Managing Chaotic Marketing VSHMPR May 2014

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Transcript of Managing Chaotic Marketing VSHMPR May 2014

Marketing Planning OverviewDate

Managing Chaotic Marketing

How to manage content in an integrated digital world


Howard DeskinCEO & Internet Marketing Manager

Anne Moss RogersMarketing & Creative Director

Why is content marketing important in healthcare?

Online Visibility

Content marketing provides awareness and branding that go beyond a mere “web presence” by engaging your target markets in a meaningful way

People “Google” health concerns

Google processes over one billion search requests per day, with 80% of users going online to research health information. Don’t you want to be in those results?

Be part of the social media conversation

Dayton Children’s Hospital set up alerts that allowed them to post a blog link to alleviate this parent’s fears. That says “we care” without literally saying it.

Content marketing basics

The goal of content marketing is to

Reach, attract & consistently acquire a clearly defined audience, driving them to

engage in a platform where you can tweak your message more specifically and

stay on their radar consistently, with the ultimate objective of driving profitable

customer action.

In Short: Reach Attract Engage Touch

Content marketing is a continuous funnel. It’s not always fast but it is very effective.

Content marketing includes• Blog posts• Whitepapers• Infographics• Email/Newsletters• Videos• Webinars/Events• Press Releases• Mobile Apps• Websites• Online Communities (forums)• And whatever comes next!

Content marketing is the new SEO

Blogs, articles & shares are what search engines value and what boosts your position in search results. Sharing on social media is the new “backlink strategy”. Technical SEO is only 5% of your efforts.

Mobile marketing is hot!

Are your email newsletters mobile responsive? If not, ask your provider to put you on beta testing. Keep them simple. Utilize single column formats & modify a tested template so it renders well on all devices.

Synchronizing Multi Media Messages

Establishing KPIs and Analyzing Data

Social Media Strategy, Engagement & Monitoring

Components of Content Marketing

Content Marketing Strategy, Creation & Execution1




Immediate challenges for marketing directors

Integrated marketing map

Your website is now the nucleus of your marketing activity and the goal of other media is to drive traffic to a web property so you can engage that customer.

Multiple devices

Marketing is now consumer driven. Your targetconsumes content on multiple devices so it has to be served up to suit the consumer.

Distracted consumersIt takes more touches and a consistent effort over time to engage and achieve marketing goals

of penetration and brand awareness.


Monitoring & overseeing social media is difficult and time consuming. Adopting policies and standardized answers to comments/complaints empowers your staff to post approved answers on social media.

Too much to keep up with

Outsource or hire in house? Combo? How do you manage it all?

See the article

Internet never sleeps

No wonder you feel overwhelmed

So what next?

Internal Structure First Steps

Get head honchos to buy in1

Focus on the goals, pain points and accountability systems that affect the success of the higher ups. Then show examples of how others are using content marketing well and an example of how you might meet a goal utilizing it. Do not call it “content marketing” at first. Illustrate the concept to the head honchos.


Get a good Project Manager

Get a Content Marketing Manager

Internal Structure First Steps

Get head honchos to buy in1




Once you have internal support, you’ll be able to move forward with other initiatives, 2 - 4.

Keys to Content Marketing

Define strategy/target markets

Content formula, planning, CTA

Set goals/KPIs/establish baseline

Process for Content Marketing Success




Synchronize multi media messages4

Measure results5

Tweak Strategy6

Set goals/KPIs/establish baseline

Establish a method to monitor data

Translate the data into results

Establish a baseline

Setting goals

Establish statistical goals - KPIs1




Get baseline statistics

For example, if you want to increase website visitors by 25%, you need to establish what visitation is today so you can measure progress going forward.

An example KPI (Key Performance Indicator) would be that you want 200 more patients per month in your new cath lab.

Define strategy/target markets

Research your target market

Great information about your target market’s concerns are online -- particularly in forums and message boards. Research the conversation!

Research your target market

Go beyond what you already know (such as demographic information):

•What is your market worried about? •What are their issues? •If your goal is to get more pregnant women signed up for birthing classes at your hospital, and second trimester is when pregnant women make a birthing plan decision, how might you leverage that information to the benefit of your facility?

What devices do they prefer?

Figure out the preferred devices for the consumer you are trying to reach for a particular marketing initiative. On what social platforms are they active? What time of day?

Demographic examples

Young Moms use the internet to ask questions, connect and feel less isolated -- often checking out social media on mobile devices at 2 a.m.

Demographic examples

Men over 50 most often access email, sports and news on their smartphones.

Target for Specific Demographic

We accommodated this site for an older demographic. Patients said, “I love this site. It’s so easy to find things.” Exactly what we were going for.

Use Google PPC to test messages


Test potential content and ad messaging. We tested the doctor’s suggested “CRS Colonoscopy” with the brand “Kinder Colonoscopy.”

Use Google PPC to test messages


18 x $2,000 = $36,000 ROI for a $200 spend. And this was only to test the brand position. From there we started a content marketing campaign before launching a paid campaign based on these results.

At the end of 30 days, this ad got 1 click and no sign-ups.

At the end of 30 days, this ad got 98 clicks and 18 sign-ups

Be creative in testing messages

Ta-tas Need More Oo La La?If you’re tired of ta-tas with no perkand plump, see our expert surgeonsPlastic Surgeons What’s up with my bottom?Hemorrhoids & fissures are painfulWe discreetly diagnose and treatColon & Rectal Specialists

We’ll Buy Your ClunkerWe’ll pay top $$$ for your old caror auto parts. Call us 804-612-0695River City Recycling

These can be fun. The trouble is that most PPC companies are techies and not into writing ads. So you or your marketing firm needs to write these.

Content formula, planning, CTA

Blog cheat sheet

This is just an example of where to start regarding what to blog, how often and how to share.

Twitter cheat sheet

This is an example of where to start with social media and how to encourage brand engagement.

Plan ahead. Events/webinar calendarEvents

Dovetail on the buzz surrounding the disease of the month calendar or seasonal content. Or do “heart month” in a different month. Apply events to a calendar and focus on doing a multi-media content marketing effort on at least two of the campaigns as they suit the goals of your facility. Make your campaign different to stand out from all the other buzz.

Plan blog/social media posts

Use a spreadsheet to generate blog and content post ideas, then choose tools to monitor and manage the approval and posting process.

Plan for the unexpected


MARKETINGStuff happens. A local bombing or disease outbreak puts a lot of patients in your ER and your hospital is suddenly in the spotlight! How do you handle that on your social channels? Do you have a policy in place for any imagined scenario so you are prepared and have a guide for the unexpected?

Be creative

Stop them in

their tracks

This ad for prostate cancer in the UK did a great job of creating buzz before the ad ran. The pic was released before the magazine ad published, creating a fervor to purchase the magazine. Prostate screenings went up.

Example – sad subject made fun!

This is a great example of a healthcare content marketing campaign.

Seattle Children’s Hospital


Over three million views and a lot of funds raised. But how did they get rights to that song? They didn’t. They took a chance, posted the video and then made sure Kelly Clarkson saw it. If she didn’t like it, most likely she’d have simply asked that the video be removed. Would you ask a hospital to remove your tune from a children’s cancer video?

Kelly’s Response?


• Creative content marketing campaigns have more social sharing potential

• Videos and content that spark an emotion are more likely to go viral and get shares

• Creative content marketing makes your facility look less institutional & more human

• No copy in the video says, “We offer patient- centered care.” But viewers get that impression.

• Do add your logo to your video!

CTA- Call to action

Think about your goals and the funnel for your content marketing. What do you want the reader to do? Add a call to action. Don’t make them guess.

Use an incentive to get an email, ‘like’ or ‘follow’ so you can stay on the consumer radar. More touches are critical these days and you want an inexpensive way to keep in touch and stay top of mind

CTA - Snag the email address

Synchronize multi-media messages

Social media posts

Web search tie in – PPC ad

Website tie in & content update1



Do not put an ad out there leading people to a website that doesn’t reflect the message in your ad. Think about your sales funnel so an action can be completed. Buttons, forms and visual cues help.


BRA month integrated campaign

This one started out as a referral marketing strategy with a physician liaison and involved a content marketing strategy

Rack Cards of all the plastic surgeons are wrapped with a pink bra strap closure and hand delivered with……

Boob cookies delivered

Hang tag headline for cookie tray:  We made these TaTas for you! From the practice that can reconstruct, enhance or reduce TaTas beautifully.  Check out Facebook for photos of your staff when they got the cookies!

Follow up email with links to galleries where nurses can share the pictures with friends and family.

Blog posts and social media posts extend the reach of the campaign.

Cosmetic and reconstructive procedures are scheduled as a result of a reconstruction campaign.

Shower card leave behinds

Follow up leave behind for patients two weeks later:

Physician liaison is welcomed with open arms since staff enjoyed a good laugh with the boob cookies.

Shower cards with hospital or practice logo are left for patients to hang in their shower. Great for raising brand and breast cancer awareness.

Support paid ads with content

Print ad offers url so patients can get details on what a kinder colonoscopy is.

Blog post

This page explains how their colonoscopy is “kinder”. Social media and digital ads were also part of the mix

Magnet for referring docs

This ended up on the refrigerators of doctors and nurses that refer patients for colonoscopies, keeping the practice top of mind.

Measure Results

Kinder Colonoscopy Results?



ROI for targeted surgical procedure which is up to 6x the spend

Estimated new revenue generated from $65K marketing spend not counting recare

Increase in website visitors from Google ads

This does not account for follow up appointments for other medical issues, or ones spotted during the exam.

Funnel Analysis: Webinar Example

Current List for Program Send(X number of leads)

Webinar Sign-Ups(X%)

Webinar Attend(X%)

Webinar Follow Up Includes Offer for Demo(X%)


Good Leads(X%)



Program Launch Date:Goals:List Size:

Roughly X% Register ~ X NumberWebinar Dates:“

X% Attend – X Number

X% Register for Demo – X Number

X% Fit the Right Profile – X Number

X% Fit the Right Profile – X Number

Of those that attend the demo, X% become opportunities – X Number

Win X% - X Wins

Example of how you can track and showcase results

In summary, remember

• As a healthcare facility, you are a “low interest” category until something goes wrong. Even insurance ranks above you in terms of interest level.

• A person doesn’t need knee or heart surgery every day, so content marketing is one way to stay top of mind when they do need it.

• They are talking about you. Content marketing is a way you can guide the conversation and prove you are patient-centered without literally having to say it.

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