Long distance UX relationships - How to deliver great UX when working with offshore development...

Post on 17-Aug-2014

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How do you deliver great UX when the development team is not only in a different office, but on a different continent altogether? This lightning talk presentation outlines some invaluable advice for UX designers working with off shore development teams.

Transcript of Long distance UX relationships - How to deliver great UX when working with offshore development...

Long distance UX relationships How to deliver great UX when working with offshore development teams


Neil Turner Twitter: @neilturneruxEmail: neil@uxforthemasses.com

The challengehttp://www.psdgraphics.com/file/world-map-background.jpg

Twitter: @neilturneruxEmail: neil@uxforthemasses.com

A plan of attack…http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4134/4822043116_3db8af817c_o.jpg

Twitter: @neilturneruxEmail: neil@uxforthemasses.com

Take Bob’s advice…


Twitter: @neilturneruxEmail: neil@uxforthemasses.com

Get personal to foster teamworkhttp://http://www.blogging4jobs.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/effective-team-work-strategies.jpeg

Twitter: @neilturneruxEmail: neil@uxforthemasses.com


Get off shore involved by proxy

Twitter: @neilturneruxEmail: neil@uxforthemasses.com

Get the right tools & technologyhttp://html5videoguide.net/presentations/LCA_2013_webrtc/images/cat-conference-call.jpg

Twitter: @neilturneruxEmail: neil@uxforthemasses.com

Create a styleguidehttp://style.codeforamerica.org/

Twitter: @neilturneruxEmail: neil@uxforthemasses.com

Create an HTML prototype

Twitter: @neilturneruxEmail: neil@uxforthemasses.com

Don’t expect it to be easyhttp://www.someecards.com/view-card/MTM5NTE1NzgxMjoyNzUyMDc0NWI0?key=MjAxNC01ODMzNWJmOWUyZTVkZmZi

Twitter: @neilturneruxEmail: neil@uxforthemasses.com