Lucy Hares HLF cemeteries presentation 17 June 2014

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Transcript of Lucy Hares HLF cemeteries presentation 17 June 2014

HLF: Investing in Cemeteries

Lucy HaresParks for People Programme Manager

Parks for People - the story so far…

• 1996: Urban Parks Programme• 2002: Public Parks Initiative• 2006: Parks for People, with

Big Lottery Fund in England.

• £700m+ has been awarded to more than 700 parks across the UK

“The benefits of a high-quality well-maintained park are universally accepted but there are major concerns about the future of parks as non-statutory local authority services.

Cemeteries have also been identified as public spaces facing significant problems similar to those of other designed landscapes.”

Strategic Framework 2013-18

Parks for People – what we fund

• Conservation of existing designed landscapes

• Grants from £100k to £5m

• Masterplan approach

• Fund capital works and activities

• Local community involvement

• A well-maintained site in the future

• 28 Feb & 31 Aug deadlines

First-round England budget £30m (HLF £20m, BIG £10m) split between two meetings in June and December

Why does HLF fund cemeteries?

• Designed landscapes• At risk• Rich heritage • Managed like parks• Involve volunteers and

communities• Important urban greenspace

• Compete for funding with parks

Challenges for cemeteries

• Buildings at risk – and their reuse

• Conservation costs• Ownership models• Biodiversity versus tidy• Bereavement sensitivities • On-going revenue and


HLF has already funded some cemeteries…

Arnos Vale, Bristol

Dean Road Jewish Cemetery, Liverpool

Stirling Old Town Cemetery, Scotland

Jewellery Quarter Cemeteries, Birmingham

Any questions?

Lucy Hares

Tel 0207 591 6220
