Macromolecules Molecules important to life. MacromoleculeElementsBuilding Block...

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Transcript of Macromolecules Molecules important to life. MacromoleculeElementsBuilding Block...


Molecules important to life

Macromolecule Elements Building Block

Structure/ Function Examples




Nucleic Acids

Notes:Elements in Macromolecules

Macromolecules have:

•Carbon (C )

•Hidrogen (H)

•Oxygen (O)

•Nitrogen (N)


•Sulfate (S)

Functional Groups

•NH2- amino

•OH- alcohol : polar

•COOH- carboxylic

CarbohydratesBuilding Block: sugars (saccharide)Function: Source of Energy/precursorExamples of structure:

(Examples in food)


Lipids- fatsBuilding Block: Fatty acids

Function: – Store energy, form cell membrane,

Examples of structure:

Examples in food

Example:Fat cells

ProteinsBuilding Block: amino acids/amino acidosFunctions: fight infection, source of energy, act as enzyme, carriers

Examples in food

Example: hemoglobin in red blood cells

Example: keratin in hair

Nucleic Acids

Building Block: Nucleotides

Function: Form DNA and RNA. Used for transmitting and storing the genetic code.




Types of Carbohydrates

Monossaccharide- 1 unit of sugar.

Dissaccharide- 2 units of sugar.

Polyssaccharide – More than

2 units of sugar.

Proteins Formed

• The order of the amino acids determine the protein formed.

Types of lipids

1.Saturated- solids at room temperature (NO double bonds between carbons)


2. Unsaturated- liquids at room temperature ( 1 double bond between carbons)


3. Polyunsaturated- (more than 1 double bond between carbons)


Nucleotides in Nucleic Acids

• Nucleotides are composed of a sugar molecule, nitrogen base, and a phosphate group.

condensation - Remove water to form larger molecules.

Imortant Reactions

Hydrolysis: Add water to break up molecules.