Lovely Bones

Post on 07-Sep-2014

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Transcript of Lovely Bones

THE LOVELY BONESNarrator: Good Morning Everyone!

Are you all ready for a story? Well, this is the story of life, and

everything that came after by Alice Sebold Δ – The Lovely Bones.

Her name Δ was Salmon, like the fish. First name, Susie. She was 14 years Δ old when she was murdered on December 6, 1973. This was before Δ missing kids started appearing on milk cartons or Δ were feature stories on the daily news. It was back when people believed things like that didn’t happen.

Susie, has 2 siblings, her younger sister Δ Lindsey, and his youngest brother Δ – Buckley. Her parents were Δ Jack and Δ Abigail Salmon.

Susie: Δ “I loved the way a photo could capture a moment before it was gone. Δ That’s what I wanted to be when I grow up Δ - a wildlife photographer.”

Narrator: Δ said Susie. Her life seemed normal. Δ It was perfect, it was safe! That’s what her parents thought, Δ until her whole world was turned upside down. Susie knew that she wasn’t safe. She knew that a man in her neighbourhood was watching her.

Δ If she hadn’t been so distracted she would have realized something was wrong. Δ But she was too busy, thinking about the length of Ray Singh’s eyelashes.

Susie: Δ I had counted each one in library time while he was reading Abelard and Heloise, the most seriously tragic love story ever.

Narrator: recounted Susie, while she was waiting for her Grandmother down the Grocery store.

Grandma Lynn: Δ So, have you kissed him yet?

Narrator: Δ Said Grandma Lynn, Susie’s eccentric alcoholic grandmother. Δ Susie, shook her head in discomfort.

Grandma Lynn: Δ Why not? You like him, he likes you. What’s the hold up?

Susie: Δ I’m just afraid I won’t be good at it.

Grandma Lynn: Δ My first kiss was with a grown man.

Susie: Δ What was it like?

Grandma Lynn: Δ The kiss? Oh, it was wonderful. Beautiful. Glorious. Δ It took me a long time before I realize that a kiss like that, it only happens once.

Narrator: Δ Those were the words of Grandma Lynn. Δ Susie knew that her grandmother has a point. She might only get kissed once. Her nerve peaked when one day, Δ Ray, her crush, came talking to her on their school right after their film making club.

Ray: Δ Hey, Susie.Susie: Δ Hi, Ray.Ray: Δ What did you think of the

play?Susie: Δ Who?Ray: Δ The play we watched.


Susie: Δ Oh... Well... Well, I just... It was amazing! Yeah, I mean, it was really incredible!

Narrator: said Susie without really thinking. Δ Her soul caught Ray’s hazel brown eyes. She was mesmerized by it. She was frozen.

Ray: Δ I love that play.

Narrator: said Ray.Ray: Δ There’s another thing we have

in common.Susie: Δ What else do we have in

common?Narrator: Δ Ray did not respond.

Instead, Δ he came closer and closer to Susie. Δ Both eyes were locked upon each other. Susie thought that, it was now or never.

Ray: Δ Don’t you know? Narrator: added Ray. Susie and Ray

were only a feet apart each other. Seconds from now, Susie knew that she might get what her Grandmother thought was glorious, her real first kiss.... Δ But she let it down. She took her gaze away from Ray and awkwardly opened her locker. Δ Several of her books fell.

Susie: Δ Crap! It’s okay!Ray: Δ its fine, I’ve got it.Narrator: rescued Ray. Δ Ray took

the chance and slipped a note in her book. Of course, Susie noticed it. But her instinct told her to act as if she hadn’t notice.

Ray: Δ Susie, what are you doing on Saturday?

Narrator: Δ His words stroked her heart. She couldn’t answer it. It felt as if her heart stopped. And without thinking, she replied.

Susie: Δ Are you really from England?Ray: Δ Yes.Narrator: Silent fell between the

two, which was broken by Ray saying...

Ray: Δ You are beautiful, Susie Salmon.

Narrator: Susie did not respond.Ray: Δ Meet me at the mall, 10:00

am, Saturday.Susie: Δ Where in the mall?Ray: Δ The gazebo.

Narrator: And with that, Susie’s world stood still. It was Susie’s first feeling of light-heartedness, memorable was it indeed. Little did she knew, that it was also her last. Δ As Susie walks home Δ through a cornfield, she searched her bag for the note Ray gave her.

Seconds later, she was holding it. She was about to read it, when suddenly,

Δ the wind blew it away. Δ Susie chased it. Δ And while doing so she runs into her neighbour, Δ George Harvey.

Harvey: Δ “Hey, you’re that Salmon girl right?”

Narrator: asked Mr. Harvey. George Harvey was a middle aged single man, who creates doll houses for a living.

Harvey: Remember me? You remember me. Δ I live right down the street, down in the green house. I’m Mr. Harvey.

Susie: Δ Hi.Harvey: Δ Hi, How are you? How are

your folks doing?Susie: Δ They’re fine.

Harvey: Δ Good, tell them I said hi. Δ You know, you’re the perfect person for me to run into, because I just built this thing over here and I want to get a second opinion. Do you mind taking a look?

Susie: Δ Oh, Well, actually, Mr. Harvey, I have to get home.

Harvey: Δ Oh. Okay.

Narrator: Mr. Harvey looked disappointed. Crestfallen perhaps, Δ he turned his back onto Susie.

Harvey: Δ I just worked so hard on it and I guess I got excited for someone to see it. Δ But, that’s okay. I’ll show the other kids in the neighbourhood. They’re gonna be very excited about it.

Susie: Δ Really?Harvey: Δ Oh, yeah. It’s great, I

mean, It’s really neat. Come on, It’ll take two minutes.

Narrator: Δ And without further hesitation, Susie came with Mr. Harvey.

Δ It was an underground den that Mr. Harvey built. Δ Susie was captivated by the Δ yellow light the candles inside produced. Δ Seconds later, Δ she was underground.

Susie: Δ Wow, this is neat.

Harvey: Δ Make yourself at home. And by the way, that’s a cute hat you’re wearing.

Susie: Δ Thanks, my mother gave it to me.

Narrator: Δ Inside, Susie saw lit candles, Δ tattered stuff toys, Δ an owl figurine, Δ some china dolls, Δ and a calendar.

Susie: Δ This is really cool, Mr. Harvey.

Harvey: Δ Yeah. I thought that you kids would like a place of your own to, you know, hang out.

Narrator: Minutes passed, Δ Susie felt uncomfortable of Harvey’s presence. Her paranoia increased when Δ

she saw a razor still on the ground. Susie tried to leave.

Harvey: Δ Would you like a refreshment Susie?

Susie: Δ Actually, I have to go.Harvey: Δ No. Be polite. You

have to be polite. That’s a rule in here.

Narrator: Δ Susie stared blankly into Harvey’s eyes. She is fighting the urge to run; when all of a sudden, Δ Harvey started talking off his coat.

Harvey: Δ It’s pretty warm in here. You can take off your coat if you want to Susie.

Narrator: Δ Susie’s inside trembled, but she managed not to show it.

Susie: Δ Mr. Harvey, I have to go.Harvey: Δ I don’t want you to


Narrator: Δ And with that, she ran straight into the ladder, fighting her way outside. Δ George Harvey then grabbed her. Δ Susie kicked him in the face and Δ runs into the field Δ Δ Δ and onto the street Δ Δ Δ rushing past Ruth Connors, a fellow classmate.

Δ Meanwhile, the Salmon family becomes worried when Susie does not return home. Δ Her father, Jack, leaves to search for her, Δ while her mother, Abigail, waits for the police. Δ In town, Susie sees her father,

Susie: Δ “Dad? Dad! Thank goodness I found you here. Δ Dad? Dad!”

Narrator: Δ but he does not respond to her. Δ Susie then runs home Δ Δ

Susie: Δ Mom? Dad! Narrator: There, she finds no one,

Δ except Harvey who was soaking in a bathtub. Δ

Δ After seeing her charm bracelet hanging on the sink faucet near a bloody shaving razor, Δ Susie realizes that she never escaped the den and was actually Δ murdered by Harvey. Δ Δ

Δ Screaming, she is pulled into the "In-Between", Δ that is neither Heaven nor Earth. Δ From there, Susie watches over her loved ones, Δ together with Holly, her new found friend, unable to let go.

Δ Investigating Susie's disappearance, Detective Len Fenerman thinks that Susie was murdered by someone she knew. Δ Jack and Abigail thought otherwise. They think that Susie’s just gone missing, she’s still alive. She couldn’t be dead, she’s too young. That was of course, Δ until Detective Fenerman presented them an evidence.

Fenerman: Δ We found some evidence in the cornfield behind the school. There was a cavity in the earth, with a lot of debris mostly loose woods and broken crates. We think it’s the remains of some kind of structure.

Abigail: Δ And Susie?

Fenerman: Δ We didn’t find her, Mrs. Salmon.

Jack: Δ That’s good, isn’t it? I mean, you found Susie’s hat, but you didn’t find her, which means we really don’t even know if she was there at all. Right?

Narrator: Δ Abigail and Jack hanged onto what they know is a false hope. Δ Detective Fenerman withdrew the evidence, and said

Fenerman: Δ We also found blood.Narrator: Δ And without pause,

tears fell from Abigail’s eyes. Fenerman: Δ A significant amount

of blood. I’m very sorry.

Narrator: Δ The Salmon family at first, took the news badly. But after a few months, they’re learning to cope with it. Δ Buckley, told his father that he saw Susie and that she, kissed him in the cheek. Δ As for Susie, she realized that she shouldn’t be sad. Δ She’s not gone.

Δ In fact, she’s inside her own perfect world. In the limbo, or the in-between, Δ she met Holly, a Vietnamese girl whose fate seemed similar to her.

Susie: Δ Who are you?Holly: Δ I’m Holly. Holly Golightly.Susie: Δ That doesn’t sound like a

real name.

Holly: Δ It isn’t. I borrowed it. You can do that up here.

Susie: Δ Up here? You mean in heaven?

Narrator: Δ Holly answered with a giggle.

Holly: Δ You’re funny.Susie: Δ What’s funny about it?

Holly: Δ This isn’t heaven. You’re not there yet.

Susie Δ: What is this place?Holly: Δ This place is the limbo. It

is neither heaven nor earth.Susie: Δ It’s a bit of both.

Narrator: Δ Holly said there was a wide, wide heaven beyond everything we knew, where there was no cornfield, no memory, no grave. Δ But Susie was not looking beyond yet. She was still looking back.

Δ Meanwhile, Jack begins obsessively researching neighbours, including Harvey, who he comes to think is the killer. Δ Fenerman interviews Harvey but is unable to find any evidence that would link him as a suspect. Δ Susie's sister, Lindsey, comes to agree with her father's suspicions, but their casework takes an emotional toll on Δ

Abigail, and Δ Jack invites her alcoholic mother, Lynn, to move in with the family. Δ Feeling alienated from her husband, Abigail leaves for California.

Susie: Δ My mother went away as far as she could.

Narrator: narrated Susie from her personal heaven.

Susie: Δ She found a job in a small orchard outside of Santa Rosa. Δ The work was hard, but she didn’t mind. Δ If anyone asked, she said she had two children. Δ And Lindsey, Δ who always said she didn’t believe in love, Δ found it anyway. Δ And there it was

Δ The moment I would never have. Δ My little sister had run ahead of me. Δ She was growing up.

Holly: Δ What’s the matter? I thought you’d be happy?

Susie: Δ I’m happy. I am very happy.

Holly: Δ Then why are you crying?

Narrator: Δ Susie answered with an aching smile.

Susie: Δ Always, I would watch Ray. Δ I was in the air around him. Δ I was in the cold winter mornings he spent with Ruth Connors; Δ that strange, otherwordly girl, who so easily accepted the presence of the dead among the living.

Δ And sometimes, Ray would think of me. Δ But he began to wonder; Δ maybe it was time to put that memory away. Δ Maybe it was time to let me go.

Narrator: thought Susie. In her afterlife, Δ Susie inspects a lighthouse and learns that Harvey has already murdered six other females:

Δ Sophi Cichetti. Pennsylvania. 1960. She had been his landlady.

Δ Jackie Meyer. Delaware. 1967. She had just turned 13. Her body was found in a drainage ditch, by the side of the road.

Δ Leah Fox. Delaware. 1969. She was already dead when he dumped her body in the river.

Δ Lana Johnson. 1960. Bucks County, Pennsylvania. She was lured into a shack he had built out of old doors. She was the youngest. She was six.

Δ Flora Hernandez. Delaware. 1963. He’d only wanted to touch her, but she screamed.

Δ Denise Lee Ang. Connecticut. 1971. Thirteen. She was waiting for her father to close up their shop when she vanished. Δ Denise Lee Ang who sometimes liked to be called Δ Holly.

Δ Susie Salmon. 14. Norristown, Pennsylvania. 1973. Δ Murdered in a room he had built under the earth.

After the knowledge Susie gained, she then figured out, Δ that Harvey’s next target might be her sister, Δ Lindsey. Δ Her murderer had finally tuned instincts. Δ He knew that her sister had begun to wonder Δ about the solitary man who lived in the green house. Δ She seemed intent on crowding him, Δ and he resented it.

Δ Soon, he began to feel a familiar itch. Δ He started planning, on how to trap Lindsey just like how he trapped Susie. Δ He started making a duck trap on his backyard. Δ Jack, seeing this while he was driving, tried to help Harvey.

Jack: Δ You know what, Let me help you Mr. Harvey.

Harvey: Δ Oh, no. That’s all right. Really, I can manage.

Jack: Δ No, it’s no trouble. What’s your purpose of building this?

Harvey: Δ I built this so I can hunt ducks on summer. I am specifically fond of them, my late wife Leah used to love them.

Narrator: Δ Harvey’s words hit Jack. Δ He remembered Harvey telling him his wife’s name was Sandra. He stood there thinking for a minute. And then...

Jack: Δ What did you do to her? What did you do to my daughter!

Narrator: said Jack, Δ George Harvey then replied...

Harvey: I’m sorry Mr. Salmon, but I think it’s time for you to go home now.

Narrator: What happened next was very fast. Δ George Harvey refuged inside his house. Δ Jack was banging on the door. He banged it so hard, Δ that a hole can be observed from a distance

Fenerman: Δ It’s got to stop, Jack! You came this close to getting arrested tonight. You’re lucky George Harvey declined to press charges.

Lindsey: Δ Lucky? Fenerman: Δ Your father put a

hole in the man’s back door.

Lindsey: Δ Yeah, he should have put a hole in his head.

Fenerman: Δ Did you hear that, Jack? This is the example you’re setting for your kids? Persecuting the neighbours!

Lindsey: Δ He’s not crazy!Fenerman: Δ I didn’t say that.

Lindsey: Δ Well then why won’t you listen to him?

Fenerman: Δ Because you need evidence Lindsey. Evidence

Narrator: And with those words, Δ Lindsey accepted the challenge. Δ Lindsey breaks into Harvey's house looking for evidence.

Δ Upstairs, she finds a notebook containing Δ a sketch of the den, Δ a lock of Susie's hair, and news articles about Susie's disappearance. Δ However, Harvey returns home. Δ The door downstairs closed. Δ Δ Lindsey knew that she’s not alone anymore.

Δ She quietly reached for the window, when suddenly, Δ the floorboard creaked. Δ It’s now or never. Harvey’s rushing way to his room. Δ There he saw Lindsey right on the window sill. Δ He almost grabbed her but she barely escaped. Δ She runs home to discover that her mother has returned.

Δ Not wishing to spoil the happy reunion of her parents, she hides the book from them and Δ instead gives it to her grandmother. Δ Fearful of being caught, Harvey flees, Δ taking the safe with Susie's remains with him.

Δ The realm in Susie's afterlife begins expanding into a larger heaven, now that justice is only an inch away. Δ And she is greeted by Harvey's other victims. Δ She resists Holly's urging to enter heaven along with the others, claiming she has one final thing to do.

Δ Meanwhile, Ruth and Ray are present when Δ Harvey drives up to dispose of the safe at a sinkhole dump site on the Connors property. Δ Susie returns to Earth and enters Ruth's body, Δ causing Ruth to faint. Δ Ray rushes to Ruth's aid only to realize...

Ray: Δ Ruth! What happened? What’s wrong? Ruth?

Narrator: Δ Ruth Δ gently moved her hand unto Ray’s eyes. Δ Δ Δ

Ray: Δ Susie?Susie: Δ You wrote me a poem

once. You called yourself the Moor. Δ Kiss me. Δ Δ Δ

Ray: Δ You are beautiful, Susie Salmon.

Narrator: The kiss completed Susie’s last wish, Δ and she returns to Heaven, Δ as Harvey drives away. Δ Time passes, and Susie sees that her family is healing.

Susie: Δ These were the lovely bones that had grown around my absence. Δ The connections, sometimes tenuous, sometimes made at great cost, Δ but often magnificent that happened after I was gone. Δ And I began to see things in a way Δ that let me hold the world, Δ without me in it.

Narrator: Δ Sometime later, Harvey meets a young woman outside a diner and offers her a ride, Δ but she rebuffs him and leaves. Δ A large icicle falls from an overhead branch, Δ hitting Harvey on the shoulder. Δ He loses his balance on the ice and Δ falls backward over a cliff to his death. Δ Δ Δ Δ

Narrator: Δ Nobody notices when we leave. Δ I mean, the moment when we really choose to go. Δ At best, you might feel a whisper Δ or the wave of a whisper undulating down.

• Δ Her name was Salmon, like the fish. Δ First name, Susie. Δ She was 14 years old when she was murdered, on December 6, 1973. Δ She was here for a moment, and then she was gone. Δ She wishes you all a long and happy life. Δ