lls final presentation

Post on 25-May-2015

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Transcript of lls final presentation

Lectures, Lecture hall and Laboratory Scheduling System

Submitted By:-

Group No-05

35th Batch

Level 3G

Department of Computer Science

University of Jaffna

Lectures, Lecture hall and Laboratory Scheduling System


Mr. K. Sarveswaran

Group Members

Mr.R.Jarachanthan 2009/SP/004

Miss.K.Logini 2009/SP/058

Miss.S.Nithiya 2009/SP/051

Do you know LLS?

LLS means Lectures, Lecture hall and

Laboratory Scheduling System. The system

manages timetable, schedule an additional

lectures, cancel lectures and any other events for

university. Our system is an automated version

of manual LLS. This is our goal of the project.


Develop the skills and user friendly services

for lecturers.

To check the Lectures time, Lecture hall and

Laboratory facilities and when it free

To provide a full range of reports that will

satisfy informational requirements.

Designing Environment

This program has been designed by using the

CSS templates and Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5

and PHP, HTML 5 have been used to develop the


SQL sever is used to create database as the back end

for this system.

Drawbacks of the manual system

Data duplication

Lack of security

Common errors

Repetition work

Too much paper work

Time consuming

Slow retrieval of data

System Features

This system is attractive user friendly through

providing webpage, which can be handled easily

maintain and retrieve the data by lecturers and

students.By using this system we decrease work load

of lecturers.Time saving compare to the manual system.

Faster and efficient in processing of information.

More secure

User Authentication

First time, this software can be accessed only by

owner of the software.

The authentication of this system is controlled by

authorized user(Lecturers).

Contents of our system

Lectures Details

Lecture hall Details

Laboratory Details

Time tables


LLS Process Flow




Timetable Contact usAbout us Help

Level 1G Level 3GLevel 2G



Lecturers Login

Timetable Profile LaboratoryLectures Lecture hall

Level 1G Level 3GLevel 2G

Change password

User profile

Create account

Facilitators details

View facilitators

View sessions

Session details

Search venueLectures schedule Print

Some Interfaces of our system


Future work

Implement this system to faculty of

science, then implement to university of
