Living health

Post on 22-Jul-2016

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Health triangle, Live in balance

Transcript of Living health

LIVING HEALTHThe Health triangle


◦ Introduction………………………………………….…………….….1

◦ Physical Health………………………………………………………...2

◦ Social Health…………………………………………………………...5

◦ Mental Health……………………………………………………….….8

◦ Advices for life……………………………………………...……..…..11

IntroductionOne of the best things to do for your life, is live it in a balanced way.

What does it means? Living in a balanced way doesn’t mean just eating

healthy and do exercises. It means being healthy in all the areas, in the mental,

physical and social, this is also known as “The Healthy Triangle”

Some people thinks that losing the balance, could affect the personal realization

and the own development. So it can probably be affirm that is healthy for us

doing extracurricular activities like practicing sports, reading books or


You must be wondering, “What’s all this about? So, Are you telling me

that I need to waste my time, and do some silly activities while I could be

resting or working at home?” Well, if you think about it deeper you will

find that these are not just trivial activities, these are actions that will

make you feel better, happier and healthier. The best part is that you can

choose whatever you want and this also will help you with the stress.

Now, talking about the three sides of "the triangle of health", the areas

can be explain as:

Physical: This area has to do with how each

one take care of themselves and their bodies.

You know, eating healthy and doing exercise.

Mental: This ambit is about the mental

development, this doesn't means just work,

work & work, means have time to improve

your knowledge and relax.

Social: This area has to do with the self

esteem and the relationships with others.

Written by: Carmen Pérez


Physical healthWhen somebody think in health, immediately thinks about a body without

illness, this is partially true, because only one part is physical and is very

important, in fact when somebody has one disease the first signs appear in your

body, when somebody has good health he or she look good.

◦ What things affect our physical


Our physical health can be affected for

different aspects, but others can be

modified by us with our lifestyle and health

care, however

defination. Physical health is more than the absence of diseases, it´s actually the

overall well-being, and this include how works each part and in conjunction of

your body.

there are others that we can't control, which are: the

environment and human biology. Now, doing the

review every one of this four categories that affect our

life, we have:

Lifestyle: This is the element in we have more

control and include do exercises, diet and habits.

Written by: Daniel Ayala

◦ Human Biology: All of us have genetic conditions

that could make us being more slim or fatter. No one

can change their biology, because we can't control

about it.

◦ Environment: include the quality of water we drink,

air we breathe, the place we live, among others. In

many, opportunities we can choose the environment

when we live.

Many people spent a lot money trying to look good, but

is good idea wondering, "what is the meaning of

Physical health?"

There are many definitions about physical health,

nevertheless in this article, we are going to build an own

The human body it was created to do exercise and if you don´t put en action, your

body will begin to add fat and eventually you will be ill.

° Health Care Services: now day, exist all services to prevent, detect and treat


What can I do? We need put attention in these categories, however frequently people do it more in

the areas that they can control. Other healthy thing for you is having positive

emotions. We have to get the way to find a balanced life. This are some things that

we can do to take care our physical health:

◦ Rest. Our body needs to rest properly around eight hours,

at least to function well, if we don´t do this, sooner or later

we will have health problems.

◦ Exercise. We must to destine a part of our time to do

exercises, thirty minutes at least per day, our bodys were

designed to do it.

◦ Eat healthy. The fuel of body is food, we must to eat

regularly and put attention in what we eat. The sugar and

fatty food might be dangerous if we overeat.

◦ Hygiene. We are responsible to keep our bodies clean, this

can help us to protect us against illness and infection.

◦ Do regular check-ups. We need to check our bodies

regularly at least once per year, don´t forget go to the


The body mass index is a value derive from the relation between mass (weight)

and height, usually is expressed in Kg and meters respectively. The BMI is

defined as the body mass divided by the square of the body height. Its units are

Kg/m2, but the units are usually omitted.

Now the question is: which is our body mass index? and what means?

Below, we can see how BMI could be calculated:

In the table below can find the category any your meaning

Written by: Daniel Ayala

Body Mass Index (BMI)

• Do not smoke, abuse alcohol, or abuse drugs


Social healthAs it was mentioned before, the “Social Health” is related with the self

esteem and the way in which the person lives with others. So in this article it

will be define self esteem in six words, is how you feel about yourself. This

is a question you should be asking yourself.

There are 3 types of self esteem:

◦ Low self esteem

This persons feel themselves with poor value in compare

with others. Some times their perception of the life its

more negative. Commonly, this kind of peoples are

related with attitudes as indecision, nervousness,

anxiousness, caution to take risks, shyness, etc….

◦ High self esteem

This people have self confidence. They feel good

about themselves because they feel valuable, secure

of themselves and most important, they have

accepted themselves, with their strengths and

weaknesses. This kind of people are more positive,

and usually they think “all is possible”.

Actually they have different profiles, but

people can change if they want and make an


◦ Medium self esteem

This people have a good self-concept, but their self

esteem sometimes could be fragile and vulnerable.

However they try to feign confidence and protect their

image. Usually, they avoid to take decisions.

Sometimes, they cling to a particular achievement for

feel more confident. They can be positive or negative

depends on the situation.

Written by: Carmen Pérez

Talking about good relationships with others is the moment to talk about the

“Emotional Intelligence” that is the way the people face situation and their

reactions with others.

The idea of this concept is, if you have a good emotional intelligence you

will look for a balance in all you do , this means for example if you are the

leader of a team and your team is having a difficult situation you will help

them to resolve it, in the better way, usually concerning the common

benefit.Moreover, people who have a good self esteem, are more positive. They

frequently have adequate relationships with others and try help them to

reach their goals. The reason this is that habitually, they know that

everyone have the same rights, doesn't matter how different are from them.

The people who have a lower self esteem

have two possibilities, believe it or not they

could be passive or aggressive. The

aggressive profile usually likes making

suffer others because they have a fake

feeling of power. In the other hand, the

passive profile just feels insecure and


Written by: Carmen Pérez

Mental Health

Mental healthMental health is refer to cognitive area or emotion

wellbeing this is about how we think, feel and


The mental health could be define how the state

with absence of a mental or behavior disorder and

one satisfactory integration at social environment.

This area affect our daily activities, relation ship, the ability to enjoy life, tastes,

preferences and our behavior in general. The experts tell that everybody could

develop some mental disorder and according of NIMH (National Institute of Mental

Health, USA) is common in USA and internationally. Approximately 58 million of

Americans suffer one mental disorder.

Job and Mental disorder. A test to discover the real behavior to someone is an

indispensable point that a Job company do it, before to hire somebody, the

companies spend a lot money trying to hire a correct person.

Today people with mental disorder are able to do many things. Even, is

possible that they work better than the normal people, search companies tell

that one of five employees suffer one kind of mental illness, but sometimes

the consequences are terrible. One example of this is the German pilot of

Lufthansa who crashed a plane in the French Alps, killing 150 people this

year. Lufthansa company told that the pilot was suffering a depressed.

The most common mental illness are:

◦ Panic disorder . The people experiment terror sudden paralysing in

imminent disaster.

◦ Phobias. People suffer disproportionate fears when they are in front

animal or objects

Written by: Daniel Ayala

◦ Obsessive –compulsive disorder). The person has obsessions and compulsions

to repetitive acts, example such as hand washing (compulsion)

◦ PTSD (Post- traumatic stress disorder). That frequently occur after

somebody has been through a traumatic event, examples after an accident, sex

attack or soldiers after war.

◦ Mayor depression. The people usually not enjoy activities and events, because

he or she has prolonged periods of sadness.

◦ Bipolar disorder. People sufferer oscillates episodes of euphoria and


◦ Dysthymia: The patient has a chronic feeling of ill being is a minor depression

◦ SAD (seasonal affective disorder). Is a type of mayor depression. People get

in countries far from the equator during late autumn, winter, and early spring.

Treatments and strategies for mental help problems:

There are many ways to treat the mental illness and the strategies depend of each

case. It is important to know that something works for one person may not work

for another. The majority of experts said that the real information about the

patient is the best raw material to began the treatment.

Written by: Daniel Ayala

Does this is all about mental health?

Some Treatments could be include:

◦ Diet

◦ Exercises

◦ Alcohol and drugs

◦ Video games

No, this is not everything, in fact

something else you can do for

your mental health is do

extracurricular activities that will

help you with your stress, mental

development and relations with


Advices for life…Now that “ The Triangle of Health” has been explained remember:

◦ Life doesn't mean been slave of work.

◦ Eating healthy is good for your body.

◦ Doing exercise will help you with stress and health.

◦ Smoking, abusing of alcohol, or drugs is bad for your body.

◦ Sleeping eight hours is good for your health

◦ Try to see the bright side of life, be positive.

◦ Try to have good relationships with others, doesn't matter how different they are from


◦ Respect other people.

◦ The mental problem can be solved, if you think your are having one, visit to your


◦ Doing extracurricular activities helps you with mental and social health.

◦ People can change if they want and make an effort, but if you change, change for


Written by: Carmen Pérez