Listening to neighbors’ stories

Post on 05-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Listening to neighbors’ stories

Listening to Neighbors’ Storiesthe 4th step

by young explorers from 4th Nipiagogeio Kilkis, Greece and their teacher Kleidara Maria

school year 2016 - 17

In this part we had to talk and listen to an adult who lives or works in our local area. But we

couldn’t decide who could be. Thus we made an observation. We watched and made portraits of the people who passed that day out of our school.

Then we voted the person we wanted to interview. His name was Mr George and he

was 67 years old. He was born in the neighborhood.

We invited him in our class.He was wearing a grey trousers and a blue jacket. His hair were grey and he

had a smiling face. He was keeping some pictures and he was gentle.We sang to him our Good morning song and welcome him in our class.We introduced ourselves and we told him that we wanted to hear his

memories about how was our town in the past.

Mr George told us his story through pictures from the past. First he shown to us how was his house in the


In the area where our school is located there was an area called


He shown us his school the 2nd Gymnasium of Kilkis

Then his store he had in the 21st June road.

He remembered that he had great times in Salats a fountain that built in 1821 and today is a monument

that reminds us the past.

He also remembered that before 1929 in Kilkis people didn’t have electricity and they were using kerosene


He also told us that people used to be more happy and had more fun than in our days. They used to gather in

the central park and talk, laugh while their children were playing.

When he finished his story we saw that he was very excited from his memories and moved…

He thanked us that we gave him the chance to remember so many things.

We express our gratitude too as through his eyes and his memories we had the chance to fantasize the way

people lived in the past and to realize how things change and affects peoples’ lives.