LOG 2009 Spring & Summer

Post on 24-Mar-2016

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The New LookYes, indeed the LOG has undergone a makeover in both design and content. We realized that the previous format was largely providing retreat and event details that are readily accessible on our website and in printed brochures. We want the LOG to add value to your Mount Hermon experience, and so have shifted the content more to stories of what God is doing in our lives. Please go to our website for details on Mount Hermon events. Recent updates and more articles can be found on our new library of blogs and these social media venues. (twitter, facebook, flickr & youtube)

Transcript of LOG 2009 Spring & Summer

1Spring & Summer 2009


Spring 2009 Contents Intended for Good 3

2008 Annual Report 4

Summer Echoes 6

On Tiered Trails 8

Ponderosa Turns Forty 10

The World’s Only 12

Space for Grace 14

The P.I.T. Crew 15

Unsung Heroes 16

Once in a Decade 17

Three Families, One Story 18

In Times Like These 19

Book of Remembrance/Honor 20

Upcoming Events 22

The New LookYes, indeed the LOG has undergone a makeover in both design and content. We realized that the previous format was largely providing retreat and event details that are readily accessible on our website and in printed brochures. We want the LOG to add value to your Mount Hermon experience, and so have shifted the content more to stories of what God is doing in our lives. Please go to our website for details on Mount Hermon events. Recent updates and more articles can be found on our new library of blogs and these social media venues.


I thank Roger for allowing me to report in this LOG on the health and vitality of this ministry. Challenges and

hardships abound—locally, nationally and internationally. But here at Mount Hermon, Roger and his leadership team view these days as unique opportunities, when people will again turn to the Lord seeking His strength, stability and grace. Mount Hermon’s 2009 Theme Verse, “The Sovereign Lord is My Strength” (Hab.3:19), encourages us to forge forward in His strength, witnessing lives transformed in ever increasing numbers!

With you, Mount Hermon also feels the economic turmoil. During summer 2008, Roger’s leadership team created initiatives designed to steward our resources and strengthen the ministry for the coming crunch. In early fall the Board approved these initiatives. Some staff positions were eliminated, and each department evaluated and reset their costs to achieve optimum stewardship. Volunteers increasingly perform vital ministry functions, bringing tremendous cost-savings and infusing a godly, encouraging and contagious spirit among us all. In all of this, the staff is working carefully to maintain and even enhance the quality and service for which Mount Hermon is known and trusted.

In December the Board received the staff’s proposed 2009 budget. With the changes they’ve implemented, the Board confidently approved our strongest

budget in many years. It meets our goals of both an operating surplus, and a “set-aside fund” for unforeseen needs, while the new staffing paradigm offers flexibility for changing conditions—up or down. We recognize that this budget is very aggressive. We remain dependent on the Lord’s intervention and provision, following the One who has prospered this ministry for 103 years. In Genesis 50:20 Joseph says, “You intended harm…but God intended good…the saving of many lives.” Our Sovereign Lord faithfully continues bringing good to Mount Hermon for the “saving of many lives.”

To you who love Mount Hermon, we thank you for your faithful support. We need it! Join us in constant prayer—for our staff, for much-needed giving, for strong attendance, and for the many who, in these personally challenging times, will hear from Heaven as never before.

Many view these days as the worst of times. By God’s grace, the staff and Board see these as the best of times! For 2009 and beyond, God has positioned Mount Hermon to strongly proclaim the Lord Jesus Christ, teach His authoritative Word, and serve His people with joy. The Sovereign Lord IS our strength!

Don Wood, PresidentBoard of Directors

Dear friends, I love describing God’s life-transforming work at Mount Hermon in my column. But for this issue, our Board of Directors President—Don Wood—has asked to convey the Board’s perspective and encouragement during these challenging days. I’m very grateful for Don’s partnership, and happily “share this space.” —Roger Williams

Spring 2009 Contents Intended for Good 3

2008 Annual Report 4

Summer Echoes 6

On Tiered Trails 8

Ponderosa Turns Forty 10

The World’s Only 12

Space for Grace 14

The P.I.T. Crew 15

Unsung Heroes 16

Once in a Decade 17

Three Families, One Story 18

In Times Like These 19

Book of Remembrance/Honor 20

Upcoming Events 22

Don Wood has been involved with Mount Hermon for 47 years, and has served on our Board since 1991. He and wife Phyllis have four grown children.

Intended for Good



2006 2007 2008

2,443 2,516 2,522


2006 2007 2008

Gi�s 6,611

5,5976,638 6,611

2006 2007 2008

Contributions $1.8M



Volunteer Hours

2006 2007 2008

12,99814,969 16,338


Camper Days

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008







Camp &Conference Fees$9,452,990

Other Sources$2,414,906

Proceeds fromSale of Assets$840,583

Retail & Recreation$717,633























Cash Sources

Other Restricted Gi�s

Campership Endowments


Kidder CreekCapital Campaign

Camp & Conference Costs43.4%


Adminstrative, Advancement & Marketing22.1%


Loan Principal Payments10.1%


Facilities Improvements & Maintenance17.7%



Retail & Recreation Costs4.7%$716,407

$15,233,832Cash UsesIt’s difficult to capture in an annual report the intangible values of ministries at Mount Hermon. However, as stewards of these

magnificent facilities and of your generous gifts, we’ve tried to portray some metrics from 2008 that will both inform and encourage.

The economy was the big story in late 2008. Our attendance chart shows the impact, as retreats slowed. In the Advancement charts the numbers of donors and Associates are up in 2008, while total giving is down. We are encouraged that our supporters continue faithfully to invest in the ministry of Mount Hermon, even though their resources may have been affected by factors beyond their control.

The Volunteer Hours chart shows one way we’ve responded to our tighter stewardship needs. Our Action Ministries article in this LOG issue describes how so many have rallied to invest their time alongside our staff.

Roger Williams has poured his heart into Mount Hermon for 15 years, serving as our Executive director. He is an outstanding Bible teacher, a national leader in the camping community and much beloved by staff and guests (despite his corny jokes).

2008 Annual Report

All around Mount Hermon, the staff is continually preparing for our next guests. We’re deeply aware that as we live out our faith in such service, we bring the greatest glory to God, who alone does the work of transforming lives.

There is no question that our current struggles as a nation have caused us to tighten our belts for 2009. Yet wherever we serve we’re also seeing a renewed openness to spiritual things, with a yearning for hope and stability that’s different from when times are good. We’re prepared for a frugal year in dollars, but a rich one in bringing healing and encouragement to all who come to Mount Hermon.

from Roger Williams



2006 2007 2008

2,443 2,516 2,522


2006 2007 2008

Gi�s 6,611

5,5976,638 6,611

2006 2007 2008

Contributions $1.8M



Volunteer Hours

2006 2007 2008

12,99814,969 16,338


Camper Days

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008







Camp &Conference Fees$9,452,990

Other Sources$2,414,906

Proceeds fromSale of Assets$840,583

Retail & Recreation$717,633























Cash Sources

Other Restricted Gi�s

Campership Endowments


Kidder CreekCapital Campaign

Camp & Conference Costs43.4%


Adminstrative, Advancement & Marketing22.1%


Loan Principal Payments10.1%


Facilities Improvements & Maintenance17.7%



Retail & Recreation Costs4.7%$716,407

$15,233,832Cash Uses

Figures are unaudited. A full audit will be available by request at the beginning of June. Contribution totals do not include Centennial Campaign funds. All figures include Kidder Creek.

2008 Annual Report


Sunset surf session with ECHO. John Ricketts

Summer Echoesby Katie Flynn

One life transformed in the summer—a

school transformed in the fall. God’s

work in the lives of Jessica and Brandie

“echoes” in ripples through the year,

transforming lives with each wave.


Katie Flynn joined Mount Hermon staff in 2005. She is currently keeping it real in non-traditional camps.

Summer EchoesJust two days before it started, Jessica’s youth pastor Eddie called and

persuaded her to swap her plans for two weeks in Mount Hermon’s Echo program. Looking back, Eddie remembers Jessica “had no idea what she

was getting into.”

Jessica candidly agrees: “When I first learned what we’d be doing for two weeks, I thought, ‘What has Eddie gotten me into?’ Then I realized that my volunteering and work would glorify God and show His love.” Those two weeks were catalytic in transforming Jessica’s life. The story continues...

Eddie called us saying, “I’m happy to say there’s been a huge impact in our community through the core values Jessica gained from Echo.”

Jessica describes God’s expanding work, “I came home from Echo with a hunger to volunteer and serve, to show God’s love and help people. So we started the Social Justice Club.” Together, Jessica, fellow Echo alum Brandie and Eddie built on Echo’s core values of worship, service, community and study, to create an outreach and service venue unique in their community of Aromas.

Eddie explained: “With Christ openly at its core, the Social Justice Club followed God’s calling to serve people where they are.” Moving full steam ahead since Fall, they became the biggest club on their high school campus. In partnership with a local non-profit, their members volunteer weekly, and guest speakers discuss current issues affecting them locally and globally.

Transformation echoes in Jessica too who eight months later says “Echo was seriously the best two weeks of my life.” Eddie’s adds, “It’s been awesome seeing students fully living out their faith, not merely talking about it. Echo truly created a foundation for me as their youth pastor to build on with my students. Thanks for all you at Mount Hermon are doing! It’s making a great difference in our church community.” God’s “heartwood” work in Mount Hermon continues: lives transformed.

“The word has gotten around. Your lives are echoing the Master’s Word, not only in the provinces but all over the place. The news of your faith in God is out. We don’t even have to say anything anymore—you’re the message!” —1 Thessalonians 1:7 (The Message)

Moving full steam ahead since Fall, they became the biggest club on campus.



Photo Sequoia Trail. Peter Thomsen photographer


In June of 1968, it was with a crumpled heart that I hiked the tiered trails of Mount Hermon. Perched on an ancient mossy redwood stump overlooking a quarter mile of Bean Creek one hundred feet below, I reflected on what

had brought me to this place. Each spring this camp had been a safe retreat for renewal, solace and family reunion. Now reality had crashed in on me and upset my precious equilibrium. For twenty years I had convinced friends, family and myself that I was a Christian. This was based on who my parents were, where and how often I attended church, my Christian education and my behavior. Mine was a comfortable life.

Now I’d been asked to be a counselor for seven freshman boys, and I was terrified! Icy fingers of dread were snaking through my gut. While desperately reading the Word and praying about how I could teach seven young men to be followers of Christ, it crashed through me like a bolt of lightning that I had never given my heart to Jesus. I had made a formal profession of faith, gone on a mission trip, and tried to be a good young man, but had never committed my life.

I prayed something like this: “Lord, this place has soaring redwoods, eye-grabbing flowers and whispering streams. The birds’ calls careen off limestone canyons just like the day You made them. But my heart is black as obsidian and just as hard. I don’t belong in Your creation. Please take my heart and make it Yours to change and use as You see fit.”

I left that place in a levitated state. I did not lift my feet. Contact with the ground was not real. Certainly my problems remained very real, and I have slipped and strayed. But I no longer use my circumstances as the sole gauge of my spiritual health. My days with those boys, while the shortest six days of my life, have had the longest impact. They showed me that to serve is to live.

Tom Veneman is currently the Director of Pilot Lake Camp in La Porte, California. Since that day on a Mount Hermon trail he has followed the Lord’s leading to serve thousands of boys and girls in camping, even as God prepared him in those transforming hours now 40 years ago.

We love to receive emails and notes recalling the “only God” stories of lives impacted here at Mount Hermon. This is from a camp director whose life of ministry budded on Sequoia Trail:


by Tom Veneman


sPonderosa Lodgeby

ron Demolar


When Ponderosa Lodge opened on June 25, 1969, I quickly realized that unknowns accompany

anything new. We certainly experienced them at the Lodge. The Dining Room and Forum weren’t finished, so we ate and met in the Multipurpose Room. People and churches so anticipated our opening that year that we overfilled, and had to add a week even before Counselor Training. Yep, we ran a week of camp with NO TRAINING! We really appreciated the next week’s training, because we totally understood our desperate need.

That first summer we only hired 24 counselors—1 per cabin. With no rotation possible, the counselors went eight weeks straight! Most days, Ponderosa ran from 7:00am till nearly midnight, and I envisioned each counselor in a pine box by late August. But they held up really well! It proved to be a great unifying factor that summer, continuing even to this day.

We’d purchased an 8-foot ball for use on the Recreation Field. The first day of camp we positioned half the campers at each end of the field, with the ball in the middle. Each team was to run to the ball and begin pushing it over their goal line across the field. I blew the whistle, and everyone went flying to the ball. But each team’s

fastest person impacted the ball first, catapulting them back into the oncoming crowd. A counselor hit his head on the knee of an onrushing student and went into convulsive shock (remember—we only

My most vivid memory is of the many students lined up outside John Fischer’s Forum closet “office” to talk with him about following Christ.



had 24 counselors for 24 full cabins!). But he recovered. He was back in his cabin that afternoon, awarded the Purple Heart. After that, we had teams just circle the ball and then start pushing toward their goal, removing the drama of straight on hits. That’s progress.

Initially, to register at Ponderosa Lodge you had to bring a friend. (In those years, the Bay Area had a strong evangelism focus.) My most vivid memory is of the many students lined up outside John Fischer’s Forum closet “office” to talk with him about following Christ. The students respected John because he was nationally on the cutting edge of changing worship styles. They wanted to know the Jesus revealed in his songs and writings. John did the work of

an evangelist, one of the most effective I’ve ever experienced. The whole staff took on the challenge of loving and reaching out to students in a time of national upheaval, and God brought so many into the Kingdom that summer. I still look at my 1969 staff photo and thank God for what He accomplished through that special group of people.

It’s been 40 years since Ponderosa Lodge opened, and we’re celebrating!—August 21-23, 2009 at Mount Hermon. Whether a camper, counselor, staffer, donor, or you only walked through Ponderosa once, come celebrate. Sign up on our Web Page. Join us in thanking God for 40 years of lives transformed.

Ron Demolar (pictured top left in 1970) was the first director of Ponderosa. He and his wife Jacquie currently soldier on in Advancement and HR respectively.

Celebration begins the evening of the 21st. Let us know you’re coming at mounthermon.org.

People so anticipated our opening that year that we overfilled, and had to add a week even before Counselor Training.70’s



Forest researchers have for decades made use of zip lines to study and preserve forest canopies. Working

with Bonsai Design, Mount Hermon has opened the finest Canopy Tour in the USA, using the most advanced technology for these systems. Super-silent cables “hug” the trees, allowing for unimpeded growth. Landing platforms articulate to expand with the trees. Double cables, trolleys

and harnesses assure an unprecedented level of safety. And sustainable materials in all structures demonstrate care for this dramatic environment.

Tours are both exhilarating and instructive, led by professionally trained guides steeped in the knowledge of the myriad trees, animals, birds and canopy fauna and flora, all evident as you zip along the canyon. Each year hundreds of Outdoor Science School students will receive ecosystem tours, astounding them with unique perspectives of creation. Specially designed team-building and recreation opportunities abound for groups looking to strengthen relationships and trust, with memories that last a lifetime. At our summer Family Camps, the experience is infectious, with kids eagerly drawing parents into the drama with them!

Don Broesamle is Director of Partner and Church Relations, served for 17 years on the Board of Directors, and first came to Redwood Camp 54 years ago. He and Linda are gracious hosts and love to hear (and tell) a good story.

That’s our 110 foot long Sky Bridge suspended 100 feet above the forest floor! it’s just one element of our unique and spectacular Mount Hermon redwood Canopy Tour, extending a third of a mile through the enchanting Bean Creek Canyon forest. unique? Yeah! no other tour operates at heights between 100 and 150 feet, and ours is the world’s only tour cavorting through the canopy of giant redwood trees. Did we say spectacular?

TheWorld’s only by

Don Broesamle



We offer four carefully crafted programs. Our Redwood Ecology Tour is an eco-adventure unveiling the native plants and wildlife of the redwood ecosystem. A Contemplative Tour engages both mind and spirit while enveloping you in majestic glory among the world’s tallest trees. The Team-building Tour stretches group boundaries, strengthening communication and trust while subduing fears together. At the next level, our Team-building and Leadership Extended Day Workshops combine games, problem solving and team development with challenging high ropes course elements. These can be tailored half-day, full day or multi-day events designed to fit your needs. Give us a call to book your tour. We look forward to hanging out with you.

Whether for schools, churches, businesses or non-profit organizations, the Redwood Canopy Tour will be the pinnacle component of any group experience. And there’s no better adventure for connecting with family, friends and those you care about. Call. 831-419-0153 | RedwoodCanopyTours.com



Many of them began their journey while attending one of Gracepoint’s Fall campus ministries, some exploring faith and religion for the first time. Their Mount Hermon Winter Retreat was the climax of a semester of seeking. Joanna best expresses what took place.

“We’ve had over 30 salvation decisions—we’re still counting since some didn’t go forward, instead indicating on their commitment cards their desire to know Christ. There were many rededications as well. It was a really powerful time where God personally spoke to so many people.”

Gracepoint’s Mount Hermon Winter Retreat has become a special tradition for their church, and continues to grow. Even in the weeks before the retreat Joanna was asking, “So, what’s

the absolute maximum number of people that we can bring?” As a Mount Hermon staff member, this truly was special to see us all pull together to make this retreat work so well.

Joanna concludes by saying, “We’re thankful Mount Hermon’s facilities could house our whole church. It let us foster community, helping people know each other, sharing stories and lives with one another. The older and younger ones could also be together, with the older ones sharing testimonies, and passing along to the younger ones wisdom for living as Christians through the ups and downs of life. This is the focus of our ministries, raising up Christian leaders, and sharing the gospel with those who don’t know Christ.”

How encouraging to see God still strongly alive and at work, lives being transformed, and as He promised, Jesus building His church.

Space for

Graceby Mark Bradshaw

On a Friday afternoon in January, Mount Hermon staff welcomed over 700 people from Gracepoint Fellowship of Berkeley. Gracepoint has a wide range of ministries at four major Bay Area universities. Before the retreat, Joanna Kang, one of the leaders, estimated that 25% of the students who’d be attending had yet to make a decision to follow Jesus.

Mark Bradshaw comes alongside of group leaders to plan and coordinate a myriad of details that go into a weekend retreat like Gracepoint’s. His gift of hospitality shines through each and every weekend.


Don Broesamle would love to have you for dinner. Give him a call. He plays well with others.

The Swansons Pizza givers, relationship builders, partners in transformation.

by Don broesamleThe P.I.T. CrewLinda and I just rode a “Tour de

California” —but not on bikes! Along the way we saw several Mount

Hermon friends, visited their churches, shared meals, and kibitzed about the resource Mount Hermon is for their own ministries. Quite a tour!

At each stop families celebrated growing together in Christ, having seen their own lives transformed while at Mount Hermon. They’re eagerly passing on their own first-hand experiences, and the timeless impact of family camp. No one tells the story better! We simply find creative ways Mount Hermon can support them in serving the Lord.

These are our “Partners in Transformation” – our “P.I.T. Crew.” Mount Hermon is “partnering” with them, helping them touch the hearts of their friends. And they’re bringing those friends with them to Mount Hermon. What a ride!

open House...Insert Pizza!For one visit, we drove along 17 Mile Drive to Randall and Andrea Swanson’s home. They were hosting an Open House for several families, to tell many for the first time about Mount Hermon. Even on a proverbial “Dark and Stormy Night,” rain and wind pounding, seven families came—with their children! It was a beehive of excitement. Over salad, pizza and chocolate cake we all got acquainted.

We viewed the Mount Hermon DVD of Kidder Creek near Mount. Shasta, and Ponderosa Lodge, Redwood Camp and Conference Center in the Santa Cruz redwoods. Kidder’s high adventure, horse riding, rapids running and cliff jumping pumped the adrenaline, and scenes in each camp of life, laughter, kids and families were infectious. Folks “caught” the breadth of offerings and remarkable benefit of each family camp and youth camp. The kids loved it! The parents were amazed at such an opportunity so close to home. And so affordable!

Why was this Open House so outstanding? Was it the $200 discount hosts receive, and first-time families enjoy when they register? The kids say it’s pizza and cake! I say it’s good people, a warm home and desire to build value into our families. Now it’s your turn – let us help you host your own Open House event. Pizza optional.


Unsung HeroesFor over 100 years, Mount Hermon

has seen lives transformed by the Living Lord. Certainly countless youth

have met Christ at Redwood Camp and Ponderosa Lodge, and were welcomed home forever changed, some families wondering where their teenager really went and whose kid they got back! Mount Hermon Family Camps have this same dynamic, of families grabbing priceless time together unfettered by the clutter of busy lives back home. And year after year they return, bringing other family members along in life-changing memories.

Our staff works diligently to make it all happen, serving the thousands the Lord brings each year. But we’re not alone in our efforts, not by a long shot! There are dozens—hundreds—of Action Ministries volunteers serving tirelessly and enthusiastically along side us. A team of carpenters and handymen keep facilities operating well and looking good. Another team operates our entire mail room, handling all incoming and outgoing packages and mail. Still others process the LOG and all our printed brochures—hundreds of thousands of pieces annually—labeling, sealing, sorting and transporting them to the Post Office. Astounding!

Faithful folks gather at the Dining Hall to set all the tables, fold napkins and prepare for the thousands of meals we serve. Unsung heroes all!

Ministry at Mount Hermon has a family air, and we’re overwhelmed by guests’ comments regarding our “gracious and efficient staff.” Often as not they’re talking about our volunteers! That’s how good these friends are—you can’t tell us apart. Even their name-tags are the same. These folks help dramatically to keep this ministry healthy and sound. When someone here serves you a doughnut, thank him! He’s likely a volunteer. And if you see the sweet lady lovingly pulling weeds in the planters below Lakeside, marvel at her servant heart. She’s part of the family too.

Sometimes our most valuable gift to the Lord is ourselves. With our Action Ministries Volunteers, truly “our cup runneth over!” Bring your gifts and join us—there’s always room for family!

Don Broesamle Director of Partner & Church Relations

by Don Broesamle

“But we are not alone in our efforts, not by a long shot.”


In the early 1600’s, famine killed a third of Russia’s people, the Algonquians massacred 347 settlers at the first

English colony in Jamestown, Virginia, William Shakespeare died, and the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock. And in these same historic days, a bubonic plague was sweeping through much of Europe.

In the little village of Oberammergau in southern Germany, the inhabitants beseeched God to spare them from this plague. They vowed that if God would spare them, then every ten years they would perform a dramatic presentation depicting the Passion of Christ: the trial, suffering and death of the Lord Jesus.

God did spare them, and true to their vow the first Passion Play was held in Oberammergau in 1634. Now each decade this beautiful and timeless village, rich in woodcarving tradition, attracts an international crowd to their world-renowned play. The presentation involves over 2,000 actors, singers, instrumentalists and technicians, all of them residents of the village. Mount Hermon has excellent tickets for the performance, and the local men have been growing their beards for months!

Dave Talbott, Associate Director of Advancement, has been playing the organ and piano (among many other duties) at Mount Hermon for 32 years. He loves that his Advancement role allows him to minister in places like Wittenberg and Prague.

by Dave Talbottonce in a decade

Church Reformation History& Oberammergau TourAUGUST 10—21, 2010

This unforgettable once-in-a-decade experience is hosted by Roger & Rachel Williams, and J.R. & Laurie Loofbourrow

For a brochure and more info contact Advancement 831.430.1237 mounthermon.org

In addition to the fabulous Passion Play, Mount Hermon’s Church Reformation Tour of Europe has much more in store for you. Imagine the reformers coming to life, suddenly appearing in full costume—Calvin, Zwingli, Luther, and Hus, regaling us with wit and wisdom as we motor in comfort through the historical cities of Prague, Leipzig, Wittenberg, Zurich, and Geneva. These dramatic renditions will be the highlight of your Church Reformation tour, each Reformer “made alive” by our guest dramatist Dr. Reg Grant of Dallas Seminary.


Captain Joel and Laura Kornegay and their three children loved their time at Family Camp. Joel is a U. S. Air

Force Captain and the Chaplain at Travis Air Force Base.

“It was our first time at Mount Hermon and what a time to reconnect—with no responsibilities! Our kids were well taken care of and loved the experience. It was a time of spiritual renewal, worshiping in spirit and truth. My 15-year-old son asked us later if we could ever go back to Mount Hermon. Thank you for what you’re doing for military families. We were blessed!”

Elizabeth Waddell with her three children, ages 12, 9 and 4, experienced their first Family Camp

at Mount Hermon while her husband Jonathon was deployed overseas. He is now safely home.

“My kids just couldn’t stop talking about it—and still do! The forest, train day, the counselors, the food...they loved the whole camp. At night we would regroup as a family and share about our experiences. We all learned so much, and the time together allowed us to grow in tune with one another even while my husband was gone. The teaching and worship times and sharing

at Victory Circle were highlights for me. It hurt not being able to share these times with Jonathon, but were so blessed that you made this happen for us. Thank you!”

Air Force Chaplain John Muth wrote us, “Thanks to the gracious offer from Mount Hermon, I brought my

family for a week of family camp. My wife and I have been Christians for 20+ years and we have two kids, a boy (11) and a girl (8). We had a blast during family camp. It was the first time ever that we were able to go to a whole week-long Christian family camp, and free to boot! Our highlights included great fellowship for my wife and me—we met so many wonderful people from the staff, musicians and guest speakers, to people at all the fabulous meals. It was good for us military folk to get to know other Christians from all around the area.

My kids totally loved the ‘Kids Camp’ time and the many daily activities, like going on creek hikes, the water games, and so much more. Together we enjoyed the family activities like the pool, archery and rock climbing. We really appreciated the Pancake Ridge event, and of course going to the Fountain! Even though Mount Hermon is only a portion of the mountain, we had the whole ‘mountain top experience.’ Thank you very much for the awesome opportunity to get closer to God, my family, and God’s people. My family and I are now stationed in Florida.”

Thank you very much for the awesome opportunity to get closer to God, my family, and God’s people.

If you would like to help a military family come to camp, or know a family who would benefit from a Military Camperships, contact Dave Burns, Director of Adult Ministries—dave.burns@mounthermon.org. Dave’s vision and passion for our men and women in uniform have made this program a reality.

3military families

ONE STORYby Dave Burns


In Times like TheseFor parents, few things are more

meaningful than conversations our children initiate about Jesus. They

are moments that can’t be forced, and they open doors to eternity. They are often captured when we escape our busy day-to-day lives and retreat to settings where the Lord best prepares hearts and minds.

At Mount Hermon these treasured times frequently occur as families gather in their rooms or cabins. And we’re excited to have another cabin now available—Live Oak—formerly the Black Cabin.

Black Cabin’s replacement was approved in our 2001 Master Plan. Its deteriorated condition for years prevented its use as a guest cabin, but its proximity to the conference center encouraged our hopes that funds could soon be allocated to rebuild. Year by year those hopes faded as other needs drew resources elsewhere. That all changed in the summer of 2007!

During our final week of summer Family Camp, a Bay Area couple expressed their desire to help, sharing how the Lord had placed Black Cabin on their hearts.

“If we provide construction funds, does Mount Hermon have building plans? Can a permit be issued in a reasonable timeframe? Are you interested in rebuilding NOW?” Yes, YES and YES!

The best timing is always the Lord’s timing. Step by step He provided the plans, approvals and resources to complete Live Oak cabin. Work began in April, 2008, and was completed on time and on budget. One couple had heard from Heaven, and their faithful response will make a difference for families now and for years to come.

Might the Lord be leading you to explore such a partnership? All around Mount Hermon God is at work, restoring hearts, healing relationships and transforming lives—whether on trails, by streams, with counselors…or in rooms and cabins. People like you make this possible.

We’re grateful for those supporting this Kingdom Journey. For more information on cabin restoration partnerships, please contact J.R. Loofbourrow at jr.loofbourrow@mounthermon.org or phone 831.430.1237.

J.R. Loofbourrow is Director of Advancement, and a 10-year veteran of Mount Hermon. His enthusiasm for life, love for our donors, and truly grateful heart are evidence that he is right where he is meant to be.

by J.R. Loofbourrow

MARGARET AMESEileen Engelman

LOUISA LEFEBRE ANDERSONRon & Jacquie DemolarFred & Marilyn Miller

WES BATEMANJim & Margot Patrick

LEROY & KATHERINE BIRCH Esther Birch Dickson

JOAN BREWERErik & LaVonna Eichner

LAURA BUSSAGil & Marge Gunn

SALLIE MAXCY CAMPBELLCraig & Kirstin Campbell

CHRIS CHRISTIANSENLoraine Christiansen


ZELMA CREEBill & Sharon CreeRon & Jacquie Demolar

JOHN CURRANVirginia Henderson

JAY FERRIAFrank & Velma Raab

STANLEY GAMMELGARDGeorge & Marilyn Porter

ANN M. GAZARIANDouglas & Susan BrowerRobert & Kimberle CacioppoCordova Meadows School StaffDelano & Ginger CottonPaul, Debbie & Breanne GonzalesJerry & Linda MarpleBob & Lois MitchellMr. & Mrs. D. S. MooreRay & Edith NicolosiTamara RantaMarcy Williams & Family

MENTOR R. GAZARIANMarcy Williams & Family


BOB GRUNIGENBill & Sally Russ

FLORA HARROWERDon & Linda BroesamleCarl & Carolyn CrouseDave & Carla Talbott

CARROLL “KELLY” HIGHRon & Jacquie DemolarEd & Marilyn HayesDave & Carla Talbott

DOROTHY HILLEleanor AndersonRichard & Dorothy ArndtLinda BerryDave & Evelyn BrooksCarl & Carolyn CrouseJim & Margot Patrick

LOU HILLKarlton & Deanne BakkeTrish ChuGlenn & Elizabeth Harrison

GARDNER HOLMESBonnie DalbeckAlexander & Jolynn KhourySona MarkarianHenry & Nancy OfferVern & Laura Slinker



SHARON IVASKAJim & Margot Patrick

MARY JACOBSCarl & Marlene AdamsPhyllis BoydMr. & Mrs. J. F. CarattiEvelyn FoxRichard & Kathryn FulferGrimbleby Coleman Certified Public Accts., Inc.Mr. & Mrs. E. S. Hinkley, Sr.Dorothy JohnsonJohn & Maribeth KlobucharHarriet RiversGeorge ShimelRobert ShipleySouth ChurchDerk & Jackie Van Konynenburg

BETTY JUNGJerry & Arlene Hitchman

ROBERT KENNEDYCynthia Peterson

JANE KROEHLBruce & Janet Arnold

ERIKKA KVAMMEKen & Patricia Dopyera

KEN & WILLIAM LANGEJeanine Lange Peek

STAN LANPHEARLois FloryMr. & Mrs. B.C. Welch

HELEN M. LEELily ChinMr. & Mrs. Yim GeeMr. & Mrs. Bob FongCharles & Anna Lee

EUNICE LINTHICUMJohn & Lorna AylardHenrietta BroomAndy & Beth Dungey & FamilyFrances R. Fitz-StephensJack Foust & FamilyKent & Lisa Jarvis & FamilyJoseph & Mary KnowlesThomas Linthicum

Daniel & Mira LukoskieNoreen & Lee MasonMarilyn Twyman

MICHAEL LUCKEYSeth AndrewsJohn & Shelia CharboneauRaymond & Mary CoustierLorraine ElliottJohn & Mary Ann FroehlichBlanche & Mary Anna HuebnerWalt & Lynette MaynesDaniel McMenaminNelda OlsonRon & Janae PhillipsDon & Carol RoseneDuane & Beverly ShinnJohn & Maedell StaffordSelma Wrigglesworth


AMY MALSBARYRobert & Betty Erikson



EINA MILLERBruce & Janet Arnold

ROBERT MORGANRoger & Joyce CriswellEsther JohnsonPhilip & Connie Morgan

Book of Remembrance


Book of Remembrance

MARTHA & BLAIN ALLENStephen & Paula Reynolds


Jim & Margot Patrick

RON DEMOLAR Russ & Ginger Arnold



BETH & LOYD LANDESFrank & Peggy Winkler



Wilford & Beverly Low


Kevin & Jennifer Parrish


Kevin & Jennifer Parrish

GARY PATRICK (60TH BIRTHDAY)Jim & Margot Patrick



Keith & Terry Lacombe

ROGER & MELISSA REYNOLDSStephen & Paul Reynolds


Beulah Olson


Doug and Elaine Borland


Armand & Debbie Rice


Nick & Joni Terpstra




David S. & Shonda MowrerSheridan E. MowrerDrs. Sherwyn W. & Ruth Ann MowrerArnold & Virginia True

ERMA MUNGERBurt & Marie Busk



RUTH PASCOEDon & Linda Broesamle


MARGARET PETRICEKGordon & Barbara BostromRoy & Judy Carpenter

Elizabeth LeckieLonette RathbunJim & Diane SchrecengostHugh & Betty Shoults

AGNES PHILLIPOSIANRon & Kim GagosianYetta Gagosian

GREG POPPENJay & Bea AndersonDaryl & Karen Poppen


JOE & LIZ SAUBERTJohn & Lori Saubert

WILLIAM SCHEFFERRon & Jacquie DemolarBernard GoldnerJohn & Helen FairchildNorman & Mariette Robinson


MARY ANNE SEABERGDave & Evelyn BrooksRichard & Elsie Van Horn

EDNA SPENCERRobert & Barbara Rosenthal


BETTY STEPHANHarry & Shirley BartonJerry & June ClodiusCooley Godward Kronish LLP,

Attorneys At LawJim & Mary CrawfordGlenn & Deborah DaltonTom FujishinAnita GobleKelli GreeneDean & Debbie HalversonJerry & Arlene HitchmanTom & Virginia IrelandJim & Marlene JessupBill & Georgia JohnstonRuth NelsonJo Anne LarsonPete & Debbie RiceLoretta RiddleKenneth & Jeanine SkovmandPaul StephanRobert & Marian ToddLester & Virginia WaitRay & Christy Wait

Rod WaitGlen & Pamela Wiley




JIM THOMASLauren & Jan GranlundGlen & JoAnn IflandMark & Lois JenningsLoren & Dale Rodoni, Sideworks



RONALD WARDLEMarv & Petey Inman

MILDRED WARNJim & Margot Patrick


ROBERT WINTERRobert & Hazel Winter

CLARK WRIGHTBernie & Miriam DentonKirk & Terri GilbertDavid & Becky Wright

To make Book of Remembrance/Honor gifts, include person’s name, “in memory” or “in honor,” name and address to notify of your gift, and mail with check (payable to Mount Hermon Assoc.) to: Book of Remembrance, Box 413, Mount Hermon 95041. Due to print deadlines, your recent gift may appear in our next issue.

Upcoming eventsEvents held at Conference Center unless otherwise noted.

May 20091–3 Spring Women’s | Ponderosa Lodge8–9 Associate in Ministry Weekend9,10 Redwood Camp Open House | Redwood Camp10 Mother’s Day Worship & Buffet15–17 Moms & Daughters | Redwood Camp22–25 Men’s White Water Rafting | Kidder Creek28 Hymn Sing & LuncheonJUne13 Brush Arbor Concert14–20 Family Camp Week 119–21 Men’s Fly Fishing | Kidder Creek19–21 Mother Daughter Ranch Camp | Kidder Creek20 The King’s Brass Concert21–26 Family Camp Week 2 | Lake Tahoe21–27 J.E.M.S. Family Camp27 Christian Edition Concert28–7/4 Family Camp Week 3

JUly4 Burchfield Brothers Concert5–11 Family Camp Week 411 Marie Barlow Martin Concert12–18 Family Camp Week 518 Steve Green Concert19–25 Family Camp Week 625 Marty Goetz Concert26–8/1 Dallas Theological Seminary Family Camp Week 7aUgUst1 Amick Byram Concert2–8 Family Camp Week 88 Santa Cruz–Monterey Celebration Choir Concert9–15 Family Camp Week 921–23 40th Anniversary Celebration | Ponderosa Lodge20–23 Couples Horse Camping Retreat | Kidder Creek28–30 Hispanic Family Camp31–9/3 RTA–Christian Songwriter’s

sePteMber4–7 Labor Day Family Camp11–13 Fall Women’s | Ponderosa Lodge18–20 Senior High Leadership | Ponderosa Lodge24–27 Men’s High Country Deer Hunting/Fly Fishing | Kidder CreekoCtober2–4 Dads & Sons | Redwood Camp5–7 RTA : Leadership in the Redwoods TEAMinar 8 Hymn Sing & Luncheon9–11 Fall Men’s I | Ponderosa Lodge23–25 Fall Men’s II | Ponderosa Lodge30–1 Fall Frenzy I (Junior High) | Ponderosa LodgenoveMber6–8 Women’s Spiritual Retreat I6–8 Fall Frenzy II (Junior High) | Ponderosa Lodge13–15 Women’s Spiritual Retreat II16–20 Outdoor Science School Homeschool Week26–29 Thanksgiving Family CampDeCeMber3 Hymn Sing/Luncheon4–6 Winter Weekend I (High School) | Ponderosa Lodge10–13 Christmas Concerts/Buffets & Craft Boutique11–13 Winter Weekend II (High School) | Ponderosa Lodge17–20 Christmas Concerts/Buffets & Craft Boutique

Visit mounthermon.org for more information on SUMMER YOUTH CAMPS & upcoming events.

Did you know that you can make regular contributions to Mount Hermon through Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)?

You choose whether to debit your checking account or charge your credit card for monthly gifts of any amount. You can even designate your gifts to more than one fund!

Contact Debbie Franck at debbie.franck@mounthermon.org831-430-1237 to learn more.

Mount Hermon cabins available for non-summer get-aways.Our rental cabins are perfect for small groups, families or ministry leadership groups, spiritual rest, relaxation, time together, off-site planning or a prayer retreat.

SMALL RETREAT, BIG BLESSING• Available Mondays–Thursdays during Fall, Winter and Spring seasons

• Full kitchens and baths, with all linens and towels • Prepare meals in the comfort of your own cabin• Enjoy our many hiking trails, the large recreation meadow, the Fitness Center, BookShop, Redwood Canopy Tour and the dining and recreation areas of the Monterey Bay area

• Care for body, soul and spirit* Limited weekend availability upon request

RESERVE YOuR OWN CABINcabin.rentals@mounthermon.org 1-888-MH-CAMPS

in the Redwoods


Are you prepAred for the unexpected? planning ahead with a will or trust can:• Care for your loved ones after you are gone• Distribute your assets as you wish• Provide for ministries like Mount Hermon• Save taxes

For more information on how you can partner with Mount Hermon in planning for the future or to request a free copy of Planning for the Future: A Guide to Wills & Trusts please contact J.R. Loofbourrow at 831.430.1237 or jr.loofbourrow@mounthermon.org.

Simplify Your Giving & our processing

easy, secure & Convenient

Copyright © 2009Mount Hermon Christian Camps & Conference CenterPO Box 413Mount Hermon, California 95041(831)335-4466 Fax (831)335-9218mounthermon.org

aboutMount Hermon is a non-profit, interdenominational and evangelical center dedicated to serving Jesus Christ through year-round camps and conferences. Roger E. Williams, Executive Director.

The LOG is a biannual publication, printed on 80lb Grays Harbor 100% recycled FSC certified paper with a smooth finish by Casey Printing in King City, CA. It is graciously processed for mailing by our many Action Ministries volunteers who support Mount Hermon through their efforts.

A digital version of The LOG is available at mounthermon.org.

LOG StaffExecutive EditorLisa Olson

Managing EditorDon Broesamle

Creative DirectorPeter Thomsen

Graphic DesignerJosh Bootz

Copy EditorsDebbie FranckCindy Ritchie

PhotographersJosh BootzDan DawsonJohn RickettsPeter Thomsen





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Cover S’mores a la Family Camp. John Ricketts Inside Cover PHoto High adventure backpacking at Kidder Creek takes kids deep into the Marble Mountain Wilderness. John Ricketts Upcoming events Camping at Kidder Creek, Fun on the Meadow, & Redwood Camp Cabin. John Ricketts Back Open pipe, Ponderosa skatepark at night. John Ricketts