Mahindra Verito tvc storyboard

Post on 11-Jan-2015

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Mahindra Verito tvc storyboardFull TVC at -

Transcript of Mahindra Verito tvc storyboard


The film opens in a basement parking lot. You see the hero and his wife walking towards their car.

They are talking to each other and the heroine is laughing animatedly.

We see the car moving out towards the exit gate.

The couple come into focus in the car.

We see the car stopping behind another car, waiting to exit the parking lot.

We see a flashy spruced up sedan coming and stopping behind the Verito.

The occupants of the flashy sedan start honking continuously.

The lady in the Verito is disturbed and turns back to see the occupants of the other car.

The man gestures to the guys behind to wait

But the guys keep honking.

The man turns to the lady and notices the anxiety on her face.

The lady senses the tension in the air and ask the man to ignore the honking.

MVO : you have 2 options now

But the honking keeps continuing

The man decides to get off the car to address the situation while the lady tries to stop him.

The man gets off the car.

MVO: Option 1

You can register the anger on the man’s face.

MVO: You could

He clenches his fist in anger

MVO : rearrange

You can the smiling face of the driver

MVO : his face.

We see a fadeout to black


We can see the anger on the man’s face.

We see the man walking towards the other car

MVO : Option 2

He leans over the window on the Driver’s Side and gives the occupants a stern look

We see the worried lady turning back and looking at the scene through the rear windscreen

The man looks at the occupants

Hero VO : Tu baja toh bahut acche leta hai, gaata bhi hai kya!

We see the shocked reaction on the occupant’s faces

We see the man crack up on his own comment

MVO: And when you

We see a smile and sense of relief on the lady’s face

MVO: choose

The man walks back to his Verito

MVO: option 2

The man gets into his Verito and there is an exchange of looks between him and his wife.

MVO : you become

We see the rear of the Verito as it is driving off

MVO : a Verito Man

We see the vehicle exiting the parking lot

We now see drive shots of the vehicle

We see the formation of the “Grow up to Verito” Logo

Film ends with the Mahindra Rise Logo

We now see drive shots of the vehicle