Lu grabethsyd

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Lu grabethsyd

The Great Wall of China

Title22000 miles long

History of the Great Wall

Built under command of Qin Shi Huang

After time, the wall became more of a psychological barrier

China's symbol of power and strength

Legends and Stories

Legend claims that you can see the wall from space

Legend claims that a dragon traced out the path where the wall would go

Legend says that a farmer went to work at the wall and died, so the wife cried until it fell down


Dumplings have been around for of years

They were first made in china Some fillings are: pork,beef,shrimp,rice,beans,and vegetables

Dumplings are served with: sauce,rice,chicken broth, and vegies

Interesting facts

Indicate the financial advantages for the customer

Compare quality and price with those of the competition 6,300 kilometers or 13,170.69 miles in length and the highest point is 26 ft. tall

Built over 2000 years ago in the Ming dynasty

Made from wood, stone and compacted earth

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