Magazine deconstruction

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Magazine deconstruction

‘Classy’ magazine front covers


TV&Satellite Week

•Published by the BBC•Trusted by a wide audience•Oldest brand on the market.

Weekly magazine – dates show the time that the information is valid for

Strap at the top caters for the change in audience habits‘Freeview’ in red, draws the

eye of a older and loyal audience.

Website is nestled into the masthead, gives audience another way to access the brand – encourages brand loyalty

Masthead expands beyond the image and has a shadow behind it so it stands out from the page.

Simple, restrained colour scheme creates a high quality product. Red draws the reader’s eye as it stands out from the white.

All text except strap is in lower case – grammatically correct. More mature mode of address.

Three features arranged down side of the page in negative space next to the star.

Headings in bold, sub-headings same font but black.

Caption anchored on stars lapel. Name of programme, day and channel. Gives audience easy access.

Star’s eye in centre of the page, breaking the rule of thirds and part of his face is obscured.

The star is famous enough to attract audiences even when he is hidden from view.

Main Feature: ‘Doctor who?’ is largest on page, anchoring the star.‘Is there life after...’ creates a story for the audience to follow.

Barcode, price + region. Region is given because times and programmes change.

Strap at the top caters for the change in audience habits

Masthead expands beyond the image so it stands out from the page. Simple colour and bold makes it catch the eye of a more sophisticated reader.

Main image look like it has been photo shopped together. Leading character in the front and as the character get further back it states that they are less popular.

Simple 3 colour, colour scheme catches the eye of a older and more loyal reader – more classy and for the older readers.

Box is canted but only slightly – text and images follow this so the eye can follow.

Boxed text/tabs show the reader where to read next.

Website is shown – gives audience another way to access the brand – brand loyalty

Caption anchored on main star. Name of programme, day and channel. Gives audience easy access.

Main Feature: ‘Murder’ is largest on page, anchoring the star.‘most funny...’ creates a story for the audience to follow.

Features arranged down side of the page in a line, doesn't follow negative space as there is more than one star on main image.

Headings in bold, sub-headings same font but black.

Another image on front cover, sticks to lines – not messy and is sophisticated

Brands logos are shown on strap at top – brand identity. Audience can see these and relate to them.

Button on strap at top, draws in the readers attention when on a newsstand.

‘Trashy’ magazine front covers



Six images gives reader value for money.

EIGHT colours makes this publication bright, cheap and cheerful. Colours are meant to clash for it to catch the readers eye

Shots on the front cover look as if they have been taken from the actual soaps and have not been taken in a studio.

3 images look like they have been photo shopped together. Head is above the box to create a messy look which draws in the eye.

‘Organised chaos’ by using boxes then manipulated features and images so they extend beyond the edges.

Red box makes the other features stand out in contrast to the main story on the cover.

Wide banner at top catches audience’s eye on newsstand as it is different to other soap mags.

‘2 weeks revealed’ button also implies value for money.

Ripped paper makes this look like it was constructed in a rush – this news is fresh

All canted text is tilted in the same direction and to the same angle – nothing is random

Punctuation creates a rhetorical question and excitement

Bullet points make it seem that you are getting more for your money – links to button at top of page and cheap price.

Each different story on the page is a separate colour – links and keeps the focus on each at the right time

Barcode, price + region. Region is given because times and programmes change.

Tabs make it easy for the reader to be able to flick to what day of the week that they want to view.

Website is shown – gives audience another way to access the brand – brand loyalty

Button saying ‘49p’ implies value for money – cheep, audience will want to buy.

Masthead is bright and colourful making it stand out in the newsstand – more buyers.

Stars eyes are directionally in rule or thirds – looking at buyer.

Many colours make the publication look bright and eye-catching. Also cheap – linking to price of mag and more people wanted to buy it.

Other images on the page, also implies value for money as readers will see other pictures and understand that they are getting their moneys worth.

‘The wedding’s off?’ Punctuation – drawing in attention and creates excitement for the reader.

Canted text is all following same direction and angle to catch the eye and draw in attention.

Images extend out of the boxes to draw in attention and to also break conventions.

Barcode, price + region. Region is given because times and programmes change.

Lack of text on page – maybe why the magazine is so cheap. Main image is very large so grasps attention, but is maybe to big.

Use of colours engages attention of a younger audience.