Lowell Observatory and Discovery Channel Telescope September 9, 2014 Pic, Jack Szelka Pic, Alan...

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Transcript of Lowell Observatory and Discovery Channel Telescope September 9, 2014 Pic, Jack Szelka Pic, Alan...

Lowell Observatory and Discovery Channel Telescope

September 9, 2014

Pic, Jack SzelkaPic, Alan Klause from aircraft

Hosts: Mica Doucette and Josh Bangle

pic, John Carter

The Discovery Channel Telescope

pic, John Carter

pic, Corinne Shaw

pic, Jerry Shaw

Host – Bill DeGroff, DCT Facility Manager

Pier mount for camera

pic, John Carter

Felt in the floor to protect pier from vibration

OMGosh, look up!

Second Floor

What a wonderful tour

pic, Corinne Shaw

Still looking up

Secondary Mirror

pic, John Carter

The Primary Mirror, under the secondary mirror

Pic, Jack Szelka

pic, Jeff Stillman

Look, it’s an eye piece!

pic, John Carter

pic, John Carter

Thanks Josh for taking a group picture

Back rows L-R: Greg Lutes, Wyatt Frazee, John Verderame, Pat Bledsoe, Tom Chamberlain, Bob Chambers, Adam England, Heather Jeter, Author Jeter, Fred Arndt, Betsy Arndt, Alan Krause, Kathy Krause Middle row L-R: Ilene Szelka, Cherie Lutes, Laura Verderame, Chuck Seeger Front row L-R: Jack Szelka, John Carter, Jeff Stillman, Carole Smith, Jim Matzger, Corinne Shaw, Jerry Shaw

DCT & Out Building – Alan Klause

pic, Jeff Stillman

pic, John Carter

pic, John Verderame

pics, Jeff Stillman, John Carter

pic, John Verderame

pic, John Carter

Lunch with good company

Thank you for sharing your pictures – John Carter, Alan Krause, Jerry Shaw, Jeff Stillman, Jack Szelka, John Verderame

Thank you to our Lowell hosts – Antoinette Beiser Mica Doucette Josh Bangle Bill DeGroff

Discovery Channel Telescope

September 9, 2014

pic, John Verderame

Very pretty view of the DCT

D C T . . . next time . . .