M. Jae Moon Yonsei University 2009 Asia-Pacific E-Governance International Conference...

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Transcript of M. Jae Moon Yonsei University 2009 Asia-Pacific E-Governance International Conference...

M. Jae MoonYonsei University

2009 Asia-Pacific E-Governance International Conference

From Government to GovernanceFrom Government to E-GovernanceFrom E-government 1.0 to E-government 2.0What’s More?◦ Service Provision ◦ Participation (Interactivity)◦ Sharing and Openness◦ Diffusion and Customization◦ Seamless…..

During the Internet boom of the late 1990s, e-government entities raced to develop Websites, and high levels of e-government spending became the norm. Spending on e-government-related initiatives has continued to grow-indeed, in 2009, the US government is expected to spend more than $71 billion on IT, of which an estimated 10 percent will be related to e-government (McKinsey, 2009)But…. E-government is not yet satisfactory and faces a plateau.New Technological Development…. Web 2.0, Web 3.0…

Reactions to E-government Officials PublicTransparency 3.56 2.93 3.1Participation 3.33 2.99 3.09National Competitiveness 3.59 3.39 3.44Accessibility 3.70 3.17 3.32Convenience 3.73 3.36 3.46Efficiency 3.60 3.23 3.34Concern about Private Info 3.08 3.52 3.39Concern about Hacking 3.29 3.58 3.50Misuse of Private info by Gov’t Officials 2.73 3.55 3.32Digital Gap 3.09 3.54 3.41Decrease in Gov’t-Citizen Contacts 3.00 3.24 3.17

More ConvenienceMore Customization (Gov’t Portal to My Portal)More Participation (Indirect Democracy to Direct Democracy)Wider Networking (Facebook, Blogging…)Wider Diffusion and More Utilization (Mash-up, Longtailing…)More Information (Information Sharing)Collective Intelligence (Wiki..)

Technologies Content Search The ease of finding information through keyword sear

ch. Link Ad-hoc guides to other relevant informationAuthoring The ability to create constantly updating content over

a platform that is shifted from being the creation of a few to being constantly updated, interlinked work. In wikis, the content is iterative in the sense that users undo and redo each other's work. In blogs, content is cumulative in that posts and comments of individuals are accumulated over time.

Tag Categorization of content by creating tags: simple, one-word user-determined descriptions to facilitate searching and avoid rigid, pre-made categories.

Extension Powerful algorithms that leverage the Web as an application platform as well as a document server.

Signals The use of RSS technology to rapidly notify users of content changes.

Osimo. 2008. WEb 2.0 in Government: Why and How? p. 13.

1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020

Government 1.0 Government 2.0A Government 2.0B

Web 1.0 Web 2.0A Web 2.0B


Gov.-centered Citizen-centered Individual-cnetered





My Gov



One-sided information

Limited information



Digitalization of Service

Two-sided Information

Extended Information


Mobile Service




Information Provision

Real Time Information


Customized Service

Intelligent Service

Channel Wired Internet Wireless Internet Integrated Technology

Integration Task by Task Process Integration Service Integration

Key TechnologyWeb BrowserHtml, Active-X

BroadbandXML, AJAX, Tagging, RSS

Semantic Technology

Sensor Network

Wekipedia, Adsense

(Ostergaard and Hvaad, 2008)

(Ostergaard and Hvaad, 2008)

(Ostergaard and Hvaad, 2008)

1. Posting

5. Transform4. Integration

3. Transact

2. Interact

Evolution of E-gov

Big Jump

Web 2.0 Move…

Responses to E-government Characteristics Official Public AverageProvision of Opportunity for Interaction 3.31 3.20 3.23Customized Information and Service 3.19 3.16 3.17Fast Provision of Info and Service* 3.36 3.13 3.3.19Friendly to Multi Media Applications 3.40 3.40 3.40Information Update 3.47 3.23 3.29Convenience 3.43 3.28 3.32Expanding Public Opinion 3.61 3.54 3.56Interacting with the Public via E-government***

3.32 3.02 3.10

* 10% Level/ *** 1% Level

Level of Blog Activities 2.48Mobile Internet Access 2.33Level of Visit to Others’ Blog 2.55RSS Utilization Yes: 17.1%/ No 76.8%/ DK: 6.1%

Off-line Government

On-line Government: E-government 1.0

M-line GovernmentU-Government: E-government 2.0

Internal and Internal and External External ImpactsImpacts


OneOne--toto--ManyManyManyMany--toto--ManyMany OneOne--toto--ManyMany


Government E-gov1.0 E-gov


New Architecture Paradigm for More Flexible Services and ParticipationNew Services (HousingMaps.com; Window to My Environment; ChunmanSangSang Oasis)Public Knowledge Management-GovernancepdiaMore Customized and Specific PR-Public BloggingMash-up based Public ServicesExtended and Secured Information Sharing

Phase 1(integration Networking)

•Integration & Networking of information Resources•Citizen-Centered Service•Reliable infrastructure

Phase 2(Sophisticaiton Activation)

•Increase citizen;s use of e-Service•Expand base for citizens’ participation•Build base for U-city

Phase 3(Ubiquitous City)

•Seamless information exchange•Develop contents for ubiquitous environment•Tighten security & information protection

•On & Off-line PR•Increasing civil partici

-pation•Improving accuracy of

information resources•Tighten personal

information protection

•ITA/Master plan•Cyber policy Forum•Integration of Websites

•Seoul Data Center•Seoul Internet TV•One-Click Civil Petition Service

•On & Off-line PR•Increasing civil partici-

-pation•Improving accuracy of

information resources•Tighten personal

information protection

•U-city Master plan•Strategic projects•Intelligent informationService•Safe environment for using information•pleasant and safe urban



(2005-2006) (2006-2010)

Phase 1(integration Networking)

•Integration & Networking of information Resources•Citizen-Centered Service•Reliable infrastructure

Phase 2(Sophisticaiton Activation)

•Increase citizen;s use of e-Service•Expand base for citizens’ participation•Build base for U-city

Phase 3(Ubiquitous City)

•Seamless information exchange•Develop contents for ubiquitous environment•Tighten security & information protection

•On & Off-line PR•Increasing civil partici

-pation•Improving accuracy of

information resources•Tighten personal

information protection

•ITA/Master plan•Cyber policy Forum•Integration of Websites

•Seoul Data Center•Seoul Internet TV•One-Click Civil Petition Service

•On & Off-line PR•Increasing civil partici-

-pation•Improving accuracy of

information resources•Tighten personal

information protection

•U-city Master plan•Strategic projects•Intelligent informationService•Safe environment for using information•pleasant and safe urban



(2005-2006) (2006-2010)

From Provision of Information to Provision of Service and Policy ParticipationFrom Off-line to Online and to Mobile ConnectionFrom Programs for Koreans to Those for ForeignersFrom Convenience to Competitiveness

E-Service• One-click Public

Service System• On-line Tax

System• Integrated

Reservation System

• OPEN System (Online Procedural ENhancement for Civil Applications)


E-governmentOf City of Seoulwww.seou.go.kr

E-Participation• Cyber Policy

Forum• ChunmanSanSa

ng Oasis (Oasis for Ten Millions’Imagination)

Citizen ParticipationCivil ApplicationsPublic Information on City GovernmentCulture and TourData and InformationSeoul PR

Citizen participation

One Click e-service

City Gov PR

Information for Citizens

Government Information

About Seoul

Proposals(Citizens, civil Servant)

Automatic Filtering(ads, swearing etc)


Providing materials

Blocks and Cancel

Evaluation (Recommended,comments etc)

Topic selection


PetitionBusiness of

other departmentthe others

One- Click Civil

Pe tition Sys temOther Portal Service

Attendance Audit




Proposals(Citizens, civil Servant)

Automatic Filtering(ads, swearing etc)


Providing materials

Blocks and Cancel

Evaluation (Recommended,comments etc)

Topic selection


PetitionBusiness of

other departmentthe others

One- Click Civil

Pe tition Sys temOther Portal Service

Attendance Audit




Proposals(Citizens, civil Servant)

Special Themes


Netizen experts




Discussion Themes by evaluations

Proposals(Citizens, civil Servant)

Special Themes


Netizen experts




Discussion Themes by evaluations

Opinions(Citizens, civil Servant)


Results(SMS, E-mail)

The committee for realization





The Headof department

The Headof department



Internet TV

Citizens, Netizen

Opinions(Citizens, civil Servant)


Results(SMS, E-mail)

The committee for realization





The Headof department

The Headof department



Internet TV

Citizens, Netizen

Web 2.0/ 3.0:E-gov. 2.0/3.0?

Not Necessarily New but More Creative, Customized and Wider Applications of Existing Information and Technologies

From Top-down to Bottom-up Approach

Barriers and Success Factors? Resource vs. TrustQuantitative vs. Qualitative Off-line is still important…

Good to Great!!!


Contact InformationM. Jae MoonPhone: 82-2-2123-2959Email: mjmoon@yonsei.ac.kr