Mahurangi Matters, Winter Feature, 15 April 2015

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Transcript of Mahurangi Matters, Winter Feature, 15 April 2015

26 Mahurangi Matters April 15, 2015 winterfeature


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Rodney residents can get a $5000 loan from Auckland Council to cover costs of installing insulation through the Retrofit Your Home programme.

Council scheme warms hundreds of homes in RodneyRodney homeowners have received more than $1 million as part of Auckland Council’s Retrofit Your Home programme, which helps meet insulation and heating costs.The scheme started in 2011 and allows Auckland ratepayers to apply for $5000 to spend on home insulation, clean heating, fireplace removal, water tank installation and water efficiency devices.The money is a loan which is paid off with interest over nine years via a targeted rate.More than 400 Rodney residents have so far applied for the fund, receiving over $1.1 million.Auckland-wide, 11,500 households have received over $28 million and application numbers have continued to grow each year.The programme has proved so popular Council has had to top up the fund each year as demand has exceeded expectations. Just three-quarters of the way through the current financial year, Council has already approved $5.4 million worth of applications. As a result, the scheme was boosted from $6m to $9m last month.In 2012, it was estimated that 400,000 homes were inadequately insulated in

the Auckland region, so demand is expected to remain strong.Environmental Services manager Gael Ogilvie says the programme has supported better health outcomes at no net cost to Council.“Homeowners benefit from warmer drier homes, improved energy efficiency and cleaner heating sources,” Ms Ogilvie says. “There are also air quality improvements achieved

through a reduction in particulate emissions from home fires.”The range of options supported by the Retrofit Your Home programme has recently expanded to include water conservation.Customers select their retrofit supplier from a list of 15 approved suppliers who quote for the work.All suppliers have been chosen through a process that evaluates product

effectiveness, price, service method, track record, resources and technical capacity. Council also monitors supplier performance in terms of customer service and price through customer surveys and price audits.Premier Insulation Auckland North accounts manager Nick Booth says $5000 will cover the cost of under-floor and ceiling insulation in most homes.“We get a lot of people saying it’s the best money they’ve spent on their home. The costs are relatively low, but the benefits are substantial.”But he says there has been a noticeable drop in people insulating their homes since a government subsidy ended in 2013, which assisted about 235,000 homes. The programme offered homeowners a 33 per cent subsidy up to $1300. The subsidy programme is now only available for low-income households.“Obviously the Council-run scheme is less inviting than the government subsidy, but it still means more people are able to afford to insulate their homes.”The list of suppliers is updated each year and is expected to expand to 20 suppliers next month.Info: (keywords, retrofit your home)

27 April 15, 2015 Mahurangi Matters winterfeature

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Anyone can catch influenza or ‘the flu’. Fit and healthy people can get it, and so can people who have had it before because the strains of influenza virus change from year to year.

‘At risk’ groups urged to immunise against influenzaHealth authorities in NZ are aiming to have more than 1.2 million people immunised with the influenza vaccine this year.The annual supply of the vaccine has arrived in New Zealand after being delayed while two new strains were added to provide better protection.The Ministry of Health says there are now more than half a million vaccines in the country.Medical centres are being encouraged to start vaccinating those who are most vulnerable such as pregnant women, the elderly and people with serious health conditions. A national campaign encouraging ‘at risk’ members of the community to immunise will be launched on April 21.National Influenza Specialist Group spokesperson and virologist, Dr Lance Jennings says the bad flu season developing in the United States and possibly in Europe, was caused by an influenza A (H3N2) strain which had ‘drifted’ or changed and was not included in the Northern Hemisphere flu vaccine.“We had this strain in New Zealand at the end of our winter last year, so some people have already been exposed to it,” he says. “We believe the vaccine currently being formulated for New Zealand should offer good protection against the circulating H3N2 strain.”Protecting younger people, especially those with ongoing medical conditions, will be a special focus of this year’s immunisation programme.“We know that younger people who have an ongoing medical condition such as diabetes or asthma, are often unaware that they are at risk from influenza. They possibly believe they are fit and healthy and therefore, not in need of influenza vaccination.“Unfortunately, this group is particularly vulnerable to the complications of influenza because of their underlying condition and are more likely to be

admitted to hospital than the general population.”Around 1.2 million doses of influenza vaccine were used in NZ in the 2014 season. The highest uptake was among people 65 and over.Dr Jennings says it will be a challenge to improve vaccine uptake this year, especially as 2013 and 2014 were relatively mild influenza seasons and people may have become complacent about the threat.

Flu immunisation is free for pregnant women, people aged 65 and over, and anyone under 65 years of age with ongoing medical conditions such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, respiratory disease (including asthma), kidney disease and most cancers, as well as children under five who have been hospitalised for respiratory illness or have a history of significant respiratory illness.The subsidised season ends on July 31.

28 Mahurangi Matters April 15, 2015 winterfeature



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Keeping Winter Out & the Warmth In!

ATTN: Angela Brangwynne


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Creating quality windows and doors to suit your lifestyle.Phone 09 422 2020, email or visit our website

Proud supplier of Platinum Homes Rodney

Be proactive about preventative careAlthough winter is just around the corner, it is never too late to start practicing healthier habits that could help keep winter illness at bay.The Auckland Regional Public Health Service recommends the following:• Have the influenza vaccination, which is free for

some people.• Wash your hands because illnesses are easily spread

by hands. Wash both sides of the hands and between the fingers for at least 20 seconds, using soap, and dry hands with a paper towel or clean dry towel.

• Exercise daily. A 30-minute walk outside gives you some fresh air and helps your body get stronger.

• Eat healthy foods. This helps build your immune system. Include fresh vegetables with some lean protein and try to reduce sugar and salt intake.

• Air the house. Open windows during the day (even for a short time) and then close them before the sun goes down or before turning on the heating. A well-aired home helps keep it dry and your family well.

• Reduce dampness. Keep the bathroom door closed when showering or bathing to lessen dampness settling around the house. Dampness allows mould and mildew to grow and can lead to respiratory illness.

• Dehumidify. If possible, use a dehumidifier as it can help keep homes dry, especially if there is a lot of moisture or dampness.

• Take care with coughs and sneezing. Stay away from work or school to avoid passing on the cold to others.

• Quit smoking. If you do smoke, go outside, and never smoke around children. Visit for support on quitting.

Council snuffs out home fire regulationsThe home fires can keep burning – for now.Auckland Council has put its plan to ban domestic open fires and phase out pre-2005 wood burners on hold awaiting a Government review of air quality regulations. Currently there is no time frame as to if, or when, this review may take place.Council’s Regulatory and Bylaws Committee resolved to put the introduction of its proposed Air Quality bylaw on hold at its April 1 meeting.In a statement, Council says that it will not introduce any further regulations until it is satisfied that they are appropriate for Auckland and are a reasonable response to the national regulations.The bylaw is key to Council meeting its statutory obligations under the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Air Quality) Regulations 2004 to reduce the level of particulate air pollution by December 2016 but Cr John Watson, who sits on the committee, says he is glad to see it put on hold.“Before any bylaw is introduced there has to be the assurance that people in the community are not going to be faced with costs they can’t afford,

or worse, not being able to heat their homes during winter,” Cr Watson says.He says that a better tactic would be to emulate Environment Canterbury’s Clean Heat project, which provided incentives and assistance to homeowners using old, inefficient and polluting solid fuel appliances to change to cleaner forms of heating.“It was a voluntary project that provided financial incentives and options to people. I would like to see a similar project in Auckland, with Government assistance, that encouraged people to change their heating, if they choose to and when they see the advantages of doing so themselves. It was a success in Christchurch and could work here as well,” he says.The Air Quality bylaw has been in the wind since 2012, and was designed to reduce the damaging emissions from domestic open fires – the largest contributor of particulate air pollution in Auckland in winter (72 per cent of all small particle emissions in the Auckland winter, according to Council’s figures).It is expected that the matter will come before the Regulatory and Bylaws Committee again in June, when appropriate recommendations suitable for Auckland will be considered.

Although open fires are inefficient and affect air quality, Auckland Council has no plans to phase them out just yet.

29 April 15, 2015 Mahurangi Matters winterfeature

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Heat pumps are becoming multi-taskers, with the latest units capable of providing hot water, underfloor heating and cooling in summer. These heat pumps can also be connected to solar powered photovoltaic cells. Lifestyle Heating of Waitoki has combined its expertise in underfloor heating with heat pumps supplied by Orange Technology of Auckland to introduce the system NZ-wide.Lifestyle Heating director Julie Andrews says that rather than a wall unit, these heat pumps are a box that is placed outside the home. Pipes connect the box to the hot water

cylinder and a little manifold unit in a cupboard for an in-slab underfloor heating system.Another set of pipes goes to units in the ceiling which dissipate cool air. Julie says the system is efficient and cost effective, and further reduces costs if linked to photovoltaic cells on the roof, which can generate electricity to be used by the heat pump, to create hot water or for cooling during the day in summer.She says the system is ideal for new builds, but can also be retrofitted without the inslab underfloor heating.

Hard working heat pumpSteve Andrews installs the inslab pipes for the underfloor heating.

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Promotional pricing expires 31 May 2015, or until stocks are sold and can’t be used in conjunction with any other offers. Only available atparticipating stores. *Free Underlay offer is standard underlay (10mm/90kg) and only available on selected ranges.

*^See for full terms and conditions.

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Promotional pricing expires 31 May 2015, or until stocks are sold and can’t be used in conjunction with any other offers. Only available atparticipating stores. *Free Underlay offer is standard underlay (10mm/90kg) and only available on selected ranges.

*^See for full terms and conditions.

Promotional pricing expires 31 May 2015, or until stocks are sold and can’t be used in conjunction with any other offers. Only available atparticipating stores. *Free Underlay offer is standard underlay (10mm/90kg) and only available on selected ranges.

*^See for full terms and conditions.

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30 Mahurangi Matters April 15, 2015 winterfeature

Chill spells thrill in winterWinter doesn’t last forever but it can feel that way when the rain is drumming on the roof and the wind is howling at the door. One way to beat the blues is to head to one of NZ’s famed winter festivals.

Queenstown Winter Festival | June 19-28 QueenstownThe Queenstown Winter Festival is New Zealand’s biggest winter party. Featuring everything from ice skating to all-star snowboarding and dog derbies, this event culminates with a Mardi Gras spectacular. The festival focuses on entertainment for all ages with activities on the ski field and in the township.

Matariki | June - July NationwideWhen the Matariki star cluster rises into the skies of New Zealand, it signals a month-long celebration for the Maori New Year. It’s a time to give thanks to the land, sea and sky, and for the community to farewell the year gone and turn to the future to look towards new beginnings. Celebrations include music performances, Kapa Haka, theatre, dance, astronomy, storytelling and lantern parades.

The Cadbury Chocolate Carnival | July 11-17 DunedinThis is a festival celebrating winter in Dunedin and the joy of chocolate with everything from chocolate tours, chocolate decorating, chocolate painting and chocolate facials. The carnival culminates with the famous Cadbury Jaffa Race which involves giant Cadbury Jaffas hurtling their way down Baldwin Street – the world’s steepest street.

Wellington on a Plate | August 14-30 WellingtonTwo weeks of gastronomic delights at the annual Visa Wellington on a Plate. More than 100 different food and drink events are on the menu including Beervana – a showcase of the country’s craft beers. There is also the Masterclass, where foodies can get up close to top international chefs to learn their secrets.WOW | September 24 – October 11 WellingtonThe World of WearableArt mission is to take art off the wall and out of static display and to adorn the body in wildly wonderful ways. Artists and designers from New Zealand and around the world enter garments that are presented in a unique two-hour show which attracts 50,000 people per season.Source,