M-TEEN 10-2008

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Transcript of M-TEEN 10-2008

  • 8/14/2019 M-TEEN 10-2008


  • 8/14/2019 M-TEEN 10-2008


    www.m-teen.comOCTOBER 082

    J o i nt h eJ u n i o rL e

    a g u e o fM e m p h i

    si nD e l e t i n g O n l i

    n e P r e d a t o r s ! C a

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    t i c k e t s t o d a y !

    Merry Monster MashThursday, October 306 p.m. 8 p.m.Agricenter Internationa$20 per person

    Moms, drop off your tween at the Merry Monster Mashand join us for an evening of cocktails and shopping at our GirlsNight Out event, Tapas for TAPA. Browse leisurely through allthe hottest and hippest finds or stop by one of our spa stations fora little bit of me time. Its an evening you both can enjoy!

    Holiday Gift G

    XOXO901.452.6905 3536 WALKER AVEcrazybeautifulclothing.com

    Attention Aspiring Superstars!

    See You There!

    Do you have what it takes to be the next big model, actor,singer or dancer? Here is your chance - prove it!

    Who: iPopInternational Presentation of Performers ConventionWhat : Audition for a chance to perform in Hollywood in front of over 150 top agents,producers and casting directors, and meet a cast member from the hit TV show"Hannah Montana!"Where : John Robert Powers, 5100 Poplar Avenue, Suite 119, Memphis, TN 38137When : Saturday, October 11, 2008 *Call 1.888.338.STAR (7827) now to reserveyour time!What to Bring: A parent or legal guardian if you're under the age of 18 A non-returnable photograph Singers: Prepare a song to perform a cappella Dancers: Prepare 30 seconds to one minute of choreography to perform

    H o l i d a y G i f t

    G u i d e

  • 8/14/2019 M-TEEN 10-2008


    www.m-teen.com OCTOBER 08

    atOctob er

    atOctob er



    Assistant EditorHEATHER HOLMES

    Editorial AssistantNATALIE HIGDON

    Assistant PhotographersEMILY SIEGLER




    Account ExecutivesAdvertising Sales

    DEBBIE HOSHALLdebbie@m-teen.com

    NIKKI STACKSnikki@m-teen.com



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    This issue of M-Teen is brimming over with new and excitingfeatures!

    Heather organized two fabulous makeovers with stylists at Ella David Salon, reviewed the latest gadgets in "Gadgets Galore" and announced the launch of our first-ever book club, TheChick Lit Clique.

    M-Teen staffers covered the Miss Cordova Pageant, Macy'sTeen Board Fashion Show, Justine Magazine Model Search

    and Christyn's Sweet 16 Party.

    We are also proud to announce a new monthly feature, M-Teen's Stellar Star, sponsored by Southeast Urology Network, which will regularly highlight the accomplishmentsof a local talented teen.One of my favorite quotes comes from this month's "Stellar Star," Brittany Flaherty. When asked, "What has been your

    biggest career accomplishment so far?" Brittany answered, "I would have to say my biggest accomplishment is having so

    many opportunities to perform and grow as an artist. Having atrophy or a title doesn't matter. You will get what you deserve

    if you put hard work and determination into your craft."

    Love it, Brittany.....you go!

    The Intern Diaries Meet M-Teen's newest intern, Rhodes College freshman Elle Linebarier! Elle will be dishing on all ofher latest thoughts, experiences and advice in each issue. Stay tuned for next month's installment!The days are getting shorter, the teachers are getting harder and football is in full swing...this couldonly mean one thing--FALL IS OFFICIALLY HERE! I can still remember planning "spirited" outfits forevery football game, making weekend plans on Monday morning and spending countless hours"studying" during my free periods last year and (hard to believe) I kind of miss those days!I am now a freshman in college and it is tough work! Don't get me wrong, it is just what I expected,

    but the hours I used to spend socializing, shopping and hanging out are now spent in the library of allplaces! Although my time is now consumed in a place that I have come to call the 'Lib,' I am still ableto find time to go out and enjoy the adventures of college life. I, like all of my fellow freshmanclassmates, am furiously trying to adapt to this new lifestyle of no sleep, constant work and sevenday weekends, which the upper classmen are miraculously able to juggle. I seriously have no cluehow they do it! This Friday is our first home football game, and I look forward to attending andexperiencing my first official athletic event as a college student.For those of you who are new to high school or just about to graduate, I urge you to make the most of

    your time spent there, because you will never be able to experience anything remotely close to itagain. As you all know, college does in fact entail more freedom, but always remember that with morefreedom comes more responsibility! Have a wonderful year and a fabulous FALL BREAK! By Elle Linebarier

    i wanna say hey to my friend recee. ur the best!

    alicia S.

    I what to give a shout-out

    to my all my gurlz fromWilby high school in waterbury Shanequia

    ll ofnt!uldfor

    ed,of allable


    ost of


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    Hall a' Ween Extravaganza

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    Shock a' Fella Entertainme

    Whats Inside...hats Inside...Letter from the Editor/Shout-Outs! .............. ..3Macys Teen Board.........................................4M-Teens Stellar Star.....................................5Teens About Town..... .............. .............. ......... 6YoungMind - Da Star of Da City......................7Nutrition/The Chatterbox...............................8Best of Beauty...............................................9Miss Cordova Pageant........................... 10-11

    Ella David Salon Makeover...........................12Justine Model Search..................................13Christyns Sweet 16 Party..................... 14-15Shop For A Cause.........................................16R.L. Stines Mostly Ghostly...........................17Gadgets Galore!...............................18Accidentally Fabulous..................................19Paulas Skincare .............. ............ 20Fashionistas: Crazy Beautiful ........... 21M-Teen Faves...............................................22

    Whats Inside...Letter from the Editor/Shout-Outs! ................3Macys Teen Board.........................................4M-Teen s Stellar Star.....................................5Teens About Town..........................................6YoungMind - Da Star of Da City ......................7Nutrition/The Chatterbox...............................8Best of Beauty...............................................9Miss Cordova Pageant ........................... 10-11

    Ella David Salon Makeover...........................12Justine Model Search..................................13Christyns Sweet 16 Party ..................... 14-15Shop For A Cause.........................................16R.L. StinesMostly Ghostly..........................17Gadgets Galore!...............................18Accidentally Fabulous....... ...........................19Paulas Skincare ..........................20Fashionistas: Crazy Beautiful ...........21M-Teen Faves...............................................22

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    O ut -o f -C ont r ol B y : Ir is Mo s

    Your teen age yea rs ar e sup pos ed t o be themos t fu n, mem ora ble yea rs o f yourlife. ..True or f alse ? I th ink we w oul d all like to a gre e tha t it is tru e! But w hen are you hav ing a lit t le t o o m uch fun ? W h en does you r "f u n" cros s the line ? Are yo u to th e po int o f be ing " out o f co ntro l?"The d ictio n ary def ines "fun " as "ca usin gam use men t or mir th." Whe n y ou w ere ato ddle r, fu n co n sist e d o f wa tchin g "Barne y"an d d rink ing appl e jui ce. W hen yo u we ref ive, it w as build ing Leg o c astle s a ndg etti n g p lent y of sle e p d urin g n aptim e.Now , the se th ings can no l ong e r su ffice , sowe look to m ore me dia- savv y en tert a in-men t, lik e TV , com put e r an d m ovie s--no t to men tion o ur fav orite techn olog ical dev ice.. .the cell p hon e. We fe el a cons tant nee d to com mu n ica te wi th o u r friends and en joy g oin g ou t w ith t h em . Mo st o f th e tim e, a ll is well unti l thi n gs like d rug s, se xan d alc oho l be com e inv olve d.

    "It's okay fo r tee ns to party all they wa nt a slong it do esn 't affect school or fam ily a ndsuch," s aid 1 5-year-old Veronica.

    Vero nic a's statement could be per tinent,exc ept for the fact that some time s it is soea sy t o get enraptured in you r constant"par tying," you may not rea lize how seriousyo ur behavior has bec om e. 16-year-oldCaroline feels that as lo ng a s you give your-self limits and keep thing s fun and casual,you don't have t o w orry about thingsgetting out of ha nd. " My friends and I don't

    even really pa rty. We actually hang ou tmore than w e p arty. I guess we're rea llyinnocent. T here are other things for t een sto do. The y do n't have to be so extre me."

    Speak ing p ersonally, I know seve ral t eenswho have had their lives impa cted in aneg ative way by drugs, sex, or alcohol.So me realize it---some don't . Som e effectsmay not make themselves visib le until laterin life. Whatever the c ase ---party hard,regret it later.

    15-Y ea r s- Rid g e w a y High Sch

    15-Y ea r s- Rid g e w a y High Sch

    By Leslie Schilling

    Am I Really Hungry? Do you ever wonder if you're really hungry for something or if it is just

    a craving? Some people have no problem eating when they're hungry and stoppingonce they feel full. Others might see a cookie and the battle begins. "Am I hungry?

    Or am I talking myself into being hungry?"In times of stress, sadness, happiness and even boredom, we can reach for food to fill

    a void, celebrate, or as a temporary distraction from whatever is stressing us out. If thatsounds like you, you may have experienced emotional or mindless eating.If you find yourself having a hard time determining true hunger, here are a few tips.

    When you are physically hungry, you will likely experience a growling stomach or othersubtle hunger cues. This usually takes place 3-4 hours after a meal, and can go away

    after eating a small snack. When we fall into emotional or mindless eating, we mayhave a sudden and strong craving for something in particular, such as something

    really salty or loaded with sugar. The craving may happen when even if you arefull or satisfied from a previous meal or snack. After eating the particular food, the craving or "feeling" that initiated the craving is likely to still be present.

    These tools may help you identify times of true hunger. However, keep in

    mind that giving in to a certain craving once in a while won't hurt you. If you really crave a certain favorite food, have it when you have deter-mined that you are actually physically hungry. Remember that all foodsfit in moderation!

    Leslie PLeslie PSchilling, MA,Schilling, MA,RD, LDN, CSCSRD, LDN, CSCS

    Nutrition Counselor &Nutrition Counselor &Consultant, SchillingConsultant, SchillingNutrition Therapy, LLCNutrition Therapy, LLC

    740 E Brookhaven Circle740 E Brookhaven CircleMemphis, TN 38117Memphis, TN 38117

    Phone: 901-628-8102Phone: 901-628-8102Fax: 901-761-5933Fax: 901-761-5933

    E-mail: leslie@schillingnutrition.comE-mail: leslie@schillingnutrition.comWebsite: www.schillingnutrition.comWebsite: www.schillingnutrition.com

    W O U L D Y O U L I K E T O K N O W M O

    R E

    A B O U T N U T R I T I O N ? J U S T E MA I L

    L E S L I E !

    l e s l i e @ s c h i l l i n g n u t r i t i o n. c o m

  • 8/14/2019 M-TEEN 10-2008


    www.m-teen.com OCTOBER 08


    Best of

    Once again,M-Teen's Team Beauty had

    the tough task o sorting throughdozens o drool-worthy blushes, shadows,bronzers, mascaras and glosses galore todish about which pretty products they just couldn't live without.

    By Heather Holm

    More M-Teen Picks:Be Scent-sational! Just one whif o these abulousragrances will have you hooked.

    Prescriptives Fall DimensionsEye Color Quad $45, prescriptives.com

    "These slightly shimmery colors look sosumptuous!"

    Prescri tives FallDime,sions

    Maybelline The Colossal Volum'Express mascara $6,


    "The thin bristles help themascara glide onto your lashes

    easily and evenly."



    MAC Pro LongwearLustre Lipcolour $20 maccosmetics.com

    "Two colors on thisdouble-ended, smudge-

    proo gloss let youcustomize your lip lookSmashbox Wicked

    Lovely Eye ShadowDuo $24,


    "I love the dual shadesthese areper ect or blending and layering or a

    more subtle smoky eye."


    I love the dual shadesing or a."

    Jillian Dempsey orAVON Retro Rouge $10,


    "I love the firty pinkshade and the intricatepatternso pretty!"

    Bath & Body WorksLiplicious Double Kiss

    gloss $7,

    bathandbodyworks.com"This gloss combines

    play ul shimmer and apunch o color all in


    For your erceinner- ower child:Daisy Marc Jacobs $72,daisymarcjacobs.com

    For the hopelessromantic:Clinique Happy He$38.50 & up,clinique.com

    For the royal treatmenVera Wang Princess $and up,verawangprincess.co


    Team BeautyAlexandra Yawn, 17, St. Mary'sGlenna Lusk, 16, Briarcrest,

    Robyne Medlin, 16, SBEC

    Team BeautyAlexandra Yawn, 17, St. Mary'Glenna Lusk, 16, Briarcrest,

    Robyne Medlin, 16, SBEC

  • 8/14/2019 M-TEEN 10-2008


    www.m-teen.comOCTOBER 0810

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    www.m-teen.com OCTOBER 08

    J ane R o ssa ne Ros sP E R S O N A L I Z E DP E R S O N A L I Z E DT U T O R I N G

    P E R S O N A L I Z E DT U T O R I N GJ ane R o ss9 0 1-7 9 5-7 37 7 j ane r o s s t ut o r i ng.c o m

    N e x t


    N e x t A C T W o r k s h o p s : r k s h o p s : OCT. 1 8 & 1 9

    O C T . 1 8 & 1 9

    N e x t P S A T OCTOB EO C T O B E

    j EW - >N E W -> W o r k s h o p o r OC T. 2 8 - 3 0

    Ca ll u s fo r



    Ca l l us f or P R I VA T E

    T U TO R I NG!


    N e x t AC T H e l p S e s s i o n s : e x t

    OCT. 2 0 - 2 3OC T. 2 0 -2 3C he c k out our r e al l y c ool N E W w e bs i t e . Y ou c an RE GIS T E R w i t h t he c l i c k of a but t on us i ng P AY P AL !

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    www.m-teen.comOCTOBER 0812

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    www.m-teen.comOCTOBER 0816

    October is National Breast CancerAwareness Month, so what better wayto show your support than by pickingproducts that give back? Each o thesefnds donates a percentage o the

    proft to worthy organizationsdedicated to fnding a cure andhelping those living with the disease.

    By Heather Holmes

    Pantene Pro-V Beautiful Lengthscollection $5 each,drugstores

    This silky, strand-savingormula donates a portion o the proceeds to PanteneBeauti ul Lengths, a programthat creates real hair wigs or

    women battling cancer.

    Sephora Pocket Brush Set in Metallic Pink $15, sephora.com

    Keep your entire slew obeauty tools organized icute, compact kit. $1 rosale o each travel-sizedwill be donated to The BCancer Research Founda

    Philosophy "Shower for the Cure" $20, philosophy.com

    100% o the proceeds rom the sale o this luxe body quencher go directly tothe Women's Cancer Research Fund.

    Master Lock pink padlock $5.49,amazon.com

    Keep your valuables under lock and key(literally!) with this pretty pink lock romMaster Lock, who is doing their part bydonating $10,000 to the Breast CancerResearch Foundation.

    C.O. Bigelow Cancer Vixen Kit $29.50,bathandbodyworks.com

    C. O. Bigelow is donating $250,000 to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation in additionto providing this decadent kit, which contains goodies like lemon-scented body creamsand washes, pink mint lip gloss, and moisture-packed hand and oot creams.

    DVDs for the Cure $15, stores nationwide

    Pop in one o these eel-good icks and do yourpart to fght breast cancer at the same time! 50cents rom the sale o each specially-markedDVD (there are 15 titles this year!) will bedonated to the Susan G. Komen or the CureFoundation on behal o Twentieth Century FoxHome Entertainment.


    t bycer

    Tess"Write For

    a Cure" Contest

    Have you or someone special toyou been a ected by breast cancer?Or do you just eel passionate about

    fnding a cure or the disease? I so, wewanna hear your story.

    Send your typed, double-spaced essay (500words or less) to editor@m-teen.com. The most

    inspiring essay will be published in an upcomingissue o M-Teen Magazine , plus the winner willreceive a slew o super-cool prizes rom TESS!Log on m-teen.com or more details.

    Shopping or a Causehopping for a CauseShopping or a Cause

    Race For The CureArtist: Lori Cook

    HonoringGermantown Charity Horse Show's

    60th Anniversary

    Race For The Cure Artist: Lori Cook

    HonoringGermantown Charity Horse Show's

    60th Anniversary

  • 8/14/2019 M-TEEN 10-2008


    www.m-teen.com OCTOBER 08

  • 8/14/2019 M-TEEN 10-2008


    www.m-teen.comOCTOBER 0818

    Cellular South Blackberry Curve 8330 about $200, cellularsouth.com Everyone wants to get their hands on one of the incredibly popular Blackberry Curves! Cellular South has upped the "it" factor of a variety oftheir phones by adding new Pic Sender technology to the mix, which allows you to automatically save each photo you take to your personalcomputer, email and fave online albums.

    Panasonic LUMIX FS3 $180, panasonic.com This chic, compact camera comes in an array of hues and packs a ton of great features. In addition to the 8.1megapixels, it has special Face Detection technology that detects up to 15 faces anywhere in the frame andautomatically adjusts to the best settings to make your pics come out perfectly clear.

    T-Mobile Nokia 5310 XpressMusic phone, t-mobile.com If you're addicted to listening to your favorite music at all times, then this cell is for youit features up to 20 hours of playback. It's almost hard tobelieve that so much tune-age could be packed into one super-slim phone, but this is one gadget that is denitely worth the dough. Want more? Italso has a built-in digital camera and a 2-inch display screen.

    Casio ELIXIM EX-S10 $250, casiousa.com For such a small, thin digital camera that you could easily tote in your pocket, this model sure scores a lot of points!With 10.1 megapixels, a crystal-clear LCD and a super-wide range of view, you'll feel like a professional photographer

    in no time.

    Pure Digital Flip Mino $180, theip.com Calling all future lmmakers! You need to check out Pure Digital's smallest, sleekest camcorder. The Mino's built-in ash memory can hold up to 60minutes of high-quality video, and can start recording in only three seconds. Now that's movie-making in a ash!

    Canon PowerShot SD1100 $250, cusa.canon.com This super-sweet camera boasts 8.0 megapixels, ISO settings to reduce your risk of snapping blurry

    images, and comes in a ton of fun colors with names like "Pink Melody", "Bohemian Brown" and "Rhythmand Blue!"

    Polaroid PoGo $150, www.bestbuy.com In a size slim enough to t perfectly in your pants pocket, this innovative, on-the-go digital photo printer produces your favorite snapshots asstickers! Weighing in at only eight ounces, the lightweight PoGo prints full-color pics wirelessly from Bluetooth-enabled cell phone cameras anddigital cameras. We have a feeling you'll denitely be "stuck" on the PoGo!

    atically save each photo yo

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    T-Mobi If you'rbelievealso ha

    Casio ELIXIM E For such a smallWith 10.1 me a


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    ,es, the lightweight Pl denitely be "stuck"

    *Log on to www.m-teen.com and enterto win a $500 gi t card rom Cellular South!

    See the ad on page 22!

    Olympus Stylus 1050 SW $300, olympusamerica.com Talk about a tough, multitasking camera! This snazzy little snapperis freeze-proof, water-proof, and shock-proof. Plus, instead of justfeaturing your run of the mill touch screen, this device's specialTap Control feature makes it sensitive to touch all over, so you canaccess the controls in a snap. And if you're prone to droppingthings, don't worrythe Stylus can handle up to ve foot drops tothe ground!

    r pro uces your avor e snaps o s asetooth-enabled cell phone cameras and

    napperof just

    specialou canoppingrops to

  • 8/14/2019 M-TEEN 10-2008


    www.m-teen.com OCTOBER 08

    when the September Voguecharacters, because I'm really a mom living in the suburbs.

    Working with so many celebs must be amazing. Do you ever feel star struck?I have met a lot o people, bu t I think it is on a diferent level. You get sort o jad ed when you are working in theentertainment industry, and you learn ast. It is really hard work in a ast-paced environment with people relyingon you to do a goo d job. You start to realize that celebrities are really ju st humans. However, I'm de nitely in aweo talent.

    Do you have any writing rituals?I'm not crazy or kooky, but I'm a di sciplined writer. I will wake up early (I'm more inspired and resh in the morning)and read everything. I read the gossip magazines, toothey are my guilty pleasure! I'm usually blasting my musicreally loud in my earphonesit gets me psyched. Then, I turn of everything, sit at my computer, and write.

    What about writer's block?It can be scary look ing at a blank computer screen. You're thinking, "What do I write?" "What's the bestscene?" There are so many choices when you are a writer. So I get stumped sometimes, but not reallywriter's block. There is so much or [my characters] to say and do, so I try to get into their heads a nd get itall out.

    What is the most interesting feedback/review you have received?I take reviews with a grain o salt. What really gets to me is reader eedback. I have a readersite, and I love it when I get responses like "My best riend and I are just like Evie andImogene." One girl told me that a ter reading my books, her and her best riend startedtheir own design company! As a writer, you put yoursel out there or bad and good reviews, butwhen your stories make someone take a positive step in their lives, that is amaz ing!

    What advice do you have for aspiring teen writers?There are so many amazing teen writers out there who don't even know how great they are. My advice isto ollow your heart and ollow your passion. Always carry a journali something pops into your head,pull out your journal and write it down, even i you don' t know where it is going to go o r how everything isgoing to come together yet. Just keep a journal and go to it o ten. Who knows? An event in your li e, adiscussion with a girl riend, a piece o gossipit could end up becoming your rst book.

    Have you started working on your next book yet?There are a couple o ideas I have, and I am just now writing a synopsis or each o them. They are bothcompeting with themselves, so whichever one shows itsel rst is the one I am going with!

    Tell us how you became involved in the wonderful world of writing.I actually started out working as a Fashion Forecasting Editor on Seventh

    Avenue in New York City. My job meant being responsible or writing a wholelot o things, so I sort o didn't even realize that I was becoming a writer.

    From there, I wound up working in the entertainment industry, readingmaterial or Robert DeNiro. This was around the time he decided hewanted to develop and work on his own material rather than being anactor or hire. Then, a riend o mine came to me with an idea or a motionpicture, so we worked on it together and signed a movie deal with aproduction company. With all o these experiences, I began to developideas and a backstory or these charactersand the rest is history!

    Do you share any personality similarities with your characters?Imogene is besotted is obsessed with anything ashion-yI was like that

    when the September Vogue hit my doorstep! I live vicariously through mycharacters, because I'm really a mom living in the suburbs.

    Working with so many celebs must be amazing. Do you ever feel star struck?I have met a lot o people, but I think it is on a diferent level. You get sort o jaded when you are working in theentertainment industry, and you learn ast. It is really hard work in a ast-paced environment with people relyingon you to do a good job. You start to realize that celebrities are really just humans. However, I'm de nitely in aweo talent.

    Do you have any writing rituals?I'm not crazy or kooky, but I'm a disciplined writer. I will wake up early (I'm more inspired and resh in the morning)and read everything. I read the gossip magazines, toothey are my guilty pleasure! I'm usually blasting my musicreally loud in my earphonesit gets me psyched. Then, I turn of everything, sit at my computer, and write.

    What about writer's block?It can be scary looking at a blank computer screen. You're thinking, "What do I write?" "What's the bestscene?" There are so many choices when you are a writer. So I get stumped sometimes, but not reallywriter's block. There is so much or [my characters] to say and do, so I try to get into their heads and get itall out.

    What is the most interesting feedback/review you have received?I take reviews with a grain o salt. What really gets to me is reader eedback. I have a readersite, and I love it when I get responses like "My best riend and I are just like Evie andImogene." One girl told me that a ter reading my books, her and her best riend startedtheir own design company! As a writer, you put yoursel out there or bad and good reviews, butwhen your stories make someone take a positive step in their lives, that is amazing!

    What advice do you have for aspiring teen writers? There are so many amazing teen writers out there who don't even know how great they are. My advice isto ollow your heart and ollow your passion. Always carry a journali something pops into your head,pull out your journal and write it down, even i you don't know where it is going to go or how everything isgoing to come together yet. Just keep a journal and go to it o ten. Who knows? An event in your li e, adiscussion with a girl riend, a piece o gossipit could end up becoming your rst book.

    Have you started working on your next book yet?There are a couple o ideas I have, and I am just now writing a synopsis or each o them. They are bothcompeting with themselves, so whichever one shows itsel rst is the one I am going with!

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    Dear Paula,Every time I look in the mirror I see more and more tiny black dots on my nose and cheek. Theyre really

    gross and they wont wash of no matter what I try. My riend told me these dots are called blackheads,which sounds totally disgusting. How do I get rid o these blackheads, and ast?

    Justine, via email


    Dear Justine,

    Youre right, blackheads are gross, but theyre alsosomething most teens (and many adults) experienceas part o the way your pores and oil glands unction.I understand the rustration o battling blackheads.Simply put, blackheads make skin look mottled andunclean. The truth about blackheads (usually accom-panied by oily skin) is hard to accept. What is thetruth? The truth is they are just hard to get rid o . It ishard to win the battle against clogged pores!However, because there are only a hand ul o optionsor dealing with this annoying skin malady, itsrelatively simple to explain.

    Pores that are unctioning normally produce a normalamount o sebum (oil) and easily distribute the oil tothe sur ace o skin. Hormones, almost exclusively,regulate the amount o sebum production. When anormal amount o oil is produced it moves efortlesslythrough the pore and out onto the sur ace o skin,where it melts into an imperceptible lm that orms aprotective barrier over the ace.

    Hormones (which surge during the teen years) cancause too much oil to be produced, or skin cells canblock the exit path o the oil, or, when you have poresthat are mal ormed, the oil in the pore can getclogged and then blackheads orm. Making theseconditions even worse is the buildup in the pore o skin-care or makeup productsmixed in with skincells, they can get trapped in the sticky sebum sittingin the pore. When sebum and skin cells sit in a porethat is not covered over by skin, they are exposed toair, which causes the sebum and skin cells to oxidizeand turn black.

    Whats behind all this is primarily a genetic predisposi-tion accompanied by the right conditions (mentionedabove) randomly occurring in any one o thethousands o pores we have on our ace. Not tomention unknown reactions to the over 50,000cosmetic ingredients we may come in contact withrom products we use.

    To clear up the con usion, the ollowing is my bestsolution to minimize blackheads, because with someefort they can be reduced, and, depending on howyour skin reacts, maybe even be reduced a lot.Other than avoiding products that are too emollient(meaning thick or greasy creams) and not usingmoisturizers when you dont need them, there arereally only our essentials or dealing with blackheads:

    1. Gentle, water-solublecleansers (and avoiding barsoap). The ingredients that keep bar soap in its barorm can clog pores, and irritation can cause skin cellsto ake of be ore theyre ready and accumulate in thepore. Its actually getting harder and harder to nd acleanser that isnt gentle. Be care ul o cleansers thatare too emollient and leave a greasy lm on the skin,which can cause urther problems.2. Gentle ex oliantsthat can both remove the excessskin cells on the sur ace o the ace (so they dontbuild up in the pore) and ex oliate inside the pore (toimprove the shape o the pore, allowing a more evenow o oil through it). Ex oliation is essential or bothdry and oily skin when you are trying to eliminateblackheads. The only diference is that someone withdry skin will want an ex oliant that has a moremoisturizing base. The best option or ex oliating skinboth within the pore and on the sur ace o the skin isa salicylic acid (beta hydroxy acidBHA) lotion, gel, orliquid. Salicylic acid can penetrate the pore to helpimprove the shape o the pore lining, allowing anunobstructed path o oil ow.3. Absorbing excess oil.This step is more or those withoily skin. For those with oily skin, clay masks are anoption as long as they dont contain other ingredientsthat are irritating . The hand ul o sili-cone-basedoil-absorbing products meant to be worn undermakeup, romcompanies like Smashbox and Clinique,are worth a try too.4. Improving cellproduction can help the poreunction more normally. Ef ective considerationsor all skin types are tretinoins (Retin-A, Tazorac,Avita,Renova), Diferin, and azelaic acid. These can beused by themselves or witha BHA product. Research has de nitely established

    that Retin-A, Renova, and Diferin have positiveefects on how pores unction, and these productsshould be considered or very stubborn cases or whenblackheads are accompanied by breakouts.

    Blackheads can be made to seem less noticeable withpore strips, but only when the instructions on the boxare ollowed exactly and they are not overused. Porestrips do not afect pore unction.For all skin types, AHA peels, microdermabrasion, andlaser resur acing can signi cantly afect the appear-ance o blackheads; however, they dont necessarilyimprove pore unctioning (it depends on the depth o

    the treatment); rather, they temporarily get rid o thesur ace problem, making your skin look better.

    Topical disin ectants (such as benzoyl peroxide) ortopical antibiotics available by prescription areunwarranted and would be wasted in the treatmento blackheads and milia because bacteria are notinvolved in these conditions.

    Paulas ChoiceExfoliating 2%

    Beta Hydroxy Acid Liquid Skin looks and eels smooth, so t, andeven-toned Ex oliates both the skin's sur ace

    and inside the pore lining with a 2%concentration o salicylic acid (BHAand a pH range o 3.2-3.6 Water-based, non-occlusive gelormula is quickly absorbed by theskin Salicylic acid has naturalanti-in ammatory (soothing) andantibacterial properties May be worn under makeup,sunscreen, moisturizer, or specialtyproduct Excellent or all skin types,especially normal to oily skin withstubborn blemishes and black-heads 100% ragrance- and colorant-ree

    Check it out! Log on m-teen.com and click FaPaulas Choice link








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