Living by faith in times of discouragement

Post on 03-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Living by faith in times of discouragement

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The Just Shall Live By Faith

By Janie Baer

 Your ability to live by faith has nothing to do with:

• Who you are, where you were born, or where you live.

•  The amount of money you presently have in your bank account, billfold or purse

or don’t presently have in your bank account, billfold or purse.

• Amount of time you have or don’t have. (Faith has no time, it is always “now”

Faith. Faith is always present tense. – I have _____ now. I can do _____ now. I am _____ 


• How much something costs.

• Has nothing to do with your ability or inability. (Remember: Faith is God’s ability

working on your behalf. If you could do it yourself, you wouldn’t have to use your faith.)

• If you have planned well financially or if there has been lack of financial planning.

 Job or no job.• Paycheck or no paycheck or income or no income.

•  The number of educational degrees you have or a lack of education. (The

fishermen who walked with Jesus were men of faith and yet they were just “fishermen”

and not highly educated men; but yet they told Jesus when He sent them out to minister

on their own that their every need was met.)

•  Your five physical senses (They only relate to the physical realm and will only tell

you what is going on in the physical realm, but faith is of the spirit, a higher realm.

 You’re actually living in a higher realm, not subject to the natural realm when you live by


• Natural limitations. (Faith is supernatural ability and there are no limitations with

faith. If there were limitations then we could say God is limited, but that will never be.)• A person’s intelligence or lack of it. (Actually intelligence can get in the way of 

faith by trying to figure out how it is going to happen. Faith is working when your heart

and not your head is fixed, established, trusting in the Lord.)

•  Your ability in any matter. (Faith is God’s ability working on your behalf.)


What is faith?:

• Faith is substance of things hoped for needed and desired, evidence of what

cannot be seen by your physical eyes, yourassurance, your confirmation, your title

deed of things, proof of things not seen, conviction of their reality, perception as realfact what is not revealed to senses, leaning of your entire personality on God in

Christ in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom and goodness.


Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not

seen. KJV

Hebrews 11:1 NOW FAITH is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things

[we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality

[faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses]. AMP


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Hebrews 6:12 In order that you may not grow disinterested and become [spiritual]

sluggards, but imitators, behaving as do those who through faith ( by their leaning of the

entire personality on God in Christ in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom,

and goodness) and by practice of patient endurance and waiting are [now] inheriting the

promises. AMP

• Faith is always now, present tense. You talk like it is done.

• Faith is a law, spiritual law:


Romans 3:27 Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by

the law of faith. KJV

• Faith and patience are power twins:


Hebrews 6:12 ….faith ( by their leaning of the entire personality on God in Christ inabsolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness) and by practice of 

patient endurance and waiting are [now] inheriting the promises. AMP

 James 1:4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire,

wanting nothing. KJV

Acting in faith, you just believe and act accordingly and stay Holy Spirit connected and

He will guide you through the whole process. How easy is that? We make spirit things

complicated and really we are more spiritual then we are human or carnal since God

lives in us. We are now born again of the Spirit and have the ability to operate out of our

spirit rather than be limited and controlled any more by our intellect or what the fivephysical senses tell us.

How do we receive faith? We received the faith of God when we got born again. Faith is

a gift from God. (Romans 12:3) We have the faith of Christ Jesus. (Galatians 2:20) Faith

also comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. (Romans 10:17 So hear and

hear again the Word concerning what you need; healing, prosperity, etc.) Building up

your faith by praying in the Holy Ghost. (Jude 20)

 To remain in faith or as the Word of God calls it, “established heart”, we have to guard

the gates to our heart (our believing), which are our eyes gates and ear gates. Don’t

keep looking at, paying attention to or listening to what is the opposite of what you wantby faith.

Faith is not what we see or hear. Faith is not having faith in you and faith in your faith.

Faith is having faith in God, His Word and the faith He has given to you which always

does its work in any and every situation.

 The Word of God is the written and spoken Word of God to us. The Word of God,

itself  has enough power in it to bring things to pass; the Word just needs to be spoken

out of your mouth for your situation. The Word needs you to be the receiver as well. So

you are the spokesperson and the receiving person for faith. So don’t get so afraid you

are going to fail in your faith for it is God’s faith He has given to you as a gift, just use it.And you are not the person to make it happen or you would be already doing it with your


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natural ability. You are just the believing person, enough so, that you speak it and act

like it is done, finished. You receive it with speaking it is already reality. Speaking only

the Word of God and speaking words that mean, “I received it.” Then acting like, “Okay,

there it is. I’m glad that’s over with. It’s done, finished, over with.” When we speak in

line with the Word of God we are not lying, although in the natural we look like we are.

Can we be lying when we speak what God has spoken about us? “We are healed by thestripes of Jesus.” No, that is not a lie, it is the truth about us. And we are not speaking it

to make people believe we are healed. We speak it because we know it is the truth

about us or our situation.

Abraham became fully persuaded in his faith to become a father when it was humanly

impossible when He started speaking the name God gave to him, “Abraham”, which

means “Father of nations”. When he spoke his name, “Abraham,” he was saying he was

the father of nations. He never got fully persuaded in his faith he would become a father

until God changed his name and he started speaking it and hearing it over and over by

his family, servants, etc.

Stealers of Faith:

Being around natural, carnal thinking people and natural, carnal speaking people will

steal your faith. They are always speaking what is, what they can see, hear, smell, taste

or touch. So stay clear of them and seek to be around people who think in line with the

Word of God, speak in line with the Word of God and act on their faith in the Word of 

God. (A good example of this is Abraham. When he was still named Abram, God told

him to leave family and all that was familiar to him. If he had not done this, then he

would not be known as our Father of faith, Abraham.)

Another stealer of faith is always looking, hearing, meditating, considering and speaking

what is going on in the natural circumstances in your life. (If you want change, you have

to change what you look at, listen to, meditate on, consider and speak. If you don’t, then

you will only perpetuate the problem. What you focus on will expand.)

A good thing to remember in faith is to establish your heart in the Word of God about a

particular thing you want to receive from God. Then when the Word of God gets bigger

on the inside of you through meditation than the problem or thing needing changed or

brought to pass, that is the best time to speak. That is when it is easy to speak the Word

in spite of every thing and everyone that says, “That’s impossible.” It is very important to

know that the Holy Spirit will direct you in what to speak and when to speak. After all, He

is the One Who will move on the situation and cause it to come to pass or manifest.

In creation Father God spoke and Genesis 1:2 says, “And the earth was without form, and

void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the

face of the waters.” KJV

So it is very important we speak or act when the Spirit of God is moving on us to speak or

act. That’s when the Holy Spirit will move, like in creation, and bring it to pass.

Meditation plus speaking by the direction of the Spirit of God brings possession no matter

how ridiculous it may seem. Faith’s actions can sometimes mean just speaking the Word

of God or words of having received it or “It is done.” Then there are promptings of the


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Holy Spirit to do a certain thing. Acted upon will bring results no matter how ridiculous it

may seem.

Some good examples of faith we can meditate to help establish our heart in faith are:

Read about Abraham, the Father of our faith, Romans 4. The Hall of Faith in Hebrews 11.

And to see the New Testament Church with faith in action read the book of Acts.

 To make faith simple: Faith is trust or confidence in Jesus and His finished work. How

simple is that? Jesus has said, “It is finished.” Now He has seated Himself at the right

hand of the Father and not because He is tired from all His work, no, He is telling us He

has done all that He needs to do for us to receive all that we need and all He has

promised us. And we know Jesus would not lie to us. So we can say, “By the stripes of 

 Jesus I am healed and made whole.” (1 Peter 2:24) “Jesus became so very poor in order

that I could be enriched, abundantly supplied. I am rich.” (2 Corinthians 8:9) “I have

been made righteous by Jesus.” (2 Corinthians 5:21)

I have listed on my website scriptures and confessions for you to speak in faith over yourlife “In Christ”, your prosperity, Father God’s love for you and your health and for


Let’s make this confession of faith:

God has given me the gift of faith. I actually have the faith of Jesus. Faith is the

substance of things I hope for, need and desire. It is the evidence of what I cannot see

by my physical eyes. Faith is my assurance it is mine. Faith is the only confirmation I

need to know that it is mine. Faith is the title deed to the possession of it. Faith is proof 

to me this is all done and taken care of. Faith is the conviction of the reality of this

thing. With faith I perceive it is real fact in my life no matter what the senses tell me.With my faith I lean my entire personality on God in Christ in absolute trust and

confidence in Father God, Daddy’s power, wisdom and His goodness to me. I live by faith

and not by sight.

Having Courage In Discouraging Times

By Janie Baer

Even though we are Christians it looks at times that we are facing extremities in our lives

with our health, finances, family and more. But we must not be discouraged, depressed,

frustrated, angry, especially angry with God, and so on; because when we face

extremities we will find that it is God’s opportunity to step in if we will continue to believe

He is at work.

I want to help you right from the start with this important statement: If you are ever

angry with God or frustrated with Him, you are only doing yourself harm because God is

never your problem. God is never, ever your problem when you face problems,

difficulties or extremities in your life. And if you think God is the problem then you will

never find the answer to your problems because He is the answer to all things.

God is a sovereign God, but He also put us in charge of our lives and living by faith in

Him and not by sight is what He requires. Living by faith means simply, we put our faith


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in God and His Word and expect our results to turn out just like God promised us in His


Some people think God is sovereign and controls everything; but that is against the law

of faith where our outcome is determined by what we believe. God doesn’t have the

right to step into our lives if we choose not to live by faith and instead live by sight or ourfive physical senses. God cannot go against His Word and get involved in our lives if we

don’t ask Him to in prayer and believe that He will do it. If He did He would be going

against His Word.

As Christians we no longer live under the Old Testament; so God’s will for us is from Acts

through Revelation. We can also use the words of Jesus but only where it didn’t apply to

being under the Law of Moses. That was in a different covenant Jesus did away with by

the cross and He has now given us Christians the New Testament, an entirely new

covenant. If Christians knew this, it would save them a lot of troubles. We simply cannot

live under both at the same time. The Old Testament was all about keeping the Law of 

Moses and the New Testament is all about God’s grace and Jesus’ redemptive work. Jesusfulfilled the Law of Moses for us and now we live under the radical grace of God.

 Jesus referred to this New Covenant at the last supper, Luke 22:20 Likewise also the cup

after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.

KJV And again we see it in 1 Corinthians 11:25 After the same manner also he took the

cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye,

as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. KJV And here are some other scriptures that

refer to the New Testament or New Covenant we live under as Christians: Matthew

26:28, Mark 14:24, 2 Corinthians 3:6, 2 Corinthians 3:14, and Hebrews 7:22, 9:15-20.

God does not want us to live in fear, worry and anxiety because when we live in fear,worry or anxiety we are trusting in our own abilities and not in God’s ability. That means

we are not living by faith because when we live by faith, we just simply put our trust in

Him and not in ourselves. Some just don’t get this; when you live by faith and not by

sight, your faith is in God and God alone. He wants you to have good courage and put

your total trust in Him so that He can show Himself strong in your life. Remember this

always: When you run out of yourself, your abilities, you will always run into God!

Faith comes by God’s Word. What God has said, He must do or that would be the end of 

Him. And all the promises of God are “yes” and “amen”. God’s promises can then be an

anchor to our souls. (Hebrews 6:16-19)

When we face extremities we need to settle in our hearts that it is God’s opportunity to

step in and our time to continue to believe He is at work. This will help us be more

enticed to trust Him.

 Joshua 1:7 Only be thou strong and very courageous,….KJV

 These words came to Joshua when God gave Joshua an assignment to take over leading

the children of Israel into their promised land after Moses had died. He told Joshua to be

strong and very courageous.

All of us have dealt with discouragement. Discouragement can lead us into depressionand we certainly see a lot of that today. When we are discouraged we are trying to make


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the thing work, we are trying to make something happen, we are trying to do what is

right; but yet it seems we are never going to get there. All of us have been there. It

looks like nothing ever is going to turn out right; and so the enemy uses discouragement

so we will let go of our faith in God. But I want to share with you the power of being

developed in godly courage. Being developed in godly courage there is a power

available to us Christians where we can be of good courage in discouraging times.

Please, always remember this: There is no failure in God. Second, there is no defeat in

God. Third, there is no deficiency in God. You must remember this to have courage in

discouraging times.

A definition of the word “courage” could be: The ability to see victory, the ability to see

good things happen when things look bad and it looks like it never will change. Courage

means the ability to conquer fear or despair, bravery or being brave or a quality of mind

or temperament that enables one to stand fast in the face of opposition, hardship or


 This type of godly courage we are talking about, you could be in the face of danger but

you’ll still stand. In hardship, you’ll still stand. In every difficulty, you’ll still stand. You’ll

still trust God. You still won’t give up. You still won’t loose heart. You still won’t quit.

All Christians need godly courage, especially if we are going to possess what God has

promised us and in order to do what God wants us to do. If we don’t have courage, a lot

of times, we are not going to make it.

We can see this in operation in the life of Joshua in the Old Testament. God says, Joshua

1:6 Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shalt thou divide for an

inheritance the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give them.

Now I gave you a definition of courage: The ability to conquer fear or despair.

When God gives us something, it is not automatic. We all have an enemy that opposes

us. We must understand that. The faith life is a faith fight. And so therefore Christians

have to understand there are things that belong to us, yes; but if we don’t have the

courage to possess our inheritance and stay in faith, we are not going to make it. There

are a lot of Christians who have gotten discouraged and quit believing and trusting God

because it didn’t happen when they prayed two times. It is a faith fight we are required

to fight and so we have to trust God till we see the answer.

Paul said, “I fought a good fight. I kept the faith. I finished my course.”

 This fight of faith has to be finished. In the process of starting the fight and finishing of 

the fight there are going to be times, even though it is yours and God already said it is

yours, if you don’t have the courage or the trust in God to stay in there you will never

arrive there. That is why he kept telling Joshua to be of good courage even though God

called it an inheritance. He said, Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people

shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give

them. (Joshua 1:6) Even though God gave it to them and even though it was an

inheritance, He knew there was going to be things or situations that were going to

oppose them in going into what was rightfully theirs.


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Even when you see it in the Word, you know it is yours; but it doesn’t look like you can

get there sometimes. That’s the time you are going to have to have good courage.

Remember Hebrews 10:36 For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will

of God, ye might receive the promise. KJV That’s what He is talking about. You are going

to have to have this courage.

In life you are going to have opposition for there is no utopia land where nothing is going

to challenge you. You are going to be challenged, but developing godly courage, you’ll

know how to trust God.

One of the things that God emphasized about His courage, He says, “My Presence will be

with you.” That should bring courage to us right there. “My Presence will be with you.”

He goes on in the seventh verse: Joshua 1:7 Only be thou strong and very courageous,

So it’s another way He is saying, “Be of good courage.” Courage causes you to walk in

God’s Word. You can stay in God’s Word by having courage. He said it to him again.

 Joshua 1:9 Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid,…

A lack of courage will bring fear. Joshua 1:9 ….be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed:

Dismay means to cause to loose courage. In other words, to be “shaken” or “shook”.

 The Lord is saying, “Don’t be shook if it doesn’t look like it is going to work out. Don’t be

shaken if it doesn’t happen tomorrow. Be strong and be of good courage or stay in

there. It has to happen sooner or later.”

So often we believe after four prayers that’s it. No, God didn’t say, “I am going to answer

after four prayers.” God said, “I answered after the first prayer.” But there are enemiesof your soul, your mind who want to deceive you into thinking that it didn’t happen. But

it happened the first time that you prayed, if you prayed in faith. Now you are just going

to need courage to wait on God.

Studying God’s Word will get us acquainted with God and what He has promised us and

then you will find courage for each situation. You will find promises of God to you to help

your soul, mind, will and emotions stay in courage and also the Holy Spirit will then be

able to bring to your remembrance those scriptures you find for each opportunity to be


Here’s really a good scripture that has encouraged me in my opportunities to bediscouraged: John 16:33 I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have

[perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress

and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]!

For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have

conquered it for you.] AMP Here is another one: 1 John 5:4-5 For whatever is born of 

God is victorious over the world; and this is the victory that conquers the world, even our

faith. 5 Who is it that is victorious over [that conquers] the world but he who believes

that Jesus is the Son of God [who adheres to, trusts in, and relies on that fact]? AMP All

these scriptures have to do with courage.

 You might be discouraged. Life has rolled on your back, trying to catch a ride. A monkeygets on your back with unshakeable arms and he just rides, rides, rides and you are tired


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of it. So I ask the Holy Spirit right now to take that monkey off of your back so you can

now ride the monkey.

I am going to give you some principles to work on your courage and here is one of them.

 The Lord told Joshua, “It is your inheritance. I have given you the land but it won’t come

to you automatically.” So you have to understand that, when you are dealing with thingsin life, they are not going to just bow down to you automatically. You cannot be a coward

and always cop out. If you want to operate in God’s courage, you can’t be a coward but

rather you’ve got to stand up.

Sometimes you are facing extremities, things extremely wrong. When you do, I hope

that you catch this, “Face God”. And when you face God, you are going to see your

victory He already has planned for you.

 Things look like they are extremely wrong. Not just wrong, extremely gone wrong. That’s

the time you have got to operate in courage.

God wants you to get to where you see where you are supposed to be, where He has

planned all along for you to be. And I know there are going to be things strung out along

the way to tell you, “You can’t get there.” It might be a habit you have to break or

something that you are dealing with; but I want you to know that you can do it. If you

are believing for something for a loved one, I want you to know it can happen.

A person facing an extremity can find that it’s a God opportunity. When you face up to

the fact, “I can’t do any more about this, but I am going to just keep my face turned

toward God.” This creates God an opportunity to do something for you that He would not

ever be able to do for you, because you try to do so much for yourself. And as long as

you are just dependent on yourself, then God can’t step in. But when you find out, “Thisis extremely too hard for me. I’m going to turn to God in faith and trust Him and have

courage.” Then and then only does it become God’s opportunity.

Now remember we said, “There’s no failure in God.” And God knew Joshua had to face

 Jericho, he had to face a lot of things before he got his rightful inheritance.

 You see something in the Bible God has promised you but you just can’t go there. You

hear a message and you get charged up but when you get in your car and get to the

house; it’s like something came out of the plug. But it is still yours. You’ve got to have

courage. In the anointing everybody can shout. But the anointing is to boost you into

trusting God.

So when you are facing a situation that looks like it is not going to work out, always

remember I told you, “That’s God’s opportunity.” Glory to God! If something seems like

it doesn’t want to work, something doesn’t want to turn loose, something that you have

seen that the Lord has said in a dream that belonged to you and when you reach out it’s

like something is pushing you back; remember, this is a God’s opportunity. Rest in Him.

Rest in Him. Rest in Him.

If you look the extremity in the face and you have courage; you will behold the face of 

God. When you develop courage, you’ll look at something that is holding your life back

and you will see God. Therefore you cannot become discouraged; because when you see


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God you know it is going to be all right. How can I look at something that is holding me

and see God? You have to develop courage in God which develops bravery.

 You must look the extremity in the face, that thing which says, “This is the farthest you

can go.” If you look at it right, with courage, you’ll behold the face of God. And then God

will say, “All right, that is what it is saying; but don’t pay it any mind, give it none of yourattention. When you do this you will go to another level you cannot go academically.

 That’s why it looks like it’s tough. But once you train yourself to trust God to that

magnitude, when you see something pressing you; you will understand and say, “God is

about to do something,” instead of break down and cry and saying, “I wonder what I’m

going to do? I have done all I could do.” You have to train yourself to come to the end of 

yourself. That’s the only way you are going to see God move in any situation.

In weight training you go from one weight to another to get to another level. It might be

hard to pick up a weight the first time but you can in time.

When you run out of yourself; you run into God. That’s what I am saying. Don’t thinkyou have to do everything yourself. You don’t have enough strength. You’ve got to run

out. If you don’t run out, God will never have any reason to step in. But humanly

thinking, we don’t want to run out. But God has it set up that you’ve got to run out of 

self; because you being able to do it is one of your greatest hold backs from doing what

God wants you to do. You have a God who can and will pull you out of any and every

situation! Until you have come to end of yourself and what you can do; you are not

going to know this is what God can and wants to do for you. You’ve got to have courage

or you’re not going to know what God can do! You’ve got to get to the point where you

know that when opposition is real strong, that God is about to stretch you.

 You’ve been discouraged before. Everybody has been discouraged before, but the Lordwants you to be of good courage. Have godly courage. Be brave when it looks like your

prayers are not working. Be brave when it looks like the scriptures are not working. Be

brave because they are!

 Joshua 1:3-5 Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given

unto you, as I said unto Moses. 5 There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all

the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor

forsake thee. KJV

 You need to take that scripture as your own. That’s a good pill there. Take that. Take

verse 5 please. Take verse 5 please. Please take verse 5, please. Take it. Come on

take it. Swallow it. Swallow it! It is yours to take and to swallow!

Notice what God said there. “There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all

the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor

forsake thee.” Then God said, “Now be strong and of good courage.” You can be strong

and of good courage when God says, “I am going to be with you.” Do you see that?

Having courage to face the extremity, the thing that is really facing you, you will be

rewarded by beholding the face of God!

Some of my biggest triumphs came out of moments that it seemed like I was paralyzedand I couldn’t do nothing more. But I kept looking at it with courage and I saw God. And


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so I had courage in God and kept my courage in God and God in His own miraculous way

has brought me out of situation after situation after situation! Glory to God!

 That’s why David was able to have courage when he met Goliath; because he had fought

a bear he knew he never whipped. He had fought a lion he knew he didn’t whip. So it

gave him courage. He said, “Now if I whipped that lion but I know I didn’t, if I whippedthe bear but I know I didn’t; then I can whip this giant even though I know I didn’t whip

him.” And all you have to know is that you didn’t. Do you understand what I am saying?

 You have to know that you didn’t get yourself out of situations you faced before. Some

of the things you thought that you did, you didn’t.

A person driven to an extremity usually finds that he has exhausted all that human

strength and skill have to offer, so he arrives at his wits end only to discover supernatural

strength and power in God.

In other words, being of good courage; God knew there was going to come a time Joshua

was going to be at the end of his wits, end of his prayer, end of his confession, end of hisorganized army, and end of his ability to be a captain. God knew that he was going to

come to the end of that and when he recognized that he was at the end, he was not to

panic because he was at the human end but God’s strength and God’s power would step


Let me promise you something. You will never be in a situation where you are stuck and

you can’t get out. You will never be in a situation that you can’t overcome if you

recognize that when you come to your end it is at God’s begin. And guess what? God

does not have any end. So God’s strength and God’s power sometimes waits till we run

out. That’s His plan. Because if you are able to keep making something happen, you

need to realize once and for all that you can’t. You are just wasting your time and effort. You aren’t going to make everything happen. You need God! And God needs for you to

 just give up and trust Him! There are times you are going to face things that are going

to bring you to the end of you. Some people are not mature enough spiritually when they

come to the end of themselves and it’s over. Do you see what I mean? That’s why the

Bible says in Mark 11:22 Have faith in God. The Bible doesn’t say, “Have faith in

yourself.” No. “Have faith in God.” Do you see that? Have faith in God.

Now a lot of times you think you have faith in God but you have faith in your faith. And

that is why we have Galatians 2:20, Jesus’ faith. It’s different.

We must arrive at our wit’s end only to discover supernatural strength and power!

Naturally, you can come to the end of your body’s ability, like when a runner is running.

 They draw their last breath and somewhere some other wind came and they hit another


 That’s what God wants you to do. Run out of wind so He can give you extra wind when

you have run out of all you can do and the enemy is right on your heels. You were on

your own; you had fought all you could and the enemy of sickness and disease, death,

payment due, foreclosure, rebellious children, and on and on was on your heels; but God

will give you a second wind to finish with glorious victory.


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 You must always understand and remember, we can come to our wit’s end; but God

never comes to a wit’s end. Oh, glory! And you and I can have courage in Somebody like

that; Somebody who can’t fail, Somebody who never lost a battle, and Somebody who

never was and never will be a coward! God never has nor never will back up from

anything! God never has nor ever will back up from nobody!

David had courage to face Goliath, nine feet six inches tall; because David knew he

couldn’t do it. And the seeming giant you are facing, Jesus is on His way; just give up

trying to make it happen yourself!

 You have got to have courage in God now because this world is not going to get any


God knew it was going to get worse and worse what Joshua was going to face. So Joshua

had to have an image in his heart of what God told him that he was going to have, when

he was facing the worst moments and worst challenges of his life. He had to have good


When you are going through these times, don’t tells someone who doesn’t believe God

and stand on the Word of God for their own promises and would call you a fool. Some

will not even pray for you but feel sorry for you and you certainly don’t need that.

Listen to me again. When you arrive at the end of your wits or the end of your ability or

what appears to be an extremity; you will find that at the end of all your human

endeavors you’re at the beginning of God’s power. It just works that way. So hold on to

that truth. You may have to copy that sentence and others and tape them on your

bathroom mirror, your refrigerator, your car mirror or dashboard, your computer or

wherever you can look at it a lot and speak it into your situation.

Many of you are trusting God for a promise you saw in the Word of God, but sometimes

those promises coming into your life seem impossible. Don’t loose courage. God can do

it! He will do it! Are you listening to me?

So always remember God is never at the end of His wit, God knows no extremities and no

finalities because nothing is final with God. And really nothing is final with you unless

you believe it, accept it and you say so! So speak that the promises are the final result

in each of your situations! As a child of God you are promised to win; so don’t believe

anything else.

God’s help begins where human help ends. That’s why it is not good to depend on

people too much or get tight with a prayer partner because they can become your God.

 You don’t need their prayer or a word from them all the time. Get a word from God and

stand on it. You’ll never become mature in the things of God if you don’t. Build your own

courage with the Word of God and by trusting God. Don’t always try to find another


We find God’s help when we seem to be most helpless. And that means when we come

to the end of ourselves.

We must know for sure, in spite of everything, that we have faith for it is a gift from God,know for sure God loves us, and know for sure we have the Word of God, an anchor for


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our souls for these discouraging times. And yet by the same token, we need to know

that we have to depend on Him and can depend on Him when we become helpless to

ourselves. That’s why the Bible says, “Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God,”

and “Blessed are the meek”.

 The major problem in the life of some believers is we can’t come to the end of ourselves;and the world gives us lots of assistance, making us believe they can do it for us but they


Have courage in God. Be of good courage. Be strong in the Lord. For the Bible says,

“Finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Put on the whole

armor of God.

 There is power in godly courage for you at this time in your life. Have courage in this

time. Don’t be fearful but rather be brave in God. When the major challenges come be

brave in God. Tell God, “God I trust you. I have my courage in you.”

In my own personal life it seems like I have faced things that was a set up to cause me to

see the face of God. And I couldn’t take my eyes off of God’s face because I couldn’t do

any more; and by facing God then God’s opportunities started coming to me. I had

prayed and I kept trusting Him, kept praising Him and thanking Him for the answer. I

knew I couldn’t go any further. I had pulled every string, pushed every button, prayed

every prayer, and sang every song. You’ve been there. You know what I mean.

I am telling you right now, this is going to be some of your best moments. When you are

at the end of your wits, have courage. Don’t let anybody feel sorry for you. Keep

speaking loud what God has promised you and nothing else.

 There is a due season made for you that is awaiting you. Joy cometh in the morning for

those who have courage in God. Weeping will only endure for a season. That season

could be right now. “Be strong and of good courage, because joy cometh in the

morning.” I am not talking about a natural morning. I’m talking about a morning when

God steps which could be two or three in the afternoon. The joy of the Lord comes in on a

certain situation and you know that you have won a situation. Triumph comes through

trusting God, having courage and being strong in Him.

 Joshua 1:6 Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shalt thou divide for an

inheritance the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give them. KJV He told him he

was going to divide it. You also have something to do with it. And one of the majorthings to do with it is coming to the end of yourself.

Remember when Jesus said, “Deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow me.” One

place says, “Take it up daily.” That cross is really to crush you.

Remember what Jesus said on the cross? “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken

me?” The bible says He had to tread the winepress alone.

So when you are going through something that it looks like you are not getting out of it;

it’s only God letting you grow up. If you have a problem, stay in there with God.


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We cease to think of ourselves as we are driven to extremity when we look to God in our

time of need. We no longer think of ourselves as unable to overcome some adverse

condition when we realize that the Spirit of God is at hand, ready to assist us in whatever

we need to do. We no longer think of ourselves as unable, just like Joshua, but have

courage because we understand that whatever we face God is going to bring us through


 That’s why I told you, “There is no failure in God. There is no defeat in God. There’s no

deficiencies in God.”

When you have courage, you have the ability to conquer fear.

 The number one reason we seem to be driven to extremities is because we forget about


Matthew 11:25-30 At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of 

heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, (Andhas what?) and hast revealed them unto babes. 26 Even so, Father: for so it seemed

good in thy sight. 27 All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth

the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to

whomsoever the Son will reveal him. These words are words of revelation and words of a

rest, but it’s a revealed rest.

 Jesus told us, “Nobody knows the Son unless the Father reveals Him. Nobody knows the

Father unless the Son reveals Him.

 Jesus said, “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you

rest.” Saying this, He has given us a revelation of Himself for us. There’s a rest, but it’sa revelation of rest. Notice what He said, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I

am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” He is revealing

Himself. Not only do you have rest, but you have rest for your soul.

And then He made this statement, “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Very

few Christians are living this because they don’t have any courage.

He didn’t say, “Everything is going to be easy and everything is going to light.” He said,

“My yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Keeping good courage, being strong and being courageous is a revelation. You have tohave a revelation of the Christ, a revelation of Jesus, a revelation of the Holy Spirit, a

revelation of the Word in order to walk in or talk about “My yoke is easy and my burdens

are light.”

From a human perspective you will say, “There is no yoke that is easy.” That’s because

it has to become a revelation to you. You can’t just read that, “My yoke is easy and my

burdens are light.” You have to believe God and have courage to act like you don’t have

a problem; because you have the revelation that you can rest now because God is in

control of this situation that is beyond you and your ability to handle it.

I have many scriptures and confessions on my website you can meditate and speak whenyou are in an extreme situation and will help you maintain your godly courage.


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Confession: I am able to trust God because I have settled this in my heart: when I face

extremities I know it is God’s opportunity to step in as I continue to believe He is at

work. I live by faith and that simply means, I put our faith in God and His Word and

expect things to turn out just like God promised me in His Word. I am developed in godly

courage and this power is available to me in discouraging times. I always remind myself 

and know for sure there is no failure in God, there is no defeat in God, there is nodeficiency in God. And this is where I receive courage in discouraging times. Because I

have courage I have the ability to see victory, to see good things happen to me when

things look bad and it looks like things never will change. Through godly courage I have

the ability to conquer fear or despair, be brave and have a quality of mind or

temperament that enables one to stand fast in the face of every opposition, hardship or

danger. I realize if God has promised me something, it is not going to come to me

automatically. I realize I have an enemy and this is a faith fight. These things belong to

me and therefore I will have courage and stay in faith in order to possess my

inheritance. I will trust God till I see the answer. I will finish this fight of faith even

though through the process I might not understand everything; for God has already

assured me it is mine. I will be patient with expectation for after I have walked this out

with faith, I will receive the promise. Along with the promise of godly courage He told

me, “My Presence will be with you.” Because He is with me I am strong and of good

courage, I am not afraid, dismayed, shaken nor will I loose courage. I will not be shaken

if things look like they are not working or if something doesn’t happen tomorrow for I

know it will happen sooner or later. That’s why I study God’s Word and find out what He

has promised me; for then I find courage for each situation and my soul, mind, will and

emotions stay in courage and the Holy Spirit is able to bring scriptures to my

remembrance for each opportunity to be discouraged. I remember what Jesus has told

me, “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and

confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; butbe of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome

the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.] 1

 John 5:4-5 For whatever is born of God is victorious over the world; and this is the victory

that conquers the world, even our faith. 5 Who is it that is victorious over [that conquers]

the world but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God [who adheres to, trusts in, and

relies on that fact]? AMP I understand in dealing with things in my life, they are not

going to just bow down to me automatically; and so I will not be a coward and cop out

but rather operate in God’s courage. When I face extremities, I will face God and I will

see my victory coming. I remember, There’s no failure in God, this is God’s opportunity

to do something for me and now this is the time for me to rest in Him. I am reminded

that God is never at the end of His wit, God knows no extremities and no finalitiesbecause nothing is final with God. And really nothing is final with me! As a child of God I

am promised to win!

God’s help begins where human help ends for me. There is a due season made for me

and is awaiting me. The bible promises me that my weeping will only endure for a season

for joy cometh in the morning because I have courage in God. I will always remember, I

am able to overcome adverse conditions because I realize the Spirit of God

is at hand, ready to assist me in whatever I need to do. I no longer think I am unable to

get out of a situation, because I have courage and I understand that whatever I face God

is going to bring me through to victory. There is no failure in God, no defeat in God andno deficiencies in God. With courage I have the ability to overcome and conquer all fear.


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I will not be driven to extremities any more in my life because I remember Him. I enter

into the rest He promised me by revelation of Him, revelation of the anointing which is

the burden removing yoke destroying power of god, revelation of the Holy Spirit, and

revelation of the Word. And also I have revelation of and talk about His yoke being easy

and His burdens are light. I now have the courage to act like I don’t have a problem

because I have the revelation that I can now rest; because God is in control of everysituation I have given to him that is beyond me and my ability to handle it.

The Secret Power Of Speaking God's Word Is Out

By Janie Baer

In my search for keyword phrases to benefit my website with the search engines, I

discovered important information. That search revealed to me t

So I believe this is our adversary’s best kept secret from the Body of Christ. As a result,

the Body of Christ just survives in their circumstances and they even leave this earth

earlier than they were supposed to as a result of their lack of knowledge of the power of 

God’s Word coming out of their mouths.

Satan would cringe and run in fear if the Body of Christ would get up each morning and

instead of saying what things look like around them, they would instead say, “This is the

day the Lord has made for me. I know it is going to be great day because He made it for

me and He is with me all day and I will rejoice in it.”

What if, instead of considering physical aliments and speaking about how badly we feel

and empowering it with our words, we would say, “Lord Jesus, You bore my sickness,

weakness, and pains and by the stripes laid on Your back, I am healed and made whole.I speak to my body now, in the name of Jesus Christ, and I command healing and

wholeness promised to me by the Word of God.”

 Think what would happen with our finances if instead of saying what is in our wallet, we

would say, “I am a child of Father God and He said He would supply all of my needs

according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Now I know, Father, You do not lie to

me. I expect to see my needs supplied and I want to thank You ahead of time.”

Let’s not let the power contained in God’s Word and given to us for our daily use remain

a secret to us, hidden from us and start applying it to our health, family situations,

finances, or whatever we face in our day to day living. Let’s not let our adversary’s bestkept secret remain a secret to us. Let’s speak the Word of God and see our enemy run

away just like he did when Jesus spoke the Word of God to him. He just couldn’t stay

around the most powerful force of truth in the universe. The Word of God still makes him

run off when we speak it out of our mouths day after day and it still brings supernatural

results like only the Word of God can do.

 The secret is out on this website and on my CD, the power of the spoken Word of God!

Are you ready to bring change in your life? Then take the Bible off of the coffee table or

wherever it may be; take the words off of the pages of your Bible and speak them out of 

your mouth, allowing the power contained in those words produce supernatural results.


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I have recently added some scriptures on “prosperity”, “love”, and “in Him” that can aid

you in your confessions.

Speak The Word Of God Only

By Janie Baer

 You have probably read this passage in your Bible in Matthew 8:8, The centurion

answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but

speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed. KJV

"Speak the word only". I believe the Lord would speak those same words to us today in

2010 "Speak the Word only when you are sick. Speak the Word only and you will be

healed." If we are living in lack and debt, He would with assurance say to us, "Speak the

Word only and receive supernatural provision and freedom from your debt."

 Jesus very plainly told us in Matthew 4:4, But he answered and said, It is written, Man

shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

KJV Every word….speak the Word only, that is how we are to live.

Speaking the Word of God only is the way we experience supernatural results on a

regular basis. God showed us how to do it when He said, “Light be.” And there was light

that dispelled all the darkness. There was enough power in God’s word to create the


What if God had said, “My it is really dark out there.” What do you think would have

happened? It would have stayed dark. See, God knew the power of His words and even

though He could see the darkness, He also knew that to have light He had to speak,

“Light be.”

How about your world? Are you speaking the Word only or you looking at what is staring

you in the face? If you don’t like what you see, don’t speak that, rather speak the Word

of God only that has power in it to change all and I mean all that you see.

Mary, our Lord’s Mother, spoke to the angel announcing to her the conception of Jesus,

“Be it unto me according to thy Word.” She spoke this even though in her mind she

didn’t fully understand how it could happen. Then immediately after she spoke, the

power of the Holy Spirit came upon her and she conceived and the Word of God became

flesh. How powerful is that? Having said , “Be it according to thy Word,” and

immediately the Word was made flesh in her womb.

Speaking the Word of God only can have the same effect in our lives, if we will continue

to do it on a day to day basis. These bring to us also the supernatural provision, healing,

or help of any kind we need at any moment.

Father Abraham was our Father of faith. He lived by faith and was our example of living

by faith. God changed his name from Abram to Abraham, which means father of nations

or father of a multitude. He had to speak that name only. Can you imagine how

embarrassing that would be to introduce yourself, “Hello, I am Abraham,” and the person

responds, “Oh, how many children do you have?” And he didn’t have any children at


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that time at all. But he knew if he spoke that name, Abraham, only; then he could have

the multitude as God had promised.

 The Bible tells us in Romans 4:19-21 And being not weak in faith, he considered not his

own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness

of Sara's womb: 20 He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but wasstrong in faith, giving glory to God; 21 And being fully persuaded that, what he had

promised, he was able also to perform. KJV

 That is faith and faith is considering only and speaking only what God’s Word says about

us. We need to find those scriptures that reveal to us “who we are in Christ Jesus” and

speak those only. That would bring powerful results.

One thing I see that happens if we speak negative words over ourselves; we will get the

negative results of those words which will be what we don’t want. That is the power of 

our words. But again, if we speak the Word of God only on a day to day basis; we are

opening the door for the supernatural in our lives as did the centurion, Mary, Abraham,and our Lord.

Speak the Word only. We are going to be speaking some kind of words everyday any

way. So why not speak the Word of God only and get the results of the Word, which are

supernatural results.

I have recently added some scriptures on “prosperity”, “love”, and “in Him” that can aid

you in your confessions of God’s Word.

God's Word Is The Truth, The Whole Truth & Nothing But The Truth

By Janie Baer

 Jesus told us He was the truth. John 14:6-7, Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth,

and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. KJV Jesus is the truth. Jesus is

the living Word of God. What Jesus has told us is the truth.

We have to know and live in the truth that our lives now are in Christ Jesus, the living

Word. So whatever we encounter in our lives on planet earth may be a fact but God’s

Word is the truth about us, who are in Christ Jesus. Being born again, we took on a brand

new life. Jesus, the living Word of God, came that we could have this eternal life in Him

and have it more abundantly to the full till it overflowed into our natural lives and

circumstances. We are to no longer live our lives out of our soul and circumstances,

but we are to live our lives out of the revelation coming from our spirit that is alive with

the eternal life of God.

So now the Word of God is the truth about us:

 The Word of God is the truth about our financial matters. 2 Corinthians 8:9 For you are

becoming progressively acquainted with and recognizing more strongly and clearly the

grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (His kindness, His gracious generosity, His undeserved

favor and spiritual blessing), [in] that though He was [so very] rich, yet for your sakes He

became [so very] poor, in order that by His poverty you might become enriched(abundantly supplied). AMP This is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.


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 You may say, “Well the Word of God may be the truth but I have lack starring me in the

face.” You must remember that lack is a fact, but the truth about you is, Jesus became

poor so you could be enriched, abundantly supplied. You don’t deny the fact of lack, but

you must deny it the right to be in your life. You must allow the truth that you are

enriched, abundantly supplied bring you to the place where it is more real, so the

supernatural can operate for you. There are a lot more avenues God can open up to youin the supernatural of finances that you don’t have available to you living out of your soul

and natural ways of handling things. You can’t afford to concentrate on the lack. You

must allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you by the truth of the Word of God and thereby

make clear the avenue the anointing has opened up to you to remove the burden and

destroy the yoke.

 The Word of God is the truth about our health matters. The truth about our health is:

Isaiah 53:5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and

iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon

Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole. AMP

 There are times our bodies encounter sickness, disease, pain, etc. That is a fact. But the

real truth about a Christian is Jesus bore all of it for us and by the stripes that wounded

Him we are healed. So how do we get the pain to leave and the disease to leave our

bodies? We take the truth of this scripture and others as our medicine and speak it out

of our mouths, declaring this is the truth about us. We don’t deny the fact of symptoms

on our bodies, but we do deny them the right to stay in or on our bodies.

If we were to ask Father God the question if we were sick, He would tell us, “No, you are

healed by the stripes of Jesus.” If we were to ask Father God if we were in lack, He would

always refer back to the truth that Jesus became poor to make us enriched abundantly


Making the Word of God the truth about us will open the door for the supernatural to

work; bringing avenues of prosperity that could never have been available handling it in

a natural way. Making the Word of God the truth of our healing and wholeness because

of Jesus will open the door for the anointing power of God to be released through the

scriptures for our bodies.

Our faith must be in the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. And God made

that easy when He gave us the gift of the God kind of faith. So we have the faith and we

use it to believe. Accept the truth of the Word of God and start speaking and acting like

it. That is believing. This is a truth that will set you free to receive everything from God.

 The Word of God is the truth about us in all areas of our lives in this earth. 2 Peter 1:3

According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and

godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: KJV

Father God has given to us, who are in Christ Jesus, all things that pertain to life and

godliness. We must come to the knowledge of all that we are in Christ Jesus for this is

the truth. Then we can deal with all the facts in our lives by the knowledge of Him.

Let’s speak this truth about ourselves: God's Word is the truth about me. There may

be many facts in circumstances I face in this life, but in this life I don't live out of my

soul but out of my spirit. Therefore, there are not just facts alone, but the truth of who I


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am and what I have in Christ Jesus now on this earth. This is more real to me than the

facts. I don't face those facts alone. I face those facts with the Word of God, which is the

truth about me in my new life in Christ Jesus. Now that I realize the truth, the whole truth

and nothing but the truth; my life I now live in Christ Jesus. I am living out of my spirit

with abundant revelation and not out of my soul. Out of these revelations of the truth of 

God's Word, I have all the answers, all the solutions, all the provision, all the health,every thing I will ever need. This makes me an over comer over every fact of life. As

 Jesus the Word of God is, so am I in this world and I am already seated with Him in

Heavenly places living the high life of the spirit as a result of the Word of God and the

Spirit of God Who lives in me now. The Word of God is the truth, the whole truth and

nothing but the truth about me and my circumstances.

I have recently added some scriptures on “prosperity”, “love”, and “in Him” that can aid

you in your confessions of God’s Word.

Faith Means Living Outside Of Time

By Janie Baer

Romans 12 tells us not to be conformed to this world but be transformed by renewing

our minds to the Word of God so that we can prove what is the good and acceptable

and perfect will of God for our lives.

Did you know scientists say a star that explodes in the universe, which you can see from

earth, actually took place some 300 years ago. It took time for us to be able to see it on

this earth. It’s the same in the Kingdom of God concerning our healing, deliverance,

prosperity, and even Jesus’ dying on the cross for our sins. The scriptures tell us, “…the

Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Revelation 13:8). It all took place before

the foundation of the world. How could it happen? Simple, to God there is no time.

 The Bible tells us, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Genesis1:1). Everything that we see in the earth – birds, flowers, trees – were a part of God’s

creation. Time also, as we know it, is a creation of God. It is defined by days, months,

years, and seasons (Genesis 1:14). God, who is called The Eternal in some Bible

translations, created time but He Himself has no time. He exists outside of time. God

is no older today than He was a million years ago. Hours and minutes mean nothing to

Him. He lives in the eternal NOW (2 Peter 3:8).

 Time was designed and created specifically for this earth. God then created man in His

own image, after His likeness, and gave him dominion over all the earth (Genesis 1:26).

"…over all the earth” includes time. Yes, "time" was under man's authority. Have

you heard the expression, "Time is money?" Well, the truth is, time is temporal. Temporal

means, "having limited existence." It means "subject to change." We get our word

"temporary" from it. God gave the earth over to mankind, which included time, and gave

him dominion over it. Now you can see that time, like money, was made to serve

man, not man made to serve time.

When I think of serving time, I think of being behind bars. Time can make you a prisoner

waiting for the answer, healing, finances, etc. So we can make time serve us by using

our faith in God and His promises and then time will serve us, for with faith there is no

more time.

Well, how did things get turned upside down? Why does mankind, who was given

dominion over time, have to wait on time and conform to the natural process of time?


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When someone breaks a bone it takes time for it to heal but when someone releases

their faith for healing for that person and takes authority over time; the arm will be

healed instantly. That is the difference between faith and natural healing. There is no

more time. We all from time to time need something done immediately and so this is

really good news.

Faith is a gift to us to dominate time and matter on this earth. Faith is also a spiritual law

that supersedes all natural laws when put into operation.

When Adam, the first man God created, sinned in the garden he fell from his God given

place of dominion, and having the mind of The “Eternal” God, to limited cursed-based

thinking and seeing things through the natural progression of time. So then time began

ruling and subduing everything and everybody on earth. God had a plan called the “plan

of redemption,” where man could “redeem the time” and be restored, through Jesus

Christ, to his authority over the earth and over time. God gave man a higher law than

time. It’s called faith. Faith elevates man above the limits of time and matter. It

determines when things will happen, not time.And faith is always NOW. This is really encouraging to know because now when we think of living by faith, we can

realize that we can call time and realize living by faith makes it be ours now, present


Nowhere in the Bible does it say, “You’re going to be healed.” No! It says, " whose

stripes ye were healed" (I Peter 2:24). In the Book of Joel it says, "Let the weak say,

I am strong," not putting it off in our future and say “…I’m going to be strong

someday.” (Joel 3:10) No. In God’s mind, it’s already done, and faith agrees with God

and we need to agree with God. The way we get the promises of God into our lives is by

faith. We agree with God. This is why some Christians don’t see the miracles or their

blessings manifested. They refuse to accept that whatever God is going to do for

them, He’s already done (Isaiah 46:10). Remember, faith has no future. If you are

thinking and speaking future, then you’re not in faith. If you are not in faith,

then time will rule over your life and make you wait.

In Mark, a Greek (Syrophenician) woman besought Jesus and got Him to cast the devil

out of her daughter even though it was not her time (the Gospel was for the Jew first,

Romans 1:16). By faith, she moved the hand of time from the future to the

“NOW,” and her daughter was delivered.

As believers, we must change our thinking from serving time to dominating time.

Renewing our minds to what would normally take a year, can now take a day. If you are

hearing and seeing through the veil of time, you are hearing and seeing through the veilof the curse. The opposite is also true, if you are hearing and seeing it done NOW then

you are hearing and seeing it through the law of FAITH.

Many people never realized their dreams or fulfilled their destinies because they simply

ran out of time?

I decree right NOW, “You shall no longer serve time, but time shall serve you,” in Jesus’


So "... be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing

of your mind...?(Romans 12:2).

 Jesus did not conform to this world or allow the laws of this world to govern Him. He hada NOW mentality. “Today” was one of His favorite words. “Straightway” and


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“Immediately” were words that most often described the timing of miracles He

performed in the Gospel of Mark.

If there is something in your life that you’ve been praying about, waiting for, or hoping to

happen someday, you need to remember every one of God’s promises are available to

you NOW. If Father God had intended for us to live by natural time, He never would

have given us faith.Let’s make this confession: I am NOW no longer conformed to this world nor do the laws

of this world, including time, NOW govern my life or me. I have been given authority

over time and matter NOW; therefore I NOW no longer serve time, wait on time nor

conform to the natural process of time that’s in the will of God. I am the just and I live by

faith. Father God has given me the gift of faith. So I NOW don’t have to live by natural

time dominating my life’s situations since by faith I NOW take authority and dominion

over time and situations and time serves me. I am NOW healed and made whole by the

stripes of Jesus. I NOW lend to many and I don’t have to borrow ever again. My bills are

paid in full NOW for I owe no man anything NOW but to love them. Wealth and riches

are in my house NOW. I am NOW the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I NOW have

the mind of Christ. I NOW have overcome the world for greater is He Who is in

me NOW then he that is in the world. All of my needs are NOW met, including food,

shelter, gasoline, etc., according to my Father’s riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Hallelujah! I NOW no longer serve time but time serves me.

The Blessing Of The Kingdom Will Make You Rich

By Janie Baer

Some Christians may not know for sure God wants them to be rich but the Bible leaves

no question about whether or not Christians are supposed to be rich. The Bible tells uswe are not only to be spiritual rich but we are to be rich financially, experience financial

wealth and have abundance of prosperity with plenty of money, plenty of gold and silver

and plenty of the wealth of this earth.

On my site,, I have listed scripture after scripture that confirm

without a doubt that God wants Christians rich. Here are just a few:

Proverbs 10:22 The blessing of the Lord — it makes [truly] rich, and He adds no sorrow

with it [neither does toiling increase it]. AMP

Proverbs 8:18 Riches and honor are with me, enduring wealth and righteousness

(uprightness in every area and relation, and right standing with God). AMPPsalms 112:1-3 Praise ye the LORD. Blessed is the man that feareth the LORD, that 

delighteth greatly in his commandments. 2 His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the

generation of the upright shall be blessed. 3 Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and

his righteousness endureth for ever. KJV 

2 Corinthians 8:9 For you are becoming progressively acquainted with and recognizing

more strongly and clearly the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (His kindness, His gracious

generosity, His undeserved favor and spiritual blessing), [in] thatthough He was [so very]

rich, yet for your sakes He became [so very] poor, in order that by His poverty you might 

become enriched (abundantly supplied). AMP

 The promises in these verses are even for those in third-world countries, those with no

training and even those who can’t even earn a minimum wage. It can be done by THEBLESSING of the Lord.


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If you will notice above in the scripture, Proverbs 10:22, it doesn’t tell us a good job or a

good economy makes a person rich, it doesn’t tell us a degree from an exclusive

university can make us rich, nor does it tell us even a résumé full of worldly credentials

makes a person rich. No, the Bible tells us it is THE BLESSING that makes a person rich.

What I am saying is, Christians have to realize what THE BLESSING of the Lord is and thepower contained in THE BLESSING that makes rich them rich. You begin to see the

power of THE BLESSING when you look at Genesis 1:28,

Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply,

and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion KJV 

God speaking THE BLESSING over Adam and Eve gave to mankind enough of His creative

glory and power to sustain, uphold and prosper all creation forever. With THE BLESSING

He released all the divine resources needed for Adam to expand the Garden of Eden until

it filled up the whole earth.

God even rested on the seventh day and not because he was tired but because He wasfinished. After He released THE BLESSING He didn’t have to come back to the Garden

every day and bless Adam and Eve’s every endeavor. With THE BLESSING given to them

He could just rest and enjoy their fellowship, watch them exercise their dominion and

 THE BLESSING would do what He designed it to do for them.

Of course all of us know Adam sinned and messed up THE BLESSING plan of God. When

Adam sinned he bowed his knee to the devil and instead of THE BLESSING working for

him he had to start working under the curse of toiling for his living. But Adam’s sin didn’t

stop God from starting over again with his plan to get THE BLESSING back on all mankind

where it always was supposed to be and where God so desired it to be.

I want this article to cause you to realize from now on that God’s will from the very

beginning of His creation was that His children would be BLESSED and He hasn’t changed

His mind nor His will since then.

After the Flood, recorded in Genesis 6:17-22; 9:1, God started over once again with His

plan to bless mankind through Noah’s family. God releasing THE BLESSING on Noah’s

family said the same thing He said to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden,

Genesis 9:1 AND GOD pronounced a blessing upon Noah and his sons and said to them,

Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. AMP

Since Noah’s sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth represented all races, all peoples, and allnations that would live on this earth, that would include us since we came from these

sons; all mankind was once again BLESSED.

But the two sons Ham and Japheth departed from God’s ways just like Adam. Instead of 

obeying Him and trusting in THE BLESSING to prosper them; they started their own

system of commerce which we see in the world’s system today of working and toiling for

a living and looking out for old number one. It has to be that way because in that kind of 

system of working and toiling a person has to try whatever they can do to meet their own

needs without God. In that system people try to satisfy their spiritual needs with

material things which is materialism, but they call it prosperity. The person working out

of the world’s system believes that in order for them to be blessed they must be rich and


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BLESSING into your life and delivered you out of the cursed based, toiling, failing world

system where you are on your own to make a living. You are released today, if you will

place your faith in THE BLESSING, by the grace of God into THE BLESSING Adam, Noah,

Melchizedek and Abraham and their families lived in and became very rich.

Isn’t that the best news you have heard in a long time? I am ready to hear some goodeconomic news, how about you? We are only going to hear this good economic news out

of the Kingdom of God that operates with THE BLESSING. This Kingdom operates in any

nation of the world today for any person who will receive Jesus as their Savior and make

Him the Lord of their lives.

If you haven’t done so, just pray this simple prayer,

 Jesus I confess I am a sinner but I believe that You died on the cross in order to pay the

 penalty for my sins and that You arose from the dead so that I could live a brand new life

in You. Come into my life, Lord Jesus Christ. I give you complete control of my life.

If you have prayed that simple prayer please let me know at I would like to send you some materials to help you further in your new life in Christ


What I just shared with you from Galatians 3:13,14 is the good news every Christian

needs to hear today so they are not struggling financially along with the rest of the

world. Because THE BLESSING is now in operation in our lives we are released from that

failing system of commerce the son’s of Noah, Ham and Japheth originated. We don’t

have to come up with ways to get financial increase. We have, by Jesus Christ, been

born again to live in a new Kingdom that has a prosperous, unfailing economy. Every

Christian in any nation facing any bad economy, having received the promise of the Holy

Spirit and possessing the very nature of God and God’s abilities by THE BLESSING is

freed from working and sweating for a living like those still under the cursed world’s

system. Christians living in the Kingdom of God have THE BLESSING making them rich.

And instead of working for a living they can now spend their time daily doing their God

given assignments.

I want to repeat over and over, THE BLESSING will operate for any Christian in any

economy, anytime and anywhere they are. Christians cooperating with THE BLESSING,

walking in faith and love will experience the New Testament prosperity no matter the

circumstances around them. Here is the guarantee,

2 Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to make all grace (every favor and earthly blessing)

come to you in abundance, so that you may always and under all circumstances and

whatever the need be self-sufficient [possessing enough to require no aid or support and

furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation]. AMP

Do you still have doubts about all of this? Then you need to know what the BLESSING did

for Abraham. God sent Abraham to a foreign land with no family, no established

business connections and with nothing to depend on but THE BLESSING; and here is what

happened to him,

Genesis 13:2 Now Abram was extremely rich in livestock and in silver and in gold. AMP

 THE BLESSING worked the same way for Abraham’s son, Isaac. God having released THE

BLESSING on Isaac; he sowed in a land experiencing famine and received a hundredfoldreturn on the crop he sowed for and then it didn’t stop there,


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Genesis 26:12-13 Then Isaac sowed seed in that land and received in the same year a

hundred times as much as he had planted, and the Lord favored him with blessings. 13

 And the man became great and gained more and more until he became very wealthy 

and distinguished; AMP

 This scripture ought to be an encouraging word for those of you who live in an

impoverished nation. Famine may be in your land but if you do what God tells you to do THE BLESSING will kick in. And no matter what is going on around you with God and with

 THE BLESSING working in your behalf what happened for Isaac in the next scripture can

happen for you. You have the same BLESSING working for you!

He got so wealthy the king asked him to leave his country,

Genesis 26:16 And Abimelech asked Isaac to leave the country. "Go somewhere else," he

said, "for you have become too rich and powerful for us." NLT 

Did you notice in this scripture that this man, Abimelech, living out of the world’s system

of finances had to ask a covenant man with THE BLESSING to leave his town because this

covenant man was too rich and too powerful to stay there?

With this same BLESSING on us, people around us should take notice of the wealth and

the power of THE BLESSING in our lives. That’s when we can do some real evangelism.

For that’s the purpose of THE BLESSING in our lives that people ask us, “Who is your

God?” Then we don’t have to try and get them to receive a track or try and get them to

go to church with us. They will volunteer to go to church with us or anywhere else,

simply to be around us and see THE BLESSING making us rich. Every person on the face

of the earth is looking for this kind of BLESSING in their lives because God created every

person to want to prosper and be reliant on Him so He could bless them.

Isaac’s son Jacob experienced the same kind of prosperity under THE BLESSING. Havingleft home at a young age with just the clothes on his back (Sounds like what people

experience today a lot of times.), he worked for 14 years for his father-in-law who always

was cheating him financially. But in spite of this man’s thievery, with THE BLESSING

operating in his life he continued to increase until he experienced financially just what his

father and grandfather had experienced with the same BLESSING and became

exceedingly prosperous.

Genesis 30:43 Thus the man increased and became exceedingly rich, and had many 

sheep and goats, and maidservants, menservants, camels, and donkeys. AMP

If what I have already shared with you doesn’t convince you that THE BLESSING makes

any person rich just look at Jacob’s son, Joseph. He’s next in line for THE

BLESSING to work for him and hopefully if you will believe in THE BLESSING for you, you

will be next in line.

 Joseph was the only son of Jacob who truly believed in THE BLESSING, received THE

BLESSING and operated in THE BLESSING. THE BLESSING got Joseph out of many

situations including a time his brothers tried to kill him. Instead of killing him his

brothers sold him as a slave and he ended up in the house of an Egyptian, Potiphar.

 This man recognized THE BLESSING of the Lord on Joseph’s life and saw that whatever

 Joseph did prospered so he put him in charge of his estate. He hadn’t been trained to do


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this job but THE BLESSING taught him how to do it so well Potiphar didn’t even supervise

his work.

Potiphar’s wife accused Joseph of wrong doing and so Joseph ended up in prison. But

even in prison THE BLESSING worked for Joseph and the Holy Spirit trained him how to

operate the prison and before long the keeper of the prison turned the whole prison overto Joseph. You may be in jail today and reading this article, but with God and THE

BLESSING in operation for you; if you are willing like Joseph, it will deliver you into your

assignment for God and the prosperity of God. Just have some hope today in THE

BLESSING and in your God given assignment to promote you.

 The same thing is true for anyone no matter where God places you on your assignment.

 THE BLESSING will teach you how to do a job better than anyone else can do in the

business and cause promotions you wouldn’t normally get and so readily.

Let’s read about THE BLESSING showing up in prison,

Genesis 39:21-23 But the Lord was with Joseph, and showed him mercy and loving-

kindness and gave him favor in the sight of the warden of the prison. 22 And the warden

of the prison committed to Joseph's care all the prisoners who were in the prison; and

whatsoever was done there, he was in charge of it. 23 The prison warden paid no

attention to anything that was in [Joseph's] charge, for the Lord was with him and made

whatever he did to prosper. AMP

Are you getting a good picture of what THE BLESSING can do in your life as well? Get

excited about THE BLESSING working in your life too!

We’re not even finished with what THE BLESSING did in Joseph’s life.

 Years later when Pharaoh had a dream, THE BLESSING reminded Pharaoh’s cupbearer,

who was a former prison mate of Joseph; that Joseph could interpret dreams. Joseph

interpreted Pharaoh’s dream.

 The interpretation of the dream revealed to Pharaoh there was a great famine coming to

his nation and the interpretation also gave Pharaoh a plan for provision for his nation that

would take them through the famine.

So THE BLESSING brought promotion to Joseph again. He became the next most

powerful man in the nation. With THE BLESSING Joseph wound up with the world’s

greatest storehouse of wealth under his command.

I want to remind you again that all of the wealth that came to these men

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph came because of THE BLESSING operating in their


Galatians 3:14 tells every Christian that the same BLESSING has now come on them!

 THE BLESSING has come on everyone who has received Jesus Christ as the Lord of their


Galatians 3:14 To the end that through [their receiving] Christ Jesus, the blessing[promised] to Abraham might come upon the Gentiles,….AMP


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Can you now see why, if you never believed it before, every single Christian no matter

where they are in the world is supposed to be rich; because every single Christian no

matter where they are in the world is BLESSED with THE BLESSING and it’s THE

BLESSING that is making them rich!

 This is so different from the world’s way of thinking that they are blessed because theyare rich and then they have to work so hard to make it happen.

God is telling Christians in this earth today, “No matter where you find yourself, you are

rich because you are BLESSED with THE BLESSING! And as a result of THE BLESSING

making you rich, you are not to seek after riches like the world does but instead you are

to act like God did on the seventh day of Creation and simply entered into “the rest” of 

faith and let THE BLESSING go to work for you! Find your assignment and don’t work

there for a living but work for a giving and let THE BLESSING go to work for you there and

increase you and increase the ministry, the business, etc.”

Christians need to hear good news like this every day but they won’t hear it outside of God’s Word.

We are not to labor for a living for this is the only labor we are to do in this earth,

Hebrews 4:9-11 There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.10 For he that is

entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his ownworks, as God did from his.11 Let 

us labour therefore to enter into that rest…. KJV 

God never intended for Christians to spend their time and efforts gathering up riches for

themselves but rather He intended for them to labor in the Word, developing their faith

to the point that they enter into His rest and just let THE BLESSING increase them.

By saying that I don’t mean Christians don’t have to work. Instead of Christians working

“for a living”, we will be working on assignments from God and doing what He tells us to

do. And if He sends us to a job that pays minimum wage we must not complain. We

must realize God has sent us there to bring THE BLESSING and the Kingdom operation

through us to that place of business.

All we need to do is obey God and do our assignment and THE BLESSING will see to our

prosperity. We could even end up owning the business. So we should start thanking God

instead of complaining that He has sent us there. This is not a theory. It really works.

 You may be so financially challenged today, but if you will recognize THE BLESSING of Abraham has come on you through Christ; just like Abraham and his descendents it will

make you rich. The financial lack will only be temporary with THE BLESSING of Abraham

working for you.

Realize that living by faith in THE BLESSING will do the same for you it did for Abraham

when he put his faith in it.

Let’s allow God through THE BLESSING to give us a testimony just like Abraham and his

descendents of THE BLESSING making us rich.

So now is the time for us to put our faith in THE BLESSING so that it can go to work for usand make us rich immediately!


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Let’s make this confession: I am blessed coming in and I am blessed going out. THE

BLESSING of the Lord makes me rich! I am not blessed because I am rich but I am rich

because I am blessed.

Here are some confessions to help with your faith in THE BLESSING and see it operate in

your life:

 The Bible leaves no question in my mind God wants me as a Christian to be rich. (2

Corinthians 8:9; 9:8 AMP Galatians 3:13,14,29)

 The scriptures leave me no doubt that I can and will prosper no matter if I am in a third-

world country, have no training or can’t even earn a minimum wage for it will be done by

 THE BLESSING of the Lord. (Proverbs 10:22 AMP; 2 Corinthians 8:9; 9:8 AMP)

Proverbs 10:22 tells me having a good job in a good economy, having a degree from an

exclusive university nor even having a résumé full of worldly credentials can make me

rich but it is THE BLESSING that makes a person rich.

I realize what THE BLESSING of the Lord is and the powerful contained in THE BLESSING.

(Genesis 1:28)

I was included when God spoke THE BLESSING over Adam and Eve in the Garden; giving

them enough of His creative glory and power to sustain, uphold and prosper all creation.

(Genesis 1:28)

With THE BLESSING God has released to me all the divine resources I need to expand the

Kingdom in the earth. (Genesis 1:28; 2 Corinthians 9:8 AMP)

God’s will is that I be BLESSED and He will never change His mind about it. (Galatians


Instead of working and toiling to get ahead financially, I mediate the Word, developing

my faith in THE BLESSING and into God’s rest, allow THE BLESSING go to work and

increase me. (Hebrews 4:3-11; 2 Corinthians 8:9, 9:8AMP)

I operate in the Kingdom of God with THE BLESSING making me rich instead of working

out of that toil based system to meet my needs. (Matthew 6:33, 2 Corinthians 9:8 AMP,

Philippians 4:19)

I no longer think like those operating in the world’s system, that I am blessed because I

am rich and then have to struggle under that failing system to make money; but it is THE

BLESSING that is making me rich and there is no sorrow added to it. (Psalms 73:12;

Proverbs 10:22 AMP)

I know for sure I have THE BLESSING of Abraham operating in my life wherever I live in

the world because Galatians 3:13,14, 29 tells me THE BLESSING of Abraham came on me

when Jesus on His cross purchased my freedom from the curse of working for a living.

(Galatians 3:13,14,29)


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No matter the economic situation, no matter my level of education and no matter my

employment opportunities; the BLESSING is making me rich right now! (Genesis 26:12-

13; 2 Corinthians 8:9; 9:8 AMP)

 THE BLESSING has released me from the failing system of commerce the son’s of Noah,

Ham and Japeth originated and continues on today. (Psalms 73:12; Psalms 112:1-3;Galatians 3:13,14,29)

I have a God guarantee, being in my God given assignment and walking in love and faith

in THE BLESSING, THE BLESSING is working for me. (Matthew 6:33; 2 Corinthians 9:8

AMP; Galatians 5:6)

I have the same guarantee of wealth that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph possessed

because the same BLESSING is working for me that worked for them. (Genesis 13:2;

26:12-13,16; 30:43; 39:2-4,21-23; 41:1-43; Galatians 3:13,14,29)

Financial lack is only temporary with THE BLESSING of Abraham working for me. (2Corinthians 8:9; 9:8 AMP)

I am expecting a greater testimony than Abraham and his descendents with the same

BLESSING working for me. (Genesis 12:3; Genesis 13:2; Genesis 26:12-13; Genesis

26:16; Galatians 3:13,14,29)

I am blessed not because I am rich but I am rich because I am blessed! (Proverbs 10:22)

I Am An Extraordinary Person With Extraordinary Expectations

By Janie Baer

God has made each one of us extraordinary people whether we know it or not. At least

He knows you are extraordinary.

Believing the truth God has made you extraordinary helps you not allow extraordinary

challenges to take over your mind and then take over your life.

 The kind of life we live today and tomorrow are a direct result of our thoughts and our

words we speak. Thoughts are so important because thoughts lead to our attitudes and

feelings, and attitudes and feelings lead to what we say and the actions we take.

It is so important that we know this because the Bible tells us,

Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:…. KJV

Matthew 12:34 ….for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. KJV


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 James 3:6 And the tongue is a flame of fire. It is full of wickedness that can ruin your

whole life. It can turn the entire course of your life into a blazing flame of destruction,


If we do not agree with God our Maker that He has made us extraordinary then we will be

run over by the extraordinary challenges that come to us in our individual lives. We haveto realize extraordinary people will have extraordinary challenges because they are

headed to an extraordinary future.

Don’t let the challenges get you down. You were not made to believe for failure. You

were made to believe God made you extraordinary with extraordinary courage and has

given you extraordinary abilities to face extraordinary problems so you can go forward

into your extraordinary future.

Since our words follow our thoughts and lead to the results we have in our lives, I have

included in this article some declarations or confessions that you can speak over your life

each and every day and will bring you into the extraordinary life God planned out for you.

Start declaring them and start living your extraordinary life!

I’m An Extraordinary Person:

God has made me an extraordinary person with an extraordinary mentality, stepping into

an extraordinary future with supernatural doors opening to me, overcoming every

obstacle, seeing the defeat of every enemy, and seeing every God given dream and

desire come to pass.

My Past Leads Me to My Extraordinary Life:

Everything I have experienced in my life has made me into who I am today; for every

mistake I made God had a purpose for it and every wrong thing done to me didn’t takefrom me but rather allowed God to deposit something in me.

Going through a lot of negative things only indicates to me that my future is bigger,

brighter and greater than I could have ever imaged.

What was meant for my harm, God’s going to use to my advantage in my future.

Faith rising up in me I realize what has happened to me in the past is not as important to

me as the greatness God was getting me ready for today.

My Perspective of Things as an Extraordinary Person:

 Though I live in a world filled with difficult challenges I have the right perspective whichkeeps my faith in God strong and I overcome every challenge.

 Things may get difficult but I am not a light weight or a pushover.

I will never forget I have big challenges because I am a big person with a big destiny and

the challenges are only stepping stones into my destiny.

I realize average people have average problems and ordinary people have ordinary

challenges but I am not average or ordinary but extraordinary; so I know I will face

extraordinary problems and challenges but I won’t allow them to frustrate me or get me



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Average people would have gotten discouraged with my circumstances and given up by

now or settled where they were.

Facing incredible problems I stay encouraged knowing I am an incredible person with an

incredible future and knowing I will experience one incredible victory after another.

I recognize obstacles are not there to hold me back or defeat me but opportunities to

push me forward and promote me into what God has prepared and planned for me.

When problems look like they just can’t be worked out I remember I am a child of the

Most High God, created in His image, and wearing a crown of His favor.

In tough times I dig my heels in with the attitude I have come too far to stop now, “I’m in

it for the win”, and “I’m a child of the Most High God so who or what in this world can be

against me?”

Sizes of My Problems & The Size of My Extraordinary Future:When it comes to problems and my future I remember this principle; when God allows

problems in my life He doesn’t match it to the size I might think I am but to the size of 

my destiny.

It does not matter the size of my problems but the size I am on the inside; and with God

on the inside of me I am bigger on the inside than the problems I face on the outside.

I understand the size of my problems indicates the size of my future; so the bigger the

challenge only indicates to me I have a big future ahead of me.

Having little challenges, little problems, and little opposition is a sign I am coasting and

not growing and I need to stir up the extraordinary God has placed on the inside of me.

Like David facing the giant, Goliath, I may face extraordinarily big problems but they will

only bring out the extraordinary person I am and bring extraordinary promotion to me.

Like David with just a sling shot and a few stones to defeat Goliath; all I need is just a

little of God’s favor and that changes everything.

God Given Dreams in My Extraordinary Life:

I am empowered to accomplish every dream God has placed in my heart.

 Through all difficulties I face I will not back down from my dreams, be negative, complain

or talk like my dreams will never happen, for if God be for me who or what in this worldcould dare be against me?

I will never forget the dreams God has placed on the inside of me nor feel sorry for

myself when my dreams take a long time for I know positively in due season God will

bring them to pass.

My God size dreams are so big and look so impossible but with God’s strength, God’s

wisdom and God’s favor I will see them, I will live in my dreams!

I realize as I go forward in pursuing my God given dreams I will have major challenges

because I am a major person, with major dreams, with a major future God has plannedout for me. Like Joseph in the Bible I will never let my dreams get pushed down by


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adversity, buried under disappointment or failure or rejection or injustice; but my dreams

will remain alive in me so that God, Who is in control of my life, will bring them to pass

and will bring incredible promotion to me.

As it was in David’s life, I know it’s not my time to keep the sheep any more but to keep

the nation and move from being in the background to the foreground where my everyGod given dream comes to pass.

With Psalms 107:23 being my inspiration, I have come out into the deep and have given

up little dreams, little ideas, and little plans and instead I dare to believe and expect big

dreams, big ideas and big plans for this is a brand new day for me in Christ Jesus.

I will never loose enthusiasm for my dreams and get bitter about circumstances but I will

instead shake them off knowing I serve an incredible God Who will bring them to pass.

God Is Involved In My Extraordinary Life:

God created me to overcome all problems, all challenges and destined me to live in totalvictory.

God knows my capabilities and sees my potential and will use them to bring about my

extraordinary life.

 The obstacles I face may look like Goliath and seem impossible but God wouldn’t have

allowed them in my life had He not known I could and would overcome them.

God doesn’t allow big challenges to face small people, so the big problems I face today

that seem over my head will not overwhelm me, for they are a sure sign God has made

me a big person with a big destiny.

God would not allow a major, Goliath challenge in my life and then just give me a little

favor, a little strength, a little wisdom but instead God has equipped me with Goliath size

favor, with Goliath size strength, with Goliath size wisdom so I would have exactly what I

need to overcome every obstacle.

God has me in the palm of His hand so right beyond every difficulty I face is a new level

of God’s favor.

In the big challenges I know I am a big person serving a big God and God will show up

every time and make a way where it looks like there is no way.

Psalms 107:23 inspires me in difficult circumstances and lets me know when I go down to

the sea and do business in deep waters I will see the wonders of God, I will see God do

the impossible for me with supernatural doors opening to me, divine promotion,

vindication, accomplishment of impossible goals, enemies overcome more powerful than

me, deliverance from sickness and disease and every addiction that would hold me back.

In deep waters I know I will not go under for God is fighting my battles and in just a

matter of time God will show up with His mighty hand of deliverance.

I will not retreat and run from problems or enemies however big they may be, for their

size doesn’t matter when God the Creator of the universe is on my side and is backingme up with His might and delivering power.


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I don’t have to worry when I face big problems because I serve a big God and they are

 just a part of the fulfillment of my destiny.

My Faith In My Extraordinary Life:

I am an extraordinary person for that is whom God created me to be.

I am more determined than ever to become everything God has created me to be.

With every obstacle I face I am an overcome, I am a person of destiny and I stir up the

zeal and the passion God has placed on the inside of me.

Every morning I remind myself I am equipped, empowered, anointed, strong, talented,

creative, armed with strength for every battle, there is no challenge that’s too difficult for

God and me, no sickness or disease can take control of my body or my life, no person

can steal my dreams and destiny, and none of my enemies are more powerful than my

God Who is all powerful.

I will remember at all times I am a son/daughter of the Most High God so I will not backdown or allow disappointment or adversity to stop me; for the greatest power in the

universe has made me more than a conqueror in every thing I face.

I will see my dreams and my destiny fulfilled no matter the action of other people, no

matter the incredible disappointments or incredible problems or incredible rejection; for I

know this is the time for me to experience incredible God given favor, incredible God

given promotion and incredible God given vindication.

I see new levels of God’s favor as I press on in my faith in Him in the midst of all

difficulties and let go of all offense no matter what wrong things are done to me.

Wearing the whole armor of God prepares me for what comes against me and means

nothing can defeat me.

With the helmet of salvation I am not only at peace with God but my thoughts are

positive, hopeful, and expectant of God’s favor to show up any time or any where.

Wearing my breastplate of righteousness I know God has already approved and accepted

me so it doesn’t matter how people respond to me or try to make me feel.

Wearing the belt of truth I am set free from all discouragement and lead into the

victorious life in Christ Jesus.

Wearing my shoes of peace I step out of stress filled living and into the peaceful rest of 


With the shield of faith I am ready for each difficulty that tries to bring me down and I am

sure God is making a way where there seems to be no way.

With the Sword of the Spirit coming out of my mouth I am not complaining but instead

my attitude is, “I’m blessed. I am so rich. I have the favor of God. I can do all things

through Christ. I am strong in the Lord and the power of His might. If God be for me who

or what in this world can be against me? My best days are still ahead of me.”


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Armed with the armor of God, as a good soldier, I am protected, empowered and

equipped so that nothing can take me down.

People Talk About Me & My Extraordinary Life:

I refuse to complain when people talk about me for people don’t talk about average or

ordinary people but exceptional people and that’s why they are talking about me; Irealize this just comes with the extraordinary life so I just shake it off and move forward.

Being an extraordinary person I have extraordinary critics but I will have extraordinary


I’ m not discouraged when people talk about me, not when I’m listening to God speak

extraordinary things about me.

My Enemies Won’t Leave Me Alone In My Extraordinary Life:

I realize with my perspective of an extraordinary life I am headed to greater things and I

know the enemy will not leave me alone for I am a threat to him; so I dig my heels in

deep and don’t allow discouragement to come with the big problems for they are not toobig for me.

I don’t get upset because of struggles with my finances but instead stay in faith knowing

my enemy wouldn’t fight me if he didn’t know God had greater things in store for me.

I remain standing strong in the Lord and in the power of His might no matter what comes

against me to try to stop me; whether it be adversities, disappointments, challenges, or

forces of darkness, for their best will never be enough for my God and me.