llliiUII~IIII mnonmntm 11 01397000171. llliiUII~IIII mnonmntm 111'1\H 11 0139700017 H~u6oc al...

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Transcript of llliiUII~IIII mnonmntm 11 01397000171. llliiUII~IIII mnonmntm 111'1\H 11 0139700017 H~u6oc al...


llliiUII~IIII mnonmntm 111'1\H 11 0139700017

H~u6oc al -t»e.s;pHCTB MHJJJJHH Mepoca tap.s;aara nipHMOMHB

lQ'M:sypnu TollHKBCTou

Extract of the National Inventory List of the I CIH /ITH Republic ofTajildstanfor !CH Requ CLT



Le I 0 3 AOOT 20\7

0 ~?-.3

• HoMH rryppa 6a Ja6oHH MH.IlllH: "qaKaH - ~apH ryJI.2lj3H: ,nap ~PHD To~CTOB"

• HoMH nyppa 6a Ja6oHH aHr.JIHcii: "Chakan - an embroidery art in the Republic of Tajkistan".

2. Pal(aMH TapTn6ua tex;pacr Ba caaaa 6al(a~mpA.

YHcyp ,llap tl>ea,pHcm MHlL'lKH MepocH <Pap~HI"H rniipHMo.zutH TruU1I pa~<aMH No. E002 ca6T my.llaaCT. <l>expHcT ,llap q;anacaH Xa!tam M)'IIIOBapaH Ba:Jopam

4>apX8HI'H tzyMH,ypHH TO~CTOH HaxycT ,nap CaHaH 10 anpemr COJIH 2014 Ba 6o TaKMWl)' HJIOBaxo 16 JIBBapH 2016 TaC;LOII\ my,llaacT.

3. M aacy6HJn'H yacyp 6a 6axm aa :Jep6axma tex;pacr

• Kac6y Jcy~IapxoH aH'baHasif;

• Ta-q;pH6ru(OH H~THMoii, MapocHM Ba q;anmx.o;

• ,[(oHmny Tal{pH6axoH Map6yr 6a Ta6HaT Ba KaHxOH.

4. fia~maBHH -.yFpOtltBH yacyp

YHcyp ).'(ap maxpH Kyno6, HaBOXHH BoceD, Myr,Mm~o6o,n, ,ll;aHrapa, Cl>apxop,

XoBa.JIHHr, llljpo6o,n:, MHpcaH.naJIHH J<aMa,noHHH BHJIOJITH XaTnoHH To"'niiCHCTOH nWOI my,n:aacT. Illax,pH Kyno6 MapKa3H Jcy~IapH qaK~ii 6a myMOp MepaBa,n.

5. A. HoMH ~aM'LHRT, ryp~ sa acJtpoAR Map6yY 6a yacyp.

'IJ;aM'LHBT, ryp~ BB atpo.z:.a oemap BJIOI(BMBII.l(H yacyp HB.J;O Mefiomall,l(: 1. rypYx;x,oH MYCTai<HJm 3aHX,OBY .nyx:rapoH .nap max,pH Kyno5 Ba Hasoxmo

----------~ex~~-------------------------------------------2. }J;ap noATaXTH KHIIIBap mru<pH }zymaH6e lJ;aMbiDITH :>cyHapMa.H.l{OHH "JateaHA)i:J

.D,ap KOpfOJ<;XOH 6a HCTHJIOX, "MapKa3H xyHapMcnmOH" $aDOJIIDIT .D,Opa.H,ZJ;.

3. ,[(ap maxpH Kyno6 a3 coJIH 2005 Tai.UKIDIOTH raitpH.D.aBnaTim ""llaKaH"

4j>a'DOJIIDIT MeK)'Ha,n, KH ,D;ap OH 50 Hacpap 3aHOHy ,zcyxTapOHH liaKaJUXY3 MamryJIH


4. Tauoomom FaiipH.D;aBnamB "~acpT naH.Kap"

5. M aKTa6y OMY3HliiTOXXOH ca.H'baT Ba :x;yHap, KH ..n.ap OHX.O .D.OHHID."tzyea Hai\II]:X;OH

qaKa.HpO MeKamaH.D, Ba OpOHWH OHpO MeOM}i3a.H.D,.

·· 6. A'D30H .nac-rax.oH M)'CHJ.ji-<flmoo:ropii Ba pai<CH .nap Toq;HKHCTOH.

B. BmTHpOKH -..aM'bHRT, ryp~ sa u-..poteyaa~aroaa yucyp .r.ap paaa~H

cl»e:s;pHCTC03H 83 T3X.USIH napBall,l{aH HOMHB3TCHH.

CoJIH 2013 .n.ap ITIDKj.x.Hmrox,H BJIMH-~1\HI\OTHH qtapx,aHr Ba HITHnooT

(IlliT<I>H) rypyx;o- KOplliHHOCOHH M<l>f 6apml rHp,ZJ;OBapHR MaBO.l{H T03a Ba

Ta"U{H.l{H <l>expHCTH MHJlJIHH MepOCH cpapxaHfH rnHpHMO.zutii Til'bCHC eqn. :Sa ryp)iX

f}>oJIKJiopnmaocH TOq;HX Pax;HMoB ,[(. a3 AKa,n;eMIDm HJIMXOB l:J.T pox,6apH: MeKap.n.

lfuqyHBH 6a rypyx, M}'X.al\1\Hl\OH a3 IlliT<I>l1 - I<;JmqeBa H., 3y6aH.ll,oB A .,

MYJDaMMa,zuieB In., 06~nyp Jb. sa XoJIMYPO,D;OB 3.; a3 M)'accHcaHtoH )UU'ap

AMHHOB A. (HHcTH'IyrH 3a6oa sa 3,[(a6HC'r), Mypo.noB M. (,ll;omnnrolbH MHJI.JIHH

T OJ.bHKHCTOH) Ba Ko.n.HpoB <I>. (J(oHRmKa.naH .naananm caa'DaTH ToJ.bHKHCTOH 6a

HOMH M. Typcys30,ZJ;a) moMHJI 6y.D,aH.l{. rypYI» JIKila.H.L'( ca4Jap1DOH XK.D,MaTi

J.bHlbaTH mp,D;osapHH MaBO.It 6a BHJIOHTH Cyf11., XaTJIOH, sowm ll>Hcop, Panrry

K yno6 sa :SMaxmOH C03MOH lJ.O.ItaH.Zl- ,ll;ap HH cacpap1Do KopmHHOCOH 6o

HaMOHH.D,aHtOH TfH,_H MaiMlJDii, 6o H>)'HapMaB.l{OHH xa.rrKi, capo.s::H.l{3.I:LOBY

MYfPH6oa, CaH'bancopoH, oMY-lropoH, BaMOJIH}l;aibOH MYaccHcrunoH ,llaBrraTi sa

t aiipa H>aMCYJD6aT my.na, MaBO.D. J.baM'b OBap11.aun. HH"'i)'HHR a:J 4 MHliTill<a (Cyt,n,

Kypt oaTenna, Kyno6 Ba Xopyf) HaMom,nan,oH ryp)'Fb 6apoH TilKMlUIH cpelbpHCT

MaBOlJ. (jlHpHCTO.ll,aaH,l{.

):(ap pOOHTa 6a HH COJIH 2010 aBBanHH "<l>elhpBCTH YfiCypibOH MepocH

cpapH.ta.ID"H faHpHMO~i'" TapTH6 )lO,zta my,n, KH OH 48 YfiCypH f}>aplbaHrH Ma'bHaBHH

xanKl TOJhHKpO ,nap 6ap MerHpH<PT.

Ilac a:J cHDapi my.Ita.HH liOp con xo,znfMoHH HJIMHH IIIDK}'JbmnroHJ:a HnMi­


<PaplbaHrHH fa:i.ipHMO,u,ni»-po 6o ,napJ.bH 286 HSM)'BaH cl>apH»aHrH C)'BHaTl TapTH6 ,no,na, nac a3 jiJ{ con 6a qon pacoHH,ztaH,n. Cmm 20 16 HH cpeH>pHCT 6o HJIOBaH

MaBO,nH T03a MapOTH6aH )zyB)'M 60 3a60HJbOH TOJl,BJCHIO aHfJIHCi Hamp rap,llH,n, KH

515 yHCypH <Pap~nannr taiipHMO.l{.l(HH xa.nKH TOJ.bHKpO <Papo Mernpa.n. ,[(ap 6appaci

alhJIH ti>aplhaHI)' CaH'baT Ba HaMO.RH,l{arOHH C03MOHlhOH faiipH,naBJiaTi lliHpKaT


6. TaBcHcj)B yucyp.

CaHDaTH Yia.Ka.H$i HaB'De a3 TapllhOB .n)ixTaHH ryJIIbo, HaKn::ry HHrop sa

TaCBHplhOH paM3HOK 60 pHIIITalhOH pa.Hra ,nap MaTOH naxTarHH Ba a6peinHMl

Me6oma,rt. O,naTaH 6o ycyJIH ryJI,ZzylHH llaKaH KypTil, liO.ztap e CYJaHi, 60JIHlliT,

.n,oH:nYm, cap,neBopi, TOKI, ralbBopanym, nap.l{a, tioltxama, ca-qoi(, PYMOJI,

JbOHHaM03 Ba fa:Hpa HCTHtPO.zta MemaB~. ~ap ryJIJzyJHH llaKaH TaCBHpH.OH

paMlHOK Ba Ma3M)'HlbOH MHcponori OH.l{ 6a Ta6HaTI:l a1p04J, KaHihOH, Opl)'lO

OMOJIH Map.zzyM HCTH«iJo,na MemaBag,n. IDap HaKmH ,nap 6onoH MaTm. eyxTamy,na

HOM .nop~, tJYHOiflm Kocaryn, ryna aaop, 6aprn 6e,n, 6o,noMaK, nona, paihLoH,

TOJhH xypyc, 6yn6yn, .zlYMH TOByC, MOlby CHTOpa, ocpro6, a6p Ba MOBaH,AH HHibO.

Ma!bopaTY Ta.JDpH6alhoH ,nyla.~~.ztaroH a3 HHTHX06H MaTo'Dy pHIII1CllnOH pa.Hra,

HaKmKami, ,nyxnum ryJllbOBY HaKilllbO Ba .Zl)'xTaHH JIHfiOCFbO H6opaT Me60illa,ll.

PHmTaibopo .nap .ztalhCOJlalhOH ry3amTa xy.lUilhYHapMa.H):{OH a3 xano6an nax.Tanm

Taiiep MeKap,na.H,n. PHillTa.IhOpO fio rneiLy MO)l.l{albOH XHMIDIBi paRr MeKap)laH,ll.

IDono qaKaH,AYJOH, acocaa, a3 pHmTa.IhoH xopxoHai HcTHcpo,na Me6apaH,n.


~OHHiny TaJLpH6a Ba Ma~nopaTH llaK~l TO 6a KMpYJ 60 JlY pOILH

aHDaHaBi HHTHKOJI Mee6aH,n. TaplH HKJMH HHnrkon 6o ycyJIB Bepmxamr .nap

lh y.ny,nH XOHaBO,Aa cypaT Mempa,n. ~ap XOHaBO.l{a!bO ,nyxTapOH lh )'HapH

"tHlKaH$HpO a3 MO,napoH, e XOILap6}'3ypramOH MeOM)i:JaH,Il. ~ap fia'D3e OHJialbO

.ztyxTapoH a3 8-9 conari .z:tap naa:,n)iH Mo,napoH e xoaap01m xanoHamoa HHmacTa,

lh )'HapH llaK3.H,l{YJHpO a3 OHlbO MeoM}'3aH,n. Y cyJIH .nyiOMH HHTHKOJIH llaKaH$1

6a Tap3H ropH30HTaJIHH «ycTo,n-morHp.n» cypaT Merapa,n, KB 6emTap 6a

ryp)iH,ILO xoc Me6om~. ,l(ap rypflbiLO laHJLOH COibH6Ta.n>pH6a e YCTO.z:tlbO 6a momp,noH - .ztyxTapoHH 16-20 cona H03)'KW:bOH HHTHX06H pHIDTasy MaTO'b, paar

Ba BaKm, ycyJilboH .n)'xTaHH 'la.KaB Ba KOpiLOH .ztHrappo e)l Me.llHILaH,lJ;.

TacBHpH aa.Knm,oa qaxa~yli HH'I)'HHH ;:tap MaKTa6~noH paccoMY, .nap

KOJIJieJbiDOH ~Dyaapi KHCMaH ,llapc .no.na MemasaH,IJ;. MacaJiaH, .nap Ma.I<Ta6H

pacCOMHH 6a-qaroHaH m. Kyno6 rypya,H qa:KaH.z:r;yfi tl>a'DOJIIDIT MeK)'Ha.n, KB a,ap

con oHpo 8-1 0 aa«iJap .nyxTapoH xaTM MeHaMo.sm,n. XaTMaxap.naroH nm,cKJIH'

f M! norHB-"'f&J&~OH Jt&-KOmreJ'&ftJ f

qaxaH.n)'3i Mamfyn Memascum.

~p HHmOJIH ~OHHmy Ma.IbOpaTibOH liaiGlH.n)'3l 33 JIK 4>ap~ 6a cpap)UI ~Hrap

HaKWU IIDipKary TaiDKHJIOTibOB fa.apH)'.(aBJiaTJIH «ffi)'HapMaH,n>>, «lfaKaH» sa <<IhacpT naiiKap» HH3 Ka.JIOH acT. Maca.rraH, co3MOHH JbaM'bHJITHH «H>aqrr na:Bxap»

TaBaCCyrH MaCTep-KJiaCClbO fia XOihHmMaH~OH H03yKHH»OH MalbOpaTH 1iaKaa;n'Y3i


8. M yaccaca e C03MOHB MaC'byJJ

MyaccHcaB Mac-&yJIH TaihH.siBY TaKMHJIH <l>elbpHCTH MIDIJlll.lil MepocH t}?ap:a,aHrH


cpapH.aHTH lli)'MH,ypHH To.JbmrncToH Me6oma.LJ..

9. HHJOMB AaCTapd 6a Cl»ea.pucr: Hycxm TOJbHK'i Ba aHrJIHcHH <I>eapucT ~ap coMoHaH IlliT<I>H 6o HHlliOHaB

3epHH ,llacrpac Me6oma,n:

http://pitfi.tj/sites/default/files/pdf/fehrist ba 2 zabon.pdf

HoMH yHcyp







liaxmu 5. -Kac6y :x;yHapx.ou Map.n:yMH: (EOOO)

Tasculfl H MYXTacap

'Y;apaeHJ1 TeXHOJlOfJIIJII 33 peCMOH 6oq>T3HJII MaTO'b.

MaTO'b a3 6o<f>T3JII ll.Y HJII30MJII Haxx;oJII HJIIC63T 63



:x;3Mil.JIIrap 3MY/l.W - Topy ny11. :x;ocJII.ll Meiii3B3/1.. Topy Y1cr3paBrnaH

ny11. 4ap 33MJIIHaJII HaxneqoHi1:, TOpT3HM, o:x;ap/l.HX.H I<;3p3TOF,

B3 <f>apK,KJIIIOH Ta:H:ep Kap11.a MernaB3/1.. A6pernHM, Xyq;3HA

n3IIIM, 33rnpno.H, KaH36, naXT3, qyr B3 F3Hp3 arneJII

XOMJII 6o<f>3HA3fJII3H,LI,. ,43p 4aBOMJ11 acp:x;o ax;o.llJIIJII

Ma:x;aA.llH 33 aJloq3, K,a.llaMw, cy<f>, qJIIT, Kap6oc, /l.OK3

sa F3Hp3 J.1CTJii<f>Oil.a Me6ypll.aH,LJ,.

I CaHDaTJII q3KaH/l.y3i1: HaBne a3 Tap3:x;OJII ll.yXTaHJII

:ry A:x;o, Ha~<,rny muop sa TaCBHp:x;oH paM3HOK 6o


Ba3'bH -


qonrny.n:a sa



1. EpiiiOB H.H.


KapaTenma 11

Aapaa3a. T.l. A., 1966.

2. TypC)'HOB H. J13

11CTOp1111 ropO,ll.CKOrD

peMecAa ceaepHoro

Ta.,li,)KHKHCTaHa. A-, 1974.

1. Mai1T,il,J'IHOBa r.M. I I qaKaH B xyAO:>KecT­


Texte surligné


E003 3APfAP11

pMIIITaJ<;OM paHra Aap MaTOJil naXTarMH Me6oliiM. BMAO.HTM

0AaTaH, JY11AJ3MM qaKaH Aap KJPTa, cy3alill, XaTllOH

6oAMliiT, ~ot1:nym, 6ap,LJ.esopi1:, TOI<;M, raxsopanym,

KaMap6aHA, p)iMo11 sa rat1:pa Mcrn:<flo,LJ.a MemaBaA.

)\ap Hai<;illJil Aap 6oAOJ.1 MaTO'b AyxrarnyAa HOM

AOpaA, qJHO~M: KOCaJYA, JYAM aHop, 6aprn 6e,LJ.,

MO~ CMTOpa, o<flTo6, a6p sa MOHaHAJil MHJ<;O.

KypTaM qaKaH Maxcyc 6apoM 3aHJ<;osy Ay:crapoH

A:fxra MemasaA. ,Ll,ap ~aillHJ<;OM pacM:ft sa MAX;OM

xallK,M Ay:crapoH x;aTMaH KJPTaM qaKaH 6a 6ap


5JK HaB'b _x;yHapM J.1CTeJ<;COAJ.1 MaCHJOTJil opOMllH, KJ.1

TasaccyTM OH 3apy Jesap, ac6o6y alileM py3rop, AymaH6e,


AM6ocy aCAM.x;aH ~ami1: sa aMCOllM MHJ<;O a3 <PYAJ30T VlcrapasmaH, <I>anoll

(TM11110, ~pa, MJ1C, 6Mp:M~t1:, ox;aH sa r.), camx;o:M )\Mcop, X~aHA

I<;MMaT6ax;osy ap30H6ax;o (allMOC, llanA, ei<;JT,

qmpy3a, 3JMJppaA, AO~BapA, q;a3'b, 6JAJpM KJxM,

~aMacr, .s~mM, ~<;ax;pa6o, a~<;MI<; sa r.), a3 MOAax;oH

opraHMKM (ycryxoHM <flMA, ca,LJ.a<fl, Mapsop:MA, qy6)

COXTa MemaBaA.

3apAJ3M Hasnx;oM fJHOJYH AopaA. ,Ll,y HaBnM oH:

3aMl1HAJ3M sa JY11AJ3M ManMJll acr. ,Ll,ap ,Ll,ymaH6e, 1------~L---------------~




TpaAH:Qt10HaAI13M I I QqepKt1 t1CTOpt1t1 t1


Ta,II,)K. HapoAa. A., 2006;

2. Pa~MOB A. Kac6y

xyHapx;ot'l aHbaHaBMI1

TO~t'IKOH . A., 2014.

1. YMaposa 3.




l!ICK)'CCTBa T3A)K}IIK0B 11 QqepKM t1CTOpl!It1 t1






2006. c.

2. Pax;HMOB A. Kac6y

wrapx;ou aH'baHaBI1t1

TO~t'IKOH. A., 2014.

1. MaHTAI1:HOBa r .M .

TpMI1:Qt1l1 xyAo)l(ec-

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1111 llll,ft lllll!lUlDIIlnJU 0139700009

Extract of the National Inventory List of the Republic ofTajikistan for ICH

1. Name of the element

• Full name in the native language: Chakanduzi

• Full name in English: "Chakan - an embroidery art".

2. Inventory number and date of registration


Le 13 0 MARS 2017 I w ....... er.:~3 ................... .

The element has been included in the national inventory titled as 11Tajik National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage., under No. E002. The list was adopted in the framework of Annual Report Meeting of of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tajikistan in Apri110, 2014, and the last updation date is January 16, 2016.

3. Category and sub-category of the element

• Traditional craftsmanship. • Social practices, rituals and festive events; • Knowledge and practices concerning the nature and universe;

4. Geographic range of the element

The element is distributed in the Kulob city, Vose, Muminabad, Danghara, Farkhar, Khovaling, Shurabad, Mirsaid-ali Hamadani districts of Khatlon region of Tajikistan. Kulob city is considered the center of chakan craftswomen.

S. A. Name of communities, groups and individuals concerned

Most concerned communities and groups of the element are as following:

1. Informal independent working groups organized by neighbor women and girls of the Kulob city and surrounded villages and districts.

2. In the capitial city Dushanbe the communities consemed with the element are placed in the special working places so called "Art houses".

3. In the Kulob city sinCQ_ 20..0 · func.tioning_the none-gQvemmental fiu ..... __ _ "Chakan"~ in which work 50 women and girls- masters of cbakan sewing.

4. None-governmental organization "Haft paykar".

5. Art schools and colleges, where pupils and students study drowing Chakan ornaments and embroidery art.

6. Members of musical folklore groups and dancing ensembles of Tajikistan.

B. Participation of communities, groups, practitioners and bearers of the

element in the process of inventory-making and drafting I CH nomination file

In 2013 in the Research of Institute of Culture and Information (RICI) was organized a group of experts for gathering fresh materials and updating of the National Inventory List. The group was headed by Tajik folklorist from Academy of Sciences Dr. Rahimov D. In the group also were included researchers from RICI: Klicheva N., Zubaydov A., Muhammadiev H., Obidpur J, and Kholmurodov Z.; from other institutions - Aminov A., (Institute of Language and Literature); Murodov M., (Tajik National University) and Qodirov F. (Tajik Institute of Arts). The group conducted several fieldworks in Sughd, Kulab, Hisar valley, Rasht and Khatlon region and collected the necessary materials for completion of the inventory list. In these fieldworks experts collaborated with local NGO's, folk artists, folk craftsmen, folk singers, musiCians, performers, teachers, representatives of local governments, and other people. Also in 4 regions of the country (Sughd, Kurgantube, Kulob7 Khorogh) work representatives of the Inventory group, which provide with fresh materials and information about situation of each element. The updating activity carried out in frame of "State program on safeguarding ICH in the territory of the country for the period of 2013-2020".

In discussion were participated scholars, NGO representatives, journalists, workers from cultural departments, folk craftsmen, folklore performers and artists.

The inventory list regularly updates in each 2 years. Thus, in 2016, it was updated again and was discussed at the meeting of scholars of the given Institute, in which participated representatives of the cultural sphere, folk craftsmen and artists as well. Updated Tajik National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage consists of 515 elements of ICH and was confirmed by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tajikistan in January 15, 2016.

6. Description of the element -------

The art of chalcan embroidery is a kind of sewing ornaments, image of flowers and symbolic drawings with colorful threads on cotton or silk fabrics. Chakan embroidery art in Tajildstan belongs to women. Usually with chakan embroidery masters sew women shirt, national cap, pillow, bedspread, headscarf, towel, curtain, coverlet for cradle, curtain for wall decoration so called suzani and etc. In the chakan embroidery art are used symbolic depictions and mythological images related to the nature and cosmos, which express people's wishes and hopes. Each ornament has special name, for example, pomegranate flower, willow leaves,

almond, tulip, cockscomb, peacock's tail, moon, star, sun, cloud and so on.

Process of chakan embroidery production consists of selection of textile and threads, drawing ornaments, doing the needlepoint images, and sewing clothes.

7. Modes of transmission

Knowledge and skills related to the Chakan embroidery art till today are transmitting in two traditional ways. First way is the vertical method take place in frame of family. In the families young generation learn the art of chakan

embroidery from mothers, grand-mothers, elder sisters. Girls starting since 8-9 years old sitting close to their mothers or sisters observe the art of embroidery. The second way of transmission of the element belongs to groups, which takes place in horizontal method, so called ustod-shogird (master-student). In the group work old and skilled seamstress women teach girls of 16-20 years old the fineness of embroidery, selecting color threads and ornaments, and manners of sewing.

More formal learning of chakan ornaments and embroidery art take place in the Art schools and colleges, where pupils and students attend some lessons related to the element.

As well as some firms and none-governmental organizations such "Hunarmand", "Chakan" and "Haft paykar" play active role in the transmission of knowledge and skills of chakan embroidery art. NGO "Haft paykar" carries out master­classes of chakan embroidery for young women.

8. Responsible entity, state agency, institution

Office responsible for updation of the National Inventory List is Research Institute of Culture and Infonnation of the Republic of Tajikistan.

9. Access to the inventory:

The English version of the inventory is available at:

http:l/pitfi. ti/node/96

Name of element




Short description

Hand textile. The process of traditional

weaving fabrics such as karbos, chit,

alacha, suf, adras, atlas, doka and etc.

Fabrics are weaved with cotton, wool,

silk and other threads. The textile

equipment is called as dukon, which are

made with wood.

The art of clrakan embroidery is a kind of

sewing ornaments, image of flowers and




Khujand, Karatag, Hisar

symbolic drawings with colorful threads Khatlon region

on cotton or silk fabrics. Usually with

clzakan embroidery masters sew women

shirt, national cap, pillow, bedspread,

headscari, towel, curtain, coverlet for

cradle, curtain for wall decoration and

etc. In the chakan embroidery are used symbolic depictions and mythological

images related to the nature and cosmos,

which express peopEe's wishes and




situation of the


Under danger




Published sources

and inventory

materials 1. Epwos H.H.

TKa'lCCTllO 1/ T aA)!Ona<

KapanmtHa H Aapsa3a.

T.l. A., 1966.

2. Typcy>~os H. ltfa

HCTOp•m ropOACKOro

pe~o~ecila ceaepHoro

TaAliOIKHCTima. A., 1974.

1. MaitTAHHOBa r.M. Yat.:aH xyAolKecT·

aeHHOit J()'ilb"I)'Pe


n peeMCTBeHHOC'Tl>

Tp3AHU110HaAI13M /f 0Jep101 HCTOpH>t H

TeOplllt '-"YAb"t)'PIII 'T3A)I(.

HapoAa. ,4., 2006;

2. PaJQ<MO& A- I<ac6y

ll)'l'Jpl\011 a>naHaBHH

TCJ'IliKOU. A., 2014.

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