Listening comprehension 3

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Extremely Difficult

Listening Comprehension III


Vocabulary for intermediate levelRead and listen to the meaning, then decide the correct word for that meaning. Press ‘Check Answer’ button to see the correct answer.

1. celestial. Navigators on ships need to brush up on celestial navigation.

2. haughty. Nice might be the new haughty , but mean is mean forever.

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adj. pertaining to the sky; heavenly

adj. pertaining to the common people; hence, common or vulgar

n. a scolding or ill-tempered woman

adj. despotic

adj. having the force to compel, usually by appealing to reason

v. to purify (usually a piece of writing) of offensive material

adj. proud; looking down with contempt on others

v. to paralyze with horror, fear, or surprise

3. cumbrous. It took two people to haul the cumbrous machine into the garage

v. to express sympathy with another in sorrow, pain, or misfortune

adj. untiring

adj. working secretly or slyly

adj. burdensome and clumsy

4. stoic. It does not sob, but builds from Stoic sorrow to a roar.adj. hating or distrusting mankind

adj. ridiculous; producing laughter

n. indifferent, calm in bearing pain or pleasure; practicing remarkable self-control over emotions

v. to publish or proclaim; to spread abroad

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5. pecuniary. Deprived of pecuniary means he poses little danger and could start a new life in which to prove his newly found convictions.

adj. pertaining to money

adj. supreme power and authority; independent of the control of any other government

adj. exempt from; protected from

v. to gain an advantage by the use of trick to evade by the use of deception; to go around

6. glib. Many senior administrators are smooth and glib, in the manner of politicians.

adj. wise; using or exhibiting good judgment

adj. smooth-spoken, fluent

adj. cutting, penetrating

adj. sociable, courteous, and agreeable in manner

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7. exotic. Abundance and diversity matter more than whether species are native or exotic.

adj. strange and foreign

adj. unsymmetrical; not straight

adj. merciful; gentle

adj. continuing a long time; habitual

8. delectable. The restaurant has incorporated delectable seafood items into the breakfast, lunch and dinner menus.

adj. no longer productive; hence, lacking in or, worn out

adj. profitable

adj. very pleasing

n. the reward or punishment exacted for an injury, wickedness, or other action

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9. hypothesis. There was no grand hypothesis, or even a semblance of theory.

v. to banish; to exclude from public favor or privileges

n. an assumption made for the sake of argument

n. a ludicrous and complete failure

n. a. personal peculiarity

10. dissolute. Some were for the swamp, some for a dissolute motel scene.

adj. harmless; inoffensive

adj. living loosely; unrestrained in conduct or morals

v. to forgive or overlook (an offense)

n. an increase

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These are short conversations. Listen carefully, maybe even 2 or 3 or more times. You then will be asked a question like “What does the man suggest the woman do?”. Choose the best answer. After you have chosen your answer you can read the script that goes along with it. It would be good if you were to listen and read along together.

(man) : Have you finished studying for the math test?

(Woman) : Not quite

(narrator) : What does the woman mean?

She is quite finished with her studies

She thinks it is quite a difficult test

She has a little more studying to do

She has not finished the main test


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(woman) : Steve, is something the matter? You don’t look very good.

(man) : Oh, I’m feeling a little sick today.

(narrator) : What does the man mean?

He’s not very good-looking.

He’s a bit ill.

He looks worse than he feels.

His feet are a little thick.


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(woman) : What do you like about your new house?

(man) : It’s very close to a park.

(narrator) : What does the man mean?

The house is closed up now

He parks his car close to his house

His home is near a park

He doesn’t really like his new house


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(man) : Mark said some really nice things to me.

(woman) : He’s very grateful for what you did.

(narrator) : What does the woman say about Mark?

He did a great job

He bought a crate full of fruit

He made a great fool of himself

He’s thankful


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(woman) : Sam, you’ve been working at a computer for hours.

(man) : Yes, and I need to take a break.

(narrator) : What does the man mean?

The computer’s broken

He must relax for a while

He should keep working

He’s broke


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(woman) : Did you get a lot of work done at the library today?

(man) : I couldn’t. It wasn’t very quiet there.

(narrator) : What does the man mean?

The library was noisy

He got a lot done.

He couldn’t quite get to the library today.

The library’s a good place to work because it’s quiet.


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(woman) : You made so many mistakes in this homework

(man) : I wasn’t very careful

(narrator) : What does the man mean?

He was rather careless.

He does not care about mistakes.

He took care of the work at home.

He did not carry about the work home.


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(man) : Is there a lot of soup? I’m kind of hungry.

(woman) : Sorry, there isn’t a lot

(narrator) : What does the woman mean?

There isn’t very much soup.

She doesn’t like soup.

There is only a little soup.

The man should not be hungry.


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(woman) : How was the weather on your trip?

(man) : There wasn’t a cloud in the sky.

(narrator) : What does the man mean?

It was cloudy

He couldn’t see the sky.

It wasn’t very crowded.

There was a lot of sunshine


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(man) : I haven’t talked with my parents in a while.

(woman) : Why don’t you call them now?

(narrator) : What does the woman suggest?

Calling off his visit.

Talking about his parents.

Calling his parents in a while.

Phoning his family.


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There are two types of long conversations or dialogues to listen to. The first set are multiple choice questions. The second set are all true or false questions.

Listen and then press show script to help you if you need it.

Medium 1 Save the Earth

Interviewer: Today, I'm interviewing nine-year-old Alex about her feelings on how people can help save the environment. So, Alex, how can we save the environment? Alex: By saving water. Interviewer: Well, how can we do that? Alex: By not using too much water when we wash dishes, take a bath, and when we do other things, like watering the plants outside. Interviewer: Oh, I think I can do that. What else? Alex: When drinking or eating something outside, you should keep the garbage until you find a trashcan to put it in because littering makes our planet dirty. Do you like seeing trash all over the ground? Interviewer: No, I don't. Do you have any final suggestions? Alex: Yes. We shouldn't waste paper because trees are being cut down to make the paper. By recycling paper, we save the forests where animals live. Interviewer: So, how can children recycle paper, I mean, everyday? Alex: Well, for example, when I was in kindergarten, I used to save the newspapers so that I could make things make out of them, like paper trees, instead of just throwing them away. Now, the children in our neighborhood collect newspapers once a month to take them to a recycling center. Interviewer: That's great. Well thanks Alex for your ideas.

Listen and read along, then go on to answer the questions.

1. What is the name of the girl being interviewed?

A. Alice

B. Ellen

C. Alex

2. She says we should save water when ______________.

A. washing cars

B. cleaning clothes

C. taking a bath

3. The girl's second suggestion is about _____________.

A. separating different types of garbage

B. disposing of trash properly

C. having a family clean-up party

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4. By recycling paper, we can ___________________.

A. protect the forests

B. cut down on waste

C. save money

5. What does the girl do once a month?A. She visits a recycling center.

B. She cleans a neighborhood park.

C. She collects newspapers.

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The Four SeasonsMedium 2

Hello everyone. Have you ever wondered what the weather is like in other places around the world? Today, I'd like to talk to you about the changing seasons in my city which was the assigned topic for this class. First of all, the winter season usually begins in December and ends in early March. The coldest month is January, and temperatures can drop below freezing for most of this month. The city usually averages about 30 inches of snow during this entire, 3-month period. Occasionally, we have snow storms that can drop a foot of snow in a very short period of time. Winter activities during this season include sledding, skiing, and snowshoeing. Spring usually arrives in late March, and the temperatures hover around 50 degrees during the day. It is a beautiful season because the flowers start to bloom. It is also sometimes windy, and this is great for flying kites. People in my city often like to go on picnics, stroll through the parks, and play outdoor games. Next, summer starts in June, as temperatures slowly rise to around 80 degrees. The summer in my city is very dry with little rain throughout the season, and temperatures can soar above 100 degrees in August. Fortunately, the weather is very dry with low humidity, so it is pleasant even on hot days. Popular activities during this season hiking, fishing, camping, water skiing, and outdoor sports including football and soccer. And finally, summer changes to fall in late September when the weather cools off, and the trees begin to change colors. A lot of people enjoy driving into the mountains and viewing the fall colors. It is also a time when people clean up their yards and gardens in preparation for the winter season. So, as you can see, my city has a lot to offer no matter when you visit this area.

Listen and read along, then go on to answer the questions.

Listen Again

1. This presentation was most likely part of which type of recording?A. a TV weather program on seasonal changes

B. an informal discussion between friends

C. an academic speech at school

2. Based on what you heard, how would you characterize the winter season?

A. January receives about 30 inches in snow.

B. Winter temperatures hover below freezing for the 3-month period.

C. Outdoor activities tend to be popular during this season.

3. Which statement is NOT true about the spring?

A. Spring usually begins at the end of March.

B. Plentiful wind currents make some outdoors activities possible.

C. Nighttime temperatures dip below 50 degrees

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4. What is the summer season like in this area?

A. mild and breezy

B. hot and dry

C. warm and humid

5. What is one activity people like to do in the fall?

A. go and see the fall colors

B. clean their houses

C. have a fall picnic

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Medium 3 Internet Access

Tired of waiting for a webpage to download? Then, sign up for the hottest broadband highway to the Internet from Impact Solutions. We provide you unlimited monthly access, 24/7 technical support, 30 MB of free web-space for your personal or business site, and content filters to protect your family from objectionable material. Pricing starts at 29.95 a month. And with no set-up fees, you'll be roaring through the corridors of cyberspace . . . well, in time for when you really should be asleep. Contact Impact Solutions today to get the most out of your online experience.

Listen and read along, then go on to answer the questions.

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1. How many hours of Internet access a month does this company provide?

A. less than 150 hours

B. between 151 and 300 hours

C. more than 300 hours

2. What are the calling hours for technical support?

A. from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight

B. from 12:00 midnight to 12:00 midnight

C. from 12:00 midnight to 7:00 p.m.

3. How much web-space does the company provide?

A. 13

B. 30

C. 39

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4. How much does basic Internet access cost?

A. $19.95

B. $25.95

C. $29.95

5. What additional benefit was NOT mentioned in the commercial?

A. free email

B. content filters

C. no start-up fees

The next three listening activities are long, so you should listen to them more then one time to get a full understanding of what is being talked about.

Listen and then read along with the monologue. The questions that follow are “true or false”. Click on the “T” or the “F” to mark your answer. When you are ready press “Go”.


The Asian Economic Community is coming

A new economic superpower is on the cards following the resounding success of the inaugural meeting of the East Asia Summit (EAS). Leaders attending the 16-nation talks were full of high hopes they could cooperate on a whole host of issues, most notably with integration and community-wide trade agreements. The summit was the fruition of a proposal initially tabled by Malaysia 15 years ago. Its primary objective is the formation of an Asian Economic Community (AEC) – a trade pact similar to the European Union. With a quarter of world trade and over half of the world’s population within its borders, such an entity would become a driving force in global business. It would most certainly rival other regional alliances such as the EU and NAFTA.

The AEC would comprise of the ASEAN countries plus China, South Korea, Japan, India, Australia and New Zealand. Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi enthused about the progress made at the EAS and said Asian integration, dialogue and cooperation were key in moving towards a broader community. “We see eye to eye on many things,” he added. Market forces have already seen a proliferation of free trade agreements between various countries and trading blocs within the region. The idea now is to consolidate these to produce the synergies necessary to optimize business and trading efficiency. This, in turn, should propel the region into a mega-market that would put its European and American rivals in the shadows.

Listen and read along:

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Medium 4

Listen again and choose the right answer.

A new economic superpower is in the making.

The Asian Economic Community (AEC) consists of 60 nations.

Malaysia first tabled the idea for the AEC 15 years ago.

A quarter of the world’s trade would take place within AEC borders.

Australia and New Zealand have been refused entry into the AEC.

The Japanese Prime Minister said many leaders didn’t see eye to eye.

The idea is to consolidate existing free trade agreements into one.

The resultant trade bloc would put the EU and NAFTA in the shadows.









Listen and read along:

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Medium 5 Outsourcing on the increase

Financial firms worldwide are set to embark on a five-fold increase in the number of jobs moved overseas, according to a new report from the accounting company Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. This increased reliance on outsourcing, or offshoring, to low-cost centers worldwide will help slash staffing costs for the major international players. Some companies will see up to seven percent of their global headcount shifted to offshore bases. This means two million financial services jobs in IT, HR and call centers will be based offshore by 2010. The good news for investors is the tripling of personnel cost savings to $16 billion. The accounting giant estimates that many financial firms are currently capturing less than a third of the potential cost savings offered by outsourcing.

Deloitte says outsourcing has generally and mistakenly been regarded as a short-term strategy, with many companies experiencing a sharp drop-off in cost savings after several years. The report reiterated that: “Offshoring is not a straightforward cost savings tactic. Many organizations are beginning to experience ‘offshore fatigue’, as the initial novelty wears off and the original operational managers return from their ‘tour of duty’”. The advice from Deloitte director Chris Gentle was to stay for the long course. He said: “Financial institutions that make a half-hearted attempt at offshoring are exposed to all of the risk, while enjoying only some of the benefits. The message is clear: Don’t dabble - stay home if you’re not committed”.

Listen again and choose the right answer.

There will be a five-fold increase in outsourcing use by financial firms.

Some companies will see 70 percent or their headcount offshored.

Two billion jobs will be created worldwide.

Outsourcing could be used to quadruple savings in staffing costs.

Outsourcing is mistakenly being seen as a short-term strategy.

Many company executives are experiencing “offshore fatigue”.

An accounting executive recommends playing golf on a long course.

The executive advised firms not to dabble or be half-hearted.









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Medium 5 A rocky road ahead for Hamas

The European Union and United States have been swift to flex their financial muscle with Hamas, the newly elected power in Palestinian politics. The consequences for not complying with Western demands to renounce violence against Israel could be dire. German Chancellor Angela Merkel made it plain today that all funding for the Palestinian Authority (PA) would cease unless Hamas accepted the existence of its occupier and neighbor. The EU is the PA’s largest donor with a per annum contribution in excess of $606 million. US President George W. Bush quickly followed suit by warning he would cut aid worth $400 million. The EU and US classify Hamas as a terrorist group, and its surprise election victory will pose problems for the stalled Middle East peace talks.

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called on countries around the world to follow the lead of the USA and EU in ostracizing Hamas, unless it changed its ways. Rice declared that: “Hamas doesn’t recognize Israel, advocates violence and refuses to be a responsible party to the peace process.…The bedrock principle here is that we cannot have funding for an organization that holds those views just because it is in government.” A bankrupt PA raises the very real possibility that it would be unable to pay its officials and police force, which would bring Palestine to its knees and result in a state of total anarchy. Ms. Rice will meet with her counterparts from the EU, Russia and the UN this week in talks aimed at quelling a potential geopolitical tinderbox from exploding.

Listen again and choose the right answer.








Many roads in Palestine were reduced to rubble at the weekend.

Hamas could face dire financial difficulties for not listening to the EU.

The EU is the Palestine Authority’s largest financial donor.

The EU and US classify Hamas as a terror group.

Condoleezza Rice has urged countries to ostracize Hamas.

Condoleezza Rice said the US will not fund anyone that rocks the bed.

There is a real possibility that Palestine’s police force will not be paid.

Ms. Rice wants to counter the parts played by the UN and Russia.




Vocabulary for intermediate levelRead and listen to the meaning, then decide the correct word for that meaning. Press ‘Check Answer’ button to see the correct answer.

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1. Fatuous. It is as fatuous to deny the existence of evil as it is to toss the word around.

adj. having a very severe effect, or being extremely limiting

n. a skilled storyteller

n. general agreement

adj. foolish; silly

2. Coterie. Both parties' primary systems give far too much weight to a small coterie of true believers.

n. an introduction, forerunner, or preliminary step

v. to declare positively; to confirm

n. a group of people joined by common interests a coterie of select friend.

n. an attentive or flattering follower; a country influenced or controlled by another

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3. Zenith. Zenith drops out of computers to concentrate on the tube.

n. the highest point

n. temporary deferment or cessation of work or pain; a temporary delay in the execution of -a sentence

n. a person who has authority to decide matters in dispute

v. to prevent, dispose of, or make unnecessary by appropriate actions

4. Ephemeral. Capturing those ephemeral images has been a challenge to generations of artists.

adj. gloomy; ill-humored

n. esteem or influence accorded for recognized achievements or reputation

adj. very short-lived

adj. likely to occur soon

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5. Incontrovertible. If anything is incontrovertible , it is that all the above play some part.

v. to make fun of or copy by imitating

adj. sentimental to the point of tears

adj. indisputable

n. an extreme patriot

6. Archetype. The roamer who would make himself and his land anew is a familiar archetype.

adj. to belittle or speak slightingly of

adj. possessing similar interests and tastes; able to get on well with others

v. to pierce through with a pointed instrument

n. an original pattern

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7. Delinquent. Creditors are trying to get whatever they can out of delinquent credit card accounts.

n. an offender

adj. slender; not substantial

adj. simple and straightforward; concealing nothing

n. an increase

8. Crass. How could anyone be so crass as to spoil such a place?

v. to disguise or conceal the truth to lie

n. a group of people joined by common interests a coterie of select friend.

adj. coarse and stupid

adj. inflicting, or concerned with, punishment

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9. Jettison. With sales weakening and rough times ahead, the locals had strong motives to cut prices and jettison their inventories.

adj. flimsy and cheap

n. a false name assumed by a writer

v. to throw overboard (as cargo); to throw off (as a burden or something in the way )

adj. fat

10. Culpable. No one country is to blame: many of the participants are culpable.

v. to read carefully

v. to tempt by flattery or an attractive offer

adj. sick

adj. deserving blame or censure

Short Dialogues and Talks

These are short conversations. Listen carefully, maybe even 2 or 3 or more times. You then will be asked a question like “What does the man suggest the woman do?”. Choose the best answer. After you have chosen your answer you can read the script that goes along with it. It would be good if you were to listen and read along together.

A. Change the time on his watch.

B. Study for an hour a day.

C. Take the exam over.

D. Visit America in March.

Listen and choose the correct answer.

Show Script

Jenny: Daisuke, don’t forget to set your watch ahead by one hour tonight.

Daisuke: Sorry, Jenny, but why do I need to do that?

Jenny: In America, we move our clocks ahead by one hour in March. We call this “daylight savings time”. We do it to have more daylight in the evenings.

Daisuke: We don’t do that in Japan. Thanks for letting me know. I might have been late for my exam tomorrow morning.

Question: What does the girl tell the boy to do?

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Listen and choose the correct answer.

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A. A new bus station was built near his home.

B. Something is wrong with his car.

C. The bus is always on time.

D. It costs less than driving.

Friend: Oh, you didn’t drive to work today, Greg?

Greg: No, I didn’t. I’ve been taking the bus lately.

Friend: Why? What’s wrong with your car?

Greg: Oh, my car is fine. It’s just that gas prices are so high that it’s cheaper for me to take the bus.

Question: Why has the man been taking the bus?

Listen and choose the correct answer.

Show Script Check Answer

A. Whether it is safe for small children.

B. Whether his son can get a discount.

C. How long he will have to wait in line.

D. How many tickets are still left for it.

Father: Hello. My son wants to try the Super-Spin ride, but I have a question. Is it safe for little kids? He’s only ten years old.

Worker: Yes, sir it is. Our rides are suitable for children aged six and up.

Father: Well, that’s good to know. I’d like to buy a ticket for my son, then.

Worker: Of course. That will be three dollars, sir.

Question: what does the man want to know about the Super-Spin ride?

Listen and choose the correct answer.

Show Script Check Answer

A. Show him how to get to Larry’s Café.

B. Make him a tuna sandwich.

C. Get him some food.

D. Help him finish his work.

Brenda: Dave, are you free for lunch today? Some of us are going to Larry’s café.

Dave: Oh, the new place by City hall? I’d like to go, Brenda, but I have lots of work to do.

Brenda: Well, would you like me to bring you back something?

Dave: A tuna sandwich on wheat bread would be great. Thanks for asking.

Question: What does the woman offer to do for the man?

Listen and choose the correct answer.

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A. Pay a delivery charge.

B. Carry some boxes home.

C. Buy some orange soda.

D. Go to a store on James Street.

Woman: Hello, I’d like to buy three cases of orange soda, but they’re too heavy for me to carry home. Is there a delivery service?

Clerk: Well, we offer free delivery if you live nearby. If you don’t we charge a small fee.

Woman: My house is on James Street, about four blocks away.

Clerk: There’s no delivery charge, then. You can pay for the soda now, and we’ll have it delivered to your house for free.

Question: What will the woman probably do next?

Listen and choose the correct answer.

Show Script Check Answer

A. The concert will be canceled.

B. Players will wear special uniforms

C. A singing group will give out prizes.

D. The team will play in a new stadium.

1. Soccer fans, we have something very special planned for you tonight. All five members of the Rainbow Five singing group are at the stadium. At halftime, they will sing a song and then give out prizes. The seat numbers of five lucky fans will be called out, and those fans can come down on the field, they will each receive a team uniform from one of the Rainbow Five members.

Question: What is one thing that will happen tonight?

Short talks

Listen and choose the correct answer.

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A. he found a cheaper tour.

B. he read a book about Vietnam.

C. He wanted to plan the trip himself.

D. he had a friend in Taiwan.

2. Philip wants to visit Asia, and at first he planned to go to Taiwan. Since he was too busy to plan the trip himself, he went to a travel agency to ask about a tour. The travel agent showed him a tour of Vietnam that was much less expensive, so he decided to go there instead of Taiwan.

Question: Why did Philip change his vacation place?

Listen and choose the correct answer.

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A. She grows a lot of fruit.

B. She gives fruit to people.

C. She cooks new dishes with fruit.

D. She sells fruit in her neighborhood.

3. One day, a woman named Ann Chan was driving around her neighborhood in California. She noticed that many people had lemon and other fruit trees in their yards, but much of the fruit was falling on the ground and being wasted. She asked people if she could pick the fruit to give to hungry people. Since then, she has donated so much fruit that she now is called the “Lemon Lady”.

Question: Why is Ann called the “Lemon Lady”?

Listen and choose the correct answer.

Show Script Check Answer

A. A performance was canceled.

B. He could not attend a concert.

C. The CD he wanted was sold out.

D. Molly Rogers did not win an award.

4. Victor’s favorite singer, Molly Rogers, came to do a concert in his town last month. However, Victor could not get a ticket. He looked on the Internet, went to stores, and even waited outside the concert hall, but he could not get in. He was disappointed, but next week Molly Rogers will perform on a music-awards show. Victor is looking forward to watching the show on TV.

Question: Why was Victor disappointed?

Listen and choose the correct answer.

Show Script Check Answer

A. The plane will arrive on time.

B. The plane will depart from gate 30.

C. The crew is expecting heavy rain.

D. The crew should prepare for strong winds.

5. Attention passengers, this is your pilot speaking. I have some good news. Although our departure from Mapleton Airport was delayed 30 minutes, a strong wind helped us to fly faster than we expected. As a result, we are on time and will land at 2:45, as originally scheduled. Crew, please prepare for landing.

Question: What is one thing the pilot announces?

These are long conversations and talks. Listen carefully, maybe even 2 or 3 or more times. You then will be asked a questions. Choose the best answer. After you have chosen your answer you can press the “Check Answer” button. It would be good if you were to listen as you are answering the questions.

Long Conversations and Talks

Difficult long talks

1. Video Rental ShopListen and then read along:

Store Employee: Hi. May I help you? Customer: Yeah. I'd like to rent these movies. Store Employee: Ah. Romance movies? Customer: Well. They're for my daughter Store Employee: Right. It's okay. Well, do you have your membership card? Customer: No I don't. Uh, do I need one to rent videos here? Store Employee: Yes, but it's free. It's just a card we use to help us keep track of video rentals. So, please fill out this membership form. Customer: Okay, and how much are movie rentals anyway? Store Employee: Well, new releases are $3.50, and all other movies are two dollars, and you can rent up to six movies at a time. We also have a five buck special where you can rent any five movies for $5.00, but this does not include new releases. Customer: Oh, well, I'll just take these tonight. Store Employee: Okay, let's see . . . your total comes to seven dollars and fifty cents. Customer: And when do I need to return them? Store Employee: They have to be returned on Thursday by ten o'clock p.m. Customer: Okay. Store Employee: And there is an overdue late fee equal to the rental fee of the movie, so be sure to return them on time. And enjoy your romance movies. Customer: Okay. Thanks. Show Script

1. Where does this conversation most likely take place?

Listen again and choose the right answer.

A. at a movie theater

B. at a library

C. at a bookstore

D. at a video rental shop

2. How much do newly released movies cost to rent?

A. $2.00

B. $3.50

C. $5.00

D. $7.50

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Listen again and choose the right answer.

3. How many movies did the man rent based on the information given?

4. When do the videos need to be returned?

A. three

B. four

C. five

D. six

A. on Tuesday

B. on Wednesday

C. on Thursday

D. on Friday

Check Answer

Listen again and choose the right answer.

5. What would be the late fee for an older movie three days overdue?

A. $3.00

B. $4.00

C. $5.00

D. $6.00

Check Answer

2. Lawsuit Settlement

Listen and then read along:

Have you been in an accident and still haven't received the financial settlement you deserve?

Then call the professionals of Lawsuit Financing today. With over 75 years of combined experience, we have settled millions of dollars in claims with all types of cases: medical malpractice, personal injury, wrongful death, motor vehicle accidents, employment discrimination, and more. What's more, we can provide you with cash to take care of your immediate financial needs: home mortgages, car payments, and bills. No credit checks or application fees, and you can be approved within 24 hours.

And you don't pay anything until we win your case, and you keep the cash advance if we don't.

So, why wait! The other guy has lawyers working hard on their cases, so why shouldn't you? Call now for a free over-the-phone consultation to assess your case. You have nothing to lose.

Show Script

1. What is the name of the law firm?

Listen again and choose the right answer.

Check Answer

A. Law Financial

B. Lawsuit Financing

C. Lawyers Finances

2. Which types of claims is NOT mentioned in the radio ad?

A. legal malpractice

B. personal injury

C. auto accidents

Listen again and choose the right answer.

Check Answer

3. The purpose of the cash advance is to help clients cover:

A. legal fees

B. house payments

C. hospital expenses

4. What other statement is true about the law firm?

A. It provides 24-hour-a-day consultations.

B. Clients do not pay anything unless they win.

C. The company will not deny any claim.

Listen again and choose the right answer.

Check Answer

5. If you don't win your case, the company will:

A. let you keep the cash advance.

B. refer you to another law firm

C. appeal your case within 24 hours

Listen and then read along:

Show Script

3. The Dream Team

Hello everybody, and welcome back to a thrilling game at the Tokyo Dome with the US Team taking a drumming at the hands of the Japanese national team going into the second half, 51 to 26. The US Dream Team is made up of NBA veterans--- supposedly the best we have to offer--- but they need a miracle to dig themselves out of a hole and come back at this point.

Unfortunately for the Dream Team, their leading scorer, High-Fly Wilson, was ejected one minute into the second quarter after climbing into the stands and fighting with a spectator who had continually heckled Wilson for shooting three airballs in a row. Another bizarre moment came late in the second quarter when the Japanese center, Tomohiro Suzuki, suffered a concussion and was knocked out cold as he lunged for a ball and collided with the knee of one of his own teammates. There also have been several other injuries, including the loss of starting forward, Masa Harada.

Some of the coaches on the US team are attributing the team's sluggish performance to some raw fish they had last night while attending a banquet in their honor. Next thing we'll know, they'll be blaming their players' cement hands on a demonstration class on Japanese paper folding earlier in the week. Who knows what'll be next. Okay, it looks like we're ready for the second half.

Listen again and choose the right answer.

Check Answer

1. How is the US Dream Team doing in the game?A. They are leading in the game.

B. The score is really close.

C. The Dream Team is way behind.

2. The Dream Team is made up of:

A. professional athletes

B. college players

C. both professional and college members

Listen again and choose the right answer.

Check Answer

3. What happened to the Dream Team's leading scorer?

A. He was injured in a fight and had to leave the game.

B. He fouled out when he threw an elbow going for a rebound.

C. He got in a brawl with a fan and was thrown out of the game.

4. What part of the body did the Japanese center injure in the game?

A. knee

B. head

C. ankle

Listen again and choose the right answer.

Check Answer

5. What reason did the coaches give to explain the Dream Team's performance?

A. They drank a special health beverage made from Japanese herbs.

B. They feasted on uncooked fish the night before the game.

C. They had a massage from head to foot to relax their muscles.

Listen and then read along:

Show Script

For many months, Nelson prepared for the next annual spelling bee. He practically had a lock on the local contest again this year. The state competition, though, was a horse of a different color.

Nelson kept his nose to the grindstone all summer, turning deaf ears to his friends’ invitations. Winning the state spelling bee meant the world to him.

As expected, Nelson won the local bee with flying colors. Today was the state contest.

It was a red-letter day for Nelson. He had as many butterflies in his stomach as the other contestants, but he had a one-track mind. He focused on the task at hand and kept his nerves in check. He spelled his first word correctly, getting off to a solid start.

Each round was more difficult. At last only two spellers were left, Nelson and Anna.

Anna’s word was cerebroside.

“C-E-R-E-B-R-O-C-Y-D-E,” she spelled. She smiled, pleased as punch with her answer.

“That is incorrect,” said the judge. “Nelson, would you please give it a shot?”

“C-E-R-E-B-R-O-S-I-D-E,” he spelled.

“Congratulations, Nelson,” said the judge. “You are our new state champion speller!”

Nelson was thrilled to his core. He was on top of the world. Nothing could rain on his parade today, and no one could burst his bubble. Time to celebrate!

4. Story 1

Listen again and choose the right answer.

Check Answer

Main Idea and Details

1. What is the main idea of this story?

a. Nelson became the state spelling champion.

b. Nelson learned to spell tough words.

c. Nelson wanted to celebrate.

2. What did Nelson hope to achieve?

a. to win the local spelling championship

b. to win the state spelling championship

c. to win the national spelling championship

3. Why was winning the spelling bee so important to Nelson?

a. He wanted the prize money.

b. He wanted to impress people.

c. The story doesn’t say.

Listen again and choose the right answer.

Check Answer

Vocabulary and Semantics

4. What does annual mean?

a. important

b. yearly

c. renewal

5. What does it mean to have a one-track mind?

a. to think about trains and transportation

b. to be stubborn about getting your own way

c. to think about just one thing

6. Nelson focused on the task at hand. What does that mean?

a. He concentrated on the task.

b. He agreed to do the task.

c. He looked closely at his hand.

Listen again and choose the right answer.

Check Answer

Figurative Language

7. Which expression doesn’t mean the same thing as to have a lock on something?

a. to have it in writing

b. to be uptight about it

c. to have it for sure

8. Which expression doesn’t mean the same thing as a horse of a different color?

a. a fly in the ointment

b. an entirely different matter

c. a different story

Listen again and choose the right answer.

Check Answer

9. What does it mean to turn deaf ears to something?

a. to find it hard to hear something

b. to listen without saying anything

c. to ignore something

10. What did the judge mean when he asked Nelson to give it a shot?

a. to aim his weapon at the target

b. to try it

c. neither of the above

5. Story 2Listen and then read along:

Show Script

Julio and Benjamin are longtime friends who reside in the same neighborhood. Ordinarily they communicate well. They talk straight and are there for each other like good friends.Sometimes, like today, there’s a rip in the fabric of their friendship. Julio was trying to impress his new girlfriend, Roxanne, who was hanging with her friends.Things were working fine until Benjamin appeared on the scene and joined the group. He imitated everything Julio said, adopting a fake accent and a falsetto voice. The girls thought it was funny, but Julio was less than thrilled. In fact, he was humiliated. Julio pulled Benjamin aside and said, “I’d like to get something off my chest. I’ve got a bone to pick with you. You have no right to mock me or the way I talk, especially in front of anyone.” “Keep your shirt on, Julio,” said Benjamin. “I was just messing with you. Don’t be so sensitive! If you play your cards right, Roxanne will fall for you and you’ll live happily ever after. Don’t even give me a second thought. I’m just your old, discarded friend.”

Listen again and choose the right answer.

Check Answer

Main Idea and Details

1. What is the main idea of this story?

a. Students make fun of each other.

b. Good friends have a problem.

c. Julio has a speech problem.

2. Who was talking to Roxanne and her friends first?

a. Julio

b. Benjamin

c. neither of the above

3. What did Benjamin do that annoyed Julio?

a. made fun of what he said

b. flirted with Roxanne

c. mocked the way Julio spoke

d. both a and c

Check Answer

Vocabulary and SemanticsListen again and choose the right answer.

4. Which word is not a synonym for reside?

a. dwell

b. beside

c. live

5. What is a falsetto voice?

a. a high-pitched voice

b. a rough, scratchy voice

c. a low-pitched voice

6. When you are humiliated, you are embarrassed.



Check Answer

Listen again and choose the right answer.

Figurative Language

7. What does it mean to talk straight?

a. talk without stopping for a long time

b. compliment someone

c. tell the truth

d. both b and c

8. What does it mean to adopt a fake accent?

a. take on

b. borrow

c. try

Check Answer

Listen again and choose the right answer.

9. What is another way to say don’t give me a second thought?

a. Ignore me.

b. Don’t tell me what to do again.

c. Give me just your first thought.

10. What did Benjamin mean about being a discarded friend?

a. He thought Julio hated him.

b. He thought Julio thought he was disgusting.

c. He thought Julio didn’t want to be with him anymore.

6. Story 3

Listen and then read along:

Show Script

One reason Naomi considers herself incredibly lucky is that her grandma, Isabella Ricardo, lives with Naomi’s family. That makes it easy to spend time together. For as long as Naomi can remember, her grandma has been her rock. Her grandma read to her and talked with her as a child, often telling stories of her own youth. When Naomi’s mom died, her grandma stepped up to the plate. She pitched in to raise Naomi and her three siblings.

People say that Naomi and her grandma are peas in a pod. They enjoy the same activities, especially cooking. By late afternoon, savory scents waft from their kitchen, promising a tasty evening meal.

Naomi enjoys being under her grandma’s wing. Her grandma, fit as a fiddle at age 83, may be no spring chicken, but she’s as sharp as a tack. She shares pearls of wisdom gathered over her lifetime. She is a model of patience and has learned not to be judgmental. She sees the good in people and tolerates the mistakes everyone makes along life’s way.

If Naomi’s wish comes true, she will someday have the opportunity to fill her grandma’s shoes. That’s no small goal!

Main Idea and Details

Listen again and choose the right answer.

Check Answer

1. What is the main idea of this story?

a. Naomi admires her grandma.

b. Naomi lives with her grandma.

c. Naomi’s grandma works hard.

2. Which activity do Naomi and her grandma enjoy together?

a. sewing

b. reading

c. cooking

3. How old is Naomi’s grandma?

a. 76

b. 83

c. 85

Listen again and choose the right answer.

Check Answer

Vocabulary and Semantics

4. What does it mean if someone is your rock?

a. It is hard to get along with the person.

b. The person is your main support.

c. You don’t trust the person.

5. Her grandma stepped up to the plate. What does that mean?

a. It was her turn to bat.

b. She went to get plates from the cabinet.

c. She filled in for Naomi’s mom after her death.

6. Which word means the same as waft?

a. drift

b. float

c. both a and b

Listen again and choose the right answer.

Check Answer

Figurative Language

7. What does it mean for people to be peas in a pod?

a. They stick close together.

b. They are very similar.

c. They get excited easily.

8. What does it mean to be under someone’s wing?

a. to be directed and protected by the person

b. to hide behind the person

c. to enjoy traveling together, especially by plane

Listen again and choose the right answer.

Check Answer

9. What are pearls of wisdom?

a. pearls from an oyster farm

b. valuable bits of advice

c. old sayings

10. What does it mean to fill someone’s shoes?

a. to do the same thing the other person did

b. to find shoes that fit the other person

c. to put something into the other person’s shoes

Extremely Difficult

Vocabulary for Extremely difficult levelRead and listen to the meaning, then decide the correct meaning for that word. Press ‘Check Answer’ button to see the correct answer.

Check Answers

1. Insatiable: It is a world driven by insatiable gadget lust and no small amount of money.

adj. unable to be satisfied

v. to banish or exile; to withdraw from one's country

v. to check or hinder

n. a. personal peculiarity

2. Anonymous: For obvious reasons he wishes to remain anonymous .

ad. indicating a happy outcome

n. one who denies that God exists

adj. of unknown authorship

v. to root out, destroy totally

Check Answers

3. Atheist: He began describing his country as secular rather than atheist.

v. to make clear; to explain

n. a state of happiness; a high ability

v. to smile in a silly or affected way

n. one who denies that God exists

4. Cogent: We have learned to ask such cogent questions because the news media does not.

v. to prevent, dispose of, or make unnecessary by appropriate actions

adj. pertaining to the common people; hence, common or vulgar

adj. having the force to compel, usually by appealing to reason

n. approval; praise

Check Answers

5. Apprehensive: We would be apprehensive about the police taking sides.

adj. fearful

adj. unable to be satisfied

n. working together secretly for an evil purpose

adj. foul-smelling; harmful

6. Compensation: These are given on weekends and no extra compensation is provided.

n. payment for services

v. to give a false idea of

v. to draw out

adj. sacrificing moral principles in order to attain power; politically cunning

Check Answers

7. Countenance: His countenance was pleasant, and seemed but little altered.

adj. excessive

n. eagerness; cheerful promptness

adj. worthy of belief

n. a face

8. Fictitious: The colors of dinosaurs illustrated in books are purely fictitious.

n. amazement; lack of courage caused by fearful prospect

n. a remedy for all ills

adj. unreal; made-up

v. to paralyze with horror, fear, or surprise

Check Answers

9. Fiasco: Even this fiasco did not seriously damage the company's strength.

adj. deadly

n. a ludicrous and complete failure

adj. queer; unusual in appearance

n. one who is at home in all countries

10. Erudite: The book is learned, even erudite , and sure to be controversial.

adj. acting solely from a consideration of reward or profit

adj. having or containing a lot of specialist knowledge

v. to exclaim or utter suddenly

adj. moderate in the use of food or drink

Short Dialogues and Talks

These are short conversations. Listen carefully, maybe even 2 or 3 or more times. You then will be asked a question like “What does the man suggest the woman do?”. Choose the best answer. After you have chosen your answer you can read the script that goes along with it. It would be good if you were to listen and read along together.

Listen and choose the correct answer.

Show Script Check Answer

1. Man: Excuse me, waitress. The ham in this salad is delicious. How’s it cooked?

Woman: Actually, it isn’t cooked at all. We put lots of spices on it and then dry the ham for several days.

Man: That’s interesting. I thought it was roasted.

Woman: The only time ham gets cooked is when we use it on pizza.

Question: How was the ham in the salad prepared?

It was baked in a pizza oven

It was cooked in a tomato sauce

It was roasted for a long time

It was covered in spices and dried

Show Script Check Answer

2. Man: Next weekend is Grandma’s birthday party, right? What should we get for her, mom?

Woman: I think you should paint a picture for her, Barry. You’re so good a painting.

Man: Yeah. I could paint a scene from our family’s summer picnic at the beach. Could you buy a nice picture frame?

Woman: I’ll stop at the art store this weekend.

Question: What is the mother discussing with her son?

Having a picnic with his grandmother

Buying a camera for his grandmother

Going to the beach with his grandmother

Making a gift for his grandmother

Show Script Check Answer

3. Man 1: Hello.

Man 2: Hello. This is Erin from the Smithfield Orchestra. I’m returning David brown’s call.

Man 1: That’s me. I called about the advertisement in the paper. It said you’re looking for a violinist.

Man 2: Yes, we are. We need a full time professional violinist who can start right away.

Man 1: Oh, I’m sorry. I thought the advertisement was for an amateur violinist. I’m not good enough to play professional.

Question: Why won’t the man join the orchestra?

He does not play well enough

He does not play the right instrument

They have already found a violinist

They only have part-time positions

Show Script Check Answer


Woman: The rent for out new apartment might be expensive, but at least it includes water, gas, and electricity.

Man: Honey, I think you’re wrong. We have to pay the electricity separately. Do you know where the contract is?

Woman: I packed it in one of these boxes.

Man: Well, I’ll call the apartment manager and check, but I’m pretty sure that I’m right.

Question: What does the man think?

Electricity is not included in the rent

The apartment contract has been lost

He should look for a new apartment

He did not bring enough boxes

Show Script Check Answer

5. Man: One World Books. Frank speaking.

Woman: Frank? It’s Bridget. I’m with the author of the new cookbook, and I have bad news.

Man: More bad news? Don’t tell me we spelled his name wrong again.

Woman: No, that’s not it. He doesn’t like our changes to page 114. In fact, he said he doesn’t want us to change anything. We can’t start printing the cookbook until he approves.

Question: Why can’t the cookbook be printed?

The printing press is broke

The author doesn’t like the changes in it

It is missing page 114

It contains some spelling mistakes

Show Script Check Answer

6. Recently, Rick moved out of his parent’s house. His mother gave him an old iron to use, and he thought it would be easy to keep his shirts looking nice. But he found that doing the ironing was very difficult. He even burned one of his shirts. He is going to ask his mother to teach him how to use the iron properly.

Question: What’s Rick’s problem?

His mother lost one of his shirts

His mother will not wash his shirts

He does not know how to iron

He does not have an iron to use

Show Script Check Answer

7. Most people think that junk food is popular because it tastes good. However, research shows that people often eat unhealthy food just because they are in a certain situation. For example, people eat more popcorn in a movie thearter than is a room such as an office. The research suggests that we often eat foods because of our habits rather than because of the taste.

Question: What is one thing the speaker says about junk food?

People want thearters to stop selling it

People often eat it because of their habits

It is healthier than researchers think

It tastes better as people get older

Show Script Check Answer

8. Class, here are some essay topics. I want each of you to choose one topic and then go to the library to look for information about it. When you’ve found five articles related to your topic, make a list of them and give it to me. I will check your list and give you some advice about whether the articles will be helpful.

Question: What is one thing the teacher asks the students to do?

Check each other’s book lists

Choose a partner to work with

Read some famous essays

Find articles in the library

Show Script Check Answer

9. There a sport called curling that is played on ice. In curling, players try to slide rocks into a target area. It was invented in Scotland in the 1600’s. Later, many Scottish people moved to Canada and continued to play it there. Curling has become less popular in Scotland, while the number of players has grown in Canada. Today, about 90 percent of people who go curling are from Canada.

Question: What is one thing that the speaker says about curling?

It was invented recently

The rules are different in Scotland

Most of the players live in Canada

It was originally played on grass

Show Script Check Answer

10. Every time Olivia saw the trash cans in her office, she was surprised by the number of recyclable items in them. The company had recycling bins, but they were far away from the trash cans, so few people used them. Olivia asked her boss if she could put the recycling bins beside the trash cans. He said it was OK to move them, and now more things are being recycled.

Question: What did Olivia’s boss say that Olivia could do?

Give a talk about recycling

Find a recycling company

Move the office’s recycling bins

Collect recyclable items for charity

Long Talks

Here you will have 5 long talks followed by 10 multiple choice questions. Listen to the article first, second read the article, and third go on to the questions. You will be able to listen while you are answering the questions , if you want. You may go back and read the article any time you want also just by clicking on the “up arrow”.

Show Script

A newly-published report on global wealth says that for the first time, Asia has more dollar billionaires than the USA. According to the Global Rich List 2013 from the research institute Hurun, there were 1,453 people whose personal worth was $1 billion or more at the end of January. Asia had 608 billionaires, compared with 440 in the USA and 324 in Europe. Moscow came top of the list of billionaire capitals of the world with 76 of the world's mega-rich; New York, Hong Kong, Beijing and London followed. The world's wealthiest person is Mexican telecom tycoon Carlos Slim, who has $66 billion. He is followed by US investor Warren Buffett and Amancio Ortega, boss of the fashion brand Zara.The report's author, Luxembourg accountant Rupert Hoogewerf, believes there are a lot more billionaires in the world. He said that for every billionaire he found, he probably missed another two. This means it might be more accurate to say there are 4,000 billionaires living a life of luxury. Mr Hoogewerf also believes that the number of wealthy Chinese will continue to rise as more business leaders target worldwide markets. He said: "Chinese entrepreneurs are preparing their international expansion plans. It is a very new concept but growing very fast." The report says the youngest billionaire is Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, 28, who is 42nd on the list and has a personal fortune of $17 billion.


Check Answer

1. It is the ______ time for Asia to have more billionaires than the USA.

a) lastb) firstc) tenthd) third

2. How many billionaires were there in January 2013?

a) 141,453b) 14,453c) 1,453d) 1,453,145

3. Which area of the world has the third largest number of billionaires?

a) South Americab) Indiac) Africad) Europe

1. b

2. c

3. d

Check Answer

4. Why was Moscow mentioned?

a) the world's riches person lives thereb) it has the most billionairesc) more Ferraris are sold there than anywhered) it's still waiting for its first billionaire

5. Where is the world's richest person from?

a) Mexicob) Bruneic) Chinad) Saudi Arabia

6. Where does the originator of the report come from?

a) Luxembourgb) Londonc) Liechtensteind) Liberia




7. What proportion of billionaires does the author think he found?

a) three-quartersb) four out of fivec) halfd) one in three

8. Why does the author think the number of wealthy Chinese will rise?a) there are billions more to be made in China's domestic marketsb) they invest wellc) they will globalized) the Chinese currency will help them

9. What are China's business leaders getting ready for?a) another world recessionb) overseas companies coming to Chinac) higher taxesd) globalisation

10. Where on the Global Rich List is Mark Zuckerberg?a) 12thb) 42ndc) 62ndd) 102nd

Check Answer

7. d

8. c

9. d

10. b

The amount the world spent on arms has fallen for the first time since 1998. This is according to the annual review of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). It said global military spending in 2012 fell to $1.75 trillion, a drop of half a per cent from 2011. That figure is roughly 2.5 per cent of the world's GDP, or about $250 for every person on Earth. The USA was the biggest spender, although its share fell below 40 per cent for the first time. The USA and its NATO allies spent one trillion dollars last year on their militaries. SIPRI said the decline is largely due to a decrease in the amount spent on fighting wars, particularly with military action in Afghanistan winding down.

SIPRI noted that while spending is falling in America and Europe, it is on the rise elsewhere. SIPRI spokesman Sam Perlo-Freeman said: "We are seeing what may be the beginning of a shift in the balance of world military spending from the rich Western countries to emerging regions." He said budgets in China, Russia, the Middle East and North Africa were on the rise. China is now the world's second-biggest spender after its budget rose by 7.8 per cent last year. However, this expenditure does not mean China is second in terms of world military power. SIPRI said: "China in some respects is still well behind Europe, even though it now spends as much as Britain, France and Germany combined."

Show Script


Check Answer

1. When was the last time there was a fall in military spending?

a) 1996b) 1997c) 1998d) 1999

2. How often does SIPRI publish its review of military spending?

a) every yearb) biannuallyc) semi-annuallyd) once a decade

3. What does the figure of $250 mentioned in the article represent?

a) the cost of a landmine b) the amount spent on arms for each person alivec) the monthly salary of Chinese soldiersd) the price of the military spending report




Check Answer

4. How many times has the U.S. share been below 40%?

a) 14 timesb) four timesc) twiced) this is the first time

5. What is winding down?

a) spending on armsb) America's largest defense contractorc) military action in Afghanistand) Afghanistan's military

6. What did SIPRI say is beginning to happen?

a) weapons are becoming more expensiveb) a change in the global balance of spendingc) rebel armies are becoming better trainedd) there are fewer arms in the world




Check Answer

7. Which countries are starting to spend less?

a) Britain, France and Germanyb) China and Russiac) those in the Middle Eastd) rich Western countries

8. Which country is the world's biggest spender on arms after the USA?

a) Russiab) Chinac) North Koread) Saudi Arabia

9. What did SIPRI say China could not claim to be second best in?

a) air superiorityb) a global military powerc) missile technologyd) army size

10. What comparison did SIPRI make with China and Europe?

a) it said China was well behind Europeb) it said they spent the same on armsc) it said their know-how was the samed) it said Chinese soldiers were better





A new study from the BBC shows that looking after money isn't easy. Over 109,000 people took part in the BBC's Big Money Test. It was one of the biggest ever studies on the psychology of money. One of the biggest findings is that money makes many people feel bad. Researchers say over 40 per cent of us always worry about spending money; a third of us constantly worry about money; and the same percentage feel guilty when spending money on themselves. The study found that women like to go shopping to make themselves feel better about life, while men are more likely to save their cash. Women are more generous with their money and are also more likely to suffer from money problems.

The researchers also looked at ways shops try and make us spend our money. It showed how stores are continually looking at new ways to make us buy things on impulse. It asks why candies and chocolate are always by the checkout in supermarkets; why "everyday essentials like bread and milk are at the back of shop so you have to walk through as many aisles as possible to reach them;" and why the perfume and jewellery sections are always at the front of a department store. The test says that buying things on impulse can be bad for our finances: "People who bought goods impulsively were three times more likely to go bankrupt, and four times more likely to run out of money by the end of the week."

Show Script


Check Answer

1. What shows that looking after money isn't easy?

a) a magazineb) an investment companyc) a new (BBC) studyd) a charity for bankrupt people

2. How many people participated in the study?

a) more than 109,000b) just under 109,000c) exactly 109,000d) 109,109

3. How many of us always worry about spending money?

a) 40%b) two-thirdsc) a thirdd) a quarter




Check Answer

4. What percentage of people feel guilty about buying themselves things?

a) 75%b) about 30%c) 50%d) 100%

5. What are women more likely to suffer from?

a) stressb) high blood pressurec) bankruptcyd) money problems

6. What are shops continually looking at getting us to do?

a) buy things onlineb) but things on impulsec) buy more than one itemd) use our own shopping bags




Check Answer

7. What question do the researchers have about candies and chocolate?

a) why they are always next to the checkoutb) why they are so expensivec) why we spend so much on themd) why companies target children

8. What two everyday necessities are mentioned?

a) air and waterb) love and friendshipc) bread and milkd) Internet and shopping

9. What is impulse buying bad for?

a) the economyb) storesc) our healthd) our finances

10. What thing are impulse buyers three times more likely to do?

a) go bankruptb) go shoppingc) go to perfume storesd) buy things on sale





People in Burma could buy a newspaper from a private news company on Monday for the first time in 50 years. Burma's government has allowed the printing of 16 newspapers, although only four were ready for the first day of sale. The Burmese military took control of the press and the news it published in 1964. From then until Sunday, the government controlled what news people read. Life was made impossible for journalists from the free press. The government tortured and imprisoned many reporters who broke the rules. Burma is also allowing international news agencies to work in the country. The Associated Press became the first when its six staff opened for business on Saturday.

The re-introduction of private newspapers comes on the first anniversary of the election of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi to parliament. She has been a strong supporter of bringing back the free press to Burma. Her political party, the National League for Democracy, will start printing its own daily newspaper later this month. The editor of the "Voice Daily" newspaper thinks the private newspapers will be better than the government ones. He said: "I can say with absolute confidence that we can compete with government papers in terms of content and quality of news." He added: "I am very excited that we are finally printing daily editions. It is a dream come true." The "Voice Daily" printed its first edition on Monday.

Show Script


Check Answer

1. When was the last time private newspapers were sold in Burma?

a) two months agob) neverc) 50 years ago (1964)d) 1948

2. How many private newspapers went on sale on Monday?

a) 4b) 8c) 16d) 32

3. For whom did the Burmese government make life impossible?

a) newspaper readersb) newspaper sellersc) newspaper editorsd) journalists




Check Answer

4. Which journalists were thrown in jail?

a) sports correspondentsb) those who broke the rulesc) those who called Myanmar "Burma"d) foreign reporters

5. Why was the Associated Press news agency mentioned?

a) it won an award in Burmab) it was banned in Burmac) it was the first to open an agency in Burmad) it is training Burma's journalists

6. What happened on April 1, 2012?

a) the U.S. President visited Burmab) Aung San Suu Kyi won an electionc) a riot in Burma's capitald) Burma passed a newspaper freedom act




Check Answer

7. What did Aung San Suu Kyi want to do to the free press?

a) ban itb) make it English onlyc) get money for itd) bring it back

8. When will Aung San Suu Kyi's party start publishing a newspaper?

a) tomorrowb) Aprilc) 2014d) in the next few years

9. What did an editor say about government newspapers?

a) private newspapers could compete with themb) they were the best in the worldc) they should become privated) they do not tell the truth

10. When did the "Voice Daily" publish its first issue?

a) Fridayb) Wednesdayc) Sundayd) Monday






Show Script

Researchers in the USA have found that a protein in the brain might explain why women are more talkative than men - three times more chatty, in fact. The research team at the University of Maryland say a "language protein" that goes by the name of Foxp2 is a lot more prevalent in women's brains. The protein was first discovered a decade ago and was deemed to be a key neurological component of speech. The scientists say it is a lot more abundant in girls than boys. They believe the protein is the reason why girls start speaking earlier and more quickly than boys. It also supports claims that women speak about 20,000 words a day, compared to just 7,000 words for the average man.

Research team leader professor Margaret McCarthy said: "This study is one of the first to report a sex difference in the expression of a language-associated protein in humans or animals." She added: "The findings raise the possibility that sex differences in brain and behaviour are more [widespread], and established earlier than previously [thought]." Other scientists have said there is more than one protein responsible for speech and that the research is in its infancy. Readers of Britain's Daily Mail newspaper offered some interesting insights into the chattiness of women. One said women have to talk more because, "men are not good listeners and women must repeat themselves to be heard".

Check Answer

1. What is it in the brain that might explain women's talkativeness?a) a carbohydrateb) an area of "language cells"c) a proteind) an extra part of the brain

2. What's the name of the thing that's more common in women's brains?

a) Foxp2b) Fox2pc) 2Foxpd) pFox2

3. For how long have researchers known about he "language protein"?

a) 10 daysb) 10 weeksc) 10 monthsd) 10 years




Check Answer

4. What did scientists judge the protein to be an important part of?

a) guessing the meaning of unknown wordsb) speechc) listeningd) grammar

5. How many more words a day do women use than men?

a) 20,000b) 7,000c) 13,000d) 8,603

6. Who is Margaret McCarthy?

a) the world's most talkative womanb) a scientific researcherc) someone who took part in testsd) a language expert




Check Answer

7. How many speech proteins did a different scientist say there were?

a) countless numbersb) just oncec) thousandsd) more than one

8. How old is research into the talkativeness of the sexes?

a) decades oldb) very youngc) 27 years oldd) brand new

9. Why did a newspaper reader say women talk more?

a) men are not good at listeningb) men love to listenc) men like the sound of women's voicesd) it's a competition to outtalk men

10. Why did the reader say women have to repeat themselves?

a) because they love talkingb) to double-check meaningc) because they are womend) so men finally hear what they say



