Livermore Valley Joint Unified School...

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Transcript of Livermore Valley Joint Unified School...

Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District


May 27, 2016

BY U.S. MAIL DELIVERY AND ELECTRONIC MAIL Governing Board Tri-Valley Learning Corporation 7901 Stoneridge Drive, Suite #211 Pleasanton, CA 94588

685 East Jack London Boulevard, Livermore, CA 94551

Tel (925) 606-3200 Fax (925) 606-3329

BY U.S. MAIL DELIVERY AND ELECTRONIC MAIL Lynn Lysko, Ed.D., Interim C.E.O. Tri-Valley Learning Corporation 7901 Stoneridge Drive, Suite #211 Pleasanton, CA 94588

Re: Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District (LVJUSD) Tri-Valley Learning Corporation/Livermore Valley Charter Preparatory Notice of Concern/Cease and Desist Letter

Dear Tri-Valley Learning Corporation Governing Board and Dr. Lysko:

This correspondence constitutes a Notice of Concern and Cease and Desist letter to the Tri-Valley Learning Corporation (TVLC) and Livermore Valley Charter Preparatory ("LVCP" or "Charter School"), arising out of TVLC/L VCP's advertising and marketing of a charter school campus in Hengshui City, Hebei Province, China.

The LVCP charter approved by the LVJUSD's Board only authorizes TVLC/LVCP to operate one charter school, located in Livermore, CA. Education Code section 47607(a)(4) provides that:

After receiving approval of its petition, a charter school that proposes to establish operations at one or more additional sites shall request a material revision to its charter and shall notify the authority that granted its charter of those additional locations. The authority that granted its charter shall consider whether to approve those additional locations at an open, public meeting. If the additional locations are approved, they shall be a material revision to the charter school's charter.

TVLC/L VCP has never sought or obtained approval from the LV JUSD's Board to open any additional sites.

1) LVCP Has Advertised Teaching Positions for its School in Hengshui City

It appears from several sources that TVLC/L VCP has established a site in Hengshui City, Hebei Province, China. LVCP has placed advertisements on the website "" for teaching positions at its site in China.

Lynn Lysko, Ed.D. , Interim C.E.O. Tri-Valley Learning Corporation May 27, 2016 Page 2

(See, Exhibit A, accessed on April 19, 2016, at http:l/ Under a tab accessible at the link below, the following information appears:

X (20000/30000Rmb) - Science 1 Livermore Valley International School Hengshui - Jobs in Shijiazhuang I 15~1%91-flnlll!liil I ffill!91-... jobs.echinacit •


Date Updated Apr 06, 20 t6 tO 50

Employer : Heng5hullnternatlonal School

Company rype · FOfelgn-owMd

Work C1ty . ShiJ13Zhua"' . Henglhw

SaiatY Range : 20000 To 30000 RMB

Work Expenence : 3 years to 20 years

Job Description About Employer

Hengshui International School

Company type: For«Hgn-owned

Conlj)an~ L 'll Recruiter Type: Employer

lndullry rypo

Jot> CategOfY

EdUC<IIIOniTrll•ni"91Unlvtrs<U.I ond


Otn« Teachlng/Tralnong

No. H1nng : 2

Job Type Full Time

Industry type : Educatlon!Trammg .. Un1Vet'Sll•es and Colleges

About us

L.rvermore Valley Charter Preparatory was stablished m 1976 m Ltvermore. iocated '" th& East San Franosco Valley. It'' one of

the most1mportant htgh school tn educahonallevel

LVCP-Hengshul the Hengshui branch of the Californian l1verrnore Valley Charter Pre~ratory H~gh School

One of the goals of thiS campus is to pro'Vtde Chinese students the opponun~ty of learn 1n a complmely Amertean educatJoMI


Then•f01e we arQ recru,llng IP.achers from Cahforrua

If you are •ntere&ted let us know

Current Location: Ch1na Hengshw

Address ~ LNormore Valloy Chartor Propnratory Htgh School- Hengshul Campug Hengshu/ Clfy Heber Provmce.Ch1na

Shljiazhuang,Hebel,very close to

Beijing Shljlazhuang

• Cangzhou high lehoolln Ht~l tHkfng

for English teaeher and Math teacher

for late Aug. 13·16KJm Shljinhuang

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Shljlazhuang Shljinhuang

• Fufi .. TJme ESL r .. chtfl Needed In

China Shljlazhuong

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Shijiazhuang Shijiuhuang

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Shljiazhuang,Hebei,very close to

Beijing Shijlazhuang

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Provinc.e Shljlazhuan-g

• Teach cute kids in,Hebel.

10000yuan/month Shijlazhuang

Helpful Career Advice

Find Information about business culture and working In chm.l!l .


2) Individuals Have Identified Themselves as Teachers at L VCP Schools in China


fJ Referrl

ffi Resurr

Attached as Exhibit B is a printout from the Linkedln profile of Karl Keely, who identifies himself as a "Teacher of English Literature and Media Studies at LVCP at Tianjin No. 14 High School."

3) L VCP Held A Ceremony Marking the Opening of its School in China, and Has Made Other Efforts to Publicly Promote the School

L VCP held a ceremony marking the opening of the Livermore Valley Charter Preparatory School Tianjin's Campus. Bill Batchelor and Nina Stoien of TVLC were pictured as participants in the ceremony. (Exhibit C) L VCP has also engaged in other marketing efforts to publicize its school in China. (Exhibit D)

Lynn Lysko, Ed.D., Interim C.E.O. Tri-Valley Learning Corporation May 27, 2016 Page 3

Requested Action:

By operating a school in China, TVLC and L VCP have violated the terms of their own charter, authorized by LVJUSD, as well as Education Code section 47607(a)(4). The TVLC/LVCP has also caused the community to distrust its commitment to adhering to the terms of its charter, to California law, and to serving the educational interests of its students in Livermore.

The LVJUSD directs TVLC/LVCP to take the following steps:

(1) Cease all efforts to continue operating, marketing, publicizing and/or opening any Livermore Valley Charter Prep school in any location, other than its current school, authorized by its charter, and located in Livermore;

(2) Cease spending any funds generated by, and on behalf of, students attending LVCP or the Livermore Valley Charter School (LVCS), towards the operating, marketing, publicizing and/or opening any Livermore Valley Charter Prep school in any location, other than its current school, authorized by its charter, and located in Livermore;

(3) Provide the LVJUSD an accounting of all funds spent towards the operating, marketing, publicizing and/or opening any Livermore Valley Charter Prep school in any location, other than its current school, authorized by its charter, located in Livermore; and identify the source of that funding.

We look forward to your prompt response no later than June 9, 2016.

Very Truly Yours,

~<:6-c--Kelly Bowers Superintendent of Schools Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District


(2009,0/30000Rmb)- Science I Livermore Valley International School Hengshui- Jobs m ... Page 1 of2


Homo • China Jol:l• • Shltt.UIIutno.-..

(20000/30000Rmb) - Science I Livermore Valley International School Hengshul O.lo Updalod; Apr 19. 2018 18:55

Employer : Hengabullnternatlonal School

Company type Forelgn.-owned inOJIIty lype E-lionlf~nlve,.;~" _, Callageo

Wort< Clly Shijlozhuang • Hongshul Job c a .. QOrt Olhlf TH C'hlngffralnlng

Salaf)l Ran go 20000 To 30000 RMB No Hiring

Work Exparienc::e 3 years lo 20 years Job Typo fuU Time

Job Description About Employer

Job Roq<Jiremenll

• NIUonllliy:The COMf>lny only hlr01 us nlllonoll

Wo1klng bpett.nce: Mew lhln lhree yeart ol tuchlna axperitna. •• a ESL laacher in an Amef1c:en High School praNrable;

·EduoaUanal Degree: S.c:helor degree« abo\11, wilh tt• ~ CM1ir\c_.JOn lnued ~ IM UnUed Sw.iea;

- Other 8ptlludea: unu of relpOntibilly lnd patienl tor Wacttlng and caMg etudenla In good hftallh a c:.n cany out the I'IQf'l'n8l


Job po•lllon

• Pllco: llvomiC>rO Voley Chorler Prep High School. USA rLVCP")- Hongshui Colllj>us

Hong.,.. Oly • Hol>ei Pnwlnco

Age of aha students: Gtllda 9-12

Waaldy wortdoetct Less than 2S leaching periods

Claas size: 15-25 students

Teaching matarielt: Doliwred from the American bt•nc:h

Salary and Berlafils

• s.IOJy: 20000 lo 30000 RMB (bel01e IO>ts)

- Ac::ccm11odatJon: lnctivi~ •panmant

-Ticket home: BCIOO RMB an.r contfact compleltlon

- VIII : l'he school prcvidet working visa (Z)

Job 10: 1354504825 Sh.are:

REominder . 1t .s 1l agaJ for!t.ln nr rf'Cf'lve ally money J~orn can1 dales P ~•se be vig la.'1l aoa nslar.y monela•y offersJ

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72 Karl Keely connections

Teacher of English Literature and Media Studies at LVCP at Tianjin No. 14 High School Hebei Dis1rict. Tianjin . China I Education Management

Current LVCP at Tianjin No. 14 High School

Previous EF English First, The Co-operative Group

Education Canterbury Christ Church University

Join Linked In and access Karl's full profile. It's free! As a Linkedln member, you'll join 400 million other professionals who are sharing connections, ideas, and opportunities.

• See who you know in common • Get introduced • Contact Karl directly

' View Karl's Fu ll Profile


I am a hardworking, professional, and active worker. I love teaching , and want to spend the rest of my life helping people to learn and achieve new things . I enjoy new challenges and enjoy using my creativity to improve my lessons and the learning experience for my students. I have also gained much pleasure from helping new teachers with their training and giving them ideas and support to improve their performances.


Teacher of English Literature and Media Studies LVCP at Tianjin No. 14 High School September 2015- Present (9 rnontlls) Tianjin City. China

I teach high school students English Uterature and Media Studies. using a combination of ESL and CLIL methodologies. The aim is to prepare all students for higher education in America, with our school maintaining many links to successful colleges throughout the United States. I prepare and teach lessons which follow the Common Core Standards used in California, and also am heavily involved in extra-curricular projects and activities.

Senior English Teacher EF English First July 2014- July 2015 (1 year 1 month) Tianjin City, China

Teaching ESL to Chinese students aged 3-18 years old ; observing teachers; helping with on­boarding, training and professional development of teachers; promoting and maintaining a cross­cultural working environment; producing schedules; creating syllabi and materials; assisting in management tasks and decisions


Senior English Teacher

EF English First

November 2011 -June 2014 (2 years 8 months) Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China

Teaching ESL to Chinese students aged 3-18 years old; observing teachers; helping with on­boarding, training and professional development of teachers; promoting and maintaining a cross­cultural working environment; producing schedules; creating syllabi and materials

English Teacher EF English First

March 2010- November 2011 (1 year 9 months)

Helped to train new teachers; plan , execute and critique lessons for students of various ages and abil ities; test new students' English levels; create training tools for new teachers; perform demonstration lessons for potential students and their parents

Duty Manager The Co-operative Group

October 2008- February 2010 (1 year 5 months)

Manage a small team and make sure that targets were met; run the store in absence of senior management




Canterbury Christ Church University

Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.), Film, Radio, and Television Studies with History


Activities and Societies : Assistant Manager/Presenter/Head Of Programming, C4 Radio


Language Teaching Teaching Teaching English as a Second Language Scheduling

Educational Administration Educational Assessment Educational Training

Educational Workshops ESL Tutoring Curriculum Design Staff Development

International Education Curriculum Development TESOL Educational Leadership


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Wednesday, May 25, 2016 at 12:01:02 PM Pacific Daylight Time

Subject: Teachers representing (working for) LVCP in China

Date: Tuesday, April12, 2016 at 9:39:56 AM Pacific Daylight Time

-~-~~- ---

To: Eric Dillie, Kelly Bowers, Chris VanSchaack, Lynn Lysko

Mr. Dillie,

Can you please explain why these two people are listed as teachers for LVCP CHina?

Karl Keely Teacher of English Literature and Media Studies at LVCP at Tianjin No. 14 High School

Hebei District, Tianjio_, China Education Management




1. Livermore ValleY- Charter PreQaratorY- School at Tianjin No. 14 Hig.h School

1. EF English First 2. The Co-ogerative Group

1. CanterburY- Christ Church UniversitY-

72connections Send Karl InMail

Kelly Horvath English Teacher

Page 1 of 2

Hebei District, Tianjlo., China Higher Education

4 ' :'(

Current 1. Livermore Val ley Charter Pre12aratory School - China

1. Xinning International Program

Previous 2. S.E.A. Cozumej 3. Avalon English Academy

Education 1. I -TO-I TEFL

60connections Send KellY- InMail

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