Looking To Join Network Marketing -Help Tips

Post on 31-Oct-2014

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Here are 5 useful tips on how to research a network marketing company! Knowing what to look for is important when researching an opportunity in home business. If you were to look at real estate for example you would look at a number of variants before you actually put your signature on the contract. Some of these would be: How long has the property been on the market? The longer the property has been on the market the better the bargaining power you have. But the flip side is if you were to want to resell the property immediately then it would not be a good thing if the market is slow. There are many other reasons besides this that you should look at before signing a contract on property. Its the same in network marketing business. Take the business opportunity seriously and do a lot of research on the following topics before you come to a final decisions. The last topic below is the most important. Don't be slack on that because that will either make or break you in your new home based business. 1. Look at the company: Is the company a new start up or has it a good track history of performance. New start-ups are great if you want to speculate. But if you want an assurance that the company is there for the long term I would go for a company no less than 10 years old. 2. The Products: Is the product line at the cutting edge of its field and in science. You want a no gimmick company. Today business is global. We need to compete with the best as well as be competitive in pricing. 3. The Business Plan: Don't fall for a company that just offers you a fast start bonus to recruit others. If that's the main incentive you will be building on quicksand. As the only incentive is recruitments and gathering more fast-start bonuses each week. Yes the money will be good but what if you do not recruit next week? Most people may not be like you and will find it hard to recruit large numbers. Gradually numbers will fall and so will your income. Go for a business model that is around repeat product movement (preferably monthly) and supports team work. Will the business model give you bonuses and better regular residual commissions if you build large teams and support them. I prefer the second option more as good support is linked with it. 4. Support & Training: A business model that supports team work also supports training. Most companies have good training modules in place. Tap in this immediately. Work closely with your sponsor or your sponsor's sponsor and give it all it takes. 5. Finally its all about you! This is the most important element here to consider as this is the only variable that will either make or break you in the business. I do hope you have found these notes useful. Please leave a short or long comment here to add more value to our readers. Regards Claude Fullinfaw Brisbane http://claudefullinfaw.com/

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