Magistrate recruitment

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Magistrate recruitment

Lay MagistracyIs it for you?

Who are they?- people like you- help the community develop- respected individuals- make a real difference

Who are magistrates?Magistrates are people like you and me, they are volunteers that have given up a little of their time to make a real difference in the community. They are people who want to take part in enforcing laws and making sure that those who commit crime in the local area are treated fairly and are given the punishment they deserve. By doing this they make a real difference in the growth of the community by helping to deter crime from the area.

Speaking Notes

What do they do?- work in three’s- listen to cases in court- review the evidence - deliver punishment

What do they do?Magistrates usually work in groups of three, they go into court to listen to cases; look at evidence and decide appropriate punishment to the individual to help make sure that they are less inclined to doing the same thing again.There is variety in the cases as you will get to hear both civil and criminal cases meaning no two cases will ever be the same.

Speaking Notes

Can you be a magistrate?- no formal qualifications needed- as long as you can hear fine- under 70- personal qualities- all training given

Can you be a magistrate?To do this work you don’t need to have any formal qualification, all you need is the ability to listen well and review what information you get. The qualities that you need is to be committed to serving the community, you will need to invest some time and effort especially with the longer cases but it will be worth it. As long as you are mature and can look at the cases objectively you will do fine

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What will you get?- personal development- make a difference- represent your community- great for future careers

What will you get?Becoming a magistrate is more than just a pastime, it will help you to develop yourself as a person. The cases will help you see how you are affected by the actions as well as learn about how you can to control your emotions when faced with difficult cases. Not only that you will help to make a real life difference in your community but its not only that if you are in need of a new career it will look great on your cv for when you apply for work and will really make you shine as an individual.

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Here are a number of links that you can get more information about becoming a magistrate and what it will involvethe first link is to an official government website that has some basic, but useful information like the basics of what it will involve and where to applyThe second links has some information as well but it also gives case studies for those that want to become a magistrate as well as where to check if there are vacancies near you,the third link has not only a lot of information but also some Q&A from those that have done it in the past, it gives a peace of mind for those that need the extra infoLast link is a good video you can play if you wish to hear in more detail about what it takes to be a good magistrate

Speaking Notes

For those that wish i can go over any pieces mentioned in the powerpoint as well as go over the links.I hope you will apply to become a magistrate soon, its worth it

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