Made to Stick: Delivering effective scientific presentations and posters

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Made to Delivering effective scientific presentations

and posters

Steve Lee, PhD;

Graduate Diversity Officer for the STEM Disciplines GradPathways

University of California, Davis October 6, 2016

Use as many of these 6 key principles as possible:

S Simple • Find and share your core message.

• Prioritize your messages to discover the core.

• Simplicity isn’t about dumbing down.

• Look for analogies or illustrations to communicate your message.

U Unexpected • Help people to be curious. Use questions.

• To grab their attention, violate a schema. Be counterintuitive.

• To hold their attention, use curiosity gaps. Before your message can stick,

your audience has to want it.

C Concrete

• Help people to understand. Be specific.

• To be concrete, use sensory language. Provide visual images.

• Concrete is memorable. Abstract is not.

• Explain your ideas in terms of human actions and tangible details.

C Credible

• Help people to believe you. Give evidence.

• Ideas can get credibility from authorities, data, and real-life experiences.

• Data and statistics can be useful, but bring them to life by contextualizing

them in terms that are personable and relevant to everyday experiences.

E Emotional

• Help people to care about your message. Inspire.

• People care about people, so share their experiences.

• Invoke self-interest. WIIFM: What’s in it for me?

• Appeal to identity: who they are now, and who they want to be.

S Stories

• Help people to remember. Simulate.

• Stories drive action through simulation (what to do) and inspiration (why to

do it). Stories can help people imagine how a problem can be resolved, or

help people to imagine themselves in the message.

Resources: ● Chip and Dan Heath’s “Made to Stick”. They also have free resources at: ● To learn how to be unexpected and introduce mystery boxes, see JJ Abram’s TED talk:


● To deal with nervousness, see Amy Cuddy’s TED talk on Power Poses


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