M. C. A. (Second Semester) - RGPVONLINE.COM

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Total No. of Questions : 10 1 (Total No. of Printed Pages : 4

Roll No ..

MCA- 202

\ M. C. A. (Second Semester) EXAJ\.IDlA1l0N, June, 2008



Time ; 'Three HouTS

Maximum Marks : 100

Minimum Pass Marks: 40

Note : There are five Units. Attempt any one question from each Unit. All quest ions carry equa l ma rks.

Unil - I

I. (a) Explain system structure of DBMS. 8

(b) What are the major functions of DBA ? 5 (c) Explain schema. instance. logical database design, data

dictionary, data sublanguage. 7

'" 2. (a) Expla in the following terms with examples, How th ey

are represented in E-R diagram : 10

(i ) strong and weak en tity

(H) par tia l and total participation

( iii) cardi nality limits

[iv) discriminator and primary key

(v) aggregation

(b) .Explain about data models. Explain various data . models you know. 10

P. T. o.


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• [ z [ MCA-20 2


3. (a) TIle ou ter join operations exte nd the natural join

operation so that tuples h om the participating relations are not 10M in the result of join Describe how that join operation can he enecded so that tuples from left , right, or both relation.'! a re norleu from the result of the ta Join. 10

(b ) What is union compatibility? Why do tbe U NION, INTERSI:::LT IO N, SET DIFFERENCE operations

require that the relations on which they are applied are union oomp~tible ? 10

0 ,

4. Consider the relational database given be.ow whose primary keys are unde rlined. Give expressions in rel at ional algebra and SQL to express the following querses : 20

Suppliers (SNO, SName, Status, City)

Pam (P!'O. PName, Color, Weight, CIty)

Projects (l NG, Jnarne, City)

Shipments (SNO, PNO, l NG, Qly)

(i) Gel full details Ior parts supplied by a supplier in 'Bombay'.

( ii) Get total qry of part ' P!' supplied by supplier '51'.

(iii) Get all paits of city names such that a supplier in the first city supplies a project in the second city.

(iv) Get supplier no for suplien wi th status lower than '51'.

(v) For each part being supplied to a project, get part number, the project number, and the corresponding total quantity.

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, n Unit-III

~ (a) Compute the closure of the following set F of functional dependencies for relation schema R = (A, B. C,D, E) : 10

A .... BC

CV "' E

B. D


Also compute candidate keys of R, B+. and Fe (canonical cove r).

(b) Consider the relation r (x,y,Z,w) and set F = {y w,xy .... z } where the symbol- means y r- w and w y simultaneously. What are the candidate key~ of this relation? What is ue highest NF of the retaucn ? 10

0 ,

6. (a) Prove that every two-attribute relation is in BeNE 6

(b) Consider the relation (.r.y,z) and lIS dccompcsttlcn R1 (.r,y) and R2 (); z). Assume that x .... y and z - y, Use the lassless join algorithm 10 determine if this decompushicu is looiless or lossy. 10

(e) Discuss the data anomalies in 3 NF relations. 4

Unit - IV

7. (3) What is assertion ? How is it different from check and other constraints? Write an assertion for the bank da ta base given below: 10

(i) The sum of all loan amounts for each branch mUS I be less man the sum of all account balances at the braJl~h.

P. T. O.

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I • J (ii) Every loan has at least one customer who

maintains an account with a minimum balance of $ 10,000.

(b) Explain triggers. What is the need of triggers 1 Give \ an example to explain the use of .trlgger. 10 \


8. (a) What do you mean hy transaction ? What are properties of transaction ? Explain the usefulness of

each. 10 (b) Explain the distinction between serial schedule and

serializahie schedule. 10

uen- v

9. (a ) Explain the following: 5 each

{i) Object-orfemed database

(ii) Data warehousing

(b) Differentiate between network and hierarchical models. 10


10. (a) Explain about multimedia databases. 5

(b) Explain the basic "Idea of RAID organization and levels. 10

(e) Discuss indexing structure for files. 5

I\1CA-20l 5,850

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Total No. of Questions: 8 I [ Total No. of Printed Pages: 4


M. C. A. (Second Semester) EXAMINATION, June, 2007



lime: 1hree HoW'S

Maximum Marks : !OO

Minimum Pars Marki .. 40

Note: Attempt any frve questions. All questions carry equal


1. (a) Differentiate between hierarchical, network and relational models. 6

(b) Defi ne the concept cf aggregation. 6

(e) Explain distinction between the followin g : 4 each

(i) Disjoint and overlapping comraints c:i generahza­tion and specialization

( ii) Total and partial constraints

Z. Consider the following database of supplier parts :

S (SNo, SName, City, Stanis)

P (PNa. PName, City, Weight, Color)

SP (SNo, PNa, Qty)

Supplier parts database. P. T. O.

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- -

I a I MCA-2Q2

Solve the following queries In SOL and relational algebra.

(i) Get all pairs of suppliers who ale located in same city.


(ii) Get supplier names who do not supply Part PI. 2

(iii) Oct supplier names who supply all the pans. 2

(iv) Get su pplier names who supply at least one 'Blue' Part. 2

(v) Get supplier numbers for supplier with status value less than the current maximum status value in '5 '

table : 2

(vi) Get Part no. for all paris supplied by more than om: supplie r (only SOL). 1

(vii) Delete all suppliers in 'PARIS'. 2

(viiifDouble the status of suppliers in LONDON. 2

[ ix) Write SQL DOL for.supplier part database. 5

3. (a) Explain with examples wherever necessary: 8

(i) Natural join

(ii) Equi join

(iii) Outer join

(iv) Inner join

(v) Left ou ter join

(vi) Right outer join

(vii) The la join

(b) Design a relational database corresponding to the E·R diagram given ahead. 6

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...­ ....

"'p ....


Fig. I

What is participation role? What is it necessary to use

role names in description of relationship type ? 6

4. (a) Prove that any relation with two attributes is in BCNE

S (b) Consider Relation R (A, B. C, D, E) and

functional dependency :


F set of 10


B-D E-A }

(i) Compute closure of F i.e. F+.



CmnpuIC: closure of B or B+ .

Compute canonical cover of F i.e. Fe -

(e) Prove that fuDCtionaI dependency is also multivalued dependency. 5

P. T. O.

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I • I S. (a) Suppose that we decompose the sc:bema : IS

R "" (A, B, C, D. E) into: (A, n, C)

(A, D, E)

Show thaI this decomposition is tossress join decomposition and not dependency preserving if the following FD's bold:


CD"E n .. n E~ A

Also give non-loss and dependency preserving dealmposition into 3 NF.

(b) What are trivi.al and non-trivial functional dependencies ? 5

6. (a) Explain the structure of B+ trees Om!aruct 11 B+ tree for the following set of key values: 10

(2, 3, 5, 7, ll, 17, 19,23,29,31)

(b) Explain multilevel indices.

indices. Also explain secondary JO

1. (a) Explain the distinction bereee schedule and serialinble schedule.

the terms serial 7

(b) Usl the ACID properties, Esplain the usefulness of each. 7

(c) Explain distributed database. 6

8. Write shan ootes on any four of the following: 20

(i) Data dictionary (ii) Mapping constraints (iii) RAID (iv) DBTG model (v) 'ftansaction management

MCA -202 5,800

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• Total No. of Questions: 5 J ( 1111:11 No. of Printed Pages . 3

MCA- 202

M. C. A. (Second Semester) EXAMINATION, Ncw-Dec., 2007



TI/Ilc .. Three Hours

Maximum Marks : 100

Minimum Pass Marks; 40

Note: Attempt any two parts of each quesuoa. All questicas car ry equal marks.

I. (al Define Database Management System (DBMS). Discuss the responsibilities of DBA.

(b) Software India Ltd. is un organization involved in II:e

design. development and marketing of software products [or a family of advanced personal computer>,

What e ntities are of interest to such an enterprise? Give a list of these endues and the re lationship among


(c) Define the following:

(i) E-R Model

(ii) DBMS architecture

2. (a) Discuss dlfferem types of key. For each case, give a suitable example. What h a foreign key constraint ? Why is such constraint important ?

P. T. 0. •


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I , J

(b) Explain the following:

(i) SQL and its operation

(ii ) Rela tional calculus

(c) What do you undcr~l .•",j l>y Querry processing (lad

opt imization ? Discuss in detail.

3. (a) Why do we need normalized data ? What is BC~ F ? Discuss.

(b) Consider a relation R(AB.CD.El, The following dependenci es are given:

A.... B, BC·· E, ED-A

Find 2.11 keys of relations R. J.<; R in RCNF ? Jl:stify your answer.

(c) Explain the followinl :

( i) Multivalued dependencies

( i i ) DependeD')' pr~scT\l'llion

4. (a) DiscUS3 various transaction slates with their description and state diagram.

(b) Explain the following:

(i) ACID properties

(ii ) Checkpoints

(iii) Data Iragmenrauon

(c) Eniisl dirrerem schemes of oarabcse recovery and expla in ally one in detail.

S. (3) What do you understand by file organization? Discuss different approaches of file organization a10nll with thei r me rits and demerits.

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I , I

(b) Explain the following:

(i) Object Oriented Databases

(ii) Video servers

(iii) Dala wareh0U5ing

(c) Explain the difference between e3Ch of the fubing :

(i) Primary versus secondary indexCll

(ii) Dense versus speese indexes (iii) Clustered versus uaclustered indaes


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Thai No. of Questions : 8 I [ TOlal No. of Printed Pages: 4


M. C. A. (Second SemE'stt'r)

EXAMINATION, May/June, 2006 (Old Scheme)


[MCA-2:02 ton Tum' : 111," Hours

Maximum Marks .. 100

Minimllm Pass Marlcs.' 40

/'loole: Attempt all). five questions, All questions carry equal


I. Dnrerenuare between the following : 4 each

(3) File-Processing ~J DBMS

(b) Physical and Lo gical data ir.dcpcndcr.cc

(c) " Weak and Strong Entity

(d) Super key and Primary key

(c) Immedrare and deferred updaticn

2. (3) Construct an ER diagram for a university registrar's office. The office mainta hu daUl abou t each class,

Including the instructor. the enrollment and lhe time and the place oi the class meetings. For each student-class patr.. a grade;" rccor ueu Document all

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3. (a)


4. (a )




5. (a)

[ , l MCA-202(O)

assumptions that you make about the mapping constraints. 12 Explain the distinction between condition-defined and

user-defined design constraints. Which of these constraints can the system check autornatlcally ?

Explain your answer. 8

Let the following relation schemes be given; 12

R=(A,B.C) S =(D, E, F)

Let relations r (R) and 5 (5) be given. Give an expression in the tuple relational calculus that is equivalent to each of the following; also gtve tho: SQL equivalent ;

(,J "A (r)

(ill "A,F(uC'" D) [r X s))


Describe the circumstances in which )'OU would cheese to use embedded SQL rather than l.L'>illg SQL alone or using oiLy a general-purpose programming larguage. 8

Show thal, if a relatio n schema is ill DCN l-~ w en it is

also in 3NF.

List the three design goals for relational dalabiCielo a ad

explain why each is desirable.

Explain why 41\1' ts a oormal funn more desirable tlwn


Explain how uangllug tuples may arise. &plain

problems that they may cause.

Explain how the concep t of object identfty in the object-oriented model differs from the concept of tuple equality' ill the relational model.

. .-

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'" MCA-202(OJ

(b) How does the remapping of bad sectors by disk controllers affect dam retrieval rates 1

(e) What is the difference between a primary and a secondary index ?

(d) Construct a 0+ -tree for the following set of key values: 6

2, 3, 5, 29. 31, 23. 19, 11, 7

6. (a) List the ACID properties. Explain the usefulness of each. 6

(b) During i15 execution. a transaction passes through several stales, until it finally commits or aborts. USI all

possible sequences of stctes through which a transaction may pass. Explain why each Mate transition may occur. 8

(c) When a transaction is rolled beck under time stamp

ordering, it is assigned a new time stamp. Why can it not simply keep its old time stamp? 6

7. (a) Explain the recovery procedure that needs 10 take

place after a disk crash.

(b) How might a distributed database designed for a local

area network differ from one designed for a wide-area network 'I

(c) Make a Iil;t of security concerns for a bank. For each item on your list, state whether this concern relates to physical security, human security, operating system security or database security.

8. Write short notes on any four of the following;

(a) Network model ,

(b) Hierarchical mode! P. T. O.

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- - - - -I • I

«) Muhivalued dependency (d) RAID

«) Triggers

en Data Dictionary ,

(g) Views (h) Mulrimedia databases

.'t1 CA- 102(O) 4,100

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Total No. of Questio ns: 8 I [Thlal No. of Primed Pages: 4


M. Co A. (Second Semester) EXAMINATION, May/June, 2006

(New Scheme)


[MCA- 20l (N)]

TIm.. .. ThTt!f: H our.r

Maximum Marlcr : !OO

Mi"jmwn Puss Marlo; .. 40

Noll' : Attempt any [r..e questions. All questions curry equet marks.

1. (:I) Whal is the difference between file pro~ c"" iJl I:: ~r-; lem

and database management system ? 8

(b) Explain the role of D alO base Adminislnllor. 6

(" Explain data independence. 6

2. (a) w nat i ~ Union Compatibility? Why do UNIO\' . I ~TE R S EcrI O N and SETDIFFERENCE operatiom require that the retauons on wmch they are applied be union compatible. 10

(b ) Consider unlon, difference, product, selection and project operators as primitive relati onal algebra ope rato rs. G ive de fini tion of n ~lural juiu, Intersect arx.!

divide ill terms of the se prtmit.ves. 10•

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·" , , J MCA-2ll2IN)

3. Consider the ER diagram for a pert of BA.\;K da

Each bank can have multiple branches and each branch a.:a nave multiple aeeoem and loans.

M_ '>P'


" ~" , L-C

Cu,to",er N

Code, Accrxo. PNo, loon_oo are underlined and are

primary keys..

(0 list strong entity types in the ER diagram.. 3

(ii) Is there any weak entity? If so. give its name, partial

key and identifying relationship. 3

(iii) List all names of relationship types, 4

(iv) Reduce the ER diagram 10 tables. 10

-I. Consider the employee daUbase :

Employee (P_name, meet. dry;)

Work5 (P_Dame, corr.panr-name. salary)

Company (CompaJ1y arne, cil)')

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, I , I MCA-202(NI

~ 3ge fP!WI" 1 eUllme)

crop, (a) Write SOL DDl for the above database. 13 (b Wr Ie SQL enl) for tbe tolloWI . cuenes :

(I) Write fi l Mi es of al emplO)ees who work n FBt I

(ii) Hnd names and cities of residence of all employees who work for "SOl", 1

(iii) Find th: compan, that has smallest payr It ::' (iv) Give a managers in ee database 10% raise. 2

(v) Delete all types of 'works' relation for employees of '581' 1

5. (3) Consider the rerauoe R = { A B. c; D. E, t: G. H. J J } and the t of funcnoDJ.I dcptlH!encies .

F "' { (A. B) "' C, A -oD E, B - F, F - G II, D-IJj Decompose R in 2 NF and 3 NF relations.

Also stare :2 ~F and .3 . "F. .0 b) Relvar R (A. B, C. D. E, F)

Satisfl es the follov.ing FD's : lO A D·C

C-A Be .... 0



CE-FA CF-BD D ­ 1- F

Find n inc lcibJe eqlivalell1 fur lhj~ set of FD·~.

Also nd c; ceys rR.

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, , J

6. (a) What are transactions? wh m are tbc properties of transactions? Discuss various transaction slates. 10

(b) Explain Referential Integrity. Also explain asserucns

and triggers with examples; 10

7. (a) Explain the nature of nrultimedia databases and applicat ions. 10

(b) Explain the difference: 10

(i) Dense index and Sparse index

(ii) Primary index and Secondary index.

How indexes are treate d in SOL?, II . Explain tile follOWi ng with examples: 20

(i) Full functional dependency

(i i) Par tial dependency

(ii i ) Join dependency

(iv] Non-redundant rover

[v) Minimal cove r

(vi) Canonical cover

(vi;) Prime attribute

(viii)Transil i,'c dependency

(ixl Losstess decomposition

(x) Mullivalued dependency


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TOlal No. of Q"c ~l i u lI' : 8 J l Thtal No. of Printed Pages ; J


M. C. A. (Second Semester) EXAMINATION, Dec., 200.5


(MCA- 202)

TIme : Three Hours

Mruimum Marks: 100

Min imum Pass Marks: 40

Note: Attempt any ji..e questions. All question s carry eq ual


1. (3) Deline the following terms with example : iO

(i) Degree of a relation

(ii) Cardinality of a relation

(iii) Prima ry key

(iv) Domain

(v) Super key

(b) Describe the three-level architecture. I-Inw do

different level schema definition language support this architecture? 10

1 (a) A database is being constructed to keep track of the projects and categories of the project in the department. A project has number of employees, nut

all of whom participate in each catego ry . It is desired 10 keep track of the employees participating in each category for each project, as the positions they

P. T. O.

n• I

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I a I MCA-202

participated and the result of the project. Design an ER

diagram and write any assumptions that you make. 1Il

(b) What do you mean by indexing? Define primary and

secondary indexing. 10

3. (a) Define foreign key. What Is this concept used for ? How does It playa role in the join ope ration ? 10

(b) Consider the following tables with primary key

(underlined) :

Employee (En ame. Ena, Salary, Dno)

Department (Dno, Dname)

Project (Pno. Pname. Dno. Plocauon)

Wurk5_on (Eno. Pno, lI ours)

Formulate the query in SQL to perform the following:

(i) For each project, retrieve the project number. the project name, and the number of employees from Department 5 who work on the project. 3

(il) Count the number of dist inct salary values in the

database. 2

(iii ) Find the name of employee who works on

project name " DBMS" for more than 10 hours.


[ iv) Find the sum of the salaries of all employees, the maximum salary, the minimum salary and the

average salary. 2

4. (a) Discuss insertion, deletion and modification ancmalicx. Why are they considered had ? Illustrate with examples. 10

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1 31

(b) Prove that any relation schema with two attributes is

in BeNE 10

5. (a) What is the two-phase locking prcrucct ? Huw does it

guarantee serfalizabiltty ? 10

(b) Discus, the different types of transaction fail ~ res .

\ Whut is meant by cutnst rophk- failur e ? 10

6. (a) What are the main reasons for and potential advantages of distributed databases ? 10

(v) W hut II f C the characte rist ics of d ~la in a data

warehouse ? 10

7. (a) Explain the object-oriented database model with the help of an example. 10

(b) Differentiate between B-tree, B't -tree and W-nct . l0

8. Write shon notes 011 any four of the following : 20

(a) Hie rarchical model

(b) Relational calculus

(e) Database Administrator

(d) Multivalued Dependency

(e) Integrity Rules

( f) Defe rred database modification

MC\ -Z02 ·.j,J 60

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- -


"Iota! No. of Q uestions : 8 1 [ Tbtal So. llf Printed Pages : 4


M. C A. (Second Scm~l('r ) EXAMISATION, n«, 2£XJ4


1'10 - 202)

Time: Th,..c Houn

.\farimum Marks : 1()()

\limmllM Pass Marks: -10

:'\ol~ : Anempr any iiI'" questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. (a) COnstTUCI an E·R diagram for the database of a

ho..pital "ilh a SCI of patients and a set of medical doctors. Patients may tie indoor 3' ....dl as outdoor pat ients. Each patient a log of the venous tests conducted is abo associated. 12

(b) Differentiate between the following : 8

til Weak and Strong emiry

(i i) Generalization and Aggregation

2. (a ) De fine with example Super key, Candidate key. Foreign key and Primary key. H

(b) What i, union compatibility? What :ITC the relational algebra operation that requi re the relations on .....hich they are applied to union compatible? fl

(c) Consider the following relation ; 6

Student (Student no. Percentage, language)

Discuss the circumstances in which this rela tion will be

in 3:\F but not in 4;.o F. P. T. c.

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MCA--2021" "

3. (a) Give a losslcss join decompos ition of the schema

R (A, n, C, D, E) into BeNE T his relation hollJs the •

following functions dependencies :

A .... ne.CD .... E, n .... D,E ­ A

(b) Compute the closure of the following set F of functional dependencies for relation schema

R = (A. n. C. D, E)

A .... C Ae .... D, E - AD, E- A

l.ist the candidate keys for It

(e) \../hy arc Armstrong's infere nce rules imponunt ?

4. (a) Draw a state diagram and discuss the typical suucs tha t

a transaction goes through during execution. II

(b) Consider the following relations: II

Employee (Enc. E name. salary. Dno)

Department (0110, Dname, Budget)

Project (Pno. Pname, Dno, Placat ion)

Works on (Eno. Poo, Hours)

Usc any {)Ill' language 10 answer the following queries:

(i) Change the locations and cont rolling department

number of project numbe r IU to "Bombay" and

5 respectively.

(ii) For each department. ret rieve the departmen t

name and the average salary of employees

working in that depart ment.

(iii) For each project on which more than two

employees work retrieve the project numbe r,

project name and number of employees who

work on that project.

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[ a J MCA·202

(iv) G el the employees name and departmental budgets for employees.

(el What is meant by transaction rollhack ? Which recovery techniques do not require mllhack ? 4

5. (a) Construct :1 n­ tree for the foll owing set of key values: 12

(5, 7. 11, 18, 20, 25, 28, 30, 35)

assum ing that the tree is initially empty, values arc

added in the ascending order in a n + tree of order

p = -I and d '" 3. Show the form of the tree after each

of the following series of operations:

(i l Inscn 9

(ii) Delete 2H

(11) Discuss the tirnestarnp ordering prorocor for

concurrency oontrol. 8

6. (a) whm is meant by data allocation in distributed dill"

base desi gn ? What typical units uf data are distributed

over sites? 8

(b) What arc the main differences between designing a

rela tio na l dat abase and an object database'? 5

(e) Write dow n the brief note on Mobile Databases. 7

7. (:I) What is part itio ned hashing? I luw docs it work?

What are ib limitat io ns? How can hash ing hc used to

const ruct an inde x?

(b) Compare the Re lational, hie rarchical and Ne twurk


P. T. o.

.. •.

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- -


' 'I 8. Write shun notes on any four of the fol1eJy,.ing :

(a) Relational Calculus

(b) Views in SQL

(c) Datagase Administra tor

(d) Recovery concepts based on deferred update

(e) Data Independence

\I C \ _ 202 3.900

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Total No. of Ouesuons : 8 I [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 4


M. C. A. (Second Semester) EXAMINATION, JUlie, 2004



T/me : Tivee Hours

Maximum Marlq : }OO

Minimum Pass Marks: 40

NOLl' : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. (a) Describe the three-schema architecture. Why do we need mappings between schema levels ? How do different schema definition language support this architecture? 12

(b) Consider the following two sets of functional dependencies:

F = {A - C, AC - D,E -AD,E- H }

G = {A ..... CD, E- AH }

Check whether they are equivalent ? Justify your answer. 8

2. (a) Design an EER schema for a database application that you are interested in. Specify all constraints that should hold on the database. 14

Make sure that the schema has at least five entity types, four relationship types. a weak entity type, a

P. T. O.

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[ a J MCA-202

super class/subclass relationship, a category and an n-array (Il > 2) relationship type.

(b) What is a participation role? When is it necessary to

use role names in the description of relationship types? 6

3. (a) What do you mean by Boyce-Codd normal form. How

does it differ from 3 NF ? Prove thai any relation schema with two attributes is in BCNE 10

(b) What is the dependency preservation property for a decomposition ? Between the properties of dependency preservation and lossressness, which DOC

must be definitely satisfied? Why ? 6

(c) Prove thai a functional dependency is also a muhivalued dependency. 4

4. (a) DisCU 5S the immediate update recovery tech nique in both single-user and multi-user environments. What are the advantages and disadvantages of immediate update? 10

(b) Discuss the timestamp ordering protocol for concurrency control. How does strict timestamp ordering differ from basic timestamp ordering? 10

5. (a) Construct a B+ tree for the following set of key values : 10

(4, 12, 17, 30, 31, 35, 47)

assuming that tree is initially empty, values are added in ascending order and the number of pointers in one node is 3. Also perform the following operations on n+ tree : (i) insert 20 (ii) insert 32 (iii) delete 17 (iv) delete 47

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[ a I MCA- 202

(b) Why can we have at most one primal)' or clustering

index on a file, but several secondary indexes 'I 10

6. (a) Conside r the following tables with primary key

(underlined) : 10

Employee (E No, Ename, Salary, DNo)

Departm ent (DNa, Dname)

Project (PNa, Pname, DNa, Plocatic c)

Works on (END, PNa, Hours)

Formulate in SOL to perform the following.

(i) For each project list the project name and total hrs/Week (by all employees) spend on that


(ii) Modify the hours attri bute with ENo co 2315 and PNo = 1704 to "20-00".

(Iii) Retrieve the employee names whose salary is more than that of " Black" and works on more than 2 project.

(iv) Find the names of employees who work on all

projects controlled by department number 5.

(v) Insert P5 for PNa 2404 for DNo into the relation


(b) Give the Relational Algebra, Tuple calculus and domain calculus solution to the following queri es : 6

(i ) Retrieve the names of all employees in

department :'\ who work more than 10 hours on the product X project.

(ii) Retrieve the employee name of all employees

who work for the "Research" department. P. T. O.

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[ • l (e) Expain the following with the help of an example: 4

(i) Full outer join

(ii) Right outer join

7. (a) What do you mean by fragments ? Why is

fragmen tation a useful concept in distributed database design? 5

(b) What is data-mining and how does data-mining

technology relate to data warehousing technology? 5

(c) Discuss gran! and revoke statements of security . 5

(d) What are the basic advantages and disadvantages of Network model over relational model? 5

,. Write short notes on any five of the following: 4 each

(,) Multimedia data formats

(b) Triggers

(,) RAID

(d) Deadlocks and livelocks

(,) Closure set of multivalued dependency

(Q Object-orien ted database

(,) Che ck points and Data Dictionary

MCA-102 6,650

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Total No. of Questions: 8} ( lbtal No. of Printed Pages ; 4


l\L C. A. (Second Semester) EXAMINATION, Dec., 2003



Tune : Three Hours

Maximum Marks : 100

Minimum Pass Marks : 40

Note : Attempt any [we questions. All questions carry equal marks. Neal and to the point answers wi ll felch maximum marks.

1. (a) Differentiate between relational and traditional file.

(b) What do you understand by Data Independence ?

(e) Explain each of the following organization to represent data at storage level :

(i) Heap organlzatien

(ii) Hashed file organization

(ill) Multilist and Inverted organization

2. (a) How will you reduce the following in E - R schema to tables?

(i ) Strong Entity (ii) Weak Entity

(iii) Relationship sets (iv) Generalization

(v) Aggregation (vi) Multivalued attributes

(b) Explain mapping constraints. P. T. O.

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[ , I MCA -202

3. (a) Define the following and also give examples:

(0 Super key (ii) Primary key

(iii) Candidate key (iv) Alternate key

(v) Domain (vi) Attribute

(vii) Foreign key (viii)Compositc key

(U:) En tity (l) Relation

(b) Explain the following with examples :

(i) Natural Join (ii) Equi Join

(ill) Left Outer Join (iv) Right Outer Join

(v) Full Oute r Join

4. (a) S. P, SPJ, J as sbo:-vn in Rela tional Schema are the

relations of a database containing inform ations of

suppliers, parts. projects. Significan ce of SPJ record is that the specified suppliers supply the specifi ed part to specified project in specified quantity :

Relation S (5# . SName, City, Status)

Primary key SI

Relation P (PI. PNarne. Color, Weight, Gty)

Primary key (PI )

Re lation SP] (5#. p#c, 1#, Qty)

Primary key (S~. PI, JI)

Relation J (1#. JName. Oty)

Primary key J#

Formulate in SQL and Relational Algebra to perform

the following :

(i) Get P# for parts such tha t no other part has a

smaller ....:eight value

(ii) Get PI and names of cities supplying the part

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[ a ) MCA-202

(iii) Ge t PI fur all the parts who are supplied to both projects '11' and '12'

(i\') Get pairs of suppliers who are located ill same city

(v) Get J# values for projects supplied by at least one supplier not in same city.

(b) Give triple calculus and domain calculus solution 10 the following queries for the relation S, P, 1 and SPJ give in Q. 4 :

(i) Get supplier names fo r suppliers who do not supply part 'PZ'

(i i) Get supplier names, for suppliers who supply at least one 'red' part

(iii) Get supplier names for supplier who supply at least one part supplied by supplier '52'

5. (a) A relation 'TIme Table' is defined with the following attributes :

D Day of week (1 -5) P Period within day (1-8)

C Classroom number

T Teacher Name

S Student Name

L Lesson identifier

A tuple <d, p, c.i.s, I> is the element of this relation if at time <d, p> student ! is taught lesson I by teacher t in classroom c. You may assume that the lessons are one period in duration and that every lesson has an identifier that is unique among alilesson taught in the week. Reduce 'Time Table' to more desirable

structure. P. T. O.


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• I • l

(b) Explain Normalization, non-Jess decomposition.

(c) Explain how dangling t}'PCS may ans e. Explain problems that they may cause.

6. (a) Explain entity, integrity and referential integrity. Also explain on delete cascade and on update cascade.

(b) Explain functional dependency and trivial functional dependency.

(e) Compute the closure of functi onal dependency R - {A,B,C,O,E} :

the for

following set relation s

F chema


A- Be



Lis! the candidate keys in R and canonical cover Fe­

7. (a) list the ACID properties. Explain the usefu lness of each.

(b) What are transaction commit points and why they are important ?

(e) Discuss the time stamp ordering protocol for concurrency control.

8. Write short notes on any[DIU- of the following :

( i) Deadlocks

(ii) RAID

(ill ) Data mining

(iv) Database Architecture

(v) Distributed databases

MCA - 202 3,850

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·' .' 1 . .

Total No. of Questions ; 8 I l Total No. of Printed Pages ; 3


111. C A. (Second Semester) EXAMINATION, June, 2002


(M CA- 20Z)

Time .. Three HOUTS

Maximum Marks : 100

Minimum Pass Marks : 40

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Differentiate between the following : 4 each

(a) File processing and Datab ase Management system

(b) Strong and weak entity

(e) Generalization and aggregation

(d) Functional dependency and mul tivalued dependency

(e) Network and Hierarchical models

2. (a) Wh\lt are tbe functions of DBA? Explain. Also explain

data dictionary. 10

(b) Explain the term 'data independe nce', Also explain various views of data. 10 I

3. (a) What are the various ways in which a collection of I sample data can be represented at storage L e. internal I level ? Explain each of them. 10

P. T. O. 1

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I 2 1 MC A-202 ~

(b) What do you mean by data fragmentation in distributed database 1 Explain horizontal , vertical and ,

mixed fragmentation. 10

4. (a) Consider following tables with primal)' key (unde r

lines) : 10

0) Employee (Eno, EName, DND, Salary)

(il) Dept (Dno, Dname)

Answe r the following queries using SQL

(i) Gel departments without Employees.

(il) Get dept and average salary of each department.

(iii) Give all employees of Dept D7 a raise of 20% salary.

(iv) Delete the department 0 8.

(v) Get employee names for employees that either gel salary more than 30,000 or are working in dept 0 8.

(b) Explain the various element of tuple calculus impression. Also explain free and bound variables. 10

S. (a) Consider the foll owing relation : Stude nt (Student No, Subject; Percentage) Discuss the circumstances in which this re lation will be in 3NF and not in 4NF. 5

(b) What is the oeed of normalization ? Explain with the help of examples fourth and fifth normal firms. 10

(c) Decompose the following relation 'S' into equivalent collect ion ,of 2NF relation : 5

S (S#, status, city) with following FDs

S# - status

City - status .

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.. I 3 J

. 6. (a) Explain object oriented database. Explain its structure.


(b) What do you mean by data warehousing ? What are

its characteristics? 10

7. (a) Explain various general indexing techniques. to (b) Draw a state diagram and discuss the typicul states that

a transaction goes through during execution. 10

8. Write short notes on any [ow of the following : 5 each (i) Database administration

(ii) Deadlocks

(ill) Recovery concepts

(iv) Two phase locking system

(v) Data Dictionary


MCA -202 •

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