Literacy rate in India

Post on 11-Aug-2015

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Literacy Rate in India 

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What is Literacy?The ability to read and write & competence or knowledge in a specified area.

Definition:The term's meaning has been expanded to include the ability to use language, numbers, images and other means to understand and use the dominant symbol systems of a culture.

The concept of literacy is expanding in OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ) countries to include skills to access knowledge through technology and ability to assess complex contexts.

Education And Its ImportanceEducation is one of the most powerful

instruments for reducing poverty and inequality and for laying the basis for sustained economic growth. It is fundamental for the construction of democratic societies and knowledge-based, globally competitive economies. For individuals and for countries, education is the key to creating, adapting,and spreading knowledge.

Basic education develops capacity to learn and to interpret information. Higher and technical education are necessary for the effective generation, dissemination and application of knowledge and for preparing an entrepreneurial labor force that can adapt flexibly to a constant stream of technological advances.

How to Measure LiteracyCensus: The Census 2011 is the 15th National census survey conducted by the Census Organization of India. The 2011 Indian National Census has been conducted in 2 phases - house listing and population. The national census survey covered all the 28 states of the country and 7 Union territories including 640 districts, 497 cities, 5767 tehsils & over 6 lakh villages. 

1 Kerala 94.00 %

2 Lakshadweep 91.85 %

3 Mizoram 91.33 %

4 Goa 88.70 %

5 Tripura 87.22 %

Top Literate


School Enrolment The literacy campaigns have also motivated and encouraged women learners to educate their children, particularly girls by enrolling them in formal schools. An evaluation study of the literacy campaign in Birbhum District shows that the biggest achievement of the adult literacy program in Birbhum has been its impact on girls education. The confidence of the girls, as they perform drill or play football, is the result of the awareness among neo-literate parents that girls need to be educated and outgoing. The need to provide equal opportunity to both girls and boys has also had effect of generating greater demand for the quantity to both girls and boys has also had effect of generating greater demand for the quantity and quality of primary schooling.


Male - Female Discrimination

Women are always considered inferior to men and the same is in case of education. In 1901 the literacy rate of women was far more less then men but it has considerably improved.

National Literacy Mission

The following are the three major campaigns under the National Literacy Mission:

TOTAL LITERACY CAMPAIGNS (TLC)This model is the dominant strategy for the eradication of adult illiteracy in India. TLC campaigns are area-specific, time-bound, volunteer-based, cost-effective and outcome-oriented. The campaigns are implemented through district-level literacy committees which are registered under the Societies Registration Act as independent and autonomous bodies to provide a unified umbrella under which a number of individuals and organisations work together.

Government Efforts



Post-literacy programmes attempt to give interested learners an opportunity to harness and develop their learning potentials after completion of a course in basic literacy. Post literacy programmes are open to neo-literates in the age group of 9-35 who have completed the basic literacy course under the total literacy campaigns, dropouts from primary schools and pass outs from Non formal Education (NFE) programmes.

After the impingement of literacy and adult education programmes another challenge that came before the National Literacy Mission was to create a Continuing Education System and maintain a channelled continuous and life-long learning process. Thus, the scheme of Continuing Education was taken up. The Continuing Education Scheme is multi-faceted and is postulated on the principles of treating basic literacy, post literacy and later continuing education. Above all the scheme aims at addressing the socio-economic situations of the community to provide infrastructure for larger development initiatives.


 2. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan

(SSA)Government of India's flagship programme for achievement of Universalization of Elementary Education (UEE) in a time bound manner, as mandated by 86th amendment to the Constitution of India making fee and compulsory Education.The Sarva Sikha Abhiyan was launched in 2001 to ensure that all children in the 6-14 year age-group attend school and complete eight year of schooling by 2010. The Centrally sponsored District Primary Education programme, launched in 1994, had opened more than 160000 new schools by 2005.  

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• Pratham is an innovative learning organization created to improve the quality of education in India. As one of the largest non-governmental organizations in the country, Pratham focuses on high-quality, low-cost, and replicable interventions to address gaps in the education system. Established in 1995 to provide education to children in the slums of Mumbai, Pratham has grown both in scope and geographical coverage.

• Pratham means 'first' in Sanskrit. True to its name, it is the first major organization to achieve lasting, wide-scale success in India's educational landscape. This has been made possible due to various policies and strategies adopted by the organization.

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State Literacy Ranking :

In September 2013, the State Government of Tripura claimed that the state has surpassed Kerala as the most literate state in India, with a literacy rate of 94.65%.

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The graph shows the literacy rate of the 28 states of India and India (as whole) in 2011 (green) as compared to in 2001 (blue). Union territories have not been included.

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Adult Literacy• Promote a learning society by providing

opportunities to adults for continuing education through Lok Shiksha Kendras

• Basic Education: Enable adults to continue their learning beyond basic literacy and acquire equivalency to a formal educational system

• Vocational & Skill Development: Impart the adults vocational skills to improve their earning and living conditions

• Functional Literacy: To make all the adults of all age groups of panchayat fully literate 

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CONCLUSION• Change requires teachers to become part of a professional learning

community that places maximum importance on recognising skills and responding to inquiries.

• SMART SCHOOLS : The days of carrying huge bags, textbooks should be done away with by recording school work and school record etc online. This will attract more and more students towards education. This will also improve access to information.

• Literacy for girls is a crucial input for developing/preserving human resource development, which in the ultimate analysis is a national asset. As far the individual recipient girl, literacy/education equips her to enjoy the fruits of social justice, social culture and of social, political and economic rights.

“Adult literacy is the stepping stone to a better future for literacy of children and has far reaching implications for our society”

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