Lissette jimenez power point block 2

Post on 13-May-2015

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Transcript of Lissette jimenez power point block 2

It’s color’s are beautiful just like the rainbow.

"Beauty, to me, is about being comfortable in your own skin. That, or a kick-ass red lipstick."

I love the confidence that makeup gives me.

The most beautiful makeup of a woman is passion.

Beauty, fashion, sweet, . A girl feels even more beautiful when they know they have make-up on. They show there skin smooth without having to show hide anything. Make-up mean beautiful for a girl.

It may be like snow/ice, candy, holidays, summer, beach, ice cream, cake, fruits ect. You could make it seem how ever you want it just depends on the colors you use. Your eyes will look sweet if you choose the colores that are match to the main thing you want to do.

Everywhere we go we always have to have atleast something like blush or any little detail. Even though if were just going to the store that is close by you house. I know guys say we girls take long to get ready but that’s because we care how were looking. We don’t want to come out just like whatevers we love to wear details like make-up the main thing especially if were going out somewhere. That’s why we girls take long to get ready to go out.

Body Glow for our legs and arms

Bronzer for you hole body

Makes you body look shiny and more beautiful

Terracotta Spray

Beautiful it make you want to bite the colors.

Them seem very sweet especially on holidays.

It also makes you add even more details like glitter or like little diamond stickers.

T here’s more but there not all in this list. Make-up is Love