LITERACY COACHING MAY 24, 2013. AGENDA Coaching Rationale WCPSS Coaching Model K-2 Literacy Position...

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Transcript of LITERACY COACHING MAY 24, 2013. AGENDA Coaching Rationale WCPSS Coaching Model K-2 Literacy Position...

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LITERACY COACHING MAY 24, 2013 Slide 2 AGENDA Coaching Rationale WCPSS Coaching Model K-2 Literacy Position Success Factors for Coaching Program Closing Slide 3 LITERACY IS A RIGHT, NOT A PRIVILEGE Wake County Public School System Slide 4 WHY LITERACY COACHING? Slide 5 It matters little what else they learn in elementary school if they do not learn to read at grade level. --Fielding, Kerr, and Rosier, 2007 Slide 6 Fixsen & Blase, 2008 Performance Assessment ( Fidelity ) Coaching Training Selection Systems Intervention Facilitative Administration Decision Support Data System Integrated & Compensatory Competency Drivers Organization Drivers Leadership AdaptiveTechnical Improved Outcomes for Students Effective Educational Strategies Implementation Drivers Slide 7 Slide 8 Sustained, ongoing, job-embedded professional developmentwith follow- up support! Slide 9 Slide 10 SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON WCPSS COACHING MODEL What did you notice? What did you think ? Slide 11 K-2 LITERACY POSITION Slide 12 Unmistakable Impact Slide 13 WHAT FACTORS INCREASE THE SUCCESS OF COACHING PROGRAMS? Hiring the Right Coaches Slide 14 WHAT FACTORS INCREASE THE SUCCESS OF COACHING PROGRAMS? Professional Development for Coaches Slide 15 WHAT FACTORS INCREASE THE SUCCESS OF COACHING PROGRAMS? Time Working with Teachers Slide 16 For the promise of coaching to have the greatest impact on teaching and student learning, it is essential that coaches make choices about how to allocate their time that are driven by a clear intention to have the greatest impact on the results they seek from coachingimproving student learning. Joellen Killion Coaching Heavy/Coaching Light Slide 17 CONNECT WITH A PARTNER WHAT BIG IDEAS OR SMALL DETAILS STOOD OUT TO YOU? Slide 18 WHAT FACTORS INCREASE THE SUCCESS OF COACHING PROGRAMS? Research Based Instruction Slide 19 MORE SUCCESS FACTORS Principal and Coaches Work Together Ongoing Evaluation of Coaching Program Protection of Coaching Relationships Slide 20 CONNECT WITH A PARTNER WHAT BIG IDEAS OR SMALL DETAILS STOOD OUT TO YOU? Slide 21 CLOSING THOUGHTS WHAT IS THE VALUE OF A COACH? Every time a coach helps a teacher implement a new teaching or learning strategy, the coach is helping every other student that teacher will teach. One step forward for a teacher is one step forward for hundreds or thousands of children. Multiply that impact by all a coach does every day, and you get a clear picture of the value of instructional coaches. Dr. Jim Knight Slide 22 NEXT STEPS If you have any questions, please contact either Barbara Sorensen (bsorensen) or Julia DeLaRosa (jdelarosa). Once you make a decision regarding literacy coaching, send Sharon Collins (sgcollins) the name and email address of your coach. Slide 23 REFLECTIONS Big IdeasInsights QuestionsFuture Action