Living beings processes

Post on 03-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Living beings processes



Matter and processes of life

Nature is amazing

• There are so many things in nature.

• Nature is full of color, texture, odors, flavors, sizes….

• We are part of nature.

• We must preserve it.

• We depend on it.

The world is made of stuff, lot of stuff!







To understand nature, is important to…

• Recognize what is alive.

• Describe and define what is a living being.

• What are the main characteristic of living beings?

• What makes a living being a living being?

• What is not alive.

• Describe and define what is not a living thing.

• What non living things are made out of?

No matter the size, the color or the shape or all living beings have something in common…


• A living being is made out of cells.

• A living being can be single celled or multicellular celled.

• Living being come from another living being.


Paramecium Plant cells


• Note taking is the ability to understand an idea and save it in your science notebook.

• It is important to pay attention all class long. ( not, during a couple of minutes)

• Note taking is not copying information literally from a PPP.

• Note taking is not writing what you ALREADY know but to write NEW information.

• Note taking is personal act but eventually you may listen to someone’s ideas and write that someone has said.

• You may do it during a video, oral explanation, when you watch and analyze a picture or during class discussion.


• Plants make food. They are autotrophs.

• A cell is a living being.

• An onion has cells.

• When we eat a piece of meat or chicken we eat cells and energy.

• A tree has millions of cells.

• I can not see a cell without microscope.

• Scientists looking for life in other planets are looking for tiny forms of life or cells not big animals or plants.

Which are the processes of life?

• All living beings need to get energy to stay alive.

• Some living beings are able to produce their own energy.

• Other living beings need to get energy by consuming other living beings.

Some livings beings eat plants and animals to get energy


Some others are able to make their own energy


Chlorophyll(Green pigment)

What is the most remarkable difference between animals and plants as living beings in their life processes?


• All living things (organisms) have a life cycle. They are born, they grow up, they reproduce and they die.

• Different groups of organisms have different kinds of life cycles.

• The life cycle of an insect is very different from the life cycle of a mammal or a reptile. 


Living beings grow and change.

• Some living beings are born.

• Some come from seeds.

• They grow and change.

• They develop and get old.


Think about the following items:

a brick, a ruler, a car, a rock, a toy, a computer, a drop of water, a video game, a robot.

Do you think they have a life cycle?

Do they grow and change?

Living beings exchange gases

• Some species breathe or exchange gases with their environment.

• Animals and human beings need oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide.

Some animals have special organs to breathe.

Plants exchange gases

• Plants do not breathe, they exchange gases instead.

• They get in carbon dioxide and get rid of oxygen.

• They exchange gases through their leaves (stomata)

• They also get in O2 and get rid of CO2 at night.

Living beings reproduce (offspring)

• Plants can reproduce by seeds.

• Seeds are made in the flowers.

• A fruit is a modified flower.

From seeds to plants

Some animals reproduce by eggs such as:reptiles, fish, insects, amphibians and birds.

In any case is necessary a female and a male cell.

Reproduction in frogs/toads

External fertilization

Fish laying egg in water.

Male FemaleFemales search for good spots to dig out a hole and lay their eggs.

Insects and some snakes lay eggs too.


Mammals (humans) reproduce by the meeting of a female cell and a male cell

What would happen to all living beings if they could not reproduce?

Getting rid of wastes

• Living beings need water, food (energy) and exchange gases.

• When a person drinks water his body uses it in many functions. Finally, some of that water changes into urine which is a waste or something the body needs to get rid of.

• Solid wastes are produced in the digestion process.

Plants get rid of wastes too

• Plants take in Carbon dioxide.

• In the photosynthesis process they get rid of Oxygen.

Single celled organisms get rid of wastes too


• Copy and paste in your browser

• Explain how a paramecium or single celled organism gets rid of wastes.

• Waste substances are removed from the Paramecium by excretion, an example of exocytosis.   Food vacuoles with undesirable or undigested substances are moved to and fused with the plasma membrane resulting in the release of their contents to the extracellular environment. The following illustrations and video show Paramecium in the process of exocytosis.

What if you could not get rid of wastes? In others words, what would happen to you if you never needed to go to the restroom?

Living beings react to stimuli

• Living things react to temperature.

• Plants change during seasons.

• Plants grow in spring/summer and stop growing in autumn and winter.

• Trees drop their leaves in autumn.

Living beings react to stimuli

• Plants react to sunlight.

• Plants grow their leaves and branches toward sunlight.

• When a plant is put in a corner in a room next to a window, their leaves will turn toward the window.

• This is called phototropism.

Living beings react to stimuli

• Animals migrate from cold places to warmer places.

• They look for better places so their offspring might have better conditions to be born and grow and more sources of food.

Living beings react to stimuli.

• Animal senses help them to know their surroundings and to be aware of any danger.

• Animals develop some sense more than others according to their habitat.

Living beings react to stimuli

• Animals perceive danger and react to survive.

• Fire is a stimulus that animals feel by smelling smoke or feeling the heat of fire.

• They ran away to protect their lives.

Living beings react to stimuli.

•Name and explain two different situations or experiences in your daily basis ,when is vital to react to a stimulus.

Living beings die and decay

Die means that an organism cannot keep on carry out any of the functions of life.

Decay means to decompose or turn elements back to nature.

Look at the pictures below. Name what things decay and what others do not decay

Do these items decay or decompose?What items are more likely to

pollute our environment?