Longstone Primary School Home Learning Grid - Level (P5/6)...• James and Peach: p51 • Kidnapped:...

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Transcript of Longstone Primary School Home Learning Grid - Level (P5/6)...• James and Peach: p51 • Kidnapped:...

Longstone Primary School Home Learning Grid - Level (P5/6)

Writing Reading Numeracy

We have been learning about:

• adjectives: describing words (e.g.


• nouns: things you can touch (e.g.

a cat)

• verbs: things you do (e.g. talking)

• adverbs: words that describe

adjectives (e.g. quickly; slowly)

Have a look at the picture attached to

this learning grid.

Can you write some adjectives, nouns and verbs that you can see?

Can you write 5 sentences using adverbs to describe

what is happening in the picture? Using adverbs, can you write an exciting opener? Then, write the first paragraph for this story, using powerful adjectives and adverbs.

You should all have your class-reading novel at home. These are the pages you got up to:

• James and Peach: p51

• Kidnapped: end of


• Charlotte's Web: p52

For your reading this week, read

a chapter of your book.

If you are reading Secret Garden, read p1 - 12 Then pick an activity from the Reading Wall to practise your comprehension skills. If you do not have your class-reading novel, use a book from home or pick a free e-book: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page

We will be practising subtraction (take-away) calculations using the empty number line to help us.

There are practice activities attached to this learning grid, alongside examples.

Here is a link that shows you the strategy: https://youtu.be/K28iV9LjlkQ Option 1: 2-digit – 1-digit calculations crossing a decade (e.g. 27 – 9 = ?)

Option 2: 3-digit – 3-digit calculations (e.g. 234 – 172 = ?) Option 3: 4-digit – 3-digit calculations.

Make a boardgame to practice your subtraction skills! Play with someone in your house.

Spelling Talking & Listening Maths

Pick 8 words from your spelling sheet. Complete one activity from the spelling sheet to practise your spelling words.

Watch Newsround with a member of your household. Can you write 3 quiz questions for each other?

We are going to be revising how to calculate area (the space inside a shape).

There are practice activities attached to this learning grid.

Here is a link to show the strategy: https://youtu.be/ERvfiEIVhQk

Option 1: Count the grid squares to find out the area of the shapes in cm².

Option 2: Use your timestables to help you to find the area of the squares and rectangles in cm² and m². Remember: length x width = area Option 3: Can you work out a way of calculating the area of a triangle in cm² and m²?

Something fun! Problem to solve! Project

Blindfolded drawing! Try to draw a portrait of another

person while blindfolded. You can

expand this game to draw other


Bigger Version below!

We have been learning how to look after our planet. Do you know how far the things you own have travelled to get to your house? Gather up 10 different pieces of food or clothing and look at their labels to see where they came from. Draw a picture of the item and write where it came from next to it. Or, print off the map below and draw the item on the country that it came from. Can you use an atlas or the internet to find which item has travelled the furthest in miles or km?

Religious & Moral Education Modern Languages Expressive Arts

The Jewish Festival of Passover is

from Wednesday 8th April – Thursday

16th April.

Before the holidays, you learnt about

the 6 foods on the seder plate and

what they reminded Jewish people of.

Watch this video to remind you:



Can you draw a seder plate and label

each food with what is stands for?

Les écoles en France! Watch this video about schools in France: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zg8b4wx

Can you create a poster to


• what things are the same in

French schools;

• what things are different?

We are going to draw portraits and focus on different parts of our face. This week, we are going to use grid-lines to map our face accurately. Have a look at this video for ideas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-QIeUXVuF4&t=41s

Health & Wellbeing Sciences Questions

There have been lots of Rainbow pictures in people’s windows to cheer us up. Option1: Have a go at Rainbow Yoga https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dF7O6-QabIo

Option 2: If you can’t access Youtube each day,

here are pictures of the yoga poses (a

bigger version is below).

Do this once a day.

• Do you notice any changes in your body?

• Do you feel more flexible?

Engineering Challenge! Using recycling, create a marble run that allows a marble to travel for exactly 6 seconds. If you don’t have a marble you could use a small ball, pompom, etc. Remember to plan, test and improve your design.

Email me at: admin@longstone.edin.sch.uk

• adjectives: describing words (e.g. tall)

• nouns: things you can touch (e.g. a cat)

• verbs: things you do (e.g. talking)

• adverbs: words that describe adjectives (e.g. quickly; slowly)

Can you write some adjectives, nouns and verbs that you can see?

Can you write 5 sentences using adverbs to describe what is happening in the picture?

Using adverbs, can you write an exciting opener? Then, write the first paragraph for this

story, using powerful adjectives and adverbs.

Writing Task: Picture

Reading Homework Grid

Use your school reading book for your work and choose one task from the grid each

week. Tick off the task when you’ve done it!

Draw a character from

the book and write 3

sentences to describe



Find three unfamiliar words

in the text, copy them into

your blue jotter and write

the meaning.


Make a list of 5

adjectives in a

chapter. Find some

synonyms for each one.


Write a new blurb for the

back cover, using your

own words.


Find 5 words which

have the same letter


e.g. loveliness - tidiness


Draw a picture, or a

map, of a setting in the



Make a cartoon strip

showing the sequence

of events from part of

the book.


Draw two of the characters

in your jotter. Using speech

marks, create a dialogue

between them about a key



Write a summary of

the book or chapter.

What were the main



Write a book review.

Would you recommend

the book and why?


Pick a sentence or sentence

from a chapter in your book.

Can you up-level it by using

adverbs and better



Design a new cover and

title for the book.


Numeracy: Option 1


Numeracy: Option 2

• 3-digit – 3-digit calculations


Numeracy: Option 3

• 4-digit – 3-digit calculations.

It’s nothing new!

Apply the same strategy for 3-digit – 3-digit calculations to these larger calculations.

Spelling Words

Spelling Words (continued)

Spelling Activities

Maths: Option 1

• Count the grid squares to find out the area of the shapes in cm².

• Remember, area is the space inside a shape

4 + 4 + 4 = 12 squares

Area = 12cm²

3cm x 4cm = 12cm²



Maths: Option 2

• Use your timestables to help you to find the area of the squares and rectangles in cm² and mm².

• Remember: length x width = area

3 x 4 = 12

3cm x 4cm = 12cm²



Maths: Option 3

• Can you work out a way of calculating the area of a right-angled triangle in cm² and m²?

• Remember: length x width = area

Area of a rectangle:

4cm x 7cm = 28cm²

Can you spot a relationship between a rectangle

and a right-angled triangle. 90°

A Problem to Solve!


We have been learning how to look after our planet.

Do you know how far the things you own have travelled to get to your house?

Gather up 10 different pieces of food or clothing and look at their labels to see where they came from.

Draw a picture of the item and where it came from next to it. Or, print off the map below and draw the

item on the country that it came from.

Can you use an atlas or the internet to find which item has travelled the furthest in miles or km?

P.E., Option 2: Yoga Poses


Some inspiration…