Management Support System

Post on 10-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Management Support System


Input Proses output User

EIS Pengumpulan data;eksternal, internal

Grafik, Simulasi, interaktif

Proyeksi jawaban pertanyaan

Manajer senior


Sejumlah data untuk dianalisis; model2 analitik dan alat2 bantu analisis

Interaktif, simulasi, analisis

Laporan2 khusus, analisis keputusan, jawaban pertanyaan

Staf ahli, atau manajer

MIS Rangkuman data; sejumlah besar data, model2 sederhana

Laporan rutin, model2 sederhana, analisis level rendah

Rangkuman dan laporan akhir

Manajemen madya

ECS Dokumen; jadwal Pengolahan dokumen, penjadwalan, komunikasi

Dokumen, jadwal, surat

Manajer, petugas administrasi

PCS Spesifikasi desain robotic

Pemodelan, simulasi Model-model grafis Staf ahli, staf teknis

TPS Transaksi;even-even Pensortiran, pengkombinasian, pembaruan

Laporan rinci, daftar, rangkuman

Personil operasi, pengawas, supervisor

Dimensi DSS MIS

Philosophy Provide integrated tools, data, models, and language to users

Provide structured information to end users

System analysis

Establish what tool are used in the decision process

Identify information requirements

Rancangan Iteratve process Deliver system based on frozen requirements

“What financing option will cost he

least to buy the house when the principal and interest are all

paid? What option will result in the lowest

monthly payments?”

Bob says :


2Choice of model


Needed information



6Model result


Now Bob says :


“Now that I’ve figured the total cost of all

the loan options and also the payment for each of the loans I

can use that information to make the final decision on









What-If Models

Optimization Models

Goal-Seeking Models

Statistical Models

Organizational Information

External Information

Personal Information

(Perangkat lunak penyelenggara dialog)

(Manajemen basis model DSS)

DSS database adalah koleksi dari database saat ini dan data historis dari beberapa aplikasi di dalam organisasi atau kelompok untuk mudah diakses dengan aplikasi yang sesuai.

Type of Information System


Expert Systems Knowledge – from experts

Decision Support Systems

Decision – interactive support

Executive Information Systems

Information – for executives

Management Information Systems

Information – for managerial end users

Transaction Processing Systems

Data – from business operations

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