Lorem Ipsum Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing … · 2017. 12. 10. · vel male...

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Transcript of Lorem Ipsum Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing … · 2017. 12. 10. · vel male...

Lorem Ipsum

1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.

2. Nulla et urna convallis nec quis blandit odio mollis.

3. Sed metus libero cing elit, lorem ipsum. Adip


Lorem IpsumLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id dui sed odio imperdiet feugiat et nec ipsum. Ut rutrum massa non ligula facilisis in ulla mcorper purus dapibus. Quisque nec leo enim. Morbi in nunc nec purus ulla mcorper lacinia. Morbi tincidunt odio sit amet dolor pharetra dignissim. 

Nullam volutpat, ante a frin gilla imp erdiet, dui neque laoreet metus, eu adipiscing erat arcu sit amet metus. Maecenas eu lorem nisi, id luctus nunc. Nam id risus velit. Sed faucibus, sem vel male suada blandit, quam tortor convallis odio, quis bibendum lorem felis quis mauris. 

Quis que euismod bibendum sag ittis. Suspe ndisse pell entesque libero et urna cons equat non euismod velit condim entum. Pe llente sque sagittis felis eu augue male suada et ultricies lectus egestas. Donec mollis quam sed metus vehicula ele mentum. Nulla elit ante, dign issim at convallis quis, nec odio. 

Dolor Sit AmetLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id dui sed odio imperdiet feugiat et nec ipsum. Ut rutrum massa non ligula facilisis in ulla mcorper purus dapibus. Quisque nec leo enim. Morbi in nunc nec purus ulla mcorper lacinia. Morbi tincidunt odio sit amet dolor pharetra dignissim. Nullam

Oddíl 1



How to improve your presentation skillsNo more stress while speaking in public!

1How to prepare yourself for a presentation?

What do you need to know before making a presentation? What rules and advice you should follow?


We all have been in a situation when we have had to stand in front of our colleagues, managers or business partners and introduce our ideas or company’s products.

Unfortunately, people tend to underestimate the importance of thorough preparations, which means that the result is often questionable. Keep in mind that you can never get a second chance to make a good first impression, so you better make a good one.

Getting ready for your performance can be easy, and it does not take much time. The result of good preparation can be extremely beneficial for you and your audience.

How to do it? It’s effortless. All you have to do is to follow our tips, and you will become a better performer in no time.

We all know it...


Choose The Performance Style

If you have a choice, it is up to you to write the pros and cons of each possible variation of your performance. The selection of the form of performance always depends on a particular situation.

Consider the following questions:

What is the most efficient way of addressing the audience?Is it better to address the audience personally or to record yourself on video?Should you address the audience formally or informally?


Empathy is another important part of the preparation for a performance. It is necessary to get as much information as possible about those for whom the speech is intended.

You should use one form of communication if you know the audience and another one if you see them for the first time. It is also important to distinguish what message you are going to address to the listener.

The audience will respond to good news differently compared to a presentation with bad business results.

Consider the following questions:

Who is your audience? Does it comprise of women or men? What is their approximate age range?What information do the recipients expect? What will most likely leave them satisfied or disappointed?How do they think? How do they act?


The Purpose Of Your Presentation

We are getting to the key point in preparation for your presentation. The determination of your purpose of any presentation or meeting is essential for its success. The performance can take place in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere, but when you later think about what you have achieved, you often realize that you failed to discuss all critical issues. Remember, you may only get one opportunity to accomplish what you want to achieve, so make sure you determine what it is ahead of time.

Consider the following questions:

What is the purpose of my presentation?What do I want to achieve?What do I want the audience to remember from my presentation and why?

Rehearse Your Presentation

Presentation rehearsals are always necessary, and you should dedicate enough time to it. Rehearse your presentation a few times at least. Focus not only on what you say but also how you say it. Significant elements of the performance are the

intonation of your voice and the gestures that you make, what words you put stress on and vice versa. Keep in mind that only the most important points should be on the slides, with more details to be explained orally.

If you decide to use a recorded presentation, make sure you have secured a high-quality recording without any disturbing noises.

Don't forget to rehearse the presentation one last time before the actual performance, so that you make sure you didn't forget anything. It may significantly increase the impact it has on your audience.

Consider the following questions if you deliver an oral presentation:

Do I know where the presentation will take place? May I view the room before I perform?How many people will I address? Where will I stand? What technique do I have available?

Consider the following questions if you deliver a recorded presentation:

Where will I record the video?How can I secure a high-quality record without any noises?Will I hire a professional to edit the video?


Think Positively

Congratulations! You are ready for your presentation now. You know what information you want to share and who is your audience. You have chosen the right presentation form and have spent an adequate amount of time rehearsing.

Now is the time to convince yourself that everything will go well and that your goal will be achieved. If you start thinking about everything that might go wrong during your presentation, you will start feeling anxious and you could start to make unnecessary mistakes.

Therefore, take a moment to think about all the hard work you have put into preparing for your presentation. Convince yourself that everything will go as planned. Reflect on the positive implications of your presentation and imagine how satisfied you will feel after you successfully deliver it. You should gather as many positive thoughts as possible, as they will make you look more confident.

Consider the following questions:

Do I know what I want to achieve?Am I ready to stand in front of the audience and deliver the best performance?Did I use the following tool when I made my presentation?

2 The following checklist of key areas of your presentation is meant to help you remember all the important matters you want to mention during your performance.

A tool for preparing an effective performance


I. Title of the presentation

II. What form will I choose and why?

III.Who is my target audience?

IV.The Main objectives of my presentation (approximately 3-5)





You have answered the central questions. What you need to do now is to practice how to voice your objectives and give examples for better understanding.

Prepare 3-5 arguments and examples from practice for each objective.

Objective 1

1. Argument I for Objective 1:2. Argument II for Objective 1:3. Argument III for Objective 1:

4. Argument IV for Objective 1:5. Argument V for Objective 1:

1. Example I for Objective 1:2. Example II for Objective 1:3. Example III for Objective 1:4. Example IV for Objective 1:5. Example V for Objective 1:

Objective 2

1. Argument I for Objective 2:2. Argument II for Objective 2:3. Argument III for Objective 2:4. Argument IV for Objective 2:5. Argument V for Objective 2:

1. Example I for Objective 2:2. Example II for Objective 2:3. Example III for Objective 2:4. Example IV for Objective 2:5. Example V for Objective 2:


Objective 3

1. Argument I for Objective 3:2. Argument II for Objective 3:3. Argument III for Objective 3:4. Argument IV for Objective 3:5. Argument V for Objective 3:

1. Example I for Objective 3:2. Example II for Objective 3:3. Example III for Objective 3:4. Example IV for Objective 3:5. Example V for Objective 3:

Read what you wrote down again after a few days. Modify your arguments and examples or add new ones, if needed. Sort the arguments and examples by importance.

Always remember, that you must mention the objectives during your presentation as they are the most important pieces of information. Otherwise, you will not fulfill the purpose of your presentation!


Write down the entire text of your presentation as you would like it to be heard. Read it a few times but don’t try to memorize it at all costs. You could be unnecessarily confused if you happened to forget a part of the text.

Don't read your presentation directly off a sheet of paper either. It would suggest that you don't know what you are talking about. Instead, use the written text as an outline and feel free to peek in if needed.


The only thing left for you to do is the final check. If you think that everything is well-prepared and you remember all objectives, you can now start with your presentation.

Good luck!



Did you find this eBook interesting and useful? If so, then this eBook fulfilled its purpose and the time devoted to its making was not fruitless. I would appreciate it if you could send any constructive feedback to makovsky@ligsuniversity.com.

Your feedback will enable me to expand and update this eBook to be beneficial for other readers.


PhDr. Pavel Makovský, Ph.D., MBA

The founder and president of LIGS University – a modern American online university providing high quality and affordable MBA, MSc, DBA and Ph.D. programs in an interactive online or executive form in multiple languages.

In the Czech Education sector, he was a finalist candidate for The Manager of the Year in 2010 and was awarded Manager of the Year in 2014 in the 22nd year of the competition.

His motto is: "Success is a combination of hard work and big dreams." (L. Iacocca)