Local SEO: Keep Austin Searchable

Post on 16-May-2015

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A Presentation by Tony Emerson. 1. Basics of local SEO - introductory local search information such as simple definitions and recent data that shows it is becoming more important than ever. 2. Creating a Listing - what’s different about Google, Yahoo, and Bing? Yahoo actually charges you to add photos, whereas Google has the new tags feature. Also, how to create a KML file and geositemap using geositemapgenerator.com. 3. Local Search Rankings Factors - what aspects of your listing, your website, and everywhere else are affecting rankings? Much of this data is from David Mihm’s 2009 study, but our findings for clients of Apogee Results are included. 4. What’s new in Google Places - a list of some of the more pertinent new features of Google Places, releases last week.

Transcript of Local SEO: Keep Austin Searchable

l o c a l s e o

keep austinsearchable

a p r e s e n t a t i o nb y t o n y e m e r s o no f a p o g e e r e s u l t s


b a s i c s o f l o c a l s e o


what islocal search?

a function of Google, Yahoo, Bing (as well as other search engines and sites) that help users findthings nearby.

what islocal seo?

Local SEO is the application of SEO principals to local search. The purpose is to improve your position in searches with local intent.


not here

why islocal seo important?

1) Local search is increasingly popular

2) Local searchers aremore likely to purchase

3) There’s not enough room in the SERPs for all of us


c r e a t i n g a l i s t i n g


googlecreating a listing

http://google.com/places (need Google account)

has the most fields

five category fields

custom categories

custom “additional details” fields

validate via mail or phone

yahoocreating a listing

http://listings.local.yahoo.com (need Yahoo account)

custom fields for brand names carried, products/services offered, professional associations, specials

primary/secondary, master/subcategory selection

allows for separate toll-free number

upgrade to enhanced: tagline, photos, business desc. ($9.95/mo.)

bingcreatinga listing

http://ssl.bing.com/listings/ListingCenter.aspx(need Windows Live ID)

allows for separate toll-free number

URL not required

allows six deep links

fields for tagline, business description, brands carried, specialties, and affiliations

six pre-determined categories (prioritized list)

geo sitemapcreating a


fill in location and site details

download .kml and .xml files to post to web server

submit geo sitemap to google webmaster tools


l o c a l r a n k i n g s f a c t o r s


listingon your

be close

fill out everything

reviews matter (ratings don’t?)

keywords in title & categories


unique phone number + local area code

websiteon your

full address(es) and maps

unique page for each location

local area code

geo in title tag

geo and/or keyword in url

traditional factors (pagerank)

kml, hCard

webon the

citations (non-link references)

local links

local authority sites

off-listing reviews

sign up everywhere

find citations from the winners




t h e n e w g o o g l e p l a c e s


favorite places

awarded to the most popular local businesses based on clicks, driving directions, and other actions

get additional traffic from google, encourage review

austin is one of the test markets

to apply: http://www.google.com/help/maps/favoriteplaces/business/index.html

service areas

only for delivery, home service, etc.

may be possible to game this system, but it’s recommended only for businesses that serve customers at their homes or offices

can now omit business address

can set service area by distance from a center point or on a zip-by-zip or city-by-city basis


a new way to pay google ($15/mo.)

seems to have an effect on local search, at least with reviving merged listings

choose to highlight directions, your Google Places coupon, photos, videos, or your website

website link: followed but redirected

in summationwith mobile explosion, local seo is morepopular – and driving more sales – than ever

keep rankings factors in mind when creating listings, but don’t go so far as to be spammy

sign up everywhere and fill out everything: get listed in google, yahoo, bing, and every local site/blog/directory imaginable

watch competition for citations opportunities

rankings factors and paid programs are still changing

