literacy who lived in a castle

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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Transcript of literacy who lived in a castle

We are on a fact finding mission to help us when we write a report.

LABEL THE CASTLE GAME....scroll to bottom

• I can label the castle.

• I know the different people that lived in a castle.

• I know what the different people in the castle did.

• I know who I would like to be if I lived in a castle and why.

• I can role play my favourite character and their job.

• I can sound out the different people who lived in a castle using my phonics and add


On no!!!

I slipped down the spiral staircase in the castle and had an awful fall. I am the King, I am supposed to be

in charge but I can’t remember ANYTHING! The castle is full of people but who are they are and what do they do?

Who Am I? Help the King by matching the descriptions from the bag to the correct person.

Lord and Lady

King and Queen

Butler Cook Messenger

Jester Watchman Knight Squire

You have been extremely helpful, I don’t know what I would have done without you. Give yourself a pat on the back!

Now I know who everyone is and what they do. Hmmmmmmm, if only I could remember MY name! Actually, who are all of


Think, pair, share Who would you like to be if you lived in a castle? Why?

Lord and Lady Butler Cook Messenger

Jester Watchman Knight Squire

Hmmm, I think I will take a long walk around the castle to check that everybody is doing their job.

Maybe it will help me get my memory back too!

Anybody who is not working hard will be sent to the dungeon!

Choose your favourite character and role play your job. The King might ask you some questions so remember who you are and what your job is.

Children role play their favourite role

Lord and Lady Butler Cook Messenger

Jester Watchman Knight Squire

• I can label the castle.

• I know the different people that lived in a castle.

• I know what the different people in the castle did.

• I know who I would like to be if I lived in a castle and why.

• I can role play my favourite character and their job.

• I can sound out the different people who lived in a castle using my phonics and add


Thankfully no one was sent to the dungeon!

What hard workers I have in the castle, I am impressed! You should give yourselves a huge pat on the back!

I am so impressed that I think I will use my quill and scroll to write a message to everybody. Oh no! I can’t remember my spellings! It was a very bad fall!

Can you help me using your phonics and soundbuttons? Use actions too – that will really help me remember the different people!

Add the soundbuttons together, write it on your whiteboards and read with actions

Lord and Lady

King and Queen

Butler Cook Messenger

Jester Watchman Knight Squire

Now I can write to all the people that live in the castle. Thank you for all your help!

You have been so helpful that my memory is starting to come back!

I remember… my name is King Albert and I live in the magnificent Stoney Castle.

Actions Game

Lord and Lady

King and Queen

Butler Cook Messenger

Jester Watchman Knight Squire

• I can label the castle.

• I know the different people that lived in a castle.

• I know what the different people in the castle did.

• I know who I would like to be if I lived in a castle and why.

• I can role play my favourite character and their job.

• I can sound out the different people who lived in a castle using my phonics and add


Dear Lord, Lady, Butler, Cook, Messenger, Jester, Knight and Squire,

On my walk round the castle I was very impressed that you were working very hard and knew exactly what jobs you were supposed to be doing.

Congratulations you are now free to have your delicious lunch at 12.00 in the great hall of Ledston Castle.

From King Edwards of Monk Fryston Castle

How did you find the lesson?

Easy! OK, but I need a little more practise!

Too hard!