Making ice cream by Alaana

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Making ice cream by Alaana

Making ice cream

Step 1

• A large jar with a lid

Step 2

* a smaller jar (with a tight fitting lid) that would fit in the large jar

Step 3

* a smaller jar [with a tight fitting lid] that will fit the larger jar

Step 4

* a spoon

* a hand towel

Step 5


• * fresh whipping cream• *sugar• *vanilla essence• *ice cubes • *and rock salt


Half a cup of fresh whipping cream *2 table spoons of suger * a few drops [ no more than teaspoon] of

vanilla essence * ice cubes

How to make it [ step 1]

In the smaller jars, we mixed a small amount of the cream with the sugar until the sugar dissolved. Then we add the rest of the cream and the vanilla, leaving a gap of a least 2 centimeters at the top of the jars.

How to make it [ step 2 ]

screwed the lids tightly. Now it was time to make our freezers. broke small pieces and put some of it into the bottom of the larger jars. Then placed the smaller jars into a bed of ice and screw the lids tightly. Then put in sugar or else it wont be sugery

Then add in the cream

How to make it [ step 3 ]

Then get your hand towel and start rolling it but keep your eyes on the clock.

How to make it [ step 4 ]

When you finish get your towel and use the other side of it to wipe the wetness of the jar.

Enjoying the ice cream

After all that fun ice cream making all you need to do is to eat it !