Love Yourself: Here are 9 Super Easy ways to improve Your Self-worth

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Love Yourself

Love Yourself

Here are 9 Super Easy ways to improve your Self-worth

Have you disliked yourself for most of your life? Religions and culture teach us to be selfless in our deeds.We work hard to satisfy people around us and forget to appreciate ourselvesAre you waiting to love yourself the day when you meet your target? Others may love you conditionally, but you must love yourself unconditionally.Do not wait for certification and approval from others to love yourself

How can you be the biggest cheerleader of yourself?A mantra is a word or phrase that is often repeated or that expresses someones fundamental beliefs. Choose a Mantra that reminds you that you are significant; you deserve to be loved. Eg: I love myself, I am worthy of love.1. Have a Self-Love Mantra

How can you be the biggest cheerleader of yourself?Look at yourself in the mirror, say your self-love mantra to your reflection. To make your mind to believe that you love yourself. You can say the reason why you love yourself. Eg: I love myself because I dress well.2. Look in the Mirror and say the Mantra

How can you be the biggest cheerleader of yourself?Hugging yourself may seem senseless, but it does help you in the practice of self-love. A hug can have healing effect even when you are hugging yourself. For a minute, when no one is around, wrap your arms around yourself and give yourself a hug. Tell your self-love mantra.3. Hug Yourself

How can you be the biggest cheerleader of yourself?Being satisfied with the person you are today can be tough. It is also difficult for you to love yourself if you have gone through most of your life disliking various aspects of yourself. Write down everything you dislike about yourself. Try to let go of the pain and negativity attached to each item you have written down.4. Forgive Yourself

How can you be the biggest cheerleader of yourself?Write down everything you love about yourself. Think about all your good qualities, why you love who and where you are today and write them down. Write down all your physical and inner qualities.5. Write down Your Positives

How can you be the biggest cheerleader of yourself?Think about the areas of your life where you have been ignoring yourself. Do something that is going to make you feel good about yourself that you normally dont do. Try to be kind to yourself whenever is possible.6. Be Good to Yourself

How can you be the biggest cheerleader of yourself?Try to give priority to yourself. Women are conditioned to keep their needs last. Remembering that you are important too is a big part of loving yourself.7. Put Yourself First

How can you be the biggest cheerleader of yourself?Take a moment and think about the things you would like to do in your spare time.Choose an activity that you enjoy the most as a hobby.Remember to do this just for joy.8. Take up a New Hobby

How can you be the biggest cheerleader of yourself?We all know that when we look better, we feel better. Putting extra effort into our appearance make us feel good about ourselves and our looks. It boosts our confidence and gives us a feeling of worthiness.9. Take care of Your Appearance

Read the full article on love yourself hereCheck out our book Better Your Life here.

Only please yourselfLuciano FogliaRussian Dating, track 42013-01-08T17:50:24Avant-Garde376009.28eng - URL: Music for VideoCopyright: Creative Commons Attribution: Foglia