Magazine Cover Draft 1 Process with Screenshots

Post on 07-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Magazine Cover Draft 1 Process with Screenshots



I started by opening Adobe Photoshop CC 2015. I then opened the image in Photoshop ready to start editing.

Next, I used the crop tool to change the size of the image. I kept the height the same as it was and brought in the sides to make the image as you’d expect a magazine cover to look.

I then used the magnetic wand tool to select the actor’s head and shoulders. Once I had done this I created a new layer through cut in order to separate her head and shoulders from the rest of the image.

Next, I inserted the logo that I created in the planning stages. Once the logo was on the image, I positioned it and then moved the layer behind the layer of the actor’s head and shoulders so that she was in front of the text.

Next, I decided to create the barcode. I started by creating a white rectangle before creating several black rectangles to make the stripes that appear on the barcode.

I then used the text tool to add in the numbers that usually go along the bottom of the barcode. I spaced out the numbers as they usually appear on barcodes.

I then positioned the barcode in the bottom right hand corner of the cover so that it is out of the way and not as noticeable as it isn’t the main focus of the cover.

I made the barcode look more realistic next by lengthening the bars between the numbers which most barcodes tend to do.

I then used the text tool to create the price. I positioned it above the barcode.

When I zoomed out I felt that the price looks too big and there was too much focus on it. Therefore, I made the white rectangle bigger and changed the font colour to black. I then made the font size smaller and positioned it on the white.

Next, I added in the strapline of the magazine above the masthead. I used the text tool to do this and used the same font as the masthead (SimHei). I also centered the text.

I then added the website address to the cover beside the barcode. I used the text tool to add in the text and the same font as the masthead.

Next, I added in the issue date and number underneath the title of the magazine using the text tool.

I then created my cover lines. I started with the one of the left. I used the text tool to create the text. I made the title of the article bold and the anchorage text underneath regular so that the headline stood out more. I also made the headline bigger than the other text.

Next, I did the cover line of the right. I emphasized the title by putting it in bold and italics and making the ‘10’ bigger to stand out to the reader. I again made the information under the headline smaller.

Using the text tool I then added in text for the main story. I started with the headline, making that the biggest text. I then added more text underneath about the film and then text underneath that about what’s included in the article. I also used a rectangles to create a line to separate the text.

After adding in the text, I then felt that it couldn’t be read very well because of the light that was reflecting onto the actor’s top which was very white. Therefore, I used the clone tool to select another part of her t-shirt and fill in the white with it. I then used the dodge tool to lighten some parts to make it look natural and not edited.

I positioned the text about the main article higher than it was originally in order to cover more of the top. I then used the clone tool again on the edge of her hoodie to ensure the writing could be read easily.