis OrganizationAmericans for Peace Now (APN)AMIDA CareAMIT, Inc.Andrew Glover Youth ProgramAngelwishAnimal Rescue of QueensAnnie Tinker Association for WomenAnonymous Was A WomanAPICHA Community Health CenterApollo Arts Initiative FoundationApple Arts NYCApres Coup Psychoanalytic AssociationAquarian Age CommunityAravind Eye FoundationArchipelago BooksArchitectural League of New YorkArivaArt Connects New YorkArt House Astoria Conservancy for Music and ArtArt In Context Center For CommunicationsArtBridgeArteEastArthur Ashe Learning Center, Inc.Artis Contemporary Israeli Art Fund, Inc.Artists 4 IsraelArts & MindsArts Connection

Arts for All, Inc.Arts-In-Context Education FoundationARTstorArtWorks NYC, Inc.Asian American Arts AllianceAsian American Federation (AAF)Asian Professional Extension (APEX for Youth)Asperger Syndrome Training and Employment Partnership (ASTEP)Associated Solo ArtistsAssociation for a Better New York (ABNY)Association for Conflict Resolution Greater New York ChapterAssociation for Jewish Studies, Inc.Association for Neighborhood & Housing DevelopmentAssociation for Puerto Rican-Hispanic CultureAssociation for Union DemocracyAssociation of Advanced Rabbinical and Talmudic Schools (AARTS)Association of Art Museum Curators (AAMC) FoundationAssociation of BellTel Retirees, Inc.Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) - Greater NY ChapterAssociation of Jewish LibrariesAssociation of Junior Leagues InternationalAssociation of Records Managers & Administrators Metro Chapter (ARMA)Association of the Bar of the City of New York FundA-T Ease FoundationAt Home on the Sound, Inc.Atlantic Legal FoundationAudre Lorde ProjectAumonerie Catholique de ManhattanAutism Science FoundationAuxiliary to Bellevue HospitalAvail NYCAvalon Studios NYC, Inc.AVODAH: The Jewish Service CorpsAvon Foundation for WomenBaby BuggyBAFTA British Academy of Film and Television Arts East CoastBailey’s CafeBallet Tech FoundationBanana Kelly Community Improvement AssociationBarnett & Annalee Newman FoundationBarnett Newman FoundationBay Street Theatre Festival, Inc.Beat the Streets WrestlingBedford Audubon SocietyBedford Stuyvesant Restoration CorporationBed-Stuy’s Project Re-GenerationBehind the BookBeit Rabban Day SchoolBellevue Day Care CenterBerean Community and Family Life CenterBernhill FundBest of Brooklyn, Inc.Better Business Bureau Education and Research FoundationBettie B. Wilson Learning Center, Inc.Bibliographical Society of AmericaBig Apple Greeter, Inc.

*As of September 30, 2014

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Big Initiatives, Inc.Bike New YorkBlack Culinarian Alliance (BCA)Black Women’s BlueprintBloomingdale Family Program, Inc.BoardAssistBOLD InitiativeBolder GivingBond Street TheatreBOOM!HealthBottomless ClosetBowery Babes NYBowery Residents’ Committee (BRC)BreakthroughBreakthrough New YorkBreast Cancer Research FoundationBRICBridge Street Development CorporationBridge to LifeBridgehampton Child Care & Recreational CenterBroadway Housing CommunitiesBroadway Mall AssociationBronx and Manhattan Land TrustBronx Arts EnsembleBronx Children’s MuseumBronx Concert SingersBronx Council on the ArtsBronx Health LinkBronx Overall Economic Development CorporationBronx River AllianceBronxville Adult School, Inc.BronxWorksBrooklyn Art IncubatorBrooklyn Arts CouncilBrooklyn BoatworksBrooklyn Bridge Child Development CenterBrooklyn Bridge Park ConservancyBrooklyn Center for Families in CrisisBrooklyn Community Services (BCS)Brooklyn Congregations UnitedBrooklyn for PeaceBrooklyn Greenway InitiativeBrooklyn Heights AssociationBrooklyn Ice, Inc.Brooklyn Legal Services Corporation ABrooklyn Lifelong Learning, Inc.Brooklyn Music SchoolBrooklyn Parkinson GroupBrooklyn Queens Conservatory of MusicBrooklyn Queens Long Island Area Health Education CenterBrooklyn Rail, Inc.Brooklyn Rescue MissionBusiness Outreach Center NetworkBuyers and Renters United to Save HarlemCAMBACambridge In AmericaCamp Brooklyn FundCancer CareCanterbury Choral SocietyCare for the HomelessCareer GearCarl Schurz Park ConservancyCarnegie Corporation of New YorkCarnegie Council for Ethics in International AffairsCatalog for Giving of New York CityCatholic Charities Archdiocese of New York

Cause Effective-Nonprofit Resource Development CenterCave Canem Foundation, Inc.CEC ArtsLinkCEKPETCenter for Active Design, Inc.Center for Alternative Sentencing And Employment Services (CASES)Center for Anti-Violence EducationCenter for Arts EducationCenter for Constitutional Rights (CCR)Center for Educational Innovation-Public Education Association (CEIPEA)Center for Educational PathwaysCenter for Family Representation (CFR)Center for Group StudiesCenter for Human Development and Family Services, Inc. (CHDFS)Center for Justice & DemocracyCenter for Khmer StudiesCenter for Law and Human Values DBA Bailey FarmsCenter for Migration Studies of NYCenter for Non-Profit CoachingCenter for NuLeadership on Urban Solutions, Inc.Center for Popular DemocracyCenter for Special Populations / SAE & AssociatesCenter for State Enforcement of Antitrust and Consumer Protection LawCenter for the Women of New YorkCenter for Theory of ChangeCenter for Traditional Music and Dance (CTMD)Center for Urban Community Services (CUCS)Central Brooklyn Martin Luther King CommissionCentral Harlem Senior Citizens CenterCentre Pompidou FoundationCentro Cultural Hispano de Oyster BayCents Ability, Inc.CHADD of New York CityChamber Music AmericaChamberMusicNYCharles H. Revson FoundationCharles M. Cappellino FoundationChelsea Day SchoolChelsea Music FestivalChemo ComfortChhaya Community Development Corp.Chickpeas Child Care Center, Inc.Child Abuse Prevention ProgramChild Abuse Prevention Services (CAPS)Child Care Network of New YorkChild Welfare Organizing ProjectChildren First FoundationChildren of Armenia Fund (COAF)Children of BellevueChildren’s Aid SocietyChildren’s Arts GuildChildren’s Law CenterChildren’s Movement for Creative Education, Inc.Children’s Radio FoundationChildren’s RightsChinese American Family Alliance for Mental HealthChinese Development CouncilCHIP International, Inc.Choices In Childbirth, Inc.

Christians for Fair Witness on the Middle EastChristina Renna FoundationChristodoraChurch Club of New YorkCicatelli Associates, Inc.Circuit ProductionsCitizens Budget CommissionCitizens Committee for New York CityCitizens Crime Commission of New York CityCitizens Housing and Planning Council of New York (CHPC)Citizens Union FoundationCity CrittersCity Growers, Inc.City HarvestCity Parks FoundationCityarts, Inc.Citymeals on WheelsCityScienceCivic BuildersCivitas CitizensClassical Association of the Atlantic StatesClassical Theatre of Harlem, Inc.Clayworks On Columbia, Inc.Clean Air Campaign, Inc.Clemente Course in the HumanitiesCoalition Against Trafficking in WomenCoalition for Asian American Children And Families (CACF)Coalition of Behavioral Health AgenciesCoalition of Institutionalized Aged and DisabledCoatue FoundationCollege Access Consortium of New YorkCollege and Community FellowshipCollege Art AssociationCollegiate ChoraleCollegiate Church CorporationColonnades Theatre Lab Inc. DBA Global Arts CorpsColumba Kavanagh HouseColumbia Business School Alumni Club of New YorkColumbia University Fundraising Management ProgramColumbus Avenue Business Improvement DistrictCommission on the Public’s Health SystemCommittee for Hispanic Children and FamiliesCommunications Coordination Committee for the United NationsCommunities for LearningCommunity AccessCommunity Association for Jewish At-Risk CemeteriesCommunity Connections for YouthCommunity Environmental Center (CEC)Community Food AdvocatesCommunity Food Pantry at St. Mary’s Mohegan LakeCommunity Fund for ManhattanCommunity Fund of Bronxville Eastchester Tuckahoe, Inc.Community Health Action of Staten IslandCommunity Health Care Association of New York (CHCANYS)Community of UnityCommunity Resource Exchange (CRE)Community-Word Project, Inc.Comprehensive Development, Inc.

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Comunilife, Inc.Concerned Citizens of MontaukConcrete SafarisCongregation Beit Simchat TorahCongregation Beth ElohimConnect, Inc.Consilience Productions, Inc.Conway & Pratt ProjectsCordoba InitiativeCoro New York Leadership CenterCorporation for Supportive HousingCorrectional Association of New YorkCouncil of Family & Child Caring AgenciesCouncil of Literary Magazines and PressesCouncil on Foreign RelationsCouncil on the Environment of New York City DBA Grow NYCCounseling CenterCreate, Inc.Creative Arts Team, Inc.Creative Arts Workshop for KidsCreative Development ServicesCreative TimeCrisis ActionCross-Cultural SolutionsCroton Harmon Education Foundation Ltd.Crutches4KidsCuban Artists FundCue Art FoundationCypress Hills Local Development CorpDAAD Alumni AssociationDamon Runyon Cancer Research FoundationDance Service New York City, Inc. DBA Dance/NYCDancing ClassroomsDavid Dawes Nee II FoundationDay Care Council of New YorkDay OneDelta Minerva Life Development CenterDEMOS: A Network for Ideas and ActionDesign Trust for Public SpaceDessoff ChoirsDiaspora Community ServicesDieu Donné PapermillDisabled and Alone/Life Services for the HandicappedDiscover Outdoors FoundationDistracted Globe FoundationDistrict 4 NYS Volunteer Ambulance and Rescue AssociationDiversity in Arts and Nations for Cultural Education (DANCE, Inc. / Danza Fiesta)Do SomethingDOCOMOMO US New York/Tri-StateDoing Art TogetherDonorsChoose.orgDOROT, Inc.Dos Pueblos: NY-Tipitapa Sister City ProjectDrisha Institute for Jewish EducationDrugs for Neglected Diseases, North AmericaDysautonomia FoundationE Joy Community Resource Center IncorporatedEarly StepsEarSay, Inc.Earth Society FoundationEast 86th Street Merchants/Residents AssociationEast Brooklyn District Management Association

East Brooklyn Housing Development CorporationEast End Classic Boat SocietyEast Harlem Block Nursery, Inc.East Harlem Employment Service/STRIVEEast Harlem Tutorial ProgramEast Midtown PartnershipEast Sixties Neighborhood Association/ESNAEast Williamsburg Valley Industrial Development Corporation (EWVIDCO)East Williston Roslyn Community Coalition for Drug Free YouthEast-West Management Institute (EWMI)Education and Literacy Fund for AfricaEducation ClinicEducation Through MusicEdward W. Hazen FoundationElaine Kaufman Cultural CenterENACT, Inc.Encore Community ServicesEnd Child Prostitution Child Pornography & Trafficking of ChildrenEndure for Christ MinistriesEngineering Conferences InternationalEngineering Information FoundationEnglish Speaking Union of the United StatesEnsemble Studio TheatreEnvironmental Simulation CenterEpiphany MagazineEpiscopal Relief and DevelopmentEqual Justice USAERASE RacismE-The People/The Democracy ProjectEthical Community Charter School FoundationEugene Zitwer FoundationEverybody Wins FoundationExplore New York Corp.Exploring the MetropolisExtreme Kids and CrewEye-Bank for Sight RestorationF. B. Heron FoundationF.Y. Eye, Inc.Families for FreedomFamilies United for Racial and Economic Equality (FUREE)Family Focus Adoption ServicesFamilyKindFan Fox & Leslie R. Samuels Foundation, Inc.FDNY FoundationFederation Employment & Guidance Service (FEGS) Health & Human Services SystemFederation of Protestant Welfare Agencies (FPWA)Feed My Lambs Global Ministries, Inc.Feminist PressFight for SightFilm Biz RecyclingFine Arts Orchestral Society of YonkersFinland Center FoundationFJC - A Foundation of Philanthropic FundsFlatiron/23rd Street PartnershipFlying Carpet Theater, Inc.Focus Haitian Music, Inc.Follow Your DreamFood Bank For New York CityFood Bank for WestchesterFordham Bedford Housing CorporationFordham Road District Management AssociationForeign Policy Association

Foreign Press AssociationForestdaleFort Greene Park Conservancy, Inc.Fort Greene Strategic Neighborhood Action Partnership (SNAP)Foundation CenterFoundation for Ecological Research in the NortheastFoundation for Landscape StudiesFoundation for Male StudiesFoundation for the Advancement of Monetary EducationFoundation For The Global CompactFoundation for the Study of Independent Social Ideas/DISSENTFoundation RwandaFree Arts for Abused Children - New York CityFree To Be FoundationFrench Institute/Alliance FrancaiseFresh ArtFrick CollectionFriends of Blue Heron Park, Inc.Friends of Brooklyn Community Board 6, Inc.Friends of Brooklyn Community Board 9, Inc.Friends of Crown Heights Educational CenterFriends of Hempstead Plains at Nassau Community CollegeFriends of Island AcademyFriends of Israel Disabled War VeteransFriends of Israel Sci-Tech Schools, Inc.Friends of KarenFriends of Materials for the ArtsFriends of St. Catherine’s ParkFriends of the Children New YorkFriends of the East River EsplanadeFriends of the Family CenterFriends of the High LineFriends of the Nubian Conservatory of MusicFriends of the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program of Suffolk (RSVP)Friends of UNFPAFriends of UTokyo, Inc.Friends of Van Cortlandt ParkFriends of WWB/USA, Inc.Friends of Yad LaKashish/Lifeline for the OldFriendship Ambassadors FoundationFund for Modern CourtsFund for Public AdvocacyFund for Public Health in New YorkFund for Public SchoolsFunders for LGBTQ IssuesFunding ExchangeFutures and Options, Inc.G.O.O.D. For GirlsGarden Club of AmericaGarden of HopeGay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC)Geel Community ServicesGeneral Human Outreach in the CommunityGeneral Society of Mechanics and TradesmenGerman American Partnership Program (GAPP)German University AllianceGetting Out and Staying OutGhetto Film SchoolGillen Brewer SchoolGirl Be Heard

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Girls Incorporated of Westchester CountyGirls Write Now, Inc.Girlspirit-Womensong, Inc.Give GoodyBags, Inc.Giving Alternative Learners Uplifting Opportunities (GALLOP)Gladys Krieble Delmas FoundationGlamourGals FoundationGlaucoma FoundationGlen Oaks Volunteer Ambulance CorpGlencara, Inc.Global Action Project, Inc.Global Bioethics InitiativeGlobal HIV Vaccine EnterpriseGlobal Information NetworkGlobal Justice CenterGlobal Language ProjectGlobal PotentialGlobal Workers Justice AllianceGlynwood CenterGoddard Riverside Community CenterGod’s Love We DeliverGoing Coastal, Inc.Good Neighbors of Fort Greene and Clinton Hill, Inc.Good Shepherd ServicesGoodwill Industries of Greater New York & Northern New JerseyGP Dementia Services New York, Inc.GRACE Communications FoundationGrace OutreachGraham WindhamGrameen PrimaCareGramercy Park Block Association, Inc.Grand Central Neighborhood Social Services CorporationGrand Street SettlementGreat Neck Community SchoolGreat Neck Manhasset Community Child Care PartnershipGreater Jamaica Development CorporationGreater New York Hospital FoundationGreater New York Overeaters Anonymous Metro IntergroupGreater Sheepshead Bay Development CorporationGreen Beetz, Inc.Green City ChallengeGreen GuerillasGreen Inspired ArtGreen Light New YorkGreen Map SystemGreenHome NYCGreenwall FoundationGreyston Foundation & AffiliatesGriot CircleGroundwork Hudson ValleyHabitat for Humanity - New York CityHaitian Americans United for Progress (HAUP)Halachic Organ Donor SocietyHamm & Clov Stage CompanyHampton Bays Beautification Association, Inc.HANAC (Hellenic American Neighborhood Action Committee)Happiness Is CampingHarkness Foundation for DanceHarlem Business Alliance, Inc.Harlem Commonwealth CouncilHarlem RBIHarlem Seeds

Harmony InstituteHave A Heart Foundation of Staten IslandHavens Relief Fund SocietyHAZONHeadCount, Inc.Health Advocates for Older People, Inc.Heart’s Home USAHeavenly Grace MinistriesHebrew Charter School CenterHebrew Free Burial AssociationHebrew Free Loan SocietyHebrew Home for the Aged at RiverdaleHeidelberg University AssociationHeights Hill Mental Health Service Community Advisory BoardHelp On The WayHelpUsAdopt.orgHemophilia Association of New YorkHenry Street SettlementHer JusticeHeritage of PrideHerstory Writers Workshop, Inc.HiArt! The Time In Children’s Arts InitiativeHip Hop 4 LifeHistoric House Trust of New York CityHistorical Society of East Rockaway and LynbrookHomeless Services UnitedHope Community, Inc.Hope in Life Church of Mahopac, Inc.Hope of Israel Senior Citizens CenterHorizon Theatre Rep, Inc.Hostelling International USA - New York CityHot Bread KitchenHour ChildrenHouse of SpeakEasy FoundationHouse of the RedeemerHousing Court Answers, Inc.Housing Partnership Development CorporationHudson River Community SailingHudson River School of MusicHudson Square Connection District Management AssociationHudson Valley Shakespeare FestivalHuman Rights FirstHuman Services Council (HSC)Hundred Year Association of New YorkHunter College Elementary School Parent Teacher Association, Inc.Hunter College High School Alumnae/i AssociationI Challenge MyselfI Have a Dream FoundationIdealist.orgIfetayo Cultural Arts Academy, Inc.I’m from Driftwood, Inc.Imani HouseImmigrant Social Services, Inc.ImportantGifts, Inc.In Arms Reach, Inc.Information for FamiliesInfoshare Community Studies of New YorkInnocence Project, Inc.InsideNGOInstitute for Contemporary PsychotherapyInstitute for EastWest Studies (EWI)Institute For Human Identity, Inc.Institute for Motivating Adolescents and Nourishing Insight (IMANI)Institute for Professional Education (IPE)

Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and ResearchInstitute of Classical Architecture & Classical AmericaInstitute of International EducationInstitute of Jewish SpiritualityInteractive Drama for Education & Awareness in Schools (I.D.E.A.S.)Interfaith Center of New York, Inc.Interfaith Community, Inc.International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis & PsychotherapyInternational Center for Advocates Against DiscriminationInternational Debate Education Association (IDEA)International Fellowships Fund, Inc.International Foundation for EWHA Womans UniversityInternational Foundation for Optic Nerve Disease (IFOND)International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution (CPR)International Organization for Women & DevelopmentInternational Peace Institute (IPI)International Senior Lawyers CorporationInternational Theatre And Literacy Project, Inc.Internationals Network for Public SchoolsInterreligious Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO)Island Kids, Inc.Islip Arts CouncilIslip School Age Child Care (ISACC)Israel Healthcare FoundationIthaka Harbors, Inc.J. M. R. Barker FoundationJacob A. Riis Settlement HouseJam Master Jay Foundation for MusicJamaica Bay-Rockaway Parks ConservancyJamaica Center Business Improvement AssociationJamaica KidsJane Addams Peace AssociationJazz Forum Arts, Inc.Jazz Foundation of America (Jazz Musicians’ Emergency Fund)Jefferson Market GardenJessica Lang Dance, Inc.Jeunes Virtuoses de New York, Inc.Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA)Jewish Book CouncilJewish Community Council of the Rockaway PeninsulaJewish Community Relations Council of New YorkJewish Funders NetworkJob Path, Inc.JobsFirst NYCJoe Torre Safe at Home FoundationJohn A. Reisenbach FoundationJohn and Mary R. Markle FoundationJosephine Herrick ProjectJosiah Macy, Jr. FoundationJournal of the History of Ideas, Inc.Joyce Theater FoundationJudson Memorial ChurchJunior League of the City of New YorkJustice Resource Center

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Keep Conservation FoundationKennedy Child Study CenterKent Affordable HousingKentler International Drawing SpaceKeoni Movement ArtsKids to Save the Planet, Inc. DBA StudentKind, Inc.Kimmel Housing Development FoundationKingsbridge Heights Neighborhood Improvement AssociationKingsbridge-Riverdale-Marble Hill Food & Hunger ProjectKolot Chayeinu - Voices of Our LivesKosciuszko FoundationLa Fuente, A Tri-State Worker & Community FundLa Mama Experimental Theatre ClubLa Union (UCL Inc.)Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies (LIMS)Labor InstituteLandmark West!Laundromat ProjectLawyers Alliance for New York Lawyers for ChildrenLeague of Women Voters of the City of New YorkLeague Treatment CenterLeake and Watts ServicesLearning Disabilities Association of New York CityLearning LeadersLegal Information for Families Today (LIFT)Lenape Bloemendael DMA (Columbus-Amsterdam BID)Leopold Schepp FoundationLesbian and Gay Law Association Foundation of Greater New YorkLet’s Get Ready!Leviticus 25:23 Alternative Fund, Inc.LFA International, Inc. DBA Library for AllLGS FoundationLife Light Street ProductionsLife Skills SchoolLifeWay NetworkLilac Preservation ProjectLilith: The Independent Jewish Woman’s MagazineLime Connect, Inc.Lincoln Center for the Performing ArtsLincoln Square Business Improvement DistrictLinda and Isaac Stern Charitable FoundationLiteracy Assistance CenterLiteracy PartnersLiteracy, Inc. (LINC)Little Baby Face FoundationLittle Orchestra Society / Orpheon, Inc.Little Sisters of the Assumption Family Health Service (LSA)Live Out LoudLiving Water for WomenLocal Development Corporation of East New YorkLocal Push Global, Inc.Loco-Motion Dance Theatre for ChildrenLong Island Association for AIDS Care, Inc. (LIAAC)Long Island City Partnership, Inc.Long Island Hearing & Speech SocietyLong Island Housing Services

Louis Comfort Tiffany FoundationLovell Family LtdLower East Side Family UnionLymphatic Education and Research NetworkMaa Sa Akhi Performing Arts AcademyMadison Avenue Business Improvement DistrictMadison Square Boys & Girls Club, Inc.Madison Strategies GroupMADRE, An International Women’s Human Rights OrganizationMaharashtra FoundationMaking Books SingMaking Headway FoundationMama Foundation for the ArtsMan Up! Inc.Manhasset Women’s Coalition Against Breast CancerManhattan Chamber of Commerce Community Benefit FundManhattan Institute for PsychoanalysisManhattan Neighborhood NetworkMano A Mano Mexican Culture Without BordersMaple Street SchoolMAPP International ProductionsMarine Park Civic AssociationMarion Woodman FoundationMarty and Dorothy Silverman FoundationMatan, Inc.Matthew DeGori Lowe Syndrome Foundation DBA Lowe Syndrome FoundationMaura Clarke-Ita Ford (MCIF) CenterMax’s Kansas City ProjectMayor’s Alliance for NYC’s AnimalsMazii Learning CenterMeals on Wheels of Staten IslandMeatpacking Improvement Association, Inc.Medicare Rights CenterMedicine, Law & ManagementMekongMelodious AccordMental Health Association of New York CityMentoring In Medicine, Inc.Mentoring Partnership of New YorkMercy Center, Inc.Mertz Gilmore FoundationMetropolitan Museum of ArtMetropolitan New York Council on Jewish Poverty (Met Council)Metropolitan New York Library CouncilMetropolitan Waterfront AllianceMFY Legal Services, Inc.Middle East Children’s Institute (MECI)Midori & FriendsMidwood Development CorporationMigraine Research FoundationMilitia Association of New York, Inc.Mind-Builders Creative Arts CenterMinKwon Center for Community ActionMobile Mitzvah CenterMontague Street Business Improvement District (BID)Montauk Playhouse Community Center FoundationMood Disorders Support Group MDSG/NYMoravian Open DoorMoriah InstituteMoriches Community Center, Inc.Morningside Area Alliance

Morningside Retirement and Health ServicesMount Olives Adventist Ministries, Inc.Mount Vernon Public LibraryMOUSEMunicipal Art SocietyMuse Film and TelevisionMuseum of the Village of Rockville CentreMusic & MemoryMusicians On CallMuslim Consultative NetworkMuslim Education and Converts Center of AmericaMuslim Women’s Institute for Research and DevelopmentMy Blind Spot, Inc.My Own Book FundMy Time, Inc.Myrtle Avenue Revitalization Project LDCNAACP Roy Wilkins CenterNADAP - National Association on Drug Abuse ProblemsNARAL/Pro Choice New YorkNassau Boces Educational FoundationNassau Cultural CenterNassau Performing Arts, Inc.National Advocates for Pregnant WomenNational Alliance for Musical TheatreNational Aphasia Association (NAA)National Association for Shoplifting PreventionNational Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs (Mid Island Club NANBPWC)National Audubon Society, Inc.National Autism Association New York MetroNational Board of Review of Motion PicturesNational CARES Mentoring MovementNational Center for Access to JusticeNational Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD)National Center On Philanthropy and The Law NYU School of LawNational Committee on United States-China Relations, Inc.National Employment Law ProjectNational Executive Service Corps (NESC)National Guild for Community Arts EducationNational Institute for the Psychotherapies (NIP) Training InstituteNational Institute of Social SciencesNational Latina Institute for Reproductive HealthNational LGBT Cancer NetworkNational Organization for Women (NOW)National Psychological Association for PsychoanalysisNational Society of Colonial Dames In the State of New YorkNavy League New York CouncilNCBW Community Services FundNeighborhood Coalition For ShelterNeighborhood Defender Service of HarlemNeighborhood Housing Services of New York City (NHSNYC)Neighborhood Housing Services of Staten IslandNeighborhood Trust Financial PartnersNeighbors Helping NeighborsNetwork for Peace Through Dialogue (Center of International Learning)Network Support Services

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New Destiny Housing CorporationNew Direction Services, Inc.New Economy ProjectNew FestivalNew Rochelle OperaNew Rochelle Police FoundationNew Visions for Public SchoolsNew York African Chorus EnsembleNew York Art Residency and Studio (NARS) FoundationNew York Asian Women’s CenterNew York CaresNew York Center for Civil Justice Tolerance & ValuesNew York Center for Interpersonal DevelopmentNew York City AIDS Memorial, Inc.New York City Alliance Against Sexual AssaultNew York City AudubonNew York City Coalition Against HungerNew York City Employment and Training CoalitionNew York City Financial Network Action ConsortiumNew York City Industrial Technology Assistance Corporation (ITAC)New York City Master ChoraleNew York City Mission SocietyNew York City Outward Bound CenterNew York City Police FoundationNew York City SkepticsNew York City Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NYC VOAD)New York Common PantryNew York FoundationNew York Institute for Gestalt TherapyNew York Landmarks ConservancyNew York Law Enforcement FoundationNew York Lawyers for the Public InterestNew York Legal Assistance GroupNew York Math CircleNew York Mortgage CoalitionNew York Needs YouNew York Open CenterNew York Opportunity NetworkNew York Public Library - Astor Lenox and Tilden FoundationsNew York Shakespeare ExchangeNew York State Association for Solid Waste ManagementNew York State Coalition of 853 SchoolsNew York State Institute on DisabilityNew York State Tenants & Neighbors Information ServiceNew York Therapeutic Riding CenterNew York UniversityNew York Women in Film & TelevisionNew York Women’s AgendaNew York Women’s Bar Association FoundationNew York Women’s FoundationNew Yorkers Against Gun Violence Education FundNew Yorkers for ChildrenNew Yorkers for ParksNkeanyi Support Services, Inc.Nonprofit Finance FundNonprofit Innovations, Inc.Nontraditional Employment for Women (NEW)North American Conference on British StudiesNorth Fork Community Theatre

North Fork Environmental CouncilNorth Star FundNortheast Business Group on Health (NEBGH)Northern Manhattan Improvement CorporationNot Another Child, Inc.Nour FoundationNPowerNURTUREartNY Writers Coalition, Inc.NY Youth at Risk, Inc.NYC AtheistsNYC Center for Materials ReuseNYC Leadership AcademyNYC MedicsNYC WasteMatchNYCharities.orgNYHR People and StrategyObject Relations InstituteOcean Bay Community Development CorporationOIC of Suffolk, Inc.Older Adults Technology ServicesOne Brooklyn Fund, Inc.One to World, Inc.One Year LeaseOnly Make BelieveOpen Hands Legal ServicesOpen Space InstituteOpening Act, Inc.Opus 118 Harlem School of MusicOrganization for Visual ProgressionOrganization of Black Maritime College Graduates (OBMG)Origami USAOrphans International America DBA Better Future InternationalOrpheus Chamber OrchestraOsborne AssociationOssining MATTERSOut of Bounds NYCPaget FoundationPAGL Foundation, Inc.Pajama ProgramPaper Bag PlayersParent-Child Home ProgramParents CountParents League of New YorkPark Avenue Chamber SymphonyPark Avenue SynagoguePark Slope Civic CouncilParodneck Foundation for Self-Help Housing & Community DevelopmentPartnership for After School EducationPartnership for Student AdvancementPartnership with ChildrenPastel Society of AmericaPaul Rapoport FoundationPave the Way FoundationPAWS (Pets Are Wonderful Support)Peace Boat USPeer Health ExchangePen American CenterPen and BrushPENCILPennPACPeople’s Center for Economic Independence (PCEI)Performing Arts JournalPeter K. Ruhry Keys to HopePeter S. Reed Foundation

PFLAG New York City (Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians and Gays)Philanthropy New YorkPhipps NeighborhoodsPiatigorsky FoundationPiece By Piece Productions, Inc.Piermont Public LibraryPILnetPinkerton FoundationPlanned Parenthood of New York CityPoetry Society of AmericaPoets & WritersPortSide New YorkPOV The American DocumentaryPowerPlay New York CityPractising Law InstitutePratt Area Community CouncilPrep for PrepPresbyterian WelcomePride Live NationPrimary Care Development CorporationPro Bono PartnershipProfessional Women PhotographersProgram ReachProject by Project Incorporated New YorkProject Christ InternationalProject EnterpriseProject FINDProject Heal: Help To Eat Accept & LiveProject HospitalityProject OpenProject People FoundationProject Pericles, Inc.Project Renewal, Inc.Project Sunshine, Inc.Promise Project - A Project of the Fund for the City of New YorkProof Media for Social JusticeProspect Park AllianceProvidence HousePsychoanalytic Psychotherapy Study Center (PPSC)Public Agenda Foundation, Inc.Public Art FundPublic Health Association of New York CityPublic Health SolutionsPublic Patent FoundationPublicolorPuccini Foundation, IncPULSE of New YorkQueens Community HouseQueens Congregations United for ActionQueens Economic Development Corporation (QEDC)Queens Jewish Community Council, Inc.Queens Lesbian & Gay Community Center DBA Queens Pride HouseQueens Lesbian and Gay Pride CommitteeQueens Public Communications CorporationRainforest AllianceRamapo for Children, Inc.Randall’s Island Park Alliance (RIPA)Raoul Wallenberg Committee of the United StatesRCHN Community Health FoundationRe:GenderReach Out and Read of Greater New YorkREAD AllianceReal World Foundation (Asthma Free School Zone)

22 | NPCC

REBECA, Inc.Recreation Rooms & Settlement Special Services for Senior CitizensRed Hook Art Project, Inc.Red Hook InitiativeRed Tide of New York CityReece SchoolRefugee Solidarity NetworkRegional Emergency Medical Services (EMS) of Council of New York CityRegional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, Inc.Regis High SchoolReLearning CurveRenewable Energy Long IslandReprieve USReproductive Health Access ProjectResearch to Prevent BlindnessReServe Elder for a More Beautiful SyossetResilience Advocacy ProjectResources for Children with Special Needs, Inc.Responsible Endowments CoalitionRetail Action ProjectRichard Avedon FoundationRichard Wagner Society of New YorkRidgewood Local Development CorporationRip Van Winkle FoundationRise Up and Walk Youth Outreach CenterRiverhead Foundation for Marine Research and PreservationRiverside Language ProgramRiverside Park ConservancyRiverstone Senior Life ServicesRobert Schalkenbach FoundationRobert Sterling Clark FoundationRochdale Village Social Services, Inc.Rockaway Waterfront AllianceRockefeller Brothers FundRondo Young Artist FestivalRoom To GrowRoosevelt Community Revitalization GroupRow New YorkRural Development Leadership NetworkRuth Williams Dance Foundation, Inc.Rx Art, Inc.Rye Youth CouncilSabater FoundationSadie Nash Leadership ProjectSafe HorizonSaigon Children’s Charity USASAKHI for South Asian WomenSalanter Akiba Riverdale Academy - SAR AcademySalvadori CenterSamuel H. Kress FoundationSamuel Waxman Cancer Research FoundationSanctuary for FamiliesSAPNA NYCSaul Steinberg FoundationSay Ah, Inc.Scherman FoundationScience Festival FoundationSculptors GuildSeamen’s Society for Children and FamiliesSearch and CareSeaside Summer Concert SeriesSeedco - Structured Economic Development Corp.

Seeds of Africa FoundationSenior Citizens Council of EastchesterService Program for Older People (SPOP)Service Women’s Action NetworkShalom Task Force, Inc.Shantideva Meditation CenterSHARE: Self Help for Women with Breast or Ovarian CancerShared InterestShareGift USASheldrake Environmental CenterShe’s the FirstShorefront YM-YWHAShorewalkersSikh CoalitionSinfonietta of RiverdaleSingle Mothers by ChoiceSKIP of New YorkSky Light CenterSlow Food USASMART - A Project of FCNYSmartVolunteer, Inc.Social Accountability International (SAI)Society for Clinton HillSociety of Voice Arts and SciencesSoftware Freedom Conservancy, Inc.Software Freedom Law CenterSonia Alden FoundationSound Business, Inc.South Asian Marrow Association of Recruiters (SAMAR)South Asian Youth Action (SAYA!)South Bronx Overall Economic Development Corp. (SoBRO)South Country Community Land TrustSouthampton Cultural CenterSouthwest Brooklyn Industrial Development CorporationSPACE on Ryder FarmSpence-Chapin AgencySpingold FoundationSponsors for Educational OpportunitySr Helen Travis HDFCSt. Margaret’s HouseSt. Vincent’s ServicesStart Small. Think Big., Inc.State Society on Aging of New YorkStaten Island Interagency Council for AgingStayin’ Alive, Inc.Staying Put In Rye and Environs (SPRYE)Stecher And Horowitz FoundationSteinhardt Foundation for Jewish LifeStella and Charles Guttman FoundationStone Barns Center for Food and AgricultureStonewall Community FoundationStoryCorps, Inc.Street Project, Inc.Strelsin FoundationStudent Diplomacy Corps, Inc.Students for ServiceStudio in a School AssociationSuffolk Institute for Psychotherapy and PsychoanalysisSuffolk Perinatal CoalitionSummit Music Festival, Inc.Sunnyside Community ServicesSunset Park District Management Association, Inc.Sunset Park Redevelopment Committee (SPRC)

Support Center For Nonprofit Management/Partnership in PhilanthropySupport for People with Oral and Head and Neck Cancer (SPOHNC)Supportive Housing Network of New YorkSustainable Learning, Inc.Sustainable South BronxSutton Area Community, Inc. (SAC)Swim Strong FoundationSylvia Rivera Law ProjectSymphony SpaceTable 4 Writers FoundationTagai Mentorship Program, Inc.Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious UnderstandingTaproot Foundation, New YorkTau Omega Charitable Trust FundTaxpayers to Save the Paumonok Bioenclave, Inc.Teachers & Writers CollaborativeTeam R4V IncorporatedTeatromaniaTen Penny PlayersTender Touch For AllTENET NYC, Inc.Terry Farrell Firefighters FundTextile Study Group of New YorkThe Academy for TeachersThe Acumen PartnershipThe Art of Problem Solving FoundationThe Battery ConservancyThe Blackness in Manhood, Inc.The Bridge Fund of New York, Inc.The Bridge, Inc.The Children’s VillageThe Chocolate Factory TheaterThe City Gardens Club of New York CityThe DOME ProjectThe Duke of Edinburghs International Award USAThe Family and Divorce Mediation Council of Greater New YorkThe Family CenterThe Field (Performance Zone)The Financial ClinicThe Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR)The Friends of PS 217The Garden PeopleThe HAMS Harm Reduction NetworkThe Haven Community FoundationThe Historical Society of the Courts of the State of New YorkThe HOPE ProgramThe Institute for Conscious Global Change, Inc.The Interchurch CenterThe International Legal FoundationThe Jazz GalleryThe Lesbian and Gay Big Apple CorpsThe Loft: Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center, Inc.The Lotos Foundation, Inc.The Lower East Side Harm Reduction CenterThe Magic Penny, Inc.The Max Reger Foundation of AmericaThe Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York CityThe Morgan Library & MuseumThe Neuropsychoanalysis FoundationThe New Stage Theatre CompanyThe New York City Globe TheatreThe New York Immigration Coalition

NPCC | 23

The Parris FoundationThe Pituitary SocietyThe Possibility ProjectThe Rajkumari Cultural CenterThe Renaissance Society of AmericaThe Renee and Chaim Gross FoundationThe Resolution Project, Inc.The Skadden FoundationThe TEAK FellowshipThe Transition NetworkThe Weekend To Be Named Later LtdThe Wilbur Ware Institute, Inc.The World Is Your Oyster, Inc.Theater for the New CityTheatre Development FundTheatre for a New AudienceTheatre World AwardsTheodore Gordon FlyfishersThird Street Music School SettlementThird World NewsreelThyroid, Head and Neck Cancer Foundation (THANC)TIDESToday’s Students Tomorrow’s TeachersTorah Learning Project, Inc.Town House International SchoolTownscape of Millerton & NortheastTraditional Nutrition GuildTraining for Health Equity Network DBA THEnetTransgender Legal Defense & Education FundTransport Group Theatre CompanyTrees New YorkTrial.Com FoundationTribeca Open Artist Studio Tour (TOAST), Inc.Tribeca Performing Arts Center-Borough of Manhattan Community CollegeTrickle UpTrident Swim FoundationTriLatino Triathlon ClubTrinity - Services and Food for the HomelessTrinity Healing Center, Inc.Trisha Brown Dance CompanyT’ruahTurkish Philanthropy FundsTurning Point for Women and FamiliesTusk USA, Inc.TWW, Inc.UERMMMC Alumni FoundationUJA-Federation of New YorkUnified New Cassel Community Revitalization Corp.Union Square Park Community CoalitionUnion Square Partnership, Inc.Unique People Services, Inc.United Hospital FundUnited Neighborhood Houses of New YorkUnited Veterans Foundation, Inc.United Way of New York CityUnity Neighborhood CenterUniversal Temple of the ArtsUniversity Glee Club of New York CityUniversity Neighborhood Housing Program (UNHP)University of Cape Town FundUnleashed - A Project of the Fund for the City of New YorkUntermyer Performing Arts Council, Inc.Upwardly GlobalUrban Green Council (USGBC New York Chapter)

Urban Youth AllianceValley Restoration Local Development CorpVCG Governance MattersVera Institute of JusticeVillage Alliance District Management AssociationVines NYVintage Thrift ShopViolence Intervention ProgramVirginia Gildersleeve International Fund DBA VGIFVirtue FoundationVision Ed, Inc.Visionary Media Group, Inc.Visiting Neighbors, Inc.Voices UnBrokenVolunteer Lawyers for the Arts (VLA)Volunteer New YorkVolunteer Referral CenterWalkabout Clearwater SloopWalt Whitman Birthplace AssociationWashington Heights Community Services, Inc.Washington Heights CORNER ProjectWashington Square Park Conservancy, Inc.Washingtonville Housing AllianceWateraid AmericaWaterkeeper Alliance, Inc.We Are Family FoundationWebster ApartmentsWeeksville Heritage CenterWell Spouse AssociationWest 181st Street Beautification ProjectWest Brighton Community Local Development CorporationWest Village Nursery SchoolWestbeth Artists Residents CouncilWestchester Institute for Training in Psychoanalysis & PsychotherapyWestchester Martin Luther King, Jr. Institute for NonviolenceWestchester Oratorio Society, Inc.WesthabWhere There’s A NeedWieder Family FoundationWildlife Conservation SocietyWillie Mae Rock Camp for GirlsWinston Preparatory SchoolWITNESS, Inc.WNETWNYC (New York Public Radio)Wolf Conservation CenterWomen Divers Hall of FameWomen for Afghan WomenWomen of Wind EnergyWomen’s Center for Education & Career AdvancementWomen’s City Club of New YorkWomen’s Housing & Economic Development Corporation (WHEDCO)Women’s International League for Peace and FreedomWomen’s Sports FoundationWomen’s Venture FundWoodhull Community District Management AssociationWoodhull Institute for Ethical LeadershipWords Without BordersWorkforce Professionals Training InstituteWorking in Support of EducationWorkmen’s Circle/ Arbeter Ring

Worksites for Wellness, Inc.World Bible ProjectWorld Cares CenterWorld Day of Prayer International CommitteeWorld Day of Prayer USA CommitteeWorld Education ServicesWorld Federation of United Nations AssociationsWorld Foundation for Music and HealingWorld Monuments FundWorldofMoney.orgWyckoff House & AssociationYad HaChazakah (JDEC) Jewish Disability Empowerment CenterYale Alumni Chorus FoundationYale Whiffenpoof Alumni, Inc.Yes She Can IncorporatedYMCA of Greater New YorkYork College FoundationYou Gotta BelieveYoung Audiences New YorkYoung Gents Society, Inc.Young People’s Chorus of New YorkYoung Women’s Leadership NetworkYouth, I.N.C.YWCA of BrooklynYWCA of the City of New YorkZankel FundZGD, Inc. DBA Zvi DanceZiegfeld Club

24 | NPCC

Sustaining Grantmaker Members ($3,000+)

Avon Foundation for WomenCarnegie Corporation of New YorkCharles H. Revson FoundationThe Fan Fox & Leslie R. Samuels Foundation, Inc.The Greenwall FoundationThe Josiah Macy, Jr. FoundationThe Markle FoundationMertz Gilmore FoundationNew York FoundationThe Pinkerton FoundationRockefeller Brothers FundThe Wallace Foundation

Sustaining Corporate Members ($3,000+)

IBMUnemployment Services Trust

Corporate Members ($1,500)

Accounting Management Solutions, Inc. (AMS)American Corporate Benefits, Inc.Citrin CoopermanEisnerAmper LLPEwenstein Young & Roth LLPFMAFrankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz PCJitasaKiwi Partners, Inc.Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLPPatterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLPStroock & Stroock & Lavan LLPTCC GroupWeil, Gotshal & Manges LLPWillkie Farr & Gallagher LLP

Associate Members

Nina BahazhevskaAmy BarnettFran Barrett John Bennett (Alouette Communications)Black GraphicsMaia BookoffJanet L. Burak Carter Ledyard & Milburn LLPKatherine CaryCassidy TurleyCondon O’Meara McGinty & Donnelly LLP

James D’AmbrosioMichael Davidson Denham Wolf Real Estate ServicesMarylee Raymond Diamond Dorf & Nelson LLPAndrew DragunatDuval & Stachenfeld LLPFust Charles Chambers LLPJ.D. Moschitto & Associates, Inc.Leadership Directories, Inc.Robert LehrmanMcGee Fund Raising CounselProfessionals for NonProfitsJames E. Rocco David RottkampMichael Seltzer The Public GoodThe Funding Network USARon Wormser

Student Members

Danna Lennon-Thomas Ari Yana Misfeldt

NPCC | 25

Grants and Contributions*

Corporate & Foundation Grants

Altman FoundationThe Andrew W. Mellon FoundationBernard F. and Alva B. Gimbel Foundation, Inc.CitiThe Clark FoundationThe Commonwealth FundCrystal & CompanyThe Dana FoundationDebevoise & Plimpton LLPEdward W. Hazen Foundation Ford FoundationFund for the City of New York (FCNY)GoogleThe Hyde and Watson FoundationIBM MetLifeThe New York Community TrustRobert Sterling Clark Foundation Rockefeller Brothers Fund Samuel H. Kress Foundation The Sexauer FoundationStaples AdvantageThe Taconic Foundation The Wallace Foundation


$1,000 and above

Ian J. BenjaminVictoria BjorklundBond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC (Shelley Sanders Kehl)Joyce M. BoveMiriam BuhlCentre for Social InnovationMichael E. ClarkThe Commonwealth FundJohn E. Craig, Jr. Deborah Buyer LawEisnerAmper LLPIrving & Geraldine Schaffer Foundation

J.D. Moschitto & Associates, Inc.KPMG LLPAntoinette La BelleCharlene LaniewskiDavid Rockefeller Barbara SchatzMichael SeltzerJonathan A. SmallEmily L. SmithPeter SwordsRobert J. Vanni

$500 to $999

Robert ActonRichard D. BurnsBill ChessTimothy HartyKaren PearlBetty Robbins


ACMP Associated Chamber Music Players Victoria BaileyBlack Culinarian AllianceGregory CohenEast Williamsburg Valley Industrial Development Corporation Steve FrillmanLeslie GoldmanBernell GrierHealth Advocates for Older People Heavenly Grace MinistriesMartha JohnsRonda KotelchuckPatricia KozuJessica LeeJudy LevineSheila LewandowskiRoland LewisThe Lotos Foundation, Inc.Maa Sa Akhi Performing Arts Academy

Mano a Mano: Mexican Culture Without BordersMarine Park Civic AssociationCarolyn McLaughlinShin MiyoshiCao K. OStephanie PalmerMerble ReagonGilbert SabaterSister Helen Travis HDFCSonia Alden FoundationMichael StollerDevereux SwingThe Blackness in Manhood, Inc.UERMMMC Alumni FoundationG. Robert Watts

Donated Services

Alliance for Young Artists & WritersCiti Community DevelopmentColumbia Business School Executive Education Programs in Social EnterpriseFord FoundationFund for the City of New York (FCNY)McGladrey LLPMorgan, Lewis & BockiusNew York MagazinePhilanthropy New YorkRoundTable TechnologyWNYC

*As of September 30, 2014

26 | NPCC

NPCC’s most recent audited financial statement and IRS Form 990 can be found at

See notes to financial statements.


Assets September 30 2014 2013 Current assets Cash $ 138,832 $ 31,772

Investments, at fair value 1,437,513 1,465,448 Grants and contributions receivable, net 37,780 105,670 Prepaid expenses 21,244 20,390 Total current assets 1,635,369 1,623,280

Property, equipment and leasehold improvements, net 341,240 37,681

Security deposit 77,113 97,721

Total assets $ 2,053,722 $1,758,682

Liabilities and Net Assets

Current liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses $ 195,313 $ 168,074 Deferred membership dues 273,708 261,364 Total current liabilities 469,021 429,438

Deferred lease incentive 193,807 - Total liabilities 662,828 429,438

Net assets Unrestricted Board designated Capital reserve fund 650,000 650,000 Special needs reserve fund 200,000 200,000 Undesignated 427,394 419,244 Total unrestricted net assets 1,277,394 1,269,244

Temporarily restricted 113,500 60,000

Total net assets 1,390,894 1,329,244

Total liabilities and net assets $ 2,053,722 $1,758,682

NPCC | 27


For the Years Ended September 30, 2014 and September 30, 2013 2014 2013 Temporarily Temporarily Unrestricted Restricted Total Unrestricted Restricted Total

Revenue and support Grants and contributions $ 708,782 $ 113,500 $ 822,282 $ 522,877 $ 20,000 $ 542,877 In-kind contributions 229,477 - 229,477 272,080 - 272,080 Membership-related revenue Membership dues 611,316 - 611,316 603,575 - 603,575 Grants 21,000 - 21,000 23,000 - 23,000 Rental 2,250 - 2,250 1,825 - 1,825 Nonprofit Forum dues 8,700 - 8,700 8,186 - 8,186

Investment return 10,203 - 10,203 9,586 - 9,586 Other 9,723 - 9,723 17,010 - 17,010

Net assets released from restrictions 60,000 (60,000) - 95,227 (95,227) - Total revenue and support 1,661,451 53,500 1,714,951 1,553,366 (75,227) 1,478,139

Expenses Program services 1,390,801 - 1,390,801 1,296,727 - 1,296,727 Supporting services Management and general 266,263 - 266,263 230,403 - 230,403 Fundraising 59,204 - 59,204 82,987 - 82,987 Total supporting services 325,467 - 325,467 313,390 - 313,390 Total expenses 1,716,268 - 1,716,268 1,610,117 - 1,610,117

Increase (decrease) in net assets from operations (54,817) 53,500 (1,317) (56,751) (75,227) (131,978)

Non-operating gain Net realized and unrealized gain on investments 62,967 - 62,967 103,521 - 103,521

Increase (decrease) in net assets 8,150 53,500 61,650 46,770 (75,227) (28,457)

Net assets, beginning of year 1,269,244 60,000 1,329,244 1,222,474 135,227 1,357,701

Net assets, end of year $ 1,277,394 $ 113,500 $ 1,390,894 $ 1,269,244 $ 60,000 $ 1,329,244

See notes to financial statements.

28 | NPCC

ChairIan J. Benjamin, McGladrey LLP

PresidentMichael E. Clark, Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York

Board of DirectorsAs of December 31, 2014

Victoria Bailey, Theatre Development Fund (TDF)John E. Craig, Jr., The Commonwealth Fund

Leslie GoldmanBernell Grier, Neighborhood Housing Services

of New York City (NHSNYC)Ronda Kotelchuck, Primary Care

Development CorporationPatricia Kozu, Ascend

Antoinette La Belle, Growth Philanthropy Network/Social Impact Exchange

Sheila Lewandowski, The Chocolate Factory Theater

Roland Lewis, Metropolitan Waterfront AllianceCarolyn McLaughlin

Cao K. O Stephanie Palmer, 1199SEIU Child Care Funds

Karen Pearl, God’s Love We DeliverMichael Seltzer, Baruch College/

CUNY School of Public Affairs Emily L. Smith

Sarah (BJ) Sung, Con EdisonG. Robert Watts, Care for the Homeless

Board Members

Directors Emeriti

John E. Craig, Jr., Chairman EmeritusPeter Swords, Esq., President Emeritus

Jonathan A. Small, Esq., President EmeritusNatalie Abatemarco

William AguadoFran BarrettLucy Cabrera

Bill ChessSean Delany, Esq.

James Greilsheimer, Esq.Barry GroveLewis HarrisCarla HunterMartha JohnsJohn KaiterisGregory King

Carol KurzigSandra LambJessica Lee

Rhonda LewisNancy Lublin

Prema Mathai-DavisMary McCormick

Shin Richard MiyoshiHarvey NewmanCaroline Kim OhNicholas Platt

Margarita RosaS. Andrew Schaffer, Esq.

J. David Seay, Esq.Walter Sweet

Vice ChairsRobert Acton, Esq., Taproot Foundation

Joyce M. BoveRichard D. Burns, Esq., Funding Exchange

Gregory Cohen, Cause EffectiveBarbara Schatz, Esq., Columbia Law School

TreasurerCharlene Laniewski, KPMG LLP

SecretaryMerble Reagon, Women’s Center for Education &

Career Advancement


$2 millionSavings reported by

nonprofit members using our group-buying programs

$7.7 millionAwarded to NPCC members

using our Government Grants Information Service

4,032Reported organizational improvements resulting

from NPCC information and guidance services*

94%Nonprofit members rating

our services as “Excellent,” “Very Good,” or “Good”*

16Key government agencies that worked with NPCC’s Government Relations Committee to maintain

a positive regulatory environment for nonprofits

1,485Total dues-paying members (including Nonprofits, Grantmakers,

Corporations, Associates, & Students)

1,433Nonprofit Members

(Nonprofits, Grantmakers &


91%FY 2014 nonprofit members’

renewal rate

$1,724,418Total FY 2014 Revenue

$1,716,268Total FY 2014 Expenses

FY 2014 Revenue Sources

*Based on member reports on impact of NPCC workshops, trainings, newsletter, web content, telephone and email guidance, and other programs and services.

Fiscal Year 2014: October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2014


Our MissionThe Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York serves as the voice and information source for the New York City area nonprofit community, so that nonprofits are better informed, managed, governed and represented at all levels of government, and better equipped to achieve their missions.

Our VisionThe quality of life for all New Yorkers depends on a strong, vibrant and diverse nonprofit sector. Nonprofits must manage and govern themselves well, be accountable and transparent to donors, constituents and the public, and pursue their missions effectively. As NPCC’s influence and membership grow, so does our ability to help member nonprofits achieve these objectives. NPCC’s goal is to be New York nonprofits’ most reliable source for information, advice, quality programs and services, their most effective advocate on sector-wide issues, and widely recognized as such.




22% Grants & Contributions


135 West 36th Street, 15th FloorNew York, NY 10018

(212) 502-4191Fax: (212) 502-4189