Living a life worthy of the calling, Ephesians 4:1-16 以弗所書 4:1-16 Jon Wright 30 th Dec 2012...

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Transcript of Living a life worthy of the calling, Ephesians 4:1-16 以弗所書 4:1-16 Jon Wright 30 th Dec 2012...

Living a life worthy of the calling,

Ephesians 4:1-16以弗所書 4:1-16

Jon Wright

30th Dec 2012

Oasis – Bread of Life

Three major topics (v1-16)

Unity and how we can be united

Gifts given by Jesus to build up the body and their diversity

Growing into maturity as individuals to be a part of the body as a whole

A life worthy of the calling (v1)

1As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.


We are called, as ambassodors

Where ever we are our calling remains

No disgrace in being in prison because of our calling

How to live in unity (v2-3)

Be completely (not partially)

Humble – so we do not believe ourselves to be the head

Gentle – power under control

Patient – needed when interacting with each other

Forbearing – to delay a response when others miss things

Bond of Peace – a result of living in unity

Note unity does not mean uniformity!

Called into Unity (v4)

One Body

One Spirit

One Hope

One Lord

One Faith

One Baptism

One God and Father of all

Jesus was a conqueror (v7-10)

He descended from heaven to earth

He then conquered death itself

Ascended back to heaven

Like a winning general from a war distributed gifts to the people of His kingdom.

Scripture here mirrors Moses at Mnt Sinai, Moses ascended met with God and then descended with the Law. Jesus Himself descended here and initiated change from the Law to Faith, sealed with the Holy Spirit.

Gifts of Jesus to build up the body (v11-13)

Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher

Gifts are given to build up the body not the individual (remember we need to humility)

They should bring unity not division

Individuality is needed in the body, we can’t all be hands, our very diversity is part of how we bring unity

Grow up, stop being like infants

Christians are not completed works

They need to mature

The biggest thing is that they need to want to mature

Mature Christians will not be lead astray by false teachers etc

It involves transformation, deciding to think/act/live a different way

A way worthy of the calling

Most Christians arrives like this

The aim is for them to leave (live) like this

Unity not uniformity

Diversity is needed

So today the end of the year, Decision time

What are your goals for 2013To remain the sameTo grow more in maturity in Christ?To change how you live your life

To live a life worthy of the calling?